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Auburn is such a class act


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The Pirate took eccentric to the breaking point.   I couldn't wait to hear what he would tell the sideline reporters.   Football needs more personalities like him.

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My favorite Coach Leach moments.....

Undisputed #1 - Cotton Bowl Caper- when he drew up the fake playcall script when he was at Oklahoma and they were playing Texas. A Texas GA found it and ran it up the latter. Could listen to this story a hundred times over and laugh just as hard...

Another favorite was when His team was brawling and beating the hell out of the other team (Tulsa maybe? I can't remember who) at the end of the game...and he is just hangin out in the stands having a grand time...seemingly completely ignorant of the situation. 

-Couldnt find the video of it yet. Will come back and edit when I do.

#3-  F you, and F me..and F everybody- Post game speech after beating Baylor 20-13 is one of my favorite ML moments. Just shooting it straight. 

The video starts right before that line, but the whole 7 minutes is WELL SPENT!!! Warning- Explicit Language


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