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Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn’t Joking. She’s Pushing ‘War.’


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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

it is almost like they want to bang us as much as we did trump but they have to make crap up to do. bidens war my ass.

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Here's a thought provoking article from the same source.  This is where the Republican Christofascists would like to take us - Putin's Russia.

Russia: ‘Gay Propaganda’ Law Endangers Children

Discriminatory Measure Targets Students, Mental Health Professionals

December 11, 2018

(New York) – Russia’s “gay propaganda” law is having a negative impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 2013 law exacerbated the hostility LGBT people in Russia have long suffered, and also stifled access to LGBT-inclusive education and support services, with harmful consequences for children.

The 92-page report, “No Support: Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Law Imperils LGBT Youth,” documents how Russia’s “gay propaganda” law is having a deeply damaging effect on LGBT children. Human Rights Watch interviewed LGBT youth and mental health professionals in diverse locations across Russia, including urban and rural areas, to examine the everyday experiences of the children in schools, homes, and in public, and their ability to get reliable and accurate information about themselves as well as counseling and other support services.

“Russia’s ‘gay propaganda’ law is harming youth by cutting them off from vital information,” said Michael Garcia Bochenek, senior children’s rights counsel at Human Rights Watch. “And amid the intense social hostility surrounding LGBT people in Russia, the law stops mental health providers from counseling children who have questions about sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Formally called the law “aimed at protecting children from information promoting the denial of traditional family values,” the “gay propaganda” law bans the “promotion of nontraditional sexual relations to minors” – a reference universally understood to mean a ban on providing children with access to information about LGBT people’s lives. The ban includes, but is not limited to, information provided via the press, television, radio, and the Internet.

The law directly harms children by denying them access to essential information and fostering stigma against LGBT children and their families, Human Rights Watch found.

The 2013 law contributed to an intensification of stigma, harassment, and violence against LGBT people in Russia. The law has been used to shut down online information and mental health referral services for children and discourage support groups and mental health professionals from working with children. It has further entrenched antipathy toward LGBT people, and it has had a chilling effect on mental health professionals who work with LGBT youth, with some psychologists reporting self-censorship on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Russia’s “gay propaganda” law is a classic example of political homophobia, Human Rights Watch said. It targets vulnerable sexual and gender minorities for political gain. When President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law in June 2013, he pandered to widespread antipathy toward LGBT people. The law gives the strong endorsement of the Russian state to the false and discriminatory view that LGBT people are a threat to tradition and the family. On the international stage, the law helped position Russia as a champion of so-called “traditional values.”

“No one wants to get beaten on the street, but that’s the fear LGBT people in Russia live with now,” Nikita R., an 18-year-old transgender man, told Human Rights Watch. “We know that most people believe the mass media, and the stories there teach them that we are horrible creatures, so we are in danger all the time.”

The law has been used multiple times to shut down Deti-404 (Children-404), an online group that offers psychological support, advice, and a safe online community for LGBT children, including those who experience violence and aggression because of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. The law’s effects have also been insidious in clinical and counseling settings. Mental health providers told Human Rights Watch that the law interferes with their ability to offer honest, scientifically accurate, and open counseling services, leading some to self-censor themselves or set out explicit disclaimers at the start of sessions.

During proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights about the law, Dr. Ilan Meyer, an internationally renowned expert in social psychology and public health specializing in minority populations, submitted testimony that the law does not protect youth, and in fact harms them.

“Should Russia aim to improve the health and well-being of its citizens…interventions that are the exact opposite of what the propaganda law dictates would be required,” he said.

“Furthermore, laws such as Russia’s propaganda law can have serious negative impact on the health and well-being of [LGBT people] in that the law increases and enshrines stigma and prejudice, leading to discrimination and violence.”

The court ruled in 2017 that the law violates the rights to freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination guaranteed in the European Convention on Human Rights, and that the law was indeed harmful to children.

A psychologist who works with LGBT youth told Human Rights Watch that almost every LGBT client she has ever had was “treated as if they were as scapegoats, clowns, or outcasts.” Amid such intense social hostility toward LGBT people, mental health support for youth is crucial.

But the “gay propaganda” law curtails the ability for mental health professionals to offer that support. Another psychologist described how even in situations where it is clinically relevant to discuss a child client’s sexual orientation, he feels constrained by the law: “Teenagers often wait for me to ask a direct and precise question about his or her sexual orientation or gender identity, but the law prevents me from doing that.” Another said she covers all LGBT-themed books on her office bookshelf during clinical sessions to avoid being accused of spreading “gay propaganda.”

“The ‘gay propaganda’ law risks inflicting long-term harm on generations of Russian youth by encouraging discrimination and curtailing access to support services,” Bochenek said. “This law doesn’t protect anyone, but it does cut off kids from the services they need to thrive, and in some cases even survive.” 



Edited by homersapien
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6 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

There have been curriculum after curriculum stating gender studies will be taught since Joe declared his EO against bullying trans kids, which is a euphemism for gender studies in K-3, was enacted.  It has taken this long for it to find its way into the curriculum.

Please cite.

6 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you think it is natural that more and more kids are coming out as a different gender that what they were born?  What do you think is the driving force behind such a trend?  Do you think starting *gender studies* in K-3 will increase the incidence or decrease it?

I think much of it is natural. As with anything that comes to be more accepted, more people that are affected by it will begin to stop hiding. I do think some of it will be people seeking attention, particularly when they see others praised and supported for coming out. That happens with any shift in the zeitgeist, but it fades. Your questions are the same that were asked when homosexuality began to be accepted.

Here's a thought: what if this is a perfectly natural biological process to happen when outside pressures come to bear? For instance, for the majority of society most needs are fairly easy to come by and life spans are increasing, so there is not as much of a biological imperative to procreate. At the same time, we are seeing severe challenges on the horizon for supporting the increasing population, including acidification of the oceans and the decline of krill and phytoplankton, water shortages, biodiversity loss, and, yes, climate change. What if all these stressors trigger a biological shift to reduce population growth? How ironic would it be that the very things you call unnatural and against God are the very things that end up saving us?

Once again, please cite where gender studies are being done in K-3. No one here supports that (very few in the general public do). What some of us support is a teacher actually being able to use the words "homosexual" and "transgender" without fear of being fired.

You keep going back to the well on this K-3 thing, and it's absurd. You are intentionally conflating policies that are aimed at older students with the K-3 age group to invoke fear. Maybe you're running for office?

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10 hours ago, Leftfield said:

Please cite.

I have cited this many times in other threads and you can do the research.  Why would there be law’s restricting the practice of gender studies in K-3 if there wasn’t an effort to teach this in those grades.  Why would there be protests if some schools were not teaching this subject?

To the rest; it is amazing how some can rationalize evil.

Homosexuality is much different than gender dysphoria.  Deliberately confusing children about a subject they have no interest is at such a young age is manipulative.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Why would there be law’s restricting the practice of gender studies in K-3 if there wasn’t an effort to teach this in those grades.  Why would there be protests if some schools were not teaching this subject?

Because MAGA politicians and talking heads take an extreme and make it out to be an apocalyptic wave of terror that will wipe out the "traditional family unit," which many, including you obviously, will eat right up. It's the same thing that has been repeatedly pointed out - modern Republicans aren't about solutions., they're about telling you what to fear, and who to blame for it. Just make a law that it can't ever be mentioned. Then you won't ever have to deal with it, unless your child happens to be gay or transgender, in which case they can pray and all will be forgiven, but they shouldn't mention it to anyone else.


1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

To the rest; it is amazing how some can rationalize evil.

Deliberately confusing children about a subject they have no interest is at such a young age is manipulative.

What's not amazing is how you continue to misrepresent positions. It's already been pointed out that the vast majority don't think this should be taught to K-3, yet you repeat the children "at such young age" narrative. 

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

I have cited this many times in other threads and you can do the research.  Why would there be law’s restricting the practice of gender studies in K-3 if there wasn’t an effort to teach this in those grades.  Why would there be protests if some schools were not teaching this subject?


Well, that's an easy one. 

Right wing Republican 's M.O. is to whip up hysteria using fear.  It's the same as it's always been with right wing authoritarian movements, regardless of what country they are occurring.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Homosexuality is much different than gender dysphoria.  Deliberately confusing children about a subject they have no interest is at such a young age is manipulative.

How do you define that difference?

And do you really think teachers and schools are going out of their way to "confuse" children about a subject they have no interest in?

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22 minutes ago, homersapien said:

How do you define that difference?

And do you really think teachers and schools are going out of their way to "confuse" children about a subject they have no interest in?

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.


Homosexuality refers to attraction between people who are the same sex. It comes from the Greek word homos, meaning “the same.”


The word *sense* in the definition of gender dysphoria is key.

They don’t have to go out of their way if it’s in the curriculum.

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2 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.


Homosexuality refers to attraction between people who are the same sex. It comes from the Greek word homos, meaning “the same.”


The word *sense* in the definition of gender dysphoria is key.

They don’t have to go out of their way if it’s in the curriculum.

"sense" = feeling = attraction for the opposite sex = brain function that defines one's sexual preference

"sense" = feeling = brain function that defines one's self concept of gender

What is it about homosexuality that you find acceptable while finding someone with transgender dysphoria unacceptable?  Obviously neither homosexuality or trans sexuality is strictly physiological or anatomical.  They both originate in the same place - the brain.  They both can be described as a "sense".

I suggest the major difference (to you) is that homosexuality has now become (mostly) socially acceptable while trans genders have not yet reached that point. (The use of acronyms like LGBTQ are likely intended to facilitate that acceptance.) 

The reason homosexuality has become socially acceptable is people have lost their fear of homosexuality.  You have apparently lost your fear of homosexuals, but have yet to lose your fear of trans genders.

Finally, what makes you think that simply introducing someone to the concept of gender dysphoria - encourages them to become gender dysphoric? 

(Keep in mind that over 80% of children who think they are of the different sex at an early age change their minds as they get older.)



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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I suggest the major difference (to you) is that homosexuality has now become (mostly) socially acceptable while trans genders have not yet reached that point. (The use of acronyms like LGBTQ are likely intended to facilitate that acceptance.) 

The reason homosexuality has become socially acceptable is people have lost their fear of homosexuality.  You have apparently lost your fear of homosexuals, but have yet to lose your fear of trans genders.

Finally, what makes you think that simply introducing someone to the concept of gender dysphoria - encourages them to become gender dysphoric? 

(Keep in mind that over 80% of children who think they are of the different sex at an early age change their minds as they get older.)

Trans genders has not yet reached a point at which it is accepted and I hope it never does.  The use of the LGBTQ coalition is a political force that has lost its original effectiveness IMO.

The only reason I *fear* transgender is the same reason I *fear* all people that have lost touch with reality.  I like to live in a world that is based on reality not by someone’s idea of reality.

Its not simply introducing someone to the concept of gender dysphoria, but introducing the concept when that person is young and impressionable by people of authority (a teacher as an example).

Here is a report from The Williams Institute of UCLA that shows almost a doubling of youth 13-17 who identify as transgender.

Overall, based on our estimates from 2016-2017 and the current report, we find that the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender has remained steady over time. The availability of the YRBS data has given us a more direct look into youth gender identity and provides better data than was previously available to us for estimating the size and characteristics of the youth population. Youth ages 13 to 17 comprise a larger share of the transgender-identified population than we previously estimated, currently comprising about 18% of the transgender-identified population in the U.S., up from 10% previously.


Do you believe this is a natural progression or does social and political influences skew the numbers?

The fact over 80% of the children who think they are of the different sex at an early age change their minds as they get older lends itself to proceed with caution when deciding a potential life altering procedure or surgery when that person has not matured.  Does it not?  Now, if the medical profession will stop with their economic incentive to trans the minors we can agree.  Somehow I don’t thing that is possible.

Does a person that suffers from BIID belong in the LBGQT coalition?  Do they have the same rights and privileges as a transgender person?  Should this be taught in school?

So you don’t have to look it up; Body Integrity Identity Dysphoria.


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