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Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Pride Flag Rant Receives Different Kind Of Salute

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Extremist Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) on Wednesday faced criticism after she joined the right-wing freakout over the U.S. Air Force’s celebration of Pride Month.

Boebert took offense to this USAF tweet showing the silhouette of a saluting soldier and the rainbow flag, which celebrates queer pride.

“We salute one flag and one flag only in the United States of America,” Boebert fumed on Twitter.

“It isn’t the ‘Pride’ flag,” she added.

Critics reminded the Donald Trump-endorsing Boebert of the MAGA- and Trump-themed flags often flown by the former president’s supporters, including during their Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, as seen here:


Last year, rapper Tyson James, who Boebert once promoted on social media, released a music video in which he burned Pride flags and spray-painted the word “abomination” on one.

Trump himself has been accused of disrespecting the Stars and Stripes on multiple occasions.

See some of the responses to Boebert’s latest tweet here:

You behave like a sour, spoiled 13-year-old who's full of herself as she goes on about things she knows nothing about.

I know your dim-witted friends high-five you for your ugly, hateful rhetoric but it's sad how lost you are. https://t.co/vdTYbYQtuI

— Kimberley Johnson 🇺🇦 (@AuthorKimberley) June 8, 2023

Your “friends” actually raise all things of flags. Religious flags, confederate flags, black flags, etc. Don’t think you can lecture us on the appropriateness of flags you illiterate moron. https://t.co/M7zyk1wtnf

— Debra Dalcher (@laddeeinred) June 8, 2023

There is no flag in the image. There is a silhouette of a soldier standing in salute. The Air Force seal is present and a rainbow (Pride) banner is in the background.
Even a one-dimensional mind should be able to view two-dimensional images. https://t.co/In8WUSMxtZ

— Rick E. Harrold (@REHarrold) June 8, 2023

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