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when you die................


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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

no because i left in feb of 77 and the gas lines were terrible in the dc area before i left. they went around a corner or two and this was normal for a while.


Jimmy Carter/Presidential term

January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981

There were two gas shortages in the 70’s, the first was in ‘73 during Nixon’s administration caused by OPEC restricting oil exports to countries that supported Israel and again in ‘79 was the so called Iranian Shortfall.

Oil Embargo, 1973–1974

During the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) imposed an embargo against the United States in retaliation for the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military and to gain leverage in the post-war peace negotiations. Arab OPEC members also extended the embargo to other countries that supported Israel including the Netherlands, Portugal, and South Africa. The embargo both banned petroleum exports to the targeted nations and introduced cuts in oil production. Several years of negotiations between oil-producing nations and oil companies had already destabilized a decades-old pricing system, which exacerbated the embargo’s effects.


I graduated in 73 and was driving a ‘68 Plymouth Roadrunner.  I promptly sold it and bought a FIAT, the worst car I have ever owned.

In  1979 it was different:

That Great Oil "Crisis' of '79? The Numbers Spell Out Fraud

In other words, the nation came into 1979 with 9.7 percent more crude stocks on the market and in the reserve than it had had at the start of 1978, when the industry was moaning because it had so much oil it couldn't even get gasoline prices up to the permitted ceilings. It is enough to make one ask, "What the devil goes on here?" What went on is fairly obvious, though only the naive would expect to get a straight answer from James L. Schlesinger's Department of Energy.

Big Oil drew down stocks during 1978 and by late fall had created a situation where there began to be alarming talk of shortages. Shell Oil led the way, imposing drastic cuts on the delivery of gasoline to its retailers; Mobil, Citgo, the whole tribe fell into line behind the force play. Retail gasoline dealers roared their outrage; there was a nasty flareback of damaging publicity, and the big oil companies backed off for the moment, restoring deliveries to nearly normal.

Then, heaven sent, came Iran. The Iranian revolution closed down the oil fields, and the myth of the "Iranian shortfall" was born. Actually, only 5 percent of our imported oil came from Iran, and this shortage was quickly offset by stepped-up production in Saudi Arabia, increased Alaskan supplies and lesser increases from other sources. CIA figures show that free world production (expressed in thousands of barrels daily) rose to 46,515 in the first quarter of 1979 compared to 46,305 in 1978. Customs figures, as recorded by the Bureau of Census, show that imports through May increased 10 percent over those for the first five weeks of 1978.


Of course this is an opinion piece, but look at the source.  This back when the Washington Post actually did research and criticized the Democrats.  Amazing.

So, Carter didn’t create the original gas shortage he just prolonged it.



Edited by I_M4_AU
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All Reagan did was triple the debt in order to buy a better economy.  He paved the way for subsidizing the present by stealing from the future.  He took Keynesian economics to an absolute irrational extreme.  It is unethical, immoral.


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9 minutes ago, PUB78 said:

Homer, Homer , Homer! You only give me three options??

They weren't limiting, they were exemplary. How would you treat them? 

Since they are not part of God's creation, should they enjoy equal rights as citizens, such as marriage?

Edited by homersapien
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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Well, at least the cover of illogical rhetoric is off. 

You are worse than a Pharisee.  You are a theocrat, no different from the Taliban or the Mullahs in Iran.  

So, what would you do to homosexuals and transgenders? Force them back underground? Imprison them? Line them up against a wall and shoot them?


When Jesus said, "love your neighbor as yourself", he simply forgot to qualify the statement by adding, "unless you do not care for their sexuality".

The bible is unerring.  However, Jesus didn't always say what he really meant.  This is why God had to send us the bible, to fill in and, correct the parts where Jesus fell short.

The Pharisees were actually correct.  The law is what makes us righteous.  Preaching love, kindness, tolerance, mercy, charity over the laws of the Old Testament is where Jesus went wrong.


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43 minutes ago, homersapien said:

They weren't limiting, they were exemplary. How would you treat them? 

Since they are not part of God's creation, should they enjoy equal rights as citizens, such as marriage?


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33 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

When Jesus said, "love your neighbor as yourself", he simply forgot to qualify the statement by adding, "unless you do not care for their sexuality".

The bible is unerring.  However, Jesus didn't always say what he really meant.  This is why God had to send us the bible, to fill in and, correct the parts where Jesus fell short.

The Pharisees were actually correct.  The law is what makes us righteous.  Preaching love, kindness, tolerance, mercy, charity over the laws of the Old Testament is where Jesus went wrong.


Jesus, the son of God, went wrong? Really?

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39 minutes ago, PUB78 said:


So they don't deserve equal rights, because God didn't create them. :no:

Well, at least you are not trying to hide what you are:  a Christofascist.


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7 minutes ago, homersapien said:

So they don't deserve equal rights, because God didn't create them. :no:

Well, at least you are not trying to hide what you are:  a Christofascist.


Naw, I am more of a Christian Nationalist, but not totally.

How about you? What do you believe? No rules, no standards, freedom for everyone, except Christians and conservatives, open borders, cash less bonds, men in women's bathrooms and sports, abortion up to birth, weak military and America last?

So, how do you define yourself and your beliefs, values and political views?

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2 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

All Reagan did was triple the debt in order to buy a better economy.  He paved the way for subsidizing the present by stealing from the future.  He took Keynesian economics to an absolute irrational extreme.  It is unethical, immoral.


Reagan's regime flooded areas with high black populations with drugs. this is fact. the is claim he did not personally know about it but it was his folks so he gets the blame. the buck stops here and all that.. people blow this is off but it happened and we killed thousands of our own with drugs. and he is still considered a hero and one of the greatest presidents of all time. i give him the wall but thats about it. think about all those children on drugs who died or had their lives ruined. prison. this is or was federal racism at it's absolute finest. but if you listen to the repubs they would have you believe only dems were racist. hell the only blacks they could attract were white folks they spray painted. now folks will be coming on here saying i hate the country.

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2 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

When Jesus said, "love your neighbor as yourself", he simply forgot to qualify the statement by adding, "unless you do not care for their sexuality".

The bible is unerring.  However, Jesus didn't always say what he really meant.  This is why God had to send us the bible, to fill in and, correct the parts where Jesus fell short.

The Pharisees were actually correct.  The law is what makes us righteous.  Preaching love, kindness, tolerance, mercy, charity over the laws of the Old Testament is where Jesus went wrong.




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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

Well, at least the cover of illogical rhetoric is off. 

You are worse than a Pharisee.  You are a theocrat, no different from the Taliban or the Mullahs in Iran.  

So, what would you do to homosexuals and transgenders? Force them back underground? Imprison them? Line them up against a wall and shoot them?


God created Adam and Eve. They subsequently sinned in the Garden of Eden. Everyone born to Adam and Eve was born into a sinful world. Satan has been attacking humanity ever since. This is why some people born male or female have chosen to fornicate with same sex individuals. They don’t have to. They can choose not to. There is no “gay” gene. They don’t need to be shot as you suggest. They need to be witnessed to and introduced to the Bible and the very clear message the Bible has for homosexuals. The power of Jesus can be victorious over any sin committed by anyone. All the person has to do is repent, turn away from their sinful life, and not re-enter into that life. Gays who claim to be Christians are “practicing sin” actively in rebellion to God’s clear message regarding homosexuality. Sin can be forgiven. Practicing sin is different.

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15 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

This is why some people born male or female have chosen to fornicate with same sex individuals. They don’t have to. They can choose not to. 

So you're pro choice?

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:26 PM, aubiefifty said:

when you die.jpg

We have one job as Christians, to witness.  If a female friend decides she wants to sew on a fire hose, I don’t have to hate her for it.  But I wouldn’t be doing my job to point out God has better plans for her.

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1 hour ago, jj3jordan said:

God created Adam and Eve. They subsequently sinned in the Garden of Eden. Everyone born to Adam and Eve was born into a sinful world. Satan has been attacking humanity ever since. This is why some people born male or female have chosen to fornicate with same sex individuals. They don’t have to. They can choose not to. There is no “gay” gene. They don’t need to be shot as you suggest. They need to be witnessed to and introduced to the Bible and the very clear message the Bible has for homosexuals. The power of Jesus can be victorious over any sin committed by anyone. All the person has to do is repent, turn away from their sinful life, and not re-enter into that life. Gays who claim to be Christians are “practicing sin” actively in rebellion to God’s clear message regarding homosexuality. Sin can be forgiven. Practicing sin is different.

Homosexuality is not a sin. 

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54 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

We have one job as Christians, to witness.  If a female friend decides she wants to sew on a fire hose, I don’t have to hate her for it.  But I wouldn’t be doing my job to point out God has better plans for her.

No. Being a kind, loving, forgiving, charitable human being is more important.  The greatest "witnessing" is by example, not by control, condemnation or, judgement.

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59 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

We have one job as Christians, to witness.  If a female friend decides she wants to sew on a fire hose, I don’t have to hate her for it.  But I wouldn’t be doing my job to point out God has better plans for her.

so you do not think christians should be role models? i do. this is why i call stuff out but no one seems to get the reminder. all they do is hate me while i tell them how much hate has invaded the church.

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:54 PM, aubiefifty said:

 i know his followers shall little to no love on here for the left. you really gonna go there? you guys would throw me under a bus if you could and probably hold me down while the bus backed up for another hit. i wonder if he would ask you the same thing? hell i am trying to help some of you before jesus gets here. that is no joke. gay? he probably likes i try to how them love and treat them like human beings. athiest? i got non believer friends that laugh because i profess love for a "skydaddy". but they are not mean about it. abortion? he know i do not like it but would put a womans life above a babies if it has no brain function. and that does not include late term unless the womans life is threatened somehow. and he will not be upset at me for hating trans and their parents because i do not. but this is a political board and if i see something wrong i have the right to call anyone out as anyone here does. i mean how do you people even know the trans thing is wrong? you get on here and bash folks just like i do but i own up to it and most of you do not.

I wouldn't.........like you alot regardless of political difference.

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

God created Adam and Eve. They subsequently sinned in the Garden of Eden. Everyone born to Adam and Eve was born into a sinful world. Satan has been attacking humanity ever since. This is why some people born male or female have chosen to fornicate with same sex individuals. They don’t have to. They can choose not to. There is no “gay” gene. They don’t need to be shot as you suggest. They need to be witnessed to and introduced to the Bible and the very clear message the Bible has for homosexuals. The power of Jesus can be victorious over any sin committed by anyone. All the person has to do is repent, turn away from their sinful life, and not re-enter into that life. Gays who claim to be Christians are “practicing sin” actively in rebellion to God’s clear message regarding homosexuality. Sin can be forgiven. Practicing sin is different.

It's not your place to pass judgment on homosexuals or anyone else. Yet you would restrict their rights as citizens.  You would harm them, even though they harm no one.  And the real irony is you keep citing Jesus in doing so.  You are just evil.  As evil as the Taliban.  And you don't even have a clue.

It's no wonder church membership is declining.


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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

It's not your place to pass judgment on homosexuals or anyone else. Yet you would restrict their rights as citizens.  You would harm them, even though they harm no one.  And the real irony is you keep citing Jesus in doing so.  You are just evil.  As evil as the Taliban.  And you don't even have a clue.

It's no wonder church membership is declining.


I have never passed judgement on anyone. That is not for me to do. Pointing out what is clearly stated in the Bible is not passing judgement. God will pass judgement on all of us.  I would harm no one and have never done so. You baseless accusations fall uselessly to the ground. Having you accuse me of being evil is laughable. And I would say your knowledge of the taliban is also simpleton level.  I did not cite Jesus in my post. More accusatory lies from you homer. Pathetic.

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36 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

If you read Romans 1 and come to any other conclusion, I don’t really know there’s anything else to say to you

First, the original texts in ancient language do not support the translations.

Second, if you follow the words directly attributed to Jesus, his commandment to love is in direct conflict.  I will go with Jesus.

Third, I talk to Jesus, He talks to me.  He has never once said a word about persecuting homosexuals.

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6 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

I have never passed judgement on anyone. That is not for me to do. Pointing out what is clearly stated in the Bible is not passing judgement. God will pass judgement on all of us.  I would harm no one and have never done so. You baseless accusations fall uselessly to the ground. Having you accuse me of being evil is laughable. And I would say your knowledge of the taliban is also simpleton level.  I did not cite Jesus in my post. More accusatory lies from you homer. Pathetic.

Does the bible speak for God or, does the bible reveal the spirit of Jesus?

Can the bible and/or the church become a false idol?

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