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Bible Banned


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Is it retaliation against the right wing extremist book banning binge. Or is it really just part of the right wing extremist book banning binge?

Either way, it is CENSORSHIP. By definition, any government abrogation of speech, including books, articles, video, whatever, is censorship. Private individuals, companies, or organizations can block anything and that is not legally censorship. Only government cancelling of speech is censorship. Governments (whether local, state or federal) are constitutionally disallowed from blocking speech. (Check with your local courts to determine if they abide the Constitution on this issue. hahaha)

The Bible has now been banned in a number of public and school libraries because it is full of sex, murder, violence, adultery, non-monogamous marital relationships, etc.

Bucks County Pennsylvania

Davis County, Utah

Fort Worth, TX

Other locations in Florida, Missouri, etc.

So, what is your take on this issue? Should the Bible be pulled from the shelves of public libraries and school libraries? Only available to adults? Banned altogether?

I'm wondering how many actually get to the final question before spouting a bunch of pol;itical talking points -- right or left! hahaha



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I don't think it should be banned, but I also don't think any of the books that have been banned should be banned either.

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 at least one of the cities banning the bible was done because  folks banned several non religious books and they say the bible has much worse stuff in it so they threw it out there and there is a mad tussle going on. it was done in retaliation.

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10 hours ago, AURex said:


Is it retaliation against the right wing extremist book banning binge. Or is it really just part of the right wing extremist book banning binge?

Either way, it is CENSORSHIP. By definition, any government abrogation of speech, including books, articles, video, whatever, is censorship. Private individuals, companies, or organizations can block anything and that is not legally censorship. Only government cancelling of speech is censorship. Governments (whether local, state or federal) are constitutionally disallowed from blocking speech. (Check with your local courts to determine if they abide the Constitution on this issue. hahaha)

The Bible has now been banned in a number of public and school libraries because it is full of sex, murder, violence, adultery, non-monogamous marital relationships, etc.

Bucks County Pennsylvania

Davis County, Utah

Fort Worth, TX

Other locations in Florida, Missouri, etc.

So, what is your take on this issue? Should the Bible be pulled from the shelves of public libraries and school libraries? Only available to adults? Banned altogether?

I'm wondering how many actually get to the final question before spouting a bunch of pol;itical talking points -- right or left! hahaha



Those wanting to ban the Bible from public and school libraries are largely the same ones who have banned it from their own hearts and minds so there is no surprise or story here. I never gave any thought about a Bible in a library because they were all over the house while I was growing up. I've never been without one so I have no idea what it's like to have to seek it in a library. It's definitely not surprising though. Christians aren't shocked by anything going on right now. We've know about it for some time now.  The sexual immorality, murder and violence in the Bible is not there to glorify it but to teach why it is wrong. That's the part they want to ban...the reason it's wrong. 

Edited by gr82be
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17 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Ludicrous.  A few evil people using the school boards to stick a finger in the face of God.  

Just following the law.....

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17 hours ago, arein0 said:

I don't think it should be banned, but I also don't think any of the books that have been banned should be banned either.

Which is obviously the point.

Edited by homersapien
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And in Utah, they are now asking to have the Book of Mormon banned, because, ya know, sex, violence, adultery, non-monogamous relationships ---- yikes! We wouldn't want young people introduced to the REAL WORLD. hahahaha


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There is a difference between Christianity and christo-fascism.  Unfortunately, many "christians" do not understand.

Loud, rude, angry, "patriotic", bigoted are pretty good clues.  The love of Jesus has been replaced by,,,  money, the bible, guns, the flag.

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