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Is Auburn the toughest place to be a coach in college football?


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This was a topic of discussion in Charlotte radio this morning. Valid points:

1. Recruiting- going against Bama, Ga, LSU, Fla and now Tenn against top tier talent. Not to mention TX and OK coming into the mix soon

2. Schedule- Always, and I mean Always one of the toughest in the country (although the SEC west is weaker this season)

3. Expectations - many feel as if expectations are way too high for any new coach to succeed. Although I believe the right coach will be able to be successful, will Auburn be patient as we watch Tenn, LSU, TX all are trending up as we go through what will probably take 2-3 years ( even with the transfer portal ) to get to good again.

I believe there are only 2 choices that make since and would be able build this program.
1 is Matt Rhule. I use the blueprints from where Temple and Baylor was when he was hired to when he left. Baylor was a complete mess and he had them competing and almost winning a BIG 12 championship. And a 10 win season at Temple!?!? And believe it or not the Panther players loved playing for him. 

2. Prime Time- even though he may not have the “experience “ some are comfortable with, I believe he can get just about anyone he wants to come coach with him and I won’t even get into the recruiting impact he will immediately have. I just don’t know if the timing is right for him to leave Jackson State without completing his goal of making HBCUs relevant again. That is very important to him. 

Hugh Freeze would be a great hire as well as Lane Kiffin but is think their history (LK is way too costly) because Those two just don’t align with Auburn’s creed and that is a major must. 

Love or hate, it’s what it is.

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Of course Auburn has expectations for a coach to succeed.  Auburn isn’t paying them millions of dollars a year to do what Harsin did and drive the program into the ground.

I think if Auburn admins had seen MEANINGFUL improvement in several facets…..on the field play, recruiting, etc Harsin might have been given more time.  But what we all saw was the opposite and this didn’t start with the inquiry last February…..some of it caused the inquiry.  

The narrative that “Auburn has high expectations” is the most idiotic one of them all, even dumber than the boosters run the football program.  

Maybe Auburn should just lower its expectations and take its banner up as “Bama’s little brother” and be satisfied with paying coaches millions of dollars for mediocre results.  🙄

Eff that mindset.  Auburn is a top program and we have shown with every coach that has walked through the door we can win…except Harsin, and Auburn’s only fault in that is hiring the wrong guy to begin with. 

You also should have stopped listening when they said “Texas is trending up”.  They do less with more than any other program in the Power 5 and in an extremely weak conference. 

Edited by AEAugirl
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I saw a poll this past offseason and it was ranking the Top 10 hardest college football coaching jobs in America. I can't remember where I read it but I do remember that Vanderbilt was voted #1 in the nation and Auburn was #2. 

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Alabama and Georgia werent what they are now til they got Saban and Smart. If those programs had hired Chizik,Malzahn or Harsin does anyone think theyd be where they are today? The HC makes all the difference in a programs performance and with the right hire Theres no reason Auburn cant be competitive with these other teams.

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2 hours ago, tbone4jc said:

This was a topic of discussion in Charlotte radio this morning. Valid points:

1. Recruiting- going against Bama, Ga, LSU, Fla and now Tenn against top tier talent. Not to mention TX and OK coming into the mix soon

2. Schedule- Always, and I mean Always one of the toughest in the country (although the SEC west is weaker this season)

3. Expectations - many feel as if expectations are way too high for any new coach to succeed. Although I believe the right coach will be able to be successful, will Auburn be patient as we watch Tenn, LSU, TX all are trending up as we go through what will probably take 2-3 years ( even with the transfer portal ) to get to good again.

I believe there are only 2 choices that make since and would be able build this program.
1 is Matt Rhule. I use the blueprints from where Temple and Baylor was when he was hired to when he left. Baylor was a complete mess and he had them competing and almost winning a BIG 12 championship. And a 10 win season at Temple!?!? And believe it or not the Panther players loved playing for him. 

2. Prime Time- even though he may not have the “experience “ some are comfortable with, I believe he can get just about anyone he wants to come coach with him and I won’t even get into the recruiting impact he will immediately have. I just don’t know if the timing is right for him to leave Jackson State without completing his goal of making HBCUs relevant again. That is very important to him. 

Hugh Freeze would be a great hire as well as Lane Kiffin but is think their history (LK is way too costly) because Those two just don’t align with Auburn’s creed and that is a major must. 

Love or hate, it’s what it is.

There are what, 4 or 5 5* players near campus that do not want to be at AL/UGA and the Harsin gang put zero effort into recruiting. We got problems, but it is more of we (past coaches and admins) have been super lazy and feed off of our excess in resources.  I feel like Cohen will run us like a professional sports team that we are vs the family owned business that has plagued us.  

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Still easier than Vandy, Mizzou, Kentucky.  .  

Auburn has a good location for recruits out of Florida, Georgia, Louisiana.

Auburn has played for 2 Nattys and 3 SEC Championships in the past 15 years which only Bama, UGA, and LSU can say in the SEC including Texas and Oklahoma

Auburn has money backers and according to many a strong NIL so you can compete with the money aspect

Auburn has good facilities with the new complex

Auburn has a proven track record of top 10 recruiting classes.

A good coach can put Auburn up there with the UGAs and Bamas.   

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Coaching at Auburn IS difficult. You have to recruit against the best programs in the country. The schedule is one of if not the most difficult in the country year in and year out. The expectations are quite high. That being said, Bryan Harsin is the first Auburn coach in four decades who didn't produce an SEC title, undefeated season, or both. In the last two decades, Auburn has played for four SEC titles, won three, and played for two NCs, winning one. Three different coaches were responsible for those seasons. This is a program with ENORMOUS potential that has only barely been realized. The right coach can absolutely have Auburn consistently competing at the highest levels. 

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3 hours ago, CR said:

Alabama and Georgia werent what they are now til they got Saban and Smart. If those programs had hired Chizik,Malzahn or Harsin does anyone think theyd be where they are today? The HC makes all the difference in a programs performance and with the right hire Theres no reason Auburn cant be competitive with these other teams.

Valid point. But why couldn’t we hire a Kirby or Mario? Why do we have to settle for the Chizik and Hardin’s and Lil Bowden? We are in the middle of the recruiting Mecca, have money to burn, facilities that are remarkable, a fan base that is second to none so why would a proven coach not want to come here with all Auburn is offering? 

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1 minute ago, tbone4jc said:

Valid point. But why couldn’t we hire a Kirby or Mario? Why do we have to settle for the Chizik and Hardin’s and Lil Bowden? We are in the middle of the recruiting Mecca, have money to burn, facilities that are remarkable, a fan base that is second to none so why would a proven coach not want to come here with all Auburn is offering? 

Auburn has an enormous positive attribute that should attract some high-quality, experienced P5 candidates.

Auburn will pay big $$ to NOT coach here, evidenced by the near $40 million paid in buyouts in the last 2 yrs.  Add in the $100 million for the new FOF + $15million collected for NIL while also forking out $$ to buyout 2 coaching regimes, and Auburn proves they have funds near the aTm oil money levels to throw around. 


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Auburn’s 3 biggest rivals are LSU, Bama, and UGA. All have WON national championships in the past 3 years.


Yeah I’d say it’s the hardest job just off that alone 

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3 hours ago, Sizzle said:

Auburn’s 3 biggest rivals are LSU, Bama, and UGA. All have WON national championships in the past 3 years.


Yeah I’d say it’s the hardest job just off that alone 

So can we all just agree now that we shouldn't be playing LSU every year (or Florida every year) when the new schedule comes out?

(Sadly we probably have to wait two more years to know who everyone will play, gah! Stupid Big 12.)

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23 hours ago, JerryAU said:

Auburn has an enormous positive attribute that should attract some high-quality, experienced P5 candidates.

Auburn will pay big $$ to NOT coach here, evidenced by the near $40 million paid in buyouts in the last 2 yrs.  Add in the $100 million for the new FOF + $15million collected for NIL while also forking out $$ to buyout 2 coaching regimes, and Auburn proves they have funds near the aTm oil money levels to throw around. 


This makes the point even more glaring. All this, sans the NIL, should be an attractive destination for a popular HC to want to prove he is the best! But yet we hire "up and comers " far too many times and now we are here ... bottom of the league in terms of standing and recruiting. Hopefully the new ad and the BOT realize that learning on the job won't cut it and we get a proven leader! Tired of the JABA mantra...

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On 11/1/2022 at 12:56 PM, Sizzle said:

Auburn’s 3 biggest rivals are LSU, Bama, and UGA. All have WON national championships in the past 3 years.


Yeah I’d say it’s the hardest job just off that alone 

All 3 of those teams had to feast on other SEC teams to even make it to the CFP and get a chance to play for a NC.

The reality is teams like OleMiss/MSU/Arkansas/LSU and even UGA/UF/USCe have all had multiple coaching changes for years.  Yet Auburn has not capitalized on those teams when they've been down and transitioning.  It's said the SEC is down this year, well hell Auburn's down in the cellar again

Quit wallowing around in mediocrity for a change and become the hunter, not the prey.  

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I think between the boosters, the level of competition, I personally think the fans can get quite snippish, and the seeming reality that the best version of Auburn’s resources probably puts you outside of the top 3-4 in conference (probably lower after 2024), I don’t think it’s a cake walk. It’s also not impossible to win at either 

I think it’s a fairly good job if you want to build a top 15 program, but maybe enough road blocks to where you say it’s tough to get them to consistent top 10 or higher. 

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Any place with AUs level of resources, budget, fan support, and recruiting foot print is automatically disqualified from being the toughest job in the country. 

The toughest job in the country is some directional school that you have to Google if it's FBS or FCS. It's not a traditional SEC power 

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On 11/1/2022 at 7:04 AM, AEAugirl said:

You also should have stopped listening when they said “Texas is trending up”.  They do less with more than any other program in the Power 5 and in an extremely weak conference. 

Jimbo says “hello, don’t forget about me!

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“Is Auburn the toughest place to be a coach in college football?”


NO. The opportunities are endless, fabulous facilities, great location, great campus, right in the middle of fertile recruiting grounds, tons of money, etc. What else could a coach wish for? It’s a fabulous place to coach if you’re the right coach. 

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Tennessee plays UGA and UA also, Florida annually and had LSU this season. It was hard for them and they finally got it right. Gives me hope Auburn can do the same. We just gotta get out of our own way.

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On 11/1/2022 at 7:15 AM, tbone4jc said:

This was a topic of discussion in Charlotte radio this morning. Valid points:

1. Recruiting- going against Bama, Ga, LSU, Fla and now Tenn against top tier talent. Not to mention TX and OK coming into the mix soon

2. Schedule- Always, and I mean Always one of the toughest in the country (although the SEC west is weaker this season)

3. Expectations - many feel as if expectations are way too high for any new coach to succeed. Although I believe the right coach will be able to be successful, will Auburn be patient as we watch Tenn, LSU, TX all are trending up as we go through what will probably take 2-3 years ( even with the transfer portal ) to get to good again.

I believe there are only 2 choices that make since and would be able build this program.
1 is Matt Rhule. I use the blueprints from where Temple and Baylor was when he was hired to when he left. Baylor was a complete mess and he had them competing and almost winning a BIG 12 championship. And a 10 win season at Temple!?!? And believe it or not the Panther players loved playing for him. 

2. Prime Time- even though he may not have the “experience “ some are comfortable with, I believe he can get just about anyone he wants to come coach with him and I won’t even get into the recruiting impact he will immediately have. I just don’t know if the timing is right for him to leave Jackson State without completing his goal of making HBCUs relevant again. That is very important to him. 

Hugh Freeze would be a great hire as well as Lane Kiffin but is think their history (LK is way too costly) because Those two just don’t align with Auburn’s creed and that is a major must. 

Love or hate, it’s what it is.

No, it's a stupid narrative.  Let me name a few places that it is a million times harder.  Vandy, USCe, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska, and multiple dozen other non-p5 schools.

  1. Recruiting - We are in the center of the most talent rich area in the country.  There is enough talent for us to be in the top 10 yearly as long as we put in a little bit of effort.  Gus was able to do it.
  2. Schedule - Every other school in the SEC has our issue.  No matter what side you're in, you have to go against both two the SEC.  It also hasn't stopped us in the past.  Stop being scared of Bama/UGA.  They are beatable every year.
  3. Expectations - We haven't had back to back 10 win season in over 30 years.  Our "expectations" aren't that unreasonable.  Lets be honest...If you win 9 games and beat Bama/UGA every now and then, you're good.
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