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Scarborough Nails Republicans for Pelosi Attack Response: ‘What Is Wrong With Your Soul?’


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On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough bashed Republicans like Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Clay Higgins and Twitter CEO Elon Musk for mocking, lying and spreading misinformation about the violent attack that left Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, with a fractured skull.

“This was just such a savage attack and the conspiracy theories are so bizarre,” Scarborough said. “Why can’t [Republicans] just say what Nancy Pelosi said after Steve Scalise got shot. Why can’t they do that? What’s wrong with that? This isn’t about politics, this is about who raised you.”

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Touching on the Republican party at large’s response, which has been rather muted and avoidant, the host added: “Are your parents really proud you mock 82-year-olds getting their brains bashed in? You just can’t say this is a tragedy; it’s bad for America; we’re praying for you. Why can’t you say that, Republicans? Mitch McConnell said it, few others have. What’s wrong with your soul?”

Hosts Mika Brzezinski and Scarborough went on to discuss which Republican leaders could stop the misinformation and violent rhetoric and how former President Donald Trump played a role in bringing the Republican Party to where it is today.

“I think the sickness is so deep among the extreme MAGA base that if someone criticizes violence the way they should, I think they would be seen as sellouts,” Scarborough said.

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He then referred back to the aftermath of the Jan. 6 insurrection and how Trump refused to condemn the rioters, regardless of the fact other Republican leaders were begging him to.

“The fascism that started rising in 2015 when Donald Trump started praising violence, when he started telling people of color that were in Congress to go back to where you came from, when he started praising Congressmen who beat up reporters for simply asking a question about healthcare reform, when he said there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville,” Scarborough said.

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38 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

6 more days before the correction

you remember the 3.1 trillion trump gave to himself and the rich folks? guess what. the repubs are looking to do it again. they want to extend it. and not forcing all corps to pay their fair share of taxes. and folks like rand paul ARE attacking entitlements which is social security,medicaid, and medicare. and who was the other guy that left politics claimed social security is a ponzi scheme and yet it was ok for that ponzi scheme through college.

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44 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

6 more days before the correction

boy when you do not know sh*t you deflect like hell.

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6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough bashed Republicans like Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Clay Higgins and Twitter CEO Elon Musk for mocking, lying and spreading misinformation about the violent attack that left Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, with a fractured skull.

Today, 76 degrees and a beautiful day in East Alabama Fiddy.

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44 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

fiddy, if this was about trump, everyone on this board would be laughing out loud....


no sir i do not believe that is true. and as much as i dislike trump i do not want to see him or anyone to get hurt or have their life taken from them. but if i see someone on our side laughing about someone on your side i would call them on it. it is just the right thing to do.

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You are now hated by at least 4-6 people here. tds is very real. Just like bds before and dds to come. Some folks, hate is all they have. 

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10 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

You are now hated by at least 4-6 people here. tds is very real. Just like bds before and dds to come. Some folks, hate is all they have. 

david many have hated me on here since my first post against trump, then they started lying taking up for this trump fellow. so i jumped on that. then i really pissed them off when i decided to treat republicans like trump treat his enemies. they tried to get me banned over that one. funny they still say it is ok for trump to be an ass but nor me. but i made my point. the difference is i could sit down and break bread with most of the folks that hang out on the pol boards. i still fondly remember those trying to claim trump did not make fun of the handicapped reporter even tho every swinging huckleberry in america say it. the difference is i am not trying to save face i am trying to report the truth. poor ol fiddy, right? grins

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Trump is trump. He was an ass back 1987 and that never changed. I never oncoe understood what was the draw he had on the media. 

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