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Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn’t Joking. She’s Pushing ‘War.’


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Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn’t Joking. She’s Pushing ‘War.’

The Daily Beast

Tue, October 18, 2022 at 3:40 AM·3 min read

In this article:

Marjorie Taylor Greene

American politician (born 1974)

Andrew Levy

Commentator and humorist

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hateful rhetoric isn’t a joke. She wants to start a war, says podcaster Danielle Moodie on the latest episode of The New Abnormal podcast.

Moodie, who joined as guest co-host of the show alongside host Andy Levy, tore into the Georgia Republican after listening to a recent clip of Greene making Democrats out to be child predators. According to Moodie, the left and the media have been grossly underestimating the congresswoman’s propensity for violence.

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“Ever since Marjorie Taylor Greene entered into Congress, she’s been looked at primarily as a joke, right? We have said she’s the QAnon queen. She is the conspiracy theorist’s conspiracy theorist. Like she is absolutely crazy. She has said things about Jewish people operating lasers from outer space. But what I want folks to take away from that rant that she went on is that Marjorie Taylor Greene is not representative of the fringe of the Republican Party. She is the mainstream of the Republican Party,” Moodie says during the episode’s opening brief.

“And when she is referring to Democrats as predators,” continues Moodie, “when she is saying that we are going after children, talking about mutilation and all of these things, what she is signaling to the Republican Party, to her base, is that we are at war.”

Andy agrees, saying that he’s been telling everyone for a while now that Greene isn’t a joke.

“Now anyone that thinks Mitt Romney is a better representation of the Republican Party right now than Marjorie Taylor Greene is nuts. This is her party, the party that Trump made over, that she is part and parcel of. This stuff has to be taken seriously at the highest levels,” he adds.

Moodie then makes a pointed plea to Democrats to shut down these dangerous GOP talking points: “You need to direct the American people to exactly who is taking away your rights. Who is making your communities more dangerous. Who is putting your children under threat.”

‘Not a Prayer in Hell’ Trump Will Testify Before the Jan. 6 Committee

Also on this episode: The Intercept investigative reporter Ken Klippenstein explains where the United States currently stands with the Trump- and Putin-friendly Saudis, who are gearing up to screw President Joe Biden over, big-time. And for good measure, Klippenstein shares all the ways we could **** over Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman without war, if we wanted to.

Plus! Daily Beast media editor and editor of the media newsletter Confider, Andrew Kirell, joins to give Andy the inside scoop on how Fox News is handling the deranged Kayne West clips that were cut from his segment on Tucker Carlson’s show and then subsequently leaked.


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Nice misleading headline by this *commentator and humorist*.  So, it is a war for the soul of our nation, got it.  Much better than the war Biden is pushing us toward.

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8 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Nice misleading headline by this *commentator and humorist*.  So, it is a war for the soul of our nation, got it.  Much better than the war Biden is pushing us toward.

“And when she is referring to Democrats as predators,” continues Moodie, “when she is saying that we are going after children, talking about mutilation and all of these things, what she is signaling to the Republican Party, to her base, is that we are at war.”

Andy agrees, saying that he’s been telling everyone for a while now that Greene isn’t a joke. if she accused me to my face of being a ped i would be hard pressed not to slap the hell out of her. and trust me when i say i am extremely non violent. if we brought back duels we might not have to suffer this kind of stupidity too long.

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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

“And when she is referring to Democrats as predators,” continues Moodie, “when she is saying that we are going after children, talking about mutilation and all of these things, what she is signaling to the Republican Party, to her base, is that we are at war.”

Andy agrees, saying that he’s been telling everyone for a while now that Greene isn’t a joke. if she accused me to my face of being a ped i would be hard pressed not to slap the hell out of her. and trust me when i say i am extremely non violent. if we brought back duels we might not have to suffer this kind of stupidity too long.

Exactly what I said; a war for the soul of our country. period. end of statement.  A misleading headline.  Anything else fifty?

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

Exactly what I said; a war for the soul of our country. period. end of statement.  A misleading headline.  Anything else fifty?

i expected a little outrage but i just remembered she is in your party..............

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6 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Exactly what I said; a war for the soul of our country. period. end of statement.  A misleading headline.  Anything else fifty?

"Moodie, who joined as guest co-host of the show alongside host Andy Levy, tore into the Georgia Republican after listening to a recent clip of Greene making Democrats out to be child predators. According to Moodie, the left and the media have been grossly underestimating the congresswoman’s propensity for violence."

Not sure what's difficult to understand about that.

And you like to accuse others of twisting words?

Edited by Leftfield
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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

i expected a little outrage but i just remembered she is in your party..............

Outrage at what?  She doesn’t like the trend of Biden’s war on the family unit, neither do I.  When teachers are hiding a child’s *gender identity* from the parents in fear that the parent can have control over what the school system is brainwashing their child with it become unbearable for those that disagree.

I don’t agree with everything she says or does, far from it, but she does take a stand.  AOC does the same for the Dems.  Do you agree with everything she says or does?

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1 minute ago, Leftfield said:

Moodie, who joined as guest co-host of the show alongside host Andy Levy, tore into the Georgia Republican after listening to a recent clip of Greene making Democrats out to be child predators. According to Moodie, the left and the media have been grossly underestimating the congresswoman’s propensity for violence.

Not sure what's difficult to understand about that.

And you like to accuse others of twisting words?

he does not care for me because i get too plain and mean for him. when i am upset about something that matters to me i am not going to get all pretty with words. and i am sick of trump and all the day damn wingnuts he has given legitimacy to. now people want to over throw the country. again it makes me sick as do those that keep enabling trump. 

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2 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

"Moodie, who joined as guest co-host of the show alongside host Andy Levy, tore into the Georgia Republican after listening to a recent clip of Greene making Democrats out to be child predators. According to Moodie, the left and the media have been grossly underestimating the congresswoman’s propensity for violence."

Not sure what's difficult to understand about that.

And you like to accuse others of twisting words?

Let’s see, Biden says we are at the brink of nuclear Armageddon and most people believe it to be so.  Now some *commentator and humorist* uses the term war in the headline and what would most people think?  Therefore, a misleading headline.


Not sure what’s difficult to understand about that.  You should be embarrassed I had to point that out to you.

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

Very true.

show poor ol aubes where i hurt you? sometimes your side will not listen to reason so one has to get your attention.

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2 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Let’s see, Biden says we are at the brink of nuclear Armageddon and most people believe it to be so.  Now some *commentator and humorist* uses the term war in the headline and what would most people think?  Therefore, a misleading headline.


Not sure what’s difficult to understand about that.  You should be embarrassed I had to point that out to you.

It's difficult to understand because only in a mind addled by so much Biden-hating does it make any sense. The woman is well known for violent, angry rhetoric, and has talked about civil war before (not using that exact term, of course, because it would get her in trouble).

You bend over backward to make connections on some of the most tenuous things, yet you dismiss this pathetic woman, just as the article is warning people not to. You just keep getting worse.

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1 minute ago, Leftfield said:

You bend over backward to make connections on some of the most tenuous things, yet you dismiss this pathetic woman, just as the article is warning people not to.

I clearly stated I don’t agree with everything she says, so no, I don’t dismiss her.  Sometimes she is right and on this one she is. Biden is destroying the family unit with his *gender ideology*.  I blame Biden because he has appointed who he wants to run this country and the school system.

You don’t see it as a problem, I do.

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

I clearly stated I don’t agree with everything she says, so no, I don’t dismiss her.  Sometimes she is right and on this one she is. Biden is destroying the family unit with his *gender ideology*.  I blame Biden because he has appointed who he wants to run this country and the school system.

You don’t see it as a problem, I do.

She's right about Democrats being child predators? She's right to stoke violence?

How is Biden destroying your family unit? 

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11 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

She's right about Democrats being child predators? She's right to stoke violence?

How is Biden destroying your family unit? 

Teaching K-3 about *gender identity* and providing a path to change their sex without the parent’s knowledge.  Do you agree with everything Biden has said or done?

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18 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Teaching K-3 about *gender identity* and providing a path to change their sex without the parent’s knowledge.  Do you agree with everything Biden has said or done?

Before I answer, I'll note you're deflecting again and not answering my questions.

The only time I've seen anything regarding an official curriculum that might address teaching K-3 about sexual orientation or gender identity was the proposal in Washington state that was quickly shot down. Even then, it was hardly horrifying, as it stated "age appropriate" issues would be discussed. It's not like they were proposing the kids watch gay porn. Have there been individual cases where a teacher or school has overstepped their bounds? I'm sure there have, but that's been the case for many situations over the years. 

And please show me where a school has facilitated a K-3 student getting a sex change without their parents' knowledge. Hell, show me where a K-3 child has ever even had a sex change.

Of course I don't agree with everything Biden has done, but you said MTG was right on this issue. The issue is her deliberate twisting of Democrats' positions and advancement of the violent rhetoric that has become a trademark of the modern Republican Party. That's the subject at hand.


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4 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

Before I answer, I'll note you're deflecting again and not answering my questions.

The only time I've seen anything regarding an official curriculum that might address teaching K-3 about sexual orientation or gender identity was the proposal in Washington state that was quickly shot down. Even then, it was hardly horrifying, as it stated "age appropriate" issues would be discussed. It's not like they were proposing the kids watch gay porn. Have there been individual cases where a teacher or school has overstepped their bounds? I'm sure there have, but that's been the case for many situations over the years. 

And please show me where a school has facilitated a K-3 student getting a sex change without their parents' knowledge. Hell, show me where a K-3 child has ever even had a sex change.

Of course I don't agree with everything Biden has done, but you said MTG was right on this issue. The issue is her deliberate twisting of Democrats' positions and advancement of the violent rhetoric that has become a trademark of the modern Republican Party. That's the subject at hand.


To answer your original questions; no Democrats are not by and large child predators, some of their policies can be construed as such. No body should stoke violence.  Her point is not the deliberate twisting of the Democrats’ position, it is using extremes to get attention.  I don’t agree with that, but it got people’s attention.

I never said any student in K-3 has ever had a sex change, but they are happening to children under 18.  You can’t get a tattoo under the age of 18.

There have been curriculum after curriculum stating gender studies will be taught since Joe declared his EO against bullying trans kids, which is a euphemism for gender studies in K-3, was enacted.  It has taken this long for it to find its way into the curriculum.  We have teacher’s unions devising plans to keep children’s gender identity from their parents.

WASHINGTON (TND) — A national teachers union is promoting a "pronoun card" tool for students to indicate whether they want their school to hide their gender identity from their parents.

On the pronoun card, known as a “Student Introduction Card,” is a question asking students whether they wish for school staff to hide their potentially new gender identity from their parents.

The idea was the brainchild of Stephanie Salem, a high school English teacher in suburban Chicago and member of the North Suburban Teachers Union – an affiliate of the second largest teachers union in the nation, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Salem’s pronoun placard idea was shared in a blog post titled “Why Are Pronouns Important at School?” on the AFT’s Share My Lesson website, a place for teachers to share their lesson plans for other instructors around the country.

The idea is not entirely new. Last week, The National Desk (TND) reported on a Chicago-area high school teacher who explained in a video on social media that he would implement a similar placard idea to aid students in sharing their preferred pronouns.

“This year I created these survey cards that ask students their pronouns, if they’re comfortable with me using those pronouns in front of their peers, and definitely if they’re comfortable with me using those pronouns with their parents and families,” the Chicago Public Schools teacher explained, holding up the small survey cards.

In another example, proving how frequent the concealment of students' gender identities has become, emails obtained by Fox News showed a school counselor from a middle school in Pennsylvania instructing a teacher to use a student’s pronouns that correspond with their biological gender when communicating with their parents, rather than the new “they/them” pronouns the student said they preferred.

Besides teachers, school districts and even state departments of education have endorsed keeping students' gender identity changes hidden.

In Iowa, the Linn-Mar Community School District (LMCSD) adopted a policy allowing students in grades seven and above to create “Gender Support Plans” without their parents' knowledge or consent.

According to the district’s new policy, any student in seventh grade or above “will have priority of their support plan over their parent/guardian.”


We have drag queen shows that are supposedly *family friendly* in El Plano, Tx and libraries across the nation.  Do you think this might confuse a child?


Do you think it is natural that more and more kids are coming out as a different gender that what they were born?  What do you think is the driving force behind such a trend?  Do you think starting *gender studies* in K-3 will increase the incidence or decrease it?

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5 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

This is an outright lie.

How can a family unit survive if the state run schools are promoting sterilizing the children and hiding it from the parents?

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55 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

How can a family unit survive if the state run schools are promoting sterilizing the children and hiding it from the parents?


2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Teaching K-3 about *gender identity* and providing a path to change their sex without the parent’s knowledge.  Do you agree with everything Biden has said or done?

Do you have actual examples of state run schools "promoting" sterilizing children?

How about an example of a school "providing a path to change their sex" without the parents knowledge?

This is QAnon grade stuff.  :ucrazy:

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Breaking the Buzzword: Fighting the “Gender Ideology” Myth

5-6 minutes

This month we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To mark the occasion, we have asked Human Rights Watch experts to reflect on some of the key human rights challenges in their area of specialty.

Like its buzzword brother “fake news,” “gender ideology” hasn’t taken long crossing borders into nationalist lexicons. The vacuous but dangerous term was adopted  by the Holy See decades ago to refer to a supposed gay and feminist-led movement to subvert traditional families and social values, a reaction against the rights of women and expanding protections for sexual and gender minorities.

Since then, it has developed into a catch-all phrase and short-hand for various anxieties about social change—a Hydra-like global conspiracy myth that, despite being mildly ridiculous and readily exposed, has significant traction.

In recent years, “gender ideology” has been used as a secular rallying cry against same-sex marriage in France, an alliance-building initiative between nationalists and religious conservatives in Poland, a boost to anti-Muslim groups in Austria, a popularity enhancer for Costa Rican presidential hopeful Fabricio Alvarado, and a mobilizing tool against the recent peace accord in Colombia. 

Which is a lot. How can one concept have so many purposes? 

In France, anti-gender activists tried to frame the marriage equality debate around protection of children within traditional families under threat from a foreign ideology; in Poland, nationalists and conservatives rallied around an idea presented as dangerously cosmopolitan and against church teachings; in Austria, anti-immigrant groups suggested a link between gender progressives and immigrants—both accused of undermining the social fabric; in eastern Europe, anti-gender activists mobilized against the Istanbul Convention on combatting violence against women, because it was said to legitimize transgender identity claims; in Costa Rica, an outlier in the 2018 presidential election did surprisingly well  by conjuring up a threat to the gender order; and in Colombia, citizens opposed to the peace accords suggested that the deal  was the thin edge of a sinister “gender ideology” wedge.

  “Gender ideology” has also insinuated itself into mainstream US politics where its deployment is evident in domestic and foreign policy initiatives. In 2016, Roger Severino, then-director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at the conservative Washington-based Heritage Foundation, blamed the inclusion of transgender troops on a “radical new gender ideology”; in 2017 Trump appointed him director of the Office for Civil Rights at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The recently leaked HHS memo that seeks to define gender as binary and immutable, and US attempts to remove the word “gender” from United Nations documents, stem from fears of “gender ideology.”     

At its root, the practice of raising the specter of undefined “gender ideology” aims to curtail sexual and reproductive rights and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality by playing on people’s fear of social change and claiming a global conspiracy of great influence and scale. Where advances are made in women’s empowerment or in non-discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, those decrying “gender ideology” see dark forces at work to destroy the social order.

Some have referred to the term as “symbolic glue,” or an “empty signifier”: it simultaneously means nothing and everything, but is consistently used to attack feminism, transgender equality, the existence of intersex bodies, the elimination of sex stereotyping, family law reform, same-sex marriage, access to abortion, contraception and comprehensive sexuality education.

Exposing it for what it is—a fantasy of a gender and sexuality conspiracy—and loosening its grip on public debate is crucial in the years ahead to ensure this myth does not shape policy and limit women’s reproductive rights and the rights of sexual and gender minorities.

The anti-gender movement has successfully consolidated disparate constituencies around a flimsy but effective moral panic over gender and sexuality. The women’s movement and LGBT advocates pushing back would do well to learn from their opponents’ playbook—sexuality and gender issues are indeed linked—and mobilize jointly around fundamental rights to dignity, bodily autonomy, access to information, the right to live free from violence and discrimination, and freedom of association and expression.

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the above post reminded me of a kid in school who was gay and his father hated it so much he decided he would beat it out of him and did so just about every single day. he was a suicide.

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Just now, homersapien said:

Great article!!!!     

Who wrote it and where did you get it?

i just googled it several times until it got what i was saying. it took a while. it was buried a page or two. i just closed that window a few minutes ago. sorry i could not help. i can assure you i got lucky because i assumed he was talking about turning kids into gays or something.

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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

i just googled it several times until it got what i was saying. it took a while. it was buried a page or two. i just closed that window a few minutes ago. sorry i could not help. i can assure you i got lucky because i assumed he was talking about turning kids into gays or something.

Here it is:


Human Rights Watch

Author: Graeme Reid

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