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3 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

George has always been an Anti-Trump critic.

See that Kellyanne is splitting from him


Trump posted on his social media platform Truth Social, congratulating Kellyanne on being “free at last” and calling George her “wacko husband”, saying she had “finally gotten rid of that disgusting albatross around her neck”.


Not always. He was all in. Just had the decency and common sense to see the error of his ways— two things most of Trump’s original supporters lack.


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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

That is disappointing. Just trying to help you understand things.

Thanks for your attempt to help, but I don't need it, thank you.  (Sorry if you didn't "get" that.)

completely understand how many Republicans are perverting the actual meaning of the term WOKE to mean whatever negative political meaning they associate with it.   I just refuse to let them get away with it.

(It's the same as refusing to recognize their "alternative facts". ;))

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4 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

That is disappointing. Just trying to help you understand things.

I think homes is trying to tell you he can assign any definition to MAGA he chooses, but you cannot stray from the dictionary for WOKE. :homer:

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6 hours ago, homersapien said:

I'll stick to the common definitions as found in a dictionary, thank you.

I am not interested in peverted re-definitions contrived for political purposes.

No, they are not “ perverted re-definitions “. The “woke”  definition has evolved due to leftist political action groups. You responded without reading the article didn’t you?


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12 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

No, they are not “ perverted re-definitions “. The “woke”  definition has evolved due to leftist political action groups. You responded without reading the article didn’t you?


It's been redefined by the MAGA cult to fit their purpose.  I am not a part of that cult.

There are more accurate ways to describe extremism without subverting the original meaning of words - like "extremist" (for example).

I am not interested in re-defining the meaning of words for political purposes. It happens, but that doesn't mean I have to accept it.

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17 hours ago, homersapien said:

Political cartoon

Only you would miss this so badly. Maybe you need to quit listening to the talking points. None of this is in any way "Woke."




Lincoln statue at S.F. City Hall defaced amid debate over his legacy

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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Only you would miss this so badly. Maybe you need to quit listening to the talking points. None of this is in any way "Woke."


Uh, that's exactly my point.

Extremism by ignorant people is not "woke", by definition.  The term has been hijacked by conservatives.  Don't buy into it.

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4 hours ago, homersapien said:

Boy, that wokeism is powerful stuff.  It's even causing banks to fail.

Why the GOP is blaming Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse on ‘woke’ capitalism - The Washington Post


Maybe donating $75 million to the scam outfit BLM had a little something to do with their fiscal problems? Ya' think?

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40 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Maybe donating $75 million to the scam outfit BLM had a little something to do with their fiscal problems? Ya' think?

Nah.  $75 million is pocket change for them.

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44 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Maybe donating $75 million to the scam outfit BLM had a little something to do with their fiscal problems? Ya' think?

Stop being a liar,,, please.  When your sources are known liars,,, well, you know the rest.


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17 hours ago, homersapien said:

Uh, that's exactly my point.

Extremism by ignorant people is not "woke", by definition.  The term has been hijacked by conservatives.  Don't buy into it.

And Again, I showed you ridiculous points that showed clearly that being woke is likely a mental health issue. 

Lincoln as a racist? The man that freed the slaves is a racist? On what reasonable grounds could that even POSSIBLY be true?


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14 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

Stop being a liar,,, please.  When your sources are known liars,,, well, you know the rest.


I read the linked article. It states that the bank donated over $70 million to "related causes". Other sources claim that the bank donated that $70+ million plus much more to other woke causes. Irresponsible management is the cause of that bank's collapse.

From your own link: "Most of Silicon Valley Bank’s $70,650,000 figure falls into the related-causes category, the spokesman noted."

What business does a bank have spending money to support various social organizations? I'll answer for you: None.

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31 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I read the linked article. It states that the bank donated over $70 million to "related causes". Other sources claim that the bank donated that $70+ million plus much more to other woke causes. Irresponsible management is the cause of that bank's collapse.

From your own link: "Most of Silicon Valley Bank’s $70,650,000 figure falls into the related-causes category, the spokesman noted."

What business does a bank have spending money to support various social organizations? I'll answer for you: None.

But no donations to BLM.  Again, it is a lie.  Moreover, it has absolutely nothing to do with recent bank failures (another lie).

Be honest,,, please.

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6 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

And Again, I showed you ridiculous points that showed clearly that being woke is likely a mental health issue. 

Lincoln as a racist? The man that freed the slaves is a racist? On what reasonable grounds could that even POSSIBLY be true?


No, that's simply a right wing perspective.  The person who did that is not "woke", they're just stupid.  

Here's an opinion piece on the subject which presents some origins on the term as well as both sides of the (modern, politicized) argument, so you can pick and choose the parts you want to identify with emotionally.  :rolleyes:


The right wing’s ‘woke’ obsession could come back to haunt it

March 20, 2023
What, pray tell, is a “woke” bank?

Somehow, when House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) suggested that Silicon Valley Bank had collapsed because it was “one of the most woke banks,” his point, while nonsensical, was entirely clear.

After all, woke has turned into conservatives’ favorite word for anything they dislike.
This week’s bankruptcy brouhaha was typical. An army of partisans greeted SVB’s downfall with musings on, of all things, the evils of diversity, equity and inclusion. Wall Street Journal columnist Andy Kessler called out the composition of its board (“I’m not saying 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but …”); Donald Trump Jr. summoned causal relationships out of thin air (“SVB is what happens when you push a leftist/woke ideology and have that take precedent over common sense business practices”).
But putting a single Black person on the 12-member board of the 16th-largest bank in the country? Hardly the diversity cops running amok. Now some partisans are deriding Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley as so woke he’s destroying the military because of a voluntary seminar on “white rage.” This is Mark Milley — a former member of the Knights of Columbus and ROTC grad who exudes normie-boomer energy.
Mike Pompeo, when he was secretary of state, indicted wokeism as an -ism destroying the country, alongside, of all things, multiculturalism. Woke is now deployed against individuals, events and values that many Americans have at least some sympathy for. And perhaps with those Americans, right-wingers’ own obsession with wokeness will backfire — just as liberals’ overly zealous displays of anti-racism risk undermining their aims. These listeners may, in the end, do what the preachers of today’s right-wing gospel want least. That is, they’ll stay woke.
After all, woke has turned into conservatives’ favorite word for anything they dislike.
This week’s bankruptcy brouhaha was typical. An army of partisans greeted SVB’s downfall with musings on, of all things, the evils of diversity, equity and inclusion. Wall Street Journal columnist Andy Kessler called out the composition of its board (“I’m not saying 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but …”); Donald Trump Jr. summoned causal relationships out of thin air (“SVB is what happens when you push a leftist/woke ideology and have that take precedent over common sense business practices”).
None of this has anything to do with the actual cause of the bank collapse — rising interest rates, overinvestment in long-term government bonds or bank deregulation — but, of course, solving the problem isn’t the goal. The goal is to blame the libs. Case in shameless point: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) insisted wokeness was to blame for the massacre of 19 young children in Uvalde, Tex. Apparently, we’ve stopped teaching “values” in our schools, and we’re teaching “indoctrination” instead. Really, indoctrination? In Texas?
Woke is the word these days, and conservatives are shouting it whenever they can — to the point that what exactly it’s supposed to mean, beyond “thing that I don’t like,” has become a mystery.

How did we get here? A bit of woke history is called for. “Stay woke,” the Blues musician Lead Belly instructed listeners to his 1938 song “Scottsboro Boys.” Fast-forward to 1962, when the novelist William Melvin Kelley provided an uptown lexicon for out-of-touch New York Times subscribers: “woke (adj.): Well-informed, up-to-date (‘Man, I’m woke.’)”

The point was basically that you’re paying attention to what’s going on — which, in this country, has always included systemic racial injustice. That’s what protesters were getting at in 2014, after police officer Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. That summer, #staywoke turned into a viral hashtag.

This was where woke started running into trouble: with liberal Americans eager to establish their own credentials as well-informed, up to date and on the side of the oppressed. That’s how we entered the era of callouts, of cancel culture, of campus rebellions over “cultural appropriation” when dining halls served banh mi made out of ciabatta.

Quibbling over bread selection does less to effect real-world change than it does to invite mass mockery. The mind-set had also become punitive. Suddenly, polite society was expected to follow a new set of norms that everyone was supposed to magically understand — this word is okay, this word is not — and if you messed up, you should maybe be fired.

This inability to distinguish between self-righteousness and righteousness, between virtue-signaling and virtue, created an easy target for conservatives. They could pounce on the word woke to write off a wide range of efforts to address inequality, serious and unserious alike.

Even the other side of the aisle winced at the sanctimony. See comedians such as Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle bemoaning political correctness because they feel it kills jokes before they have a chance to be told. See Barack Obama bemoaning how young people believe that if they “tweet or hashtag about how you … used the wrong verb,” they can feel good about themselves: “Man, you see how woke I was? I called you out.”

See the linguist John McWhorter, arguing that this mind-set has become a sort of religion whose adherents’ “devotion is less to changing lives for people who need help than showing that they understand that racism and especially systemic racism exists.”

Only now conservatives seem to be having trouble with distinctions, too. And they, too, are uninterested in changing lives for people who need help — or changing anything really. Where once they invoked woke in cases of cringeworthy self-congratulation or over-aggressive word-policing, they’re now invoking it in cases of — well, in all cases.

Wokeness has come to mean everything and nothing all at once, and SVB is far from the only example. Observe rising right-winger Bethany Mandel, asked to define the word. “So, I mean, woke is sort of the idea that, um … woke is something that’s very hard to define.” Finally, she managed, “It is sort of the understanding that we need to totally reimagine and reduce society in order to create hierarchies of oppression.”

If you think that’s gobbledygook, check out this helpful definition from former president Donald Trump: “You know what woke means, it means you’re a loser. …Everything woke turns to sh--.”

But putting a single Black person on the 12-member board of the 16th-largest bank in the country? Hardly the diversity cops running amok. Now some partisans are deriding Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley as so woke he’s destroying the military because of a voluntary seminar on “white rage.” This is Mark Milley — a former member of the Knights of Columbus and ROTC grad who exudes normie-boomer energy.

Mike Pompeo, when he was secretary of state, indicted wokeism as an -ism destroying the country, alongside, of all things, multiculturalism. Woke is now deployed against individuals, events and values that many Americans have at least some sympathy for. And perhaps with those Americans, right-wingers’ own obsession with wokeness will backfire — just as liberals’ overly zealous displays of anti-racism risk undermining their aims. These listeners may, in the end, do what the preachers of today’s right-wing gospel want least. That is, they’ll stay woke.

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WTF was that? How does even one word of that have to do with our discussion? I don't follow any point in that article. NOT ONE.

I don't knee-jerk dismiss anything on this board, that's Dub's job. I don't dismiss DEI. I never have on any post. The context of the reply is just bogus. As far as I know, no one on this board agrees with any of that. You are projecting and doing a lousy job of it. 

Woke people have famously gone off the rails. Blaming Lincoln for being a racist is just a small shard of insanity. Look Lori Lightfoot, Chessa Boudin, and the SF School Board and many others did not go down in flames in recall elections IN DEMOCRAT DOMINATED DISTRICTS, TOWNS, and CITIES because they are sane actors in all this. Trying to blame the other side for getting called out, and even REMOVED FROM OFFICE,  IN DEMOCRAT DOMINATED DISTRICTS, TOWNS, CITIES, is just a fantasy at this point. 

An article full of "what-ifs" and "maybe's" is nothing more than fantasy at this point as well. Woke is a reality. The public, Left and Right, rejection of Wokeness and Woke politicians is a fact and recorded history.

The Woke pols being removed from office are again, just to make sure it gets thru any thick skulls here, ARE IN DEMOCRAT DOMINATED DISTRICTS, TOWNS, and CITIES. 

Democrats are removing what was once their own leaders because the Voters in America are WAY beyond tired of the histrionics and failed policies. 

Edited by DKW 86
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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

WTF was that? How does even one word of that have to do with our discussion? I don't follow any point in that article. NOT ONE.

I don't knee-jerk dismiss anything on this board, that's Dub's job. I don't dismiss DEI. I never have on any post. The context of the reply is just bogus. As far as I know, no one on this board agrees with any of that. You are projecting and doing a lousy job of it. 

Woke people have famously gone off the rails. Blaming Lincoln for being a racist is just a small shard of insanity. Look Lori Lightfoot, Chessa Boudin, and the SF School Board and many others did not go down in flames in recall elections IN DEMOCRAT DOMINATED DISTRICTS, TOWNS, and CITIES because they are sane actors in all this. Trying to blame the other side for getting called out, and even REMOVED FROM OFFICE,  IN DEMOCRAT DOMINATED DISTRICTS, TOWNS, CITIES, is just a fantasy at this point. 

An article full of "what-ifs" and "maybe's" is nothing more than fantasy at this point as well. Woke is a reality. The public, Left and Right, rejection of Wokeness and Woke politicians is a fact and recorded history.

The Woke pols being removed from office are again, just to make sure it gets thru any thick skulls here, ARE IN DEMOCRAT DOMINATED DISTRICTS, TOWNS, and CITIES. 

Democrats are removing what was once their own leaders because the Voters in America are WAY beyond tired of the histrionics and failed policies. 

You seriously don't believe that piece was relevant to this discussion?


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23 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

But no donations to BLM.  Again, it is a lie.  Moreover, it has absolutely nothing to do with recent bank failures (another lie).

Be honest,,, please.

So the bank pissing away millions has nothing to do with them going broke? I suggest that you go back to high school and take a Home Ec class. There, you will learn that irresponsible spending makes one broke, be it an individual, family, or bank.

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16 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You seriously don't believe that piece was relevant to this discussion?


I don't believe anything written by Molly Roberts is relevant to any discussion.

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2 minutes ago, Mikey said:

So the bank pissing away millions has nothing to do with them going broke? I suggest that you go back to high school and take a Home Ec class. There, you will learn that irresponsible spending makes one broke, be it an individual, family, or bank.

Believe what you will but, you are wrong.  Your "Home Ec" class hardly explains how capital works at the level of SVB. 


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