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Republicans will seek the same at


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well look at what we have done. gangster crap has a huge influence on this country which basically glorifies crooks. this includes white folks as well since i had a step son wanna be gang banger. we have gotten lazy. calling stuff fake news with out research shows me low IQ's. we have pols on both sides getting rich and helping themselves instead of serving the country honorably. we allow corps to break laws and let them get by with it pretty much no push back. meanwhile the rich keep robbing the country blind along with their enablers and have pretty much destroyed the middle class. and if you want better pay and helping the poor we are suddenly a dirty commie party. and yes the other side brings up examples that have nothing to do with and are no way close to what ruined their country.free health care is the libs trying show socialism down the countries throuat but we are the only industrialized nation without free health care. it is all a boogie man invented by the right. it is hard to run on making the rich richer and letting the poor pay the most taxes when corps pay little to nothing. all they have to run on is mud slinging and fear. and so many on their side buy into all that crap and here we are. now we are corrupting religion just as hard as we can. if we had called some of these churches on their illegal crap and even the legal side of fleecing scared citizens we might have slowed that crap down. but my hope is it is going to bite the right in the ass in the long run. they have won abortion rights issues for now so what else are they going to run on? making the rich richer while we struggle more and more? it is complete and total madness.

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