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'Trump raped me,' E. Jean Carroll testifies


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4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Come on fifty:

Lawsuits accusing Donald Trump of sexually assaulting a child in the 1990s appear to have been orchestrated by an eccentric anti-Trump campaigner with a record of making outlandish claims about celebrities.

Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show, has previously been involved with disputed allegations that OJ Simpson bought illegal drugs on the day Simpson’s wife was murdered, and that Kurt Cobain’s widow had the Nirvana frontman killed.

Court filings in California and New York against Trump, purportedly on behalf of a woman using the name Katie Johnson, have in recent weeks alleged that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee raped Johnson when she was 13. Trump vehemently denies the allegations.


Is this what you are referring to?  RIP Jerry, but come on, you can’t believe this junk.

let me say trumps ex took him to court on rape charges and won. this is fact. now unless you are one of those crazies that do not think a man can rape a wife.

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2 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

let me say trumps ex took him to court on rape charges and won. this is fact. now unless you are one of those crazies that do not think a man can rape a wife.

Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana Trump, said today that she is "the best of friends" with her ex-husband, responding to a report in the Daily Beast on Monday that cited her 1989 divorce case deposition in which the former Mrs. Trump claimed Trump allegedly raped her once.

A statement today from Ivana Trump appeared to refute the allegations in the deposition, which were revealed in a 1993 book, "The Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump."

"I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald," she said in the statement today. "The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised 3 children that we love and are very proud of."


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21 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana Trump, said today that she is "the best of friends" with her ex-husband, responding to a report in the Daily Beast on Monday that cited her 1989 divorce case deposition in which the former Mrs. Trump claimed Trump allegedly raped her once.

A statement today from Ivana Trump appeared to refute the allegations in the deposition, which were revealed in a 1993 book, "The Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump."

"I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald," she said in the statement today. "The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised 3 children that we love and are very proud of."


he was convicted in a court of law.................did they change it? and the man has a turrible temper. trump used up what little trust i have in him. he is a huge liar. did you even read what she said in her testimony? see you want people convicted if they are guilty and he was. now you are craw fishing just because they are the best of friends. ok with that. just like you guy all swaer trump is not racist but he and his dad went to court over not allowing blacks in any of their rentals..............

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15 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

he was convicted in a court of law

No he wasn’t.  She recanted.

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36 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

No he wasn’t.  She recanted.

well damn the whole family are liars then huh?

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E. Jean Carroll attacks Trump lawyer for questioning why she didn't scream during alleged rape

Jacob Shamsian
4–5 minutes

e jean carroll donald trump rape trial court


Former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll leaves federal court after testifying in her rape trial against former President Donald Trump.AP Photo/John Minchillo


  • Donald Trump's lawyer grilled E. Jean Carroll about why she didn't scream as Trump allegedly raped her.

  • Carroll said she's "not a screamer" and fought back against Trump, who weighed 100 more pounds than her.

  • "You can't beat up on me for not screaming," Carroll said.

E. Jean Carroll pushed back against questions from Donald Trump's lawyer in court Thursday when the attorney questioned why she didn't scream while the then-mogul allegedly raped her in the 1990s.

"I don't need an excuse for not screaming," Carroll said testily.

"Women who come forward — one of the reasons they don't come forward is because they're always asked, 'Why didn't you scream?' Carroll said in another part of her testimony Thursday afternoon in Manhattan federal court. "Some women scream. Some women don't. It keeps women silent."

Carroll's testimony, under cross-examination, comes in the civil trial for her lawsuit against Trump. Carroll accused him of raping her in a Bergdorf Goodman's department store dressing room in the mid-1990s, and defaming her when he called her a liar after she went public with her claims in 2019.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Carroll testified on the stand about the alleged incident. She said Trump recognized her while she was leaving Bergdorf Goodman's one night — she was a celebrated Elle magazine columnist and TV talk show host at the time — and asked for her advice to buy a gift for another woman.

Trump suggested the two go to the lingerie department on the sixth floor, where Carroll jokingly insisted that he try on a lacy bodysuit, Carroll said. As the two went into the dressing room, Trump pushed her against the wall and penetrated her with his finger and then his penis, Carroll testified.

"It was a horrible feeling because he curved his finger," Carroll said. "As I'm sitting here today, I can still feel it."

Carroll said she was laughing at the start of the incident, flirting before the situation became "dark."

e jean carroll court illustration trump


E. Jean Carroll answers testifies during a civil trial to decide whether former U.S. President Donald Trump raped her and and defamed her by denying it happened.REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg


As Trump repeatedly banged her head against the wall, Carroll said Thursday she believed she was still laughing as a "weapon" to "throw cold water over anything."

Joe Tacopina, one of Trump's attorneys in the case, asked Carroll why she didn't scream.

"I'm not a screamer," Carroll responded. "I was too much in a panic to scream — I was fighting."

Carroll said she pushed back against Trump, who she estimated weighed 100 more pounds than her, and eventually pushed him back with her knee. Tacopina repeatedly asked about different reasons why she didn't scream to draw attention during the struggle.

"I'm telling you he raped me, whether I screamed or not," Carroll snapped before starting to sob.

Tacopina continued to ask various questions about why she didn't scream — whether it was because of the adrenaline running through her, whether it was because she "didn't want to make a scene," or some other reason.

"You can't beat up on me for not screaming," Carroll said.

"I'm not beating up on you, Ms. Carroll," Tacopina responded.

Carroll said she wished she screamed because "more people would have believed me."

She also said she regrets bringing her lawsuit "about five times a day" because of the "constant stream" of online harassment she receives from Trump's supporters.

"It doesn't feel pleasant to be under threat," she said.


this disgusts me. some people are too scared to scream and this is a fact.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

well damn the whole family are liars then huh?

When money that is involved the truth is harder to find.

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What the Trump rape trial has already revealed


“I’m here because Donald Trump raped me, and when I wrote about it, he said it didn’t happen.”

That is the testimony of E. Jean Carroll, searing and raw nearly three decades after the alleged attack in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman in New York.

It is important — no, it is imperative — not to sanitize Carroll’s testimony this week in a Manhattan federal courtroom. We have become so inured, so numb, to stories about Trump’s behavior that it is tempting to minimize the case.

After all, it is just one of many — who can keep straight the gusher of allegations and indictments, actual and impending? It is simply another sordid example of Trump’s behavior, unmoored and, as yet, unpunished: The adult-film star paid off; the Playboy model whose tale of an affair with Trump was captured and killed before she could peddle it; “When you’re a star, they let you do it.Oh, that. Whatever. We knew that.

We did, but we need to hear it again, and to remind ourselves of how far Trump has dragged us down into the gutter with him, reduced to his level of tawdry entitlement. The account being heard by a Manhattan jury is not only about a former president — it is also about a man who, by all measures, seems poised to claim his party’s nomination a third time.

Trump, Carroll said, “shoved me so hard my head banged” against the dressing room wall. He pulled down her tights and “jammed” his fingers inside her.

“His fingers went into my vagina, which was extremely painful — extremely painful. It was a horrible feeling because he curved — he put his hand inside of me and curved his fingers,” Carroll said. “As I'm sitting here today, I can still feel it.”

Indelible in the hippocampus are the fingers. If only this trial were televised.

I do not want to think about this. I do not want to make you think about it. And yet, we must. This is where Trump has brought us all. This is the person who wants to return to the presidency.

Carroll is far from the perfect plaintiff. She can’t precisely pin down the date of the alleged encounter. She didn’t report an assault — indeed, when she called a friend to relate the incident right after leaving Bergdorf’s, Carroll was laughing. “He raped you. He raped you, E. Jean. You should go to the police,” the friend, writer Lisa Birnbach, told her.

When, years later, after Trump’s election, Carroll wrote about it in a book, she made unsettling comments about rape on CNN: “I think most people think rape is sexy. Think of the fantasies.”

But if there is anything we’ve learned in the last three decades — since Anita Hill, since #MeToo — it is that perfection is both uncommon and unnecessary. People follow their harassers to new jobs, and yet they were harassed. They don’t go to police, and yet they were assaulted. Rape is rape, even if it starts with romance or flirtation. The victim inevitably blames herself.

“I was ashamed,” Carroll testified about why she didn’t go public. “I thought it was my fault.” And, she said, with a daily show called “Ask E. Jean” on an obscure cable channel run by the man who went on to run Fox News, “Roger Ailes would have fired me. He was a friend of Donald Trump.”

Trump’s defense is a jumble of his customary misogyny, victimhood and dishonesty. “She’s not my type,” he said — an assertion undercut by the fact that when he was being deposed by Carroll’s lawyers, Trump mistook a picture of Carroll for that of his former wife Marla Maples. Carroll, in Trump’s telling, is the pawn of his Democratic enemies, in it for political payback, fame and cash.

And, Trump claims, the encounter never happened. “Does anybody believe I would take a then almost 60-year-old woman that I didn’t know, from the front door of a very crowded department store, (with me being very well known, to put it mildly!), into a tiny dressing room, and … her,” Trump wrote on his social media site, Truth Social, on Tuesday.

Does anybody not believe it? Carroll’s accusations — and, by the way, she would have been in her early 50s at the time — are consistent with Trump’s pattern of behavior, both self-proclaimed and extensively reported. This is an admitted ***** grabber.

As Judge Lewis A. Kaplan ruled in allowing Carroll’s lawyers to introduce that evidence, “A jury reasonably could find … that Mr. Trump admitted in the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape that he in fact has had contact with women’s genitalia in the past without their consent, or that he has attempted to do so.”

The cross-examination, which began on Thursday, followed a predictable victim-blaming playbook, straight out of the 1950s. If Trump attacked her against her will, defense attorney Joe Tacopina demanded of Carroll, why didn’t she scream? She had described trying to push Trump off her but being overpowered.

“One of the reasons women don’t come forward is because they’re always asked, 'Why didn’t you scream?’” she said. Trump, she added, “raped me whether I screamed or not.”

In his opening statement, Tacopina suggested, “It all comes down to: Do you believe the unbelievable?”

Really? A better way to look at the case is this: Do you believe denials — denials Trump won’t repeat in court — from a man who has been accused of similar behavior by dozens of other women and who bragged about engaging in such conduct? Or do you believe a woman who has corroboration from two friends, who will testify?

What is unbelievable is that this man, this immoral creature, still has sway over so many Americans. It would be comforting to imagine that a verdict in Carroll’s favor could break that spell, but we have learned the hard way: nothing will.


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On 4/26/2023 at 10:34 PM, Auburnfan91 said:

Amazing how uncritical liberals treat Jean Carroll's accusation, which is obviously flawed and not reliable because she can't even remember what year this allegedly happened, yet Tara Reade accusing Biden got her attacked by liberals and she was called a liar. Tara Reade's accusation didn't derail Biden's nomination either.

I'm sure the liberals on this board will be along shortly to explain how 'that's different' ...... in 3...2...1

1) Waiting 20+ years to allege the attack should set off 101 questions that need hard answers. Reade and Carroll both fail this test by miles.

2) Reade has contemporary evidence to support her claim. Carroll does not. Why do some dismiss one but not the other?

3) This is really all just evidence that the American Political system is just a hog waller at this point. 

I cant see anyone siding with Carroll at this point. Even if this court does, a first-year law student could write a winning appeal. 

OTOH, this is 100% Proof that trump is not worthy of another term in the WH. His temperament makes him a complete liability. If I was the judge I would have shut him and her up on the first day and then handed out contempt of court jail time to anyone that spoke knowing full well it would be trump. 

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14 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

E. Jean Carroll attacks Trump lawyer for questioning why she didn't scream during alleged rape

Jacob Shamsian
4–5 minutes

e jean carroll donald trump rape trial court


Former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll leaves federal court after testifying in her rape trial against former President Donald Trump.AP Photo/John Minchillo


  • Donald Trump's lawyer grilled E. Jean Carroll about why she didn't scream as Trump allegedly raped her.

  • Carroll said she's "not a screamer" and fought back against Trump, who weighed 100 more pounds than her.

  • "You can't beat up on me for not screaming," Carroll said.

E. Jean Carroll pushed back against questions from Donald Trump's lawyer in court Thursday when the attorney questioned why she didn't scream while the then-mogul allegedly raped her in the 1990s.

"I don't need an excuse for not screaming," Carroll said testily.

"Women who come forward — one of the reasons they don't come forward is because they're always asked, 'Why didn't you scream?' Carroll said in another part of her testimony Thursday afternoon in Manhattan federal court. "Some women scream. Some women don't. It keeps women silent."

Carroll's testimony, under cross-examination, comes in the civil trial for her lawsuit against Trump. Carroll accused him of raping her in a Bergdorf Goodman's department store dressing room in the mid-1990s, and defaming her when he called her a liar after she went public with her claims in 2019.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Carroll testified on the stand about the alleged incident. She said Trump recognized her while she was leaving Bergdorf Goodman's one night — she was a celebrated Elle magazine columnist and TV talk show host at the time — and asked for her advice to buy a gift for another woman.

Trump suggested the two go to the lingerie department on the sixth floor, where Carroll jokingly insisted that he try on a lacy bodysuit, Carroll said. As the two went into the dressing room, Trump pushed her against the wall and penetrated her with his finger and then his penis, Carroll testified.

"It was a horrible feeling because he curved his finger," Carroll said. "As I'm sitting here today, I can still feel it."

Carroll said she was laughing at the start of the incident, flirting before the situation became "dark."

e jean carroll court illustration trump


E. Jean Carroll answers testifies during a civil trial to decide whether former U.S. President Donald Trump raped her and and defamed her by denying it happened.REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg


As Trump repeatedly banged her head against the wall, Carroll said Thursday she believed she was still laughing as a "weapon" to "throw cold water over anything."

Joe Tacopina, one of Trump's attorneys in the case, asked Carroll why she didn't scream.

"I'm not a screamer," Carroll responded. "I was too much in a panic to scream — I was fighting."

Carroll said she pushed back against Trump, who she estimated weighed 100 more pounds than her, and eventually pushed him back with her knee. Tacopina repeatedly asked about different reasons why she didn't scream to draw attention during the struggle.

"I'm telling you he raped me, whether I screamed or not," Carroll snapped before starting to sob.

Tacopina continued to ask various questions about why she didn't scream — whether it was because of the adrenaline running through her, whether it was because she "didn't want to make a scene," or some other reason.

"You can't beat up on me for not screaming," Carroll said.

"I'm not beating up on you, Ms. Carroll," Tacopina responded.

Carroll said she wished she screamed because "more people would have believed me."

She also said she regrets bringing her lawsuit "about five times a day" because of the "constant stream" of online harassment she receives from Trump's supporters.

"It doesn't feel pleasant to be under threat," she said.


this disgusts me. some people are too scared to scream and this is a fact.

This lady 😕 


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48 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

This lady 😕 


ok richard go ahead and laugh at someones pain. i will not expect better of you anymore. besides you are just trolling.

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4 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

ok richard go ahead and laugh at someones pain. i will not expect better of you anymore. besides you are just trolling.

Be nice.

I was raped 30 years ago. Or 25 years ago... or last thursday?

I dunno really, but it def happened.


Proof? Evidence? Uh, those are mean words used by bullies.

OMG why is internet being mean to me now. There's a "constant stream" of online meanies. 

What should I do? stop reading comments made online about myself? Never.

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On 4/28/2023 at 9:09 AM, Mims44 said:

Be nice.

I was raped 30 years ago. Or 25 years ago... or last thursday?

I dunno really, but it def happened.


Proof? Evidence? Uh, those are mean words used by bullies.

OMG why is internet being mean to me now. There's a "constant stream" of online meanies. 

What should I do? stop reading comments made online about myself? Never.

let me explain somet6hing toy jackass. my sister was raped repeatedly by a stepdad for over a year. we asked why she did not tellsomoen or scream or something. she said she was too afraid to. the fact you want to mock a rape victim tells me all i need to know about you. she was silent from about ten up into her midfifties. shame was a big part as well.she thought something was wrong with her. and the fact you want to joke about anyones rape tells me all i need to know about you. rape does not just hurt the person it happens to. it hurts the whole family. my sister could not handle it and went with drugs and booze and it ruined most of her life. let me say go **** yourself buddy. you crossed the line. you are a low life low class piece of sh*t and that is about as nice as i can get. laughing at anyones pain is a horrible look. i probably will get banned for this but you got way out of line.

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10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

let me explain somet6hing toy jackass. my sister was raped repeatedly by a stepdad for over a year. we asked why she did not tellsomoen or scream or something. she said she was too afraid to. the fact you want to mock a rape victim tells me all i need to know about you. she was silent from about ten up into her midfifties. shame was a big part as well.she thought something was wrong with her. and the fact you want to joke about anyones rape tells me all i need to know about you. rape does not just hurt the person it happens to. it hurts the whole family. my sister could not handle it and went with drugs and booze and it ruined most of her life. let me say go **** yourself buddy. you crossed the line. you are a low life low class piece of sh*t and that is about as nice as i can get. laughing at anyones pain is a horrible look. i probably will get banned for this but you got way out of line.

I think you've got your stories mixed up.

Trump isn't being sued by a women in her mid thirties saying Trump raped her when she was 10. 


Regardless, personal history is not a good reason to shut off your brain. Saying this womens claims are flimsy AT BEST and relying purely on a he said/she said with no evidence or even date to be looked at is a horribly bad start. But, that is not the same as saying no rapes ever happen.


You seem to be taking the stance of, this happened to someone in my family. So therefore no one ever for any reason could make up a rape. It's impossible.

And that is simply not true.

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4 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

I think you've got your stories mixed up.

Trump isn't being sued by a women in her mid thirties saying Trump raped her when she was 10. 


Regardless, personal history is not a good reason to shut off your brain. Saying this womens claims are flimsy AT BEST and relying purely on a he said/she said with no evidence or even date to be looked at is a horribly bad start. But, that is not the same as saying no rapes ever happen.


You seem to be taking the stance of, this happened to someone in my family. So therefore no one ever for any reason could make up a rape. It's impossible.

And that is simply not true.

no it is the fact you cannot prove she lied and you are slinging hurtful crap out there.YOU are being hateful. i would appreciate if you just left me alone but you do what you gotta do.

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Seems like a grown woman who thinks she is about to be raped or is getting raped and is literally 10 feet from a store full of shoppers behind a flimsy dressing room wall would not hesitate to yell “help rape”. I believe assistance would be immediate in this location and numerous shoppers would assist the victim and witness the crime.  Different scenario for fiddy’s sister than Jean Carroll.  Afraid to yell is just not believable to me or my wife. Seems like screaming bloody murder in a crowded store would be fairly easy to implement as a strategy. 

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5 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Seems like a grown woman who thinks she is about to be raped or is getting raped and is literally 10 feet from a store full of shoppers behind a flimsy dressing room wall would not hesitate to yell “help rape”. I believe assistance would be immediate in this location and numerous shoppers would assist the victim and witness the crime.  Different scenario for fiddy’s sister than Jean Carroll.  Afraid to yell is just not believable to me or my wife. Seems like screaming bloody murder in a crowded store would be fairly easy to implement as a strategy. 

people are different jj. i know a couple ofwomen that would fight to the death if they were attacked. i have know some that would not utter a sound other than maybe crying because they think an d or hope it will be over quicker .guess what you low class freaks.......... when women scream when being attacked by a rapist they get beat until they quit or are murdered. it is that simple. and you guys already know what trump is. why do things like this have to be explained? your guys first problem is believing anything the man says. he is a known liar and people prove it every single day. my god what a s*** show this country has become.

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fear will do a lot of things to a person. ever been to war and folks are shooting all around and people freeze? it happens.

Edited by aubiefifty
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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

people are different jj. i know a couple ofwomen that would fight to the death if they were attacked. i have know some that would not utter a sound other than maybe crying because they think an d or hope it will be over quicker .guess what you low class freaks.......... when women scream when being attacked by a rapist they get beat until they quit or are murdered. it is that simple. and you guys already know what trump is. why do things like this have to be explained? your guys first problem is believing anything the man says. he is a known liar and people prove it every single day. my god what a s*** show this country has become.

Totally agree on the s*** show.  You really think Trump was going to beat Jean Carroll until she stopped screaming or was dead?

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1 minute ago, jj3jordan said:

Totally agree on the s*** show.  You really think Trump was going to beat Jean Carroll until she stopped screaming or was dead?

you mean mr punch em again? i know the woman was terrified. i also bet she was embarrassed that this was happening to her as well. to pretend someone is lying that you do not know is a joke jj. most men in america STILL think most women getting raped deserve it because they look too good or too sexy. the fact is the man is a pig and everyone knows it. he also thinks he is above the law. and i am dead serious......i thik he is deranged or mentally ill.

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i am going to go get me the biggest dang ribeye they have locally and turn this day around. i just cannot believe some of you people.

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39 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

no it is the fact you cannot prove she lied and you are slinging hurtful crap out there.YOU are being hateful. i would appreciate if you just left me alone but you do what you gotta do.

No, I can not prove she did or did not lie.

And you can not prove she did or did not lie.


Yet only one of us are repeatedly saying hurtful things to the other.

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7 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

you mean mr punch em again? i know the woman was terrified. i also bet she was embarrassed that this was happening to her as well. to pretend someone is lying that you do not know is a joke jj. most men in america STILL think most women getting raped deserve it because they look too good or too sexy. the fact is the man is a pig and everyone knows it. he also thinks he is above the law. and i am dead serious......i thik he is deranged or mentally ill.

Is that a yes?

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