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Does Tuberville actually Know or Do Anything?


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I swear every time I read or listen to Tommy Tuberville speak all I hear from him is a bunch of generic drivel. He's never got any specifics, hes never got any ideas. All the dude does is complain about "young" people, socialism, and whatever talking point the GOP is pushing that week. 

It's like he's just an empty vessel who's only purpose is to sit in Washington, collect a paycheck, and rubberstamp whatever  McConnell tells him to vote for/against.


Lets examine this interview he recently gave: 



“Our education has got to improve. Because right now we’re about a third of what we were about 20 years ago,” continued Tuberville, apparently offering a general rating rather than any specific metric. “Our high schools and our colleges. We’ve got to get back to teaching. We’ve got to get back to technical training. We’ve got to create jobs. There’s not one place I go, not just in this country but all over the world, ‘What’s your biggest problem?’ ‘We can’t find people to work and it’s getting worse.’ And it’s going to get worse unless we solve the problem ourselves and it goes back to what? It goes back to education. It goes back to somebody that wants to work. What’s happening in our country right now, we’re getting too many takers in our country. Too many people to take a check and they don’t want to give back. They don’t want to go to work. We’ve got to get Generation X and these Millennials to understand that you have to tote your own load.”


1. Unemployment rate is generally low. Industries suffering staffing shortages are mostly fast food/retail and hard labor jobs because the Repubs are pushing out all the immigrants who typically do those jobs.  

2. Gen X are all in their 40-50s. I think Tuberville needs to update himself on what generation we're on now. 



“We’ve got to do it. I don’t know how we’re going to do it. But we’ve got to get everybody on board with that,” Tuberville said.

This man is an absolute genius. "We've got problems...i don't know what we're going to do about them but whatever we do we've got to do it and we've got to get everyone on board to do it together"

He should become a brand ambassador for Nike. Tuberville can just walk around yelling "JUST DO IT" Do what? I don't know...but whatever it is we need everyone to do it. 


“I don’t have to sit up here and tell you, I hope I don’t have to tell you, how close we are to a socialist country,” he said. “I hate to tell you that. I see it every day. 



Because we’re getting to the point we have more people sitting home taking a check than we do that’s working to get an education and go to work or people that are actually working.”

Like getting paid over $5 million dollars to literally go away and not work.....like that? 


“There’s still a lot of money out there, a lot of checks still going out,” Tuberville said. “A lot of unemployment insurance, a lot of people go to work one day, quit and go back home, start collecting that check again.

That's not how Unemployment works. You have to work for a certain amount of time and then be unemployed through no fault of your own to draw unemployment....you can't just get a job, work a day and then quit to collect unemployment. 


As I said, we’ve got way too many takers, not enough givers. … I can understand if you’re not able to go to work, but this administration has pretty much doubled the food stamp recipients in the last 20 months and we can’t afford that.

Ok Cut em off tubby. F people...who needs food anyway. 


“People ask me, coach do you like what you’re doing? Not really. Not really. But I’m glad I’m up there,” he said. “I have learned more in the last 20 months, and I can help more people doing what I do now than I’ve ever done before. … I have learned an amazing amount in 20 months. I do nothing but read, listen, ask questions … I’ve been a sponge. It’s not rocket science. It’s really not.”

lol......thank God our Senator doesn't actually like his job and does nothing but read, listen and follow other people around.



Edited by CoffeeTiger
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He’s horrible.  In general, if you are too lazy to recruit as an ncaa coach, you shouldn’t be considered as a senator.  Earlier I mentioned demons on both sides of the aisle.  TT is one of the top 3 inside traders. He’s so blatant with it, it’s almost like he’s not even embarrassed about it

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16 minutes ago, homersapien said:

What did ya'll expect?

i never expected him to win to be honest. i think he stole his election.....................lol

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There's political inexperience that is actually welcome from time to time...

Tuberville's brand of inexperience ain't that variety.

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