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AOC to GOP: Don't tell me you're condemning antisemitism when a Republican 'who has talked about Jewish space lasers' gets a plum committee assignment


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AOC to GOP: Don't tell me you're condemning antisemitism when a Republican 'who has talked about Jewish space lasers' gets a plum committee assignment

Nicole Gaudiano
3–4 minutes

marjorie taylor greene alexandria ocasio-cortez


MTG has challenged AOC to a debate on pay-per-view TV over the Green New Deal.Drew Angerer/Getty Images and Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images


  • AOC unloaded on Republicans for hypocrisy with their vote to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from her committee.

  • She said Republicans have been rewarded with plum committee assignments after doing worse.

  • "This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America," she said.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unloaded on Republicans for hypocrisy Thursday while defending her fellow "squad" member, Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Republicans voted to remove Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee because of her controversial comments in the past about Israel. Ocasio-Cortez, in a fiery floor speech, said Republicans have been rewarded for doing worse.

"Don't tell me that this is about a condemnation of antisemitic remarks, when you have a member of the Republican caucus who has talked about Jewish space lasers, and also elevated her to some of the highest committee assignments in this body," she said, a reference to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. "This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America."

Greene in 2018 published false and antisemitic conspiracy theories alleging the "Camp Fire" wildfire in California was orchestrated by politicians and wealthy Jewish bankers.

After being stripped of committee assignments last Congress for her rhetoric, she now sits on prestigious committees on oversight and homeland security.

Ocasio-Cortez further called out Republicans for rewarding Rep. Paul Gosar, without mentioning by name, "with one of the most prestigious committee assignments in this Congress" after she said he threatened her life.

The House voted in 2021 to censure Gosar and remove him from his committee assignments when he tweeted an edited anime video that showed him killing Ocasio-Cortes. His committee assignments this Congress include oversight and natural resources.

"I didn't get a single apology when my life was threatened. Thank you," she said, ending her speech by slamming her book on the lectern.

The House voted along party lines to remove Omar from the foreign affairs committee, except for Republican Rep. Dave Joyce of Ohio, who voted "present."

Ocasio-Cortez, of New York, said a "disgusting legacy" of the September 11 terrorism attacks has been the targeting of and racism against Muslim Americans. She characterized the vote against Omar, who is Muslim, as "an extension of that legacy."

"There is nothing consistent with the Republican Party's continued attack except for the racism and incitement of violence against women of color in this body," she said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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Seth Meyers Spots Moment When Rep. Matt Gaetz Admits The Truth About Ilhan Omar

Josephine Harvey
~2 minutes

Seth Meyers believes Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) may have admitted the real reason Republicans kicked Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) off the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

House Republicans voted to remove Omar from the committee on Thursday, citing past comments she made about Israel that were criticized as antisemitic. The move was widely viewed as political revenge for when Democrats removed Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) from committees in 2021 over social media posts suggesting violence against Democrats.

On “Late Night,” Meyers said Thursday that Republicans voted to remove Omar, one of the only two Muslim women in the House, “for the simple reason that they don’t like her or her point of view.”

And Gaetz admitted as much this week, he noted, showing a clip of Gaetz earlier this week saying: “The reason I think a lot of Republicans want to kick Ilhan Omar off of the Foreign Affairs Committee is because they don’t like what she has to say.”

“You know how ****** up something has to be for me to agree with Matt Gaetz?” Meyers said. “The only other thing we see eye to eye on are the benefits of large foreheads.”

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3 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

Ocasio-Cortez further called out Republicans for rewarding Rep. Paul Gosar, without mentioning by name, "with one of the most prestigious committee assignments in this Congress" after she said he threatened her life.

  • In an Instagram Live video, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described her experience as pro-Trump rioters violently sieged the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

  • Critics said Ocasio-Cortez exaggerated the danger she was in, noting that she was not in the Capitol building breached by rioters, but a nearby office building. Some said she lied. But Ocasio-Cortez never claimed in the video that she was in the Capitol.

  • Ocasio-Cortez was in the Cannon House Office Building, which was evacuated. She described fearing for her life as an unknown man — who turned out to be a Capitol Police officer — knocked on her door and entered her office.


Yeah, I believe AOC’s life was threatened by Rep. Gosar.

She is a drama queen, but she’s consistent.

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4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:
  • In an Instagram Live video, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described her experience as pro-Trump rioters violently sieged the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

  • Critics said Ocasio-Cortez exaggerated the danger she was in, noting that she was not in the Capitol building breached by rioters, but a nearby office building. Some said she lied. But Ocasio-Cortez never claimed in the video that she was in the Capitol.

  • Ocasio-Cortez was in the Cannon House Office Building, which was evacuated. She described fearing for her life as an unknown man — who turned out to be a Capitol Police officer — knocked on her door and entered her office.


Yeah, I believe AOC’s life was threatened by Rep. Gosar.

She is a drama queen, but she’s consistent.

i believe the right has little use for people of color and to include women. maybe you can convince me otherwise? i also remember i think her thinking she was "on campus" on the same grounds just not. and here again how many lies has she told? i mean they all do it to some extent. trump was a huge liar. greene tALKING ABOUT JEWISH SPACE LASERS IS NOT A LIE?apologies for caps i have to run in a minute so i am pressed for time.

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10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i believe the right has little use for people of color and to include women. maybe you can convince me otherwise?

If the Republicans have little use for people of color; why is Maxine Waters still on the Finance committee?   Dems love to play the race card, don’t they.

16 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i also remember i think her thinking she was "on campus" on the same grounds just not. and here again how many lies has she told?

Yes, she was *on campus* but was scared because a security guard came in to help here evacuate the building.  No one can say she didn’t feel fear, but to go public a week after the event and tell the world how stupid she was only solidifies here drama queen status.

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This woman lives in her own world.


Riding around in 20,000 lbs armored vehicles because of threats from Republican members…..I don’t believe it.  I am sure she has ridden in 20,000 lbs armored vehicles, just not because of Republican member threats.

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Rep. Ilhan Omar, a House Democratic freshman whose anti-Semitic comments and tropes (in addition to her support for the anti-Semitic 'Boycott, Divest, Sanction' effort) have stirred numerous controversies.  She's issued quasi-apologies, engaged in "listening sessions," and gone through the motions of learning lessons from what she says are accidental mistakes.  Yet her anti-Semitic statements have continued.  From seething over Israel's 'hypnotizing' powers, to decrying the supposedly controlling influence of Jewish money, to lamenting the alleged dual loyalties or allegiances of pro-Israel Jews, the parade of stereotypes has not ceased. 

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7 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

This woman lives in her own world.


Riding around in 20,000 lbs armored vehicles because of threats from Republican members…..I don’t believe it.  I am sure she has ridden in 20,000 lbs armored vehicles, just not because of Republican member threats.

Uh, she's not worried about "Republican members", she's worried about MAGA Republican white supremacists and xenophobes. :-\   Duuuuuh!

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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

Uh, she's not worried about "Republican members", she's worried about MAGA Republican white supremacists and xenophobes. :-\   Duuuuuh!

She does not ride around in 20,000 lbs armored vehicles to protect herself from anybody.  She is a drama queen.  If she had been riding around in 20,000 lbs armored vehicles wouldn’t there be some evidence of this??  I’d like to see it, her dressed up in swat gear with a helmet would be priceless.

She walked around with her hands behind her back as if she were handcuffed during an abortion protest. What a fraud.

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Search Tucker Carlson and AOC.  She lives in his head.

And talk radio is far far worse.  It's a wonder she hasn't already been assassinated.

Exactly Why and How Republicans Hate Ilhan Omar

It has literally nothing to do with antisemitism.

February 3 2023, 2:23 p.m.

The House of Representatives voted 218-211 on Thursday to kick Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., off the Foreign Affairs Committee. Why?

According to the resolution, it was because “Omar, by her own words, has disqualified herself from serving on the Committee on Foreign Affairs.” It listed four statements by Omar and made pains to note that they had all been condemned by some of Omar’s fellow House Democrats for being antisemitic or anti-American (whatever those words mean in present-day politics).

Omar spoke out for herself yesterday. “This debate today is about who gets to be an American. What opinions do we have to have to be counted as Americans?” she said. “I am Muslim. I am an immigrant. … Is anyone surprised that I am being targeted?”

or her part, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said, “One of the things that we should talk about here is … the targeting and racism against Muslim-Americans. … This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America.”

The GOP’s stated rationale is obvious nonsense. On the one hand, it’s not fair to say antisemitism is the last thing the Republican Party cares about, because the last things the Republican Party cares about are racism and wealth inequality. On the other hand, antisemitism is perfectly fine with the GOP, as illustrated by (among endless other examples) its reaction to former President Donald Trump hosting a chummy dinner with Nick Fuentes and Kanye West.

In fact, you can make an argument that antisemitism or something with the same structure is fundamental to all conservative politics. They need it to hide what they’re really about.

Conservatives can’t acknowledge the obvious reality that modern societies are run by huge corporations and the ultrawealthy, because they work for huge corporations and the ultrawealthy. Instead, they’re forced to come up with nonsensical explanations for how the world works, which always involves an imagined secret elite. The Jews are a perennial favorite, but it can also be unions, or the gays, or the international communist conspiracy, or the space lizards wearing ultrarealistic human masks. In the confused minds of the right-wing base, it can be all of these at once, with Jewish Unionized Gay Communist Lizards controlling all unseen.

While it sounds a little presumptuous to say so, the explanations offered by Omar and Ocasio-Cortez for the GOP’s actions are also not the whole story.

It’s certainly true that in the past, conservatives would not have been able to abide a nonwhite, nonmale, non-Christian in any position of power. But today, the U.S. right would be absolutely ecstatic to have someone with Omar’s background on the Foreign Affairs Committee, as long as she were an enthusiastic proponent of bombing everything. This is actually a small sign of societal progress, which we should celebrate.

Omar was closest to the mark when she said this is about a particular question: “What opinions do we get to have?” It is largely forbidden in elite U.S. circles to point out the existence and motivation of the Israel lobby — because you can get called antisemitic for noting that Boeing deeply enjoys selling joint direct attack munitions to Israel or for having the temerity to agree with an Israeli prime minister. You cannot suggest, as Omar did, that the U.S. should be judged by the same moral standards as others, because our enemies kill in an irrational frenzy, while we have reasons. (This squelching of open debate is naturally led by those who proclaim their vociferous opposition to cancel culture and political correctness.)

It’s unquestionably true that the rage on the U.S. right toward Omar is greatly accentuated by her failure to be a white, Christian, native-born man. The pullulating hate that Trump demonstrated in 2019 toward her — and Ocasio-Cortez; Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. — is still bracing to read. It can only be explained as the loathing elites always have for their inferiors when they step out of their rightful place.

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

Trump’s tweets were also hilariously stupid, given that, of the four members of Congress, only Omar was born outside of the U.S. Pressley is from the far-away foreign land of Cincinnati.

So the right has an especially terrifying brand of venom reserved for someone like Omar. White Christian men certainly have far more wiggle room to tell the truth, but conservatives are perfectly capable of revving up their giant hate machine against anyone who wants to say things that make them uncomfortable.

The upshot here is that all of us — everyone who thinks American politics doesn’t have to be dominated by childish lies — are in this together. Omar is a truly courageous person who must be defended by everyone who values honesty. Understand, though, that this is both because it’s the right thing to do and because, if you have a similar affection for reality, you’re also on their list, and you better believe they’ll eventually get to you too.


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