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Saturday rewind: the Cult of Kyle — why the sh*ttiest people in the world worship Rittenhouse

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Saturday rewind: the Cult of Kyle — why the shittiest people in the world worship Rittenhouse

why the rabid fandom? it’s not that difficult to fathom why

Jeff Tiedrich

May 6

note: the following piece was originally published on January 23, 2023. watching the bloodthirsty roars of right-wing approval being showered onto the psycho who choked Jordan Neely to death on the NYC subway got me thinking a lot about this essay.

back in January, our little substack community was much smaller than it is now. readership today is about eight times what it was back in then, so I’m reposting this as today’s Saturday Rewind in order to put it in front of that larger audience. have a great Saturday, everyone.
— jeff t.

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I referenced gun-happy teenage murderer Kyle Rittenhouse a couple of times on the twitters this weekend …

Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich

what Alec Baldwin did is a tragedy. what Kyle Rittenhouse did is murder. if you won't recognize the difference, I can't help you

4:18 PM ∙ Jan 19, 2023


Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich

holy ******* s***, if an actor accidentally discharging a gun while rehearsing for a movie has you s***ting bricks, wait until you hear about the teenager who asked his mommy to drive him across state lines so he could deliberately fire into a crowd of protestors

3:02 PM ∙ Jan 20, 2023


… and the entire wingnut outrage-industrial complex lost their ******* s***. so much so that the UK Daily Mail devoted an entire full-page story to … me.

(the link is here, and please don’t miss the highly entertaining and completely unhinged comment section)

if you’ve ever posted to social media about Rittenhouse, you already know that Kyle stans are every bit as rabid and over the top as Trump worshipers and Elon fanboys. in fact the Venn diagram of these three groups is probably just one circle.

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After 27 hours of deliberation over the course of four days, a jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on the five charges he faced after fatally shooting two people and wounding a third during a night of unrest in Kenosha, Wis., last year.


I don’t know where this guy has been, buy Kyle acted in self defense and didn’t murder anyone.  I am not sure why the far left has to disregard our justice system. Get over it.

I hope you’re not upgrading to paid to read this garbage.

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fiddy, love you man, but the problem with ALL this is: Jeff Tiedrich

Rittenhouse was tried and found not guilty as was stated above. Do I think that was a good call? Maybe not. But he was dragged into court etc. and had a trial. 

The rioters did about $50M in damages. 252 were arrested. Do you think they will pay $1 to the 100 businesses damaged or to the 40 businesses wiped out? Nope.

Rittenhouse was prosecuted. 252 others were not held accountable except for largely minor charges and misdemeanors


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