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Ladies and gentlemen, I want to address the concerns some people have been raising about Ron DeSantis....................

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Ladies and gentlemen, I want to address the concerns some people have been raising about Ron DeSantis. Now, I've heard some things, and I don't like to spread rumors, but there are whispers out there. Whispers about diapers. Yes, you heard it right. People are saying Ron DeSantis wears diapers. Now, I don't know if it's true or not, but it's out there.
But let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the bigger picture, the real issues at hand. We're facing tremendous challenges in this country, and we need leadership that is strong, decisive, and capable. We can't afford to settle for anything less.
I've proven myself as a leader. I've faced opposition from all sides, the media, the establishment, and I've come out on top. I've delivered results, and I've kept my promises. Remember the wall? We were building that wall, and it was working. But now, we need someone who will finish the job, who will secure our borders and protect our sovereignty.
Ron DeSantis, he's a nice guy, I guess. But can he really be trusted to lead? Can he stand up to the radical left, the cancel culture, and the globalist elites? I don't know, folks. I really don't. We need a leader who won't back down, who won't be intimidated, and who won't compromise on our values.
I've been in the trenches, fighting for you, the American people. I've taken on the swamp, I've taken on the fake news media, and I've come out stronger. I won't let them silence me, and I won't let them silence you.
So, when you think about who should be the Republican nominee in 2024, think about who has the experience, the resilience, and the determination to make America great again. Think about who has already done it once and is ready to do it again. It's me, folks. It's Donald J. Trump.
I don't wear diapers, and I don't back down. Together, we will face the challenges ahead and emerge victorious. Stand with me, stand for America, and let's reclaim our greatness. Thank you, and God bless you all!
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and the Red Magas laugh and write checks and then go vote for the worst qualified, business failure of a nominee ever in American politics.

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33 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:


He really has no bottom.

This isn't anything new. That's all he did on his way to his presidency the first time. But glad you are finally seeing what everyone else was talking about for the past 8 years.

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19 minutes ago, arein0 said:

This isn't anything new. That's all he did on his way to his presidency the first time. But glad you are finally seeing what everyone else was talking about for the past 8 years.

I didn’t say it was new, in fact it is getting rather old.  It was funny, in the grammar school sense in 2016, but no so much now.  If Trump could just debate on issues it would help his cause, he is just too fragile to do that.

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11 hours ago, arein0 said:

This isn't anything new. That's all he did on his way to his presidency the first time. But glad you are finally seeing what everyone else was talking about for the past 8 years.

And yet, he was a much better president than is Bungling Biden.

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16 hours ago, arein0 said:

This isn't anything new. That's all he did on his way to his presidency the first time. But glad you are finally seeing what everyone else was talking about for the past 8 years.

Yes it was and yet he won over a terrible nominee.   One that would cheat her way in a simple debate.   And now someone that consistently makes up stories about his past, can’t put a sentence together and is a complete fool.     
I’m not for Trump and I hope he isn’t the nominee, but as a country, can we not find a decent person to be the leader of the country?   

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8 hours ago, Mikey said:

And yet, he was a much better president than is Bungling Biden.

Really? I have to hear this. Explain. 

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2 hours ago, aubaseball said:

Yes it was and yet he won over a terrible nominee.   One that would cheat her way in a simple debate.   And now someone that consistently makes up stories about his past, can’t put a sentence together and is a complete fool.     
I’m not for Trump and I hope he isn’t the nominee, but as a country, can we not find a decent person to be the leader of the country?   

What part of the quote was new? Didn't he attack Ted Cruz's wife in the primaries (2016)? The part in bold also describes Trump, yet some Conservatives view him as the second coming.

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18 minutes ago, arein0 said:

What part of the quote was new? Didn't he attack Ted Cruz's wife in the primaries (2016)? The part in bold also describes Trump, yet some Conservatives view him as the second coming.

You, like many on here, fail to acknowledge anything I said and fixate on Trump.   Biden is a proven fabricator and liar, same as Trump.    

I will ask again for the sake of discussion, can the USA produce one person that can bring the middle ground thinking Americans together and get away from both extreme sides of both parties?

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29 minutes ago, creed said:

Really? I have to hear this. Explain. 

You need this explained? Really? Securing the border, energy independence, low inflation, low interest rates, less government meddling by regulation, fewer insane green policies.   I could go on but that should suffice.

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9 minutes ago, Mikey said:

You need this explained? Really? Securing the border, energy independence, low inflation, low interest rates, less government meddling by regulation, fewer insane green policies.   I could go on but that should suffice.

I respect your opinion, but.

He failed in securing the border...the wall was not completed on his watch.

Energy independence was not achieved under his watch.

Yes. Lower inflation than today under his watch.

Less regualation. I believe that energy and financial sectors should be regulated.(We've been there and done that and know what happens when these sectors are less regulated.)


The biggest blunder is, if he was a much better president, HOW did he get beat by blundering Biden.



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9 hours ago, Mikey said:

And yet, he was a much better president than is Bungling Biden.

only a damn idiot would say that after the man tried to steal the election as well as all his other criminal actions he is slowly beginning to pay for. but i expect petty from you mickey!

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13 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

You, like many on here, fail to acknowledge anything I said and fixate on Trump.   Biden is a proven fabricator and liar, same as Trump.    

I will ask again for the sake of discussion, can the USA produce one person that can bring the middle ground thinking Americans together and get away from both extreme sides of both parties?

What I quoted was all about Trump attacking DeSantis' wife, so yes I will fixate on Trump because that's what we were talking about. Biden was not mentioned in said conversation, until you brought him in. 

As for your question that has nothing to with said discussion that you "insist" I answer, I doubt it because both parties are pushing each other to be more extreme. I think it would take a total collapse of a party to reevaluate and go more middle. Just look at gun control as an example. Many Conservatives refuse to believe that liberals don’t want to ban all guns, which leads to all or nothing talks. When really the banning all guns is the extreme liberal point just like having no restrictions is the extreme Conservative point. Yet any point made towards gun restrictions was met with fear of a slippery slope that will take away all guns. Do you see how that refusing to meet in the middle is pushing the extremes?

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1 hour ago, creed said:

He failed in securing the border...the wall was not completed on his watch.

So you think the border wall is the only thing that is responsible for securing the border?

The U.S. Border Patrol is reporting more than three times the number of encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border than it experienced under former President Donald Trump, punctuating what Republicans have defined as a "crisis" level situation at the southern border that has emerged under President Joe Biden's leadership.

Data from the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) and Office of Field Operations (OFO) compiled by Newsweek show that the average number of encounters under Biden reached totals of roughly 189,000 per month, compared to an average of just under 51,000 per month during the Trump presidency.


This article was written in September of 2022, it has gotten worse.

1 hour ago, creed said:

Energy independence was not achieved under his watch.

It is true that imports of petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) decreased in 2020, the last year of Trump’s presidential term: 7.863 million barrels per day imported versus 10.055 million barrels per day imported in 2016, former president Barack Obama’s last year, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows ( here ).

That year the United States became a “net exporter” - exporting more of a commodity than what it imports ( here ) - of petroleum for the first time since 1949 ( here ) (it exported 8.498 million barrels per day, and imported 7.863 mb/d) ( here ) ( here ).


This is from Reuters, which in not a conservative media outlet, so yeah America was, at least, headed in that direction.  When Biden took over he shut down pipelines into America and allowed pipelines to be completed by Russia (he later had them blown up allegedly).  Because of his weakness Russia engaged Ukraine and got us into a proxy war during a time of economic strife in America.

1 hour ago, creed said:

Less regualation. I believe that energy and financial sectors should be regulated.

Yes, they should regulated, but not to kill the industry for a green agenda.  America first would be preferable.

1 hour ago, creed said:

The biggest blunder is, if he was a much better president, HOW did he get beat by blundering Biden.

You must be kidding.  COVID is the answer. As soon as COVID hit the Trump Administration was under attack and ant media was one sided about the whole thing.  I could bring up many nightly news clips that showed Trump as a fool and even Biden saying that anybody that is responsible for over 200,000 deaths should not be president.  The fool (Biden) has over twice that to his credit even after a vaccine.

The country was as desperate to rid itself of Trump as it was to keep Hillary from the presidency.

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54 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

So you think the border wall is the only thing that is responsible for securing the border?

The U.S. Border Patrol is reporting more than three times the number of encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border than it experienced under former President Donald Trump, punctuating what Republicans have defined as a "crisis" level situation at the southern border that has emerged under President Joe Biden's leadership.

Data from the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) and Office of Field Operations (OFO) compiled by Newsweek show that the average number of encounters under Biden reached totals of roughly 189,000 per month, compared to an average of just under 51,000 per month during the Trump presidency.


This article was written in September of 2022, it has gotten worse.

Okay, so are you saying Trump actually secured the boarder? Or, he just didn't have as many encounters as Biden. I stated he didn't secure the border and he didn't. He may  have in time but he didn't finish the job...it's on him.

It is true that imports of petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) decreased in 2020, the last year of Trump’s presidential term: 7.863 million barrels per day imported versus 10.055 million barrels per day imported in 2016, former president Barack Obama’s last year, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows ( here ).

That year the United States became a “net exporter” - exporting more of a commodity than what it imports ( here ) - of petroleum for the first time since 1949 ( here ) (it exported 8.498 million barrels per day, and imported 7.863 mb/d) ( here ) ( here ).


This is from Reuters, which in not a conservative media outlet, so yeah America was, at least, headed in that direction.  When Biden took over he shut down pipelines into America and allowed pipelines to be completed by Russia (he later had them blown up allegedly).  Because of his weakness Russia engaged Ukraine and got us into a proxy war during a time of economic strife in America.

Yes, they should regulated, but not to kill the industry for a green agenda.  America first would be preferable.

So what's your definition of oil independence when you continue to import oil? So I can interpret you response. Also, I'm still trying interpret what the "green" initiative and all the pros/cons are at this time. I understand the end game but all the babble of how to get there has not been explained to the consumer.

You must be kidding.  COVID is the answer. As soon as COVID hit the Trump Administration was under attack and ant media was one sided about the whole thing.  I could bring up many nightly news clips that showed Trump as a fool and even Biden saying that anybody that is responsible for over 200,000 deaths should not be president.  The fool (Biden) has over twice that to his credit even after a vaccine.

The country was as desperate to rid itself of Trump as it was to keep Hillary from the presidency.

All Trump had to do is keep his freaking mouth shut and he probably could have won. But he couldn't and can't. He is the person we all know that likes to hear himself talk. It amazes me that he can carry the south, because he sure doesn't represent the southern man's persona.


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12 hours ago, Mikey said:

And yet, he was a much better president than is Bungling Biden.

Honest question.  By what measure?  Without going all Hannity and company and alleging that Biden has been overtaken by dementia or any of the other fairy tales, what measure of the Presidency makes Trump's 4 years so decisively superior?

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56 minutes ago, creed said:

Okay, so are you saying Trump actually secured the boarder? Or, he just didn't have as many encounters as Biden. I stated he didn't secure the border and he didn't. He may  have in time but he didn't finish the job...it's on him.

Come on man, no president has *secured* the border in our life times.  Is this your standard?  Biden’s policies encouraged open borders no matter what he says, he perpetrated those 190,000 per month encounters.  Taking personalities out of the equation; which would you rather have?

1 hour ago, creed said:

So what's your definition of oil independence when you continue to import oil? So I can interpret you response. Also, I'm still trying interpret what the "green" initiative and all the pros/cons are at this time. I understand the end game but all the babble of how to get there has not been explained to the consumer.

Not relying on imported oil to a great extent to operate your country.  If you don’t rely on imports you can pick and chose who to import from and/or increase production. You know what the *green* initiative is and the world isn’t ready now or in 2030 to sell 100% new electric automobiles and sustain an electric grid.  The *green* initiative is ramming unwise governmental policies down our throats.  Electric cars are doable in urban settings, but it you live in a rural, mountainous setting it is far from ideal.  You can’t explain a concept to the consumer if there is no plan other than a *my way or the highway* approach.

1 hour ago, creed said:

All Trump had to do is keep his freaking mouth shut and he probably could have won. But he couldn't and can't. He is the person we all know that likes to hear himself talk. It amazes me that he can carry the south, because he sure doesn't represent the southern man's persona.

It is what is going to kill his campaign this time too.  He will focus on the *stolen* 2020 election, which is all about him, and his ego won’t let him consider the issues.

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7 hours ago, aubaseball said:

You, like many on here, fail to acknowledge anything I said and fixate on Trump.   Biden is a proven fabricator and liar, same as Trump.    

I will ask again for the sake of discussion, can the USA produce one person that can bring the middle ground thinking Americans together and get away from both extreme sides of both parties?

Biden is in no way the "same as Trump". 

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7 hours ago, creed said:

I respect your opinion, but.

He failed in securing the border...the wall was not completed on his watch.

Energy independence was not achieved under his watch.

Yes. Lower inflation than today under his watch.

Less regualation. I believe that energy and financial sectors should be regulated.(We've been there and done that and know what happens when these sectors are less regulated.)


The biggest blunder is, if he was a much better president, HOW did he get beat by blundering Biden.



These questions have already been answered up-thread.

31 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Biden is in no way the "same as Trump". 

No, Biden seems to prefer sniffing the hair of young girls. Trump at least seems to like adult women.

4 hours ago, AU9377 said:

Honest question.  By what measure?  Without going all Hannity and company and alleging that Biden has been overtaken by dementia or any of the other fairy tales, what measure of the Presidency makes Trump's 4 years so decisively superior?

Already answered up-thread but here, I'll quote myself for you: "You need this explained? Really? Securing the border, energy independence, low inflation, low interest rates, less government meddling by regulation, fewer insane green policies.   I could go on but that should suffice. "

As to the fact that Biden is in mid-stage dementia, one doesn't have to have an axe to grind to see that. It's obvious to even the most casual observer.

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2 minutes ago, Mikey said:


As to the fact that Biden is in mid-stage dementia, one doesn't have to have an axe to grind to see that. It's obvious to even the most casual observer.


That's hilarious coming from someone is clearly insane, which is obvious to even the most casual observer.  ;D

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4 minutes ago, Mikey said:

As to the fact that Biden is in mid-stage dementia, one doesn't have to have an axe to grind to see that. It's obvious to even the most casual observer.

Didn't Trump just confuse a picture of E. Jean Carroll with his ex wife?

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1 minute ago, arein0 said:

Didn't Trump just confuse a picture of E. Jean Carroll with his ex wife?

I have no idea. I'm not obsessed with Trump, as you apparently are. I don't follow his daily activities.

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11 minutes ago, Mikey said:

No, Biden seems to prefer sniffing the hair of young girls. Trump at least seems to like adult women.


Hmmmmmm.....  Hair sniffer (what, once?) or rapist. 

Only a MAGA could make that analogy.  :rolleyes:

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Just now, Mikey said:

I have no idea. I'm not obsessed with Trump, as you apparently are. I don't follow his daily activities.

You sure do post a lot on here defending him. :dunno:

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