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Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases


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Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases

Lee Moran
1–2 minutes

A veterans group has called on the Pentagon to ban some Fox News personalities from being broadcast in U.S. military facilities.

An advertisement released by the VoteVets progressive political action committee online Monday slammed the conservative network’s prime-time hosts Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity for knowingly pushing the baseless claim that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.

“The most valuable weapon to the enemy is disinformation,” begins the narrator in the spot. “That’s why the Pentagon spends hundreds of millions training our troops to resist it. Yet, at the same time, the U.S. military uses taxpayer-funded facilities to broadcast disinformation on military bases, knowingly letting false propaganda infiltrate the ranks.”

Carlson, Ingraham and Hannity have “open access to spread their conspiracy theories to U.S. troops,” the voice-over adds.

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34 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

Veterans Group To Pentagon: Ban Fox News On Military Bases

Lee Moran
1–2 minutes

A veterans group has called on the Pentagon to ban some Fox News personalities from being broadcast in U.S. military facilities.

An advertisement released by the VoteVets progressive political action committee online Monday slammed the conservative network’s prime-time hosts Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity for knowingly pushing the baseless claim that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.

“The most valuable weapon to the enemy is disinformation,” begins the narrator in the spot. “That’s why the Pentagon spends hundreds of millions training our troops to resist it. Yet, at the same time, the U.S. military uses taxpayer-funded facilities to broadcast disinformation on military bases, knowingly letting false propaganda infiltrate the ranks.”

Carlson, Ingraham and Hannity have “open access to spread their conspiracy theories to U.S. troops,” the voice-over adds.

People will claim that no opinions should be censored, but I have to agree with these vets.  Misinformation intentionally spread does nothing but harm  the morale of our troops.

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15 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

People will claim that no opinions should be censored, but I have to agree with these vets.  Misinformation intentionally spread does nothing but harm  the morale of our troops.

eventually you would hope we would always applaud freedom of speech but i wonder when lies and bullcap become a freedom issue?

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4 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

eventually you would hope we would always applaud freedom of speech but i wonder when lies and bullcap become a freedom issue?

Where is the concern for the 4 years of Russia Russia Russia misinformation? 

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12 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Where is the concern for the 4 years of Russia Russia Russia misinformation? 

rolls eyes. how many thought is was fake when it came out? you people need to quit acting like yall never talked to a russian. manafort  did time for excepting loans from russia.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

rolls eyes. how many thought is was fake when it came out? you people need to quit acting like yall never talked to a russian. manafort  did time for excepting loans from russia.

Stop acting like your guy never talked to a Ukrainian. Rolls eyes. All of us KNEW it was fake when it was created from fake intel, cited by its own authors, and released by news outlets who knew it was fake. Who cares about Manafort? He has nothing to do with any of this. 

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first off i have never said one way or another if the young biden was guilty or not. and i dare you to find any quote proving i did. you cannot so why lie? come on man. manafort had ties to russia is why he was mentioned and it went to jail over it. he tried to hide it i know that.

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Just now, aubiefifty said:

first off i have never said one way or another if the young biden was guilty or not. and i dare you to find any quote proving i did. you cannot so why lie? come on man. manafort had ties to russia is why he was mentioned and it went to jail over it. he tried to hide it i know that.

Not talking about young Biden. But I will if you want to defend him. Try to keep up with the subject. No body cares what Manafort did in 2007. Trump did not even exist in the political world until 2015. The subject of the thread is banning Fox News from military bases for misinformation when the whole msm knowingly peddled Russian misinformation about trump for five solid years. If you turn off fox you have to turn off cnn msn msnbc cbs nbc and USA Today nyt wapo papers. Is that what you want? Fair is fair. 

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

 If you turn off fox you have to turn off cnn msn msnbc cbs nbc and USA Today nyt wapo papers. Is that what you want? Fair is fair. 

I'd be 100% for that. no 24/7 cable news stations airing in gov buildings/military bases. Just PBS and CSPAN allowed. 

Got to have news papers though. They can have conservative papers like NYP alongside WAPO and NYT if you like. 


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it amazes me how the biggest liar in the history of the world can holler fake news to get out of trouble and people believe him.

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