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Scandal: The Air Force Repeatedly Leaked Military Records to Democratic Operatives

DKW 86

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Scandal: The Air Force Repeatedly Leaked Military Records to Democratic Operatives


During the 2022 midterm election cycle, the confidential military records of former U.S. Air Force Commander Jennifer-Ruth Green (a black woman) were leaked to the press, showing she had been sexually assaulted. At the time, Green was running against Democratic Congressman Frank Mrvan to represent Indiana's 1st Congressional District. 

In October 2022, it was confirmed the U.S. Air Force illegally leaked the records to Mrvan's campaign, which were then sent to POLITICO. 

"As I have contended all along, that my records were not properly obtained through FOIA, as Politico claimed. They were obtained by a Democrat opposition research firm, and their release was illegal. It’s the worst of politics, and it’s just the latest example that Hoosiers deserve better than Congressman Frank Mrvan,” Green said at the time. “I want to thank Senators Tom Cotton, Todd Young and Mike Braun as well as Congressman Jim Banks and Congressman Larry Bucshon for their ongoing efforts to demand accountability and get to the bottom of the illegal leak of my confidential files.”

“Now we know the Air Force did release documents illegally to a Democrat opposition research firm. And we know what firm it was and we know they work for the DCCC, which has been coordinating so closely with Frank Mrvan that every ad he’s aired in this race they split the cost of. To believe Mrvan and his cronies didn’t know is laughable. There is more to come,” Green’s Campaign Communications Director Kevin Hansberger added.

Edited by DKW 86
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So, the DCCC, the heart of the DNC engaged in illegal activity to win several elections. They bribed members of the USAF Records division to produce military records. They then attacked a sexual assault victim with the record of her assault and blamed her for being assaulted saying she had strayed into an off-limits area of a military base where she was assaulted.

Of course, all the good Dems sycophants on here will now do exactly as the DCCC is doing, verbally condemning the illegal activity while they don't do a single thing to those that victimized the sexual assault victim and plan to keep right on using military records illegally obtained.

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i have no problems with her getting justice. in fact i hope she sues the crap out of those that did this. i bet her social security number has not been redacted so that should be a major problem. sounds like you just have a problem with dems. i am and have always been big on justice. i hate what politics has or is becoming. we allow pols to spend millions on petty crap when that money could be better served. but again you thinking most of us dems do not care is just not true. what would you have us do?

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Either Abraham Payton is the best social engineer since Kevin Mitnick or the Air Force records department is chock full of idiots. 

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the air force has always been considered the best of the armed forces. they have better food, training, and equipment. but over the years they have had several scandals. making folks attend church against their will. covering up rape and assaults or something similar and now this.

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10 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i have no problems with her getting justice. in fact i hope she sues the crap out of those that did this. i bet her social security number has not been redacted so that should be a major problem. sounds like you just have a problem with dems. i am and have always been big on justice. i hate what politics has or is becoming. we allow pols to spend millions on petty crap when that money could be better served. but again you thinking most of us dems do not care is just not true. what would you have us do?

I am mocking the bunch on here telling me every day that "The Dems are better." Well, victim shaming a sexual assault survivor is right out of the f'in MAGA handbook. 

They didn't get rid of one staffer, lawyer, pol, volunteer etc. They got the trolls at Politico to publish the attack/smear. How do you justify going after a sexual assault victim? I mean WTF!!!!

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2 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

I am mocking the bunch on here telling me every day that "The Dems are better." Well, victim shaming a sexual assault survivor is right out of the f'in MAGA handbook. 

They didn't get rid of one staffer, lawyer, pol, volunteer etc. They got the trolls at Politico to publish the attack/smear. How do you justify going after a sexual assault victim? I mean WTF!!!!

the military will always try and protect their officers and they will try to keep it from the press. the rape and assault thing went on a couple of years and i believe a new commander as well.

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The chairs of the Republican-led House Oversight and Armed Services committees said in a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin last week that an internal Air Force audit had showed 11 files were improperly disclosed to Due Diligence Group, LLC between October 2021 and December 2022.

Reps. James Comer (R-Ky.) and Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) said the firm had “allegedly misrepresented itself in order to obtain access to the personnel records without authorization or consent.”

“This conduct by the Air Force is, at a minimum, unacceptable,” they wrote. “The conduct by the research firm is quite possibly criminal.”

Among the 11 were Reps. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) and Zach Nunn (R-Iowa), their offices said. A third was former House GOP candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green, whose case triggered the audit after an Oct. 7 Politico story included details from her DDG-obtained Air Force personnel record — most notably, information about a sexual assault she suffered in Iraq.

At the time, Green accused her opponent, Rep. Frank Mrvan (D-Ind.), of obtaining the information through a third party — now known to have been DDG — and “fishing” it out to news outlets who would use her record against her. Politico in October told The Post the file was “obtained by a public record request and provided to Politico by a source.”

Former House GOP candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green’s information about the sexual assault she suffered in Iraq was released.

Though DDG used public records channels to obtain the Republican candidates’ information, the group did so under false pretenses, according to Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek.

“Virtually all unauthorized disclosures were in response to a third-party seeking service records for employment or benefit purposes through a process commonly used by other federal agencies to conduct employee background checks,” she said. “In some cases, personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers, was included on records request forms. 

‘Dirty politics

While DDG does not list political affiliations on its website, it received nearly $164,000 from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from Aug. 2021 to 2022, according to Federal Election Commission records. The funds came in 20 separate payments for services ranging from “research consulting” to “publications/subscriptions.”

The DCCC also gave DDG roughly $65,000 in 35 payments for “generic committee research materials” and “generic strategic/political consultant” services, according to FEC records.

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Due Diligence Group received more than $110,000 from the DCCC between January 2021 and December 2022, according to Federal Election Commission records. According to the firm's website, it specializes in "using public records research" to provide clients with "the knowledge and insights needed to drive strategic decision-making." The firm notes some of its clients are political campaigns.

In the cases of both Peters and Dellicker, the Air Force identified Payton, a former research director for the Democratic political group American Bridge, as having "inappropriately requested" copies of their records.

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Hard to have any faith in anyone at all in politics, regardless of affiliation. Sickening the levels they'll sink to in either acquiring or maintaining power.

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For the Record, neither Mrvan nor the DCCC apologized for smearing a black, female, assault victim, nor for illegally obtaining her military record, nor for sharing her SSN etc publicly.


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