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Receipts show the white hospital worker accused in viral video of trying to steal a Black man's rental bike paid for it herself, lawyer says

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Receipts show the white hospital worker accused in viral video of trying to steal a Black man's rental bike paid for it herself, lawyer says

May 18, 2023, 12:09 PM CDT

The attorney for the white New York City hospital worker who was accused of trying to take a rental bicycle from a Black man in a now-viral video says that the woman paid for the bike herself — and has the receipts to prove it.

A receipt shared with Insider shows payment for a Citi Bike on the app on the evening of May 12 in Manhattan; the bicycle was re-locked to its dock a minute later with no charge logged.

The Citi Bike identification number in the viral video is the same as the one on the receipt and the location matches the view seen in the video.

"It was her bike," lawyer Justin Marino said in an interview with Insider on Thursday.

Marino said that bike was pushed back into its docking station after a young Black man and his friends told the woman — a pregnant NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue staffer — that the man had already paid for the same bike.

"She had reserved it, and then they pushed the bike back into the docking station, preventing her from taking it out again," Marino told Insider.

Another receipt provided to Insider shows payment for a second Citi Bike taken from the same docking station one minute after the first bike was re-locked. That receipt also shows a 25-minute trip that Marino says was his client's ride home after the incident.

"Everyone who's accused her of a crime of stealing the bike — it's outrageous, and it doesn't make any sense," said Marino.

In the viral video, the scrubs-wearing woman appeared to start crying after repeatedly screaming out loud for "help" and accusing the Black man of putting her fetus in danger.

The video was viewed millions of times as critics on social media accused her of racism. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump said the woman "tried to weaponize her tears to paint this man as a threat."

Marino called his client a healthcare "hero" who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, but said people have made her out to be a "racist villain" because of "a tiny snippet of a video."

The woman was placed on leave from her job following the incident, which NYC Health + Hospitals — New York City's public hospital system — called "disturbing." The hospital said it is investigating what happened.

"I'm hoping the employer will not violate her rights and will do what's right and bring her back at some point," Marino said, adding that his client plans to sue "against individuals and media organizations who defamed her."



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These punks ought to be ashamed of themselves the way they treated this pregnant woman who was just trying to leave work.

"Stop fake crying"

"Your baby gonna come out retarded"

"I’m not touching you. You’re putting your stomach on my hand"


I hope she sues and never has to work another day in her life. The hospital put her on leave and she's been slandered by the media and high profile figures like Ben Crump who claimed she was trying to steal the bike that she paid for.


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"She's in work clothes. So my first thought is is she drunk?" 


3:34 " She's straight up racist, totally"

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Time to pivot from a white woman trying to steal from a young Black man, to the receipts don't matter





The ‘receipts’ don’t matter. The bike doesn’t matter. Sarah Jane Comrie’s actions matter



Editor’s note: The following article is an op-ed, and the views expressed are the author’s own. Read more opinions on theGrio.

The internet is the kind of place where we can all collectively see the same video showing the same exact thing, and depending on what side of the debate they land on, people will fixate on different and inconsequential details to make that the debate instead of the larger issue that is the reason the video was made in the first place.

This is what is happening in the discussion about Sarah Jane Comrie, the woman who’s been dubbed “Citi Bike Karen.”

I should note that as I write this, my name is being spread across the side of Twitter that has decided that Sarah Jane Comrie is in the right. They have spread a rumor that I doxxed her (I didn’t), and they are actively soliciting people to dox me and my family members.

I’m not making this up.

I’m sharing this because it ties directly to the topic I want to discuss in this opinion piece.

I have to stress that this is an opinion piece and not a reported news piece, but I guarantee you that even with me openly stating this is my opinion, and even with the piece being labeled “opinion” on theGrio, the side of Twitter comprised mostly of people who used to sit in the back of the classroom eating their own boogers and blowing spit bubbles are going to accuse me of defamation and say that I reported false information.

Anyway, the people sharing my tweets over and over again, foaming at the mouth over how I could be so crass as to discuss what I saw in a video that millions of other people saw as well are angrier at me for writing and talking about the video and Sarah Jane Comrie’s actions than they are at her actual actions.

This is another example of selective outrage and selective offense.

Her lawyer’s statements in the media are meant to obfuscate the actual issue at hand. He is making it about whether or not she tried to steal a bike and whether or not she actually paid for said bike, but even he has to know on some level that’s not the real issue.

Judging by his statements in defense of her, the employment lawyer representing Sarah Jane Comrie understands that her very loud and public outburst where she weaponizes her tears and begins screaming for help even when she was in no imminent danger is the issue.

People who saw that video understood exactly what Sarah Jane Comrie was doing. It was evident in the smug look you see on her face right before she began screaming for help.

Attorney Justin Marino knows that even Sarah Jane Comrie’s employer, NYC Health + Hospitals called her behavior in the video “disturbing.”

Her employer called the behavior disturbing because that is exactly what it is. Disturbing.

This was a dispute over a rental bike, but she escalated it in a way that could have caused harm to those young Black men, and we cannot lose sight of that.

She looked directly at that young man then she began screaming as if she were being attacked.

No one was attacking her. No one touched her. In fact, the only physical contact in the video came from Sarah Jane Comrie.

Sarah Jane Comrie touched the young man. She grabbed his phone. Even in the moment when she told him he was touching her “unborn fetus,” it was her leaning into his arm. He did not touch her.

Her lawyer dropped the tidbit that she is six months pregnant, and that turned the narrative into why would a pregnant woman try to take a bike from five Black guys? 

Never mind that the same pregnant woman he claims was in such imminent danger could have walked away at any time. Never mind that plenty of people were around, and none of them seemed to think she was in any real type of danger.

What pregnant woman reaches for the telephone of a young man who is supposedly endangering her?

A pregnant woman on her worst behavior, that’s who.

The truth is, no one ruined Sarah Jane Comrie’s reputation for her. She did that herself. Her behavior is evident in that video.

Why would five young Black men attempt to rob a white woman for a Citi Bike in Midtown Manhattan in plain view of everyone? Why would they then stick around and film the interaction?

They filmed the interaction because they sensed that something wasn’t right, and they had the presence of mind to start filming so that what they did could never be called into question.

Her lawyer claims that “one or more” of those young men pushed the bike, with Sarah on it, back into the rack and prevented her from being able to leave.

That could be considered a crime, yet Sarah has not filed any police report, and her lawyer is adamant that they harbor no ill will toward those young men. He says this at the same time when his statement is written in a way that frames them as the aggressors in the situation.

His statement presumably represents what Sarah Jane Comrie told him about the incident because he wasn’t there.

That story is being presented in a statement and sent to media outlets, but not in a court of law, and that is also an important thing to note.

It’s important to note because putting that story out there does not mean that it is true or that this is the exact way things went down.

But again, from her lawyer’s standpoint, that doesn’t matter.

Her lawyer is aware of how this works. He knows that with very little effort on his part, people who are uneducated and lack media literacy will take his version of the narrative and run with it.

Her actions won’t be the topic of discussion; her being the victim will be.

We cannot let that abide.

Sarah Jane Comrie did an awful thing that day, and she, her lawyer, her employer and the people who saw that video know it.

It’s not about the bike or who paid for it.

It’s about what Sarah Jane Comrie did when she realized that young man wasn’t going to give it to her.

Her lawyer claims she paid for the bike, but not once does she say that in the video. The young man she is arguing with repeats multiple times that he paid for it, but she never says that. Instead, she starts screaming for help as if they were trying to murder her.

The situation could have easily been resolved, but Sarah Jane Comrie chose a different tactic.

She chose to do a thing a lot of white women before her have done — a thing that has caused the deaths of so many Black people — and that is why everyone is upset.

That is why her actions are being labeled racist.

That is why she is being called out.



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regardless of who is wrong this would never have made the natty news and doubtful in local news if it did not involve a black and white. all this does is raise hate from both sides i would imagine.

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More race baiting by the MSM.

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Ben Crump, who is credited with causing this incident to go viral, has deleted his tweet. He has given no explanation as to why he deleted the tweet. 

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There's a video in this thread that is now private.


The video is of Dr. Rashad Richey


He has a new video with updated information, but it's a completely different tone.


Headline went from "Racist Karen..." to now "Citi Bike Karen..."


First video trashed her and took the side of the young Black man.

In the new video, he still gives the young Black man the benefit of the doubt , while it's "confirmation is still pending" for the white woman. 


He goes on to say later that "If it does prove to be true that she had a good faith belief to have a right to that bike, it doesn't mean the young man didn't have a good faith belief to believe the bike was not hers"

So again, the burden of proof is on her, despite literally having a receipt.








Edited by Auburn85
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He's deliberately using a source he doesn't like so he can say "proves nothing." Yet, I'm sure there's an article published by a source he does like or trusts better. He's choosing to ignore those. 

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Stop Protecting 'Citi Bike Karen.' White Women Who Act Like 'Karens' Should Be Called One


The saga of “Citi Bike Karen” is a tale as old as time. A white woman feels slightly inconvenienced by a Black person or person of color and instead of walking away, they choose to dramatically weaponize their race. This behavior has led to the popular use of the term “Karen,” which sole purpose is to call out this group and their harmful behavior.

In this case, Sarah Comrie—a pregnant hospital worker—could have chosen to walk away from a dispute over a rented bike with a Black man. Instead, she screamed help, insisted that he was harming her unborn child and summoned tears seemingly out of nowhere. Whether she rented the bike or not is irrelevant: Comrie intentionally used her identity as a white woman to endanger the life of a Black person.

In this case, her racist antics were caught on camera, Comrie is being referred to as “Citi Bike Karen” and she was placed on leave from her job. Because whiteness is the ultimate shield of protection, over $120,000 was raised for Comrie through a GoFundMe created by her uncle. Luckily, the person in the video who was accused of violence by the hospital employee was able to walk away unscathed.

However, in the case of Emmett Till—the 14-year-old Black boy who in 1955 was falsely accused by Carolyn Bryant of whistling at her—the outcome was vastly different. Till was murdered by white men incensed at the lie that he disrespected a white woman. You can’t a fix a societal problem, especially one with ugly historical roots, without naming it. “Karen” was devised to address the American epidemic of white women using their privilege to punish people who are marginalized.

We saw it with Amy Cooper, who spotted Black bird-watcher Christian Cooper in Central Park and called the cops on him. We saw it when a white woman noticed 9-year old Bobbi Wilson spraying lanternflies in her New Jersey neighborhood and immediately informed authorities of the child’s “suspicious” activity. We saw it when a white woman observed Gregory McAdory and his friend shoveling snow while Black and called the police.

We saw it when Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman was “aggressive” and made her feel “threatened” during a disagreement in front of the Capitol. When conservatives like Fox News’ Will Cain insist Karen is a “new racial slur for white women,” they are merely doing everything in their power to avoid accountability.

Karen has never been or will ever be a racial slur. However, it is a word used to pinpoint dangerous behavior white women have enacted for years at the cost of Black folks. The widespread awareness of this phenomena serves as a threat to white supremacy, hence the controversy surrounding it. If there is one thing the world can depend on, it’s that a Karen is always going to Karen—now we just have a name for it.



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Mother Of Teen In Citi Bike Video Speaks Out: ‘No One Bothered To Ask Him What Happened’

Monique Judge

Mary and Michael are eager to talk to me, but Betty, their mother, is reluctant to let Michael speak with anyone.

He’s only 17 years old. “He’s my baby,” Betty says.

He’s a senior in high school. He should be planning to attend his prom and looking forward to walking the stage at his graduation in a few weeks, but instead, he and his family have spent the last week and a half living in turmoil.

Michael is the teen in the infamous Citi Bike video with Sarah Jane Comrie, the woman who has been accused of weaponizing whiteness and her tears in an effort to take the bike from the teen in New York City.

Betty has seen video after video of racists and trolls calling her son a “thug” and a “thief” and labeling him as a “man” when, in her words, “He’s just a boy.”

It hurts her that people are saying these things — things that she knows are not true — about him.

Betty is upset because she says the narrative has been one-sided.

“No one bothered to contact us to find out Michael’s story,” she said in a low voice during an interview on Wednesday. “They write all of these things about him, but no one bothered to ask him what happened or look at his receipts.”

Michael interjected: “That’s because if they have my side of the story, she doesn’t have a case.”

Mary agreed with him, saying, “Right.”

Throughout the entire 50-minute interview with Betty and her children, she had her phone out watching video after video of conservatives and racists saying negative things about her baby.

She is afraid that someone will try to harm her son or her family.

“No one is helping us,” she said, her voice cracking. “We are poor people. We are immigrants. We can’t afford a lawyer.”

Mary, who is 24, and Michael told their mother that now is their chance to tell his story. Betty agreed only on the condition that their names are changed to protect their identities.

“I don’t want anything to happen to my family,” Betty said. “Do you know what I mean?”

A Bronx tale

Mary and Michael live with their parents and another brother in an apartment in the Bronx.

Mary and Michael were born in the U.S., but their parents are immigrants from West Africa.

Mary, her other brother and both parents work to help contribute to the family income.

“We live in the Bronx, but my brother spends a lot of time in Harlem,” Mary said. “He has friends there.”

On May 12, the date of the incident, Michael and four other teenagers rode bikes from the Bronx to Harlem.

Citi Bike receipts and screenshot from Sarah Jane Comrie encounter

Source: Teen’s family

“My brother is an extreme Citi Bike rider,” Mary said proudly. “He is in a group called Citi Bike Angels that sends out free stuff to people who have accumulated a certain amount of points, and my brother has been a frequent Citi Bike rider since 2020 or 2021.”

Michael said it’s a regular routine with him and his friends. They meet up in the Bronx, find the new e-bikes Citi Bike has out, and ride them all over New York City.

Understanding how Citi Bike works

“I use Citi Bike every day,” Michael said. “I use the bikes to get to and from school. If I’m traveling anywhere in the city, even if it’s from here to Brooklyn, my first option is Citi Bike.”

“It’s my preferred mode of transport. It’s like my car,” he added.

Michael said he and his friends, who are all from immigrant West African families, understand Citi Bike and all its programs. They use them because, for teenagers like themselves, it’s a cheaper option than taking the subway from borough to borough.

Michael said that day they walked around the Bronx for 20 minutes before they found the highly coveted but hard-to-find new e-bikes.

They took the bikes to Harlem first, where they stopped riding after 45 minutes.

Michael explained that because his family receives some public assistance, he gets a discount on Citi Bike rides, but after 45 minutes, the rate on the bikes increases.

Michael said he pays for his own Citi Bike account, and in order to avoid the higher charges, he frequently stops his rides before they go over 45 minutes to rest and re-dock the bike. Re-docking the bike resets the timer, allowing him to ride for another 45 minutes before stopping again.

“Even regular Citi Bike riders do this,” Mary explained. “The price goes up after 45 minutes for everyone, so people routinely ride their bikes, dock their bikes, ride their bikes, and dock their bikes again.”

Citi Bike receipts and screenshot from Sarah Jane Comrie encounter

Source: Teen’s family

The encounter with Sarah Jane Comrie

Michael said after resting in Harlem for a bit, the boys continued riding into the Lower East Side of Manhattan. They grabbed frozen yogurt and then headed to the Citi Bike docking station at 1st Avenue and E 30th Street near Bellevue Hospital in the Kip’s Bay neighborhood. They docked their bikes at 7:19 p.m. and sat there to rest.

Michael insisted he and his friends never left the bikes unattended. They don’t leave the bikes. Michael said all four of his friends also have the same Citi Bike Reduced Fare membership, so they docked the bikes to stop the timers from going over 45 minutes.

Four of the boys were sitting on their bikes as they rested, but Michael was standing next to his with his hands on the handlebars.

They were there for a few minutes when he said Sarah Jane Comrie approached their group. She initially asked one of Michael’s friends if she could take the bike he was resting on. He politely declined, informing her that they were going to be leaving shortly and using the bikes again.

She next approached a different boy in the group and asked him the same thing. That boy also politely declined.

Michael was still standing near his bike with his hands on the handlebars.

According to Michael, Sarah Jane Comrie asked him, “Can I please have this bike?”

Michael said he declined.

“No, I’m about to take it back out,” he told her.

Michael said Sarah Jane Comrie then said to him, “I’m pregnant. Can you help a pregnant woman out?”

Michael said he then told her, “I’m sorry ma’am. I’ve ridden this bike all the way from the Bronx, and I need this bike to go back home.”

Michael says that is when Sarah Jane Comrie moved closer to him and his bike, leaned over him, and scanned the QR code with her phone even as he had his hands on the handlebars.

She then pushed her way onto the bike and attempted to remove it from the docking station and take it.

It was 7:24 p.m., and that is when the boys began recording.

You can hear them in the video calling for someone to record Sarah Jane Comrie at the beginning of the footage.

“You know if someone is using something,” Mary interjected emphatically. “There are obvious physical cues to let you know when something is in use or someone is planning to use something.”

Michael insisted Sarah Jane Comrie knew he was planning to use the bike. He said she asked him and his friends to use theirs, and they all informed her they were using the bikes and would be leaving shortly.

He said she seemed annoyed that they wouldn’t willingly give up their bikes to her. He also said he believes she wanted that bike as opposed to the others that remained docked in the rack because he had one of the newer e-bikes.

The rest of the interaction plays out in the video. Sarah Jane Comrie, dressed in scrubs bearing the NYC Health + Hospitals logo, removed her work ID badge from her neck, placed it in her bag along with a brown paper bag she was holding and began screaming for help.

The boys can be heard repeatedly telling her it’s not her bike. During the filmed part of the interaction, Michael was able to successfully push the bike back into the dock. He said he then entered the bike’s number into his phone to put the reservation back on his account.

Michael said when Sarah Jane Comrie noticed him doing this, she snatched his phone out of his hand, which is shown in the video.

Citi Bike receipts and screenshot from Sarah Jane Comrie encounter

Source: Teen’s family

Michael’s story contradicts the narrative from Sarah Jane Comrie’s attorney

Michael’s story directly contradicts the narrative that Justin Marino — the employment attorney representing Sarah Jane Comrie — gave in a statement he wrote to the New York Post.

In the statement, Marino wrote that Sarah Jane Comrie approached the rack of Citi Bikes and got on “an available bike, which no individuals were on or touching.” Marino also wrote that as Comrie was allegedly backing the bike out of the dock, “a group of about five individuals approached her, saying that the bike was theirs.”

“One or more individuals in that group physically pushed her bike (with her on it) back into the docking station, causing it to re-lock,” the statement also claimed.

Marino originally made public redacted alleged receipts, but as of Wednesday, his apparent Twitter account posted the unredacted receipts showing Sarah Jane Comrie had rented the bike for one minute at 7:24 p.m.

That timestamp matches both the video and Michael’s version of the events.

Michael has receipts, too

Michael provided NewsOne with copies of all his receipts for the bike from that day.

They show he originally rented the bike at 5:53 p.m. He returned it after his final ride at 10:12 p.m.

Each of the receipts he sent for review shows him riding the bike in intervals of 45 minutes or less, re-docking the bike, and then taking it out again a short time later.

Citi Bike receipts and screenshot from Sarah Jane Comrie encounter

Source: Teen’s family

The impact of all of this on a 17-year-old Black boy in America

“I can’t say that all of this is not affecting me,” Michael said.

“At first, I felt supported. It was like I went through this thing, people saw the video of it, and they were supporting me,” he said.

But all that changed when Marino put his statement out in the media.

“When those receipts got released, everything flipped,” Michael said. “People started calling me a ‘thief,’ a ‘thug,’ and a ‘Black man.’

“It’s definitely having an effect on me,” he continued. “It’s just like, ‘wow. This is crazy.’”

Michael added: “She did something wrong, and she basically got rewarded for it. She’s made over $100,000 on a GoFundMe. She got all the white conservatives on her side. Everyone who was on my side has just kind of stayed silent.”

Citi Bike receipts and screenshot from Sarah Jane Comrie encounter

Source: Teen’s family

Michael’s story deserves to be told

Michael and Mary say that’s why Mary posted a video on TikTok about the ordeal.

They said they were tired of the narrative claiming he tried to take something from Sarah Jane Comrie when it was the other way around.

Mary made the TikTok video telling her brother’s side of the story, and it caught the attention of social media influencers, including Tizzy and ThatGuyDanesh, who shared it on their platforms.

In the video, Mary provided receipts to prove her brother was the one who had rented the bike first.

“I’m unable to wrap my mind around any of this,” Mary told NewsOne.

“My brother has been riding Citi Bikes for three years, and nothing like this has ever happened. My family has never been involved in a situation like this.”

“It’s a lot,” Mary added. “I’m the person that’s appointed to be the representative for my family. My parents are immigrants. My mom doesn’t know what to do. She can’t handle any of this, so it’s up to me to figure out what to do.”

Mary also said she has reached out to attorneys to try to get help or legal representation, but thus far, no one has offered to help.

She said she contacted a prominent civil rights attorney who initially tweeted about the video, but he advised her he doesn’t practice “that kind of law” and suggested she contact the New York State Bar Association for a referral.

“There have been a bunch of roadblocks to getting my brother’s story out there,” Mary said. “He’s only 17. He doesn’t deserve to be going through this. And this woman just comes up and starts harassing a bunch of teenagers.”

Mary said her brother’s friend started recording because they wanted to stay safe.

Citi Bike receipts and screenshot from Sarah Jane Comrie encounter

Source: Teen’s family

A mother’s fears for her son

“This situation is really driving me crazy and making me sick,” Betty said. “We have never been in this situation before.”

“We came to this country to make a better life for our kids,” she continued. “We are not thieves. Just because we are poor doesn’t mean we are thieves.”

Betty said Michael had to stay home from school for a few days because of the mental anguish of the incident and all that has come after it.

“As a mother, you don’t want to see your child like that,” she said.

Betty said she was horrified when she first saw the video.

“My reaction when I saw it was ‘oh my God. I almost lost my son in that moment.’ Do you understand me? I am not from here, but we all know this country,” she said. “But how the policemen here do our sons, and our husbands, and our fathers. They kill us.”

Betty continued.

“So with a white woman standing right there and screaming for someone to help, if the police had come, and my son was standing there, they are going to shoot him. If he runs, they are going to shoot him.”

“Everyone is taking her side because she is rich, and she is white, and she hired a lawyer, and the lawyer is defending her. They put it all over the television, and no one tried to find out who the boy is who could have lost his life. They didn’t find out who the family is. Everybody just ignored us like we don’t matter.”

“I don’t care how much money that lady is getting because if I were to lose my son, the whole world full of money would not bring him back. Yes, we are immigrants. Yes, we are poor, but we are not thieves. I get EBT because I wish I could afford to feed my children, but I can’t. I work seven days a week. We aren’t hurting anybody.”

Betty got emotional several times during the interview, something for which she repeatedly apologized.

“That lady asked my boy for his bike, and he said no,” Betty said. “Why couldn’t she just go and get a different bike?”



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Here’s what Sarah Jane Comrie could do to fix the Citi Bike situation, but she won’t

Monique Judge

May 26

Earlier this week, I wrote “Accountability is like kryptonite to whiteness” in reference to the Sarah Jane Comrie, aka “Citi Bike Karen,” situation. 

I was addressing the way racist trolls have run all around the internet to make excuses for the way Sarah Jane Comrie weaponized her tears and her whiteness over a motorized Citi Bike on May 12. 

The incident was captured on video, and even with direct evidence of her actions — yelling “help” when she wasn’t in danger, snatching a teenager’s phone out of his hands and fake crying when her presumed “white knight” showed up — in 4K, people have managed to come up with every reason under the sun for why what she did was OK. 

“She’s pregnant and was tired after working a 12-hour shift.”

“She had the bike first.”

“She paid for it.”

Never mind that all the arguments about possession of the bike just derail from the actual problem in the video — her actions

At this point, the only reason there are so many debates over who had possession of the bike or who paid for it is that one side continues to use that as their crutch for everything else they say after. 

We aren’t upset about the bike. The “receipts” don’t matter. The bike doesn’t matter. Sarah Jane Comrie’s actions matter. 

We are upset because Sarah Jane Comrie chose to react in a way that was too over the top for the type of dispute that was happening at that moment. 

The boy’s side of the story has now come out, and we’ve learned that she initially asked three of the boys in the video if she could take their bikes, and after being told “no” by all three, she proceeded to try and commandeer the bike of the boy we see resisting her in the video. 

His side of the story makes her look so much worse. She comes off as entitled at the very least, but the history of white women weaponizing their whiteness and tears in the name of causing trouble for Black people is what has people — Black people in particular — on edge. 

This could have ended so much worse, and everyone involved in the situation knows that — including Sarah Jane Comrie. 

In taking those actions, we can assume that she was looking for that situation to end in another way, but it didn’t go as she planned. 

So now she is allegedly in hiding, according to her lawyer. She has been put on leave by her employer. And while the version of the narrative that paints her as a victim and paints five Black kids as “thugs” and “thieves” who “attacked” a poor innocent white woman continues to spin, she has said nothing. 

The only statements from her side have been made by her attorney. We have not heard from or seen Sarah Jane Comrie anywhere since we saw that video. 

And that’s a problem. 

If she wanted to fix this situation, she could easily make a statement herself. 

One way to switch the narrative would be to own up to her actions. She knows she overreacted to being told “no,” and she knows she was wrong. Her lawyer wouldn’t be spinning the “health care worker/COVID hero to the poors and the coloreds” narrative if they both were not aware of the mere optics of all of this. 

She knows that she comes off looking extremely racist. If, as her attorney says, she is not racist, she should come forward and tell us that. 

She should come forward and acknowledge that as an adult in her 30s, she completely mishandled a situation involving teenagers. She could acknowledge that it was wrong of her to invade his personal space and snatch his phone out of his hand. 

She could also come forward and disavow the rabid, racist mob that has been championing her cause and terrorizing people across the internet with their hate speech. 

What that group is doing online is akin to the way the white men in the town would group together to terrorize someone behind something a white woman said — true or not. 

The only difference is their racial terror and harassment is performed online. It doesn’t make it any less damaging, hurtful or hateful. 

She should come forward and denounce that this is happening in her name — if she is really not a racist. 

Her GoFundMe has also been championed by the racist mob, and many of them have bragged about giving to it as a means of “owning” the libs and showing their hate toward those five Black boys. 

If she were right, she would come forward and speak out against that as well. 

She would also go the further step of giving the money to the boy in question. After all, she hasn’t been defamed; people have rightfully called her out for the behavior she displayed in that video. 

If anyone has defamed Sarah Jane Comrie, it is Sarah Jane Comrie herself, and she should own that, too. 

But you know how whiteness is. You know how pride is. You know how hard it is for them to let go of a narrative and admit when they are wrong. 

You can see it all over the internet right now as the racist mob crafts a new narrative to continue to cast that boy as the villain in a story that Sarah Jane Comrie wrote. 

Because that’s how whiteness works. 

And if Sarah Jane Comrie is really not a racist Karen, if she really isn’t Carolyn Bryant in training, she would come out, be honest and change the narrative herself. 

But she won’t.



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so what are you saying? you never hardly give your own thoughts?so whats your point? black folks and white folks have criminals on both sides. who got arrested? what are you saying?

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

so what are you saying? you never hardly give your own thoughts?so whats your point? black folks and white folks have criminals on both sides. who got arrested? what are you saying?

I'm keeping up with this so intensely because the two people involved are not public figures. They are just random folks going about their day that had a random spat that happens daily across the country. The spat usually happens. Then, everyone goes their separate ways and moves on with their lives.

This can now happen to anyone.


Turns out both of these people involved are now being railroaded.


This incident began when Ben Crump shared a video. He made it racial. He helped push the video to viral status.

Then, local media took that video and started asking random people on the street about her actions. Then, national media picked up the story. She was then doxxed.

Her employer could have just stated that she is on leave pending review, but they had to add that what she did was 'disturbing.' That means, her employer had already come to a conclusion without a review.

Then, she provides a receipt. She gets a lawyer.

Then, Ben Crump, the very person, who helped get us to this point, deletes the tweet. He offers no explanation. All the while, people are writing articles, tweeting, continuing to blow up the story.

Very few backtracked. Many doubled down saying her receipt isn't legit. That it proves nothing.

Others saying the receipts don't matter. Then, some saying the receipts don't matter, they go back and say receipts matter, when he shows a receipt.

She's now considered a racist.

The woman, Journalista (twitter name) Monique Judge (writer, journalist), who wants to call her 'Carolyn' rather than 'Karen' because that's the name of the woman who got Emmett Till murdered.

Even in Sarah's worst intentions, I do not believe her actions were racist or elevated to that of trying to create a white mob to kill a black person.

All the tweets, I've shown in this thread aren't random people.

Toure' is a public figure. He once co- hosted a cable news show on MSNBC

Dr. Rashad Richey is not some random vlogger

Keith Boykin(who has now deleted his tweet) has been a CNN and MSNBC contributor


Some of the people mentioned and others have said that Sarah got the benefit of the doubt from the beginning because she is white.

That is just wrong and false.

She did not get the benefit of the doubt because otherwise Ben Crump's viral tweet wouldn't have set this story in motion. The local and national media wouldn't have taken the default position that she was a white woman trying to steal a bike from a Black bike rider. Her employer didn't give her the benefit of the doubt.

Some of the people who said that she was given the benefit of the doubt, didn't flinch when she had a receipt.

At this point, this is when Twitter users started going after the Black bike rider. He was called a 'thug' a lot. He was called things that can't be posted on here. 

He still has his defenders as I've posted earlier in the thread.

However, it's important to point this out:


She(sister) said she contacted a prominent civil rights attorney who initially tweeted about the video, but he advised her he doesn’t practice “that kind of law” and suggested she contact the New York State Bar Association for a referral.


Ben Crump starts the fire. He's asked to help extinguish what he started and he refuses.

The young Black bike rider didn't ask for all of this attention. He didn't ask to be called "thug."

However, Ben Crump gets it both ways. He can blow this out of proportion, while using these two random people as a footnote as he moves on to his 95% race based stories and tweets as if the two people are nothing and face no real life circumstances. I keep waiting for someone from the National Media to approach Ben Crump and ask for a statement. Or maybe next time he's on cable news, he can be asked about it. Nothing so far.

The young Black bike rider has receipts.  The citi bike system requires a code to be scanned or entered in order to use a bike.


Both parties now have a Go Fund Me account
















Edited by Auburn85
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4 minutes ago, Auburn85 said:

I'm keeping up with this so intensely because the two people involved are not public figures. They are just random folks going about their day that had a random spat that happens daily across the country. The spat usually happens. Then, everyone goes their separate ways and moves on with their lives.

This can now happen to anyone.


Turns out both of these people involved are now being railroaded.


This incident began when Ben Crump shared a video. He made it racial. He helped push the video to viral status.

Then, local media took that video and started asking random people on the street about her actions. Then, national media picked up the story. She was then doxxed.

Her employer could have just stated that she is on leave pending review, but they had to add that what she did was 'disturbing.' That means, her employer had already come to a conclusion without a review.

Then, she provides a receipt. She gets a lawyer.

Then, Ben Crump, the very person, who helped get us to this point, deletes the tweet. He offers no explanation. All the while, people are writing articles, tweeting, continuing to blow up the story.

Very few backtracked. Many doubled down saying her receipt isn't legit. That it proves nothing.

Others saying the receipts don't matter. Then, some saying the receipts don't matter, they go back and say receipts matter, when he shows a receipt.

She's now considered a racist.

The woman, Journalista (twitter name) Monique Judge (writer, journalist), who wants to call her 'Carolyn' rather than 'Karen' because that's the name of the woman who got Emmett Till murdered.

Even in Sarah's worst intentions, I do not believe her actions were racist or elevated to that of trying to create a white mob to kill a black person.

All, the tweets, I've shown in this thread aren't random people.

Toure' is a public figure. He once co- hosted a cable news show on MSNBC

Dr. Rashad Richey is not some random vlogger

Keith Boykin(who has now deleted his tweet) has been a CNN and MSNBC contributor


Some of the people mentioned and others have said that Sarah got the benefit of the doubt from the beginning because she is white.

That is just wrong and false.

She did not get the benefit of the doubt because otherwise Ben Crump's viral tweet wouldn't have set this story in motion. The local and national media wouldn't have taken the default position that she was a white woman trying to steal a bike from a Black bike rider. Her employer didn't give her the benefit of the doubt.

Some of the people who said that she was given the benefit of the doubt, didn't flinch when she had a receipt.

At this point, this is when Twitter users started going after the Black bike rider. He was called a 'thug' a lot. He was called things that can't be posted on here. 

He still has his defenders as I've posted earlier in the thread.

However, it's important to point this out:


Ben Crump starts the fire. He's asked to help extinguish what he started and he refuses.

The young Black bike rider didn't ask for all of this attention. He didn't ask to be called "thug."

However, Ben Crump gets it both ways. He can blow this out of proportion, while using these two random people as a footnote as he moves on to his 95% race based stories and tweets as if the two people are nothing and face no real life circumstances. I keep waiting for someone from the National Media to approach Ben Crump and ask for a statement. Or maybe next time he's on cable news, he can be asked about it. Nothing so far.

The young Black bike rider has receipts.  The citi bike system requires a code to be scanned or entered in order to use a bike.


Both parties now have a Go Fund Me account
















well we still do not know who is guilty and who is not because they both have receipts right? the right thing to do is for someone without an agenda to look at the receipts and check out maybe where they were printed,etc. i would imagine they have time and dates on them. anyway i was getting kinda confused and i thought as much work as you put in the post i would make sure i knew what you  were trying to say. to be honest and this is a sad thought...........i think many americans have been hateful and act like turds at times. i have seen racism on both sides but now with electronics we catch EVERYTHING that used to slip by back in the day. and right now hate sells. pushing it or hating it it is out there and the media will make everything worse for more clicks or likes. i do think trump has emboldened the rednecks as they used to wear hoods now they do not care much if you know who they are anymore. it is almost some kind of weird pride. sad times.............oh and thank you for replying.

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What’s interesting is if both participants were of the same race this wouldn’t even be a story although equally revelant. 

Summary it’s a racist post. 

Edited by creed
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