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Texas and Oklahoma SEC in 2024


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On 2/10/2023 at 5:46 PM, DAG said:

Well this makes no sense because the point of keeping the three games is solely for rivalry purposes. Good try though.

I thought it was to balance the pain!!

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1 minute ago, Hank2020 said:

I thought it was to balance the pain!!

They will do their best but I believe relevance among opponents matters in that equation.

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10 hours ago, DAG said:

They will do their best but I believe relevance among opponents matters in that equation.

My guess is both will ultimately be considered. All the super-important rivalries  will be included. But there’s 24 matchups—there’s probably going to be a few “forced” ones in there somewhere.

All of you who want LSU or Florida need to watch this. A little reminder on how we looked for bitching about Gus because of how tough our schedule was:


(It should be noted that he’s using Brad Crawford’s proposal, which I highly doubt happens, at least I hope it doesn’t, though the fact that he seems to be taking it for granted it makes me nervous. Blake Toppmeyer’s proposal is by far my favorite thus far.)

Edited by AUwent
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So I'm trying to set a scenario in which we get Florida as well, that I could accept. Don't care that LSU-OM or even Tennessee-Vandy falls by the wayside, if we have to get three upper teams, as many upper teams as possible better  have to do the same:

Alabama—Auburn, Louisiana State, Tennessee

Auburn—Alabama, Florida, Georgia

Florida—Auburn, Georgia, Louisiana State

Georgia—Auburn, Florida, Tennessee

Louisiana State—Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma

Oklahoma—Louisiana State, Texas, Texas A&M

Tennessee—Alabama, Georgia, Texas OR Texas A&M

Texas—Arkansas OR Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas A&M

Texas A&M—Arkansas OR Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas


Admittedly, Florida has FSU plus a lot of other big OOC games lined up, so I could cut them some slack and arrange it like this...I don't think Arkansas would like it though:

Alabama—Auburn, Louisiana State, Tennessee

Auburn—Alabama, Florida, Georgia

Florida—Auburn, Georgia, South Carolina

Georgia—Auburn, Florida, Tennessee

Louisiana State—Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma

Oklahoma—Louisiana State, Texas, Texas A&M

Tennessee—Alabama, Georgia, Texas

Texas—Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas A&M

Texas A&M—Louisiana State, Oklahoma, Texas

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It would work too if we just stick with 8 and keep 1 perm, rotate 7. That would actually be the best way for parity.  But you can only declare your biggest rival.  




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If we needed to expand 2 more teams in future, could still do a perm and 8 games rotate






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1 hour ago, AUBwins said:

If we needed to expand 2 more teams in future, could still do a perm and 8 games rotate






The math doesn’t add up.

3+6+6 = 15
1+7+7 = 15

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1 hour ago, AUwent said:

The math doesn’t add up.

3+6+6 = 15
1+7+7 = 15

1 + 8 + 8 if we added 2 later but that's irrelevant right now

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2 hours ago, AUBwins said:

1 + 8 + 8 if we added 2 later but that's irrelevant right now

I would've loved to add a team from NC or VA instead of Mizzou. How realistic that would've been, IDK.

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I brought it up because FSU causing some stir this week, wanting more for their contributions.  





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/25/2023 at 12:07 PM, AUBwins said:

It would work too if we just stick with 8 and keep 1 perm, rotate 7. That would actually be the best way for parity.  But you can only declare your biggest rival. 

But it hurts the SEC in terms of Revenue. TV will pay the SEC a good bit more for a 9th con game instead of Cupcake U.

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