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nine more people are dead

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nine more people are dead

what's it going to take to end this insanity

May 7

oh jesus. oh jesus.


she had no face. no face.

for the second weekend in a row, a charming story of mass gun death has come out of Texas. some deranged ****head decided it would be a cool thing to drive up to an outdoor mall in the town of Allen, step out of his car, point his assault rifle at a crowd of people and pull the trigger.

eight dead. seven more sent to the hospital.

and the gunman dead on the ground, killed by police.

lovely. just ******* lovely.


just another Saturday in Texas, a state that barely has any remaining gun laws at all.

Many authorities in Texas say they have seen an increase in spur-of-the-moment gunfire since September 2021, when the state began to allow most adults to carry a handgun without a license

without a license. just about any dipshit can walk into a Texas gun store, slap their money down on the counter, and walk out with their spiffy new military-grade weapon of mass death.

no questions asked.

excuse me, but this is ******* insanity.

who wants this? not even the hard core Fox News viewership wants this.


I’ll ask it again: who, besides the gun lobby, the politicians owned by the gun lobby, and the gun-fetish psychopaths who worship the politicians owned by the gun lobby, wants this?

the pro-gun minority is pretty much out of excuses and arguments. they know public sentiment is against them and they just want us to **** off and leave them alone.


no, Megyn, we’re not going to **** off.

oh, and while we’re on the subject, can I just say **** TED CRUZ.


rest easy, everyone, the hugest, stinkiest, smelliest, most pungent pile of supporating s*** in the Senate is thinking and praying.

oh joy, we’re saved.

a weary nation owes you thanks, Ted.

**** you.

it’s Sunday. the so-called day of rest. Sunday, when here on our little substack, it’s supposed to be Open Chat day, where we all share something light and fun about what’s going on in our lives.

but not today. I can’t.

nine people in Texas aren’t even getting to have a Sunday. the girl with her face shot off isn’t getting to have a Sunday.

what’s it going to take to end this insanity?

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