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when you die................


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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Agree to disagree.

so the man who likes to call haters out can hate as well. see? bad for aubie but ok for you. not surptising

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24 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

so the man who likes to call haters out can hate as well. see? bad for aubie but ok for you. not surptising

How is disagreeing being hateful.

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6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

when you die.jpg

Fifty, I agree God is going ask you about your love for others, but there will be other questions too. As and example, God will look into your soul and determine other aspects of your past life, such as was it reflection a of Christ (i.e. did others see you as a living example of Christ's love and approach to living). God will also want to see good works demostrating a strong healty relationship with your faith and salvation.

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15 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

How is disagreeing being hateful.

well you basically do the same as me i just post more. i disagree and tell you why and i am a hater. can you apologize fo4r calling biden a ped? i think more than once.

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18 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Man you made my case just by now asking clarifying statements.  And if you think this conversation is continuing after your admission of being disingenuous you’re insane.


My "clarifying" questions are straightforward and get to the very basis of our disagreement.  That you refuse to address them is telling. 

(And I didn't "admit" to being disingenuous,  I admitted that was a possibility for the sake of argument. (In statistics it would be a "degree of freedom".) 

So, if you think I am or was being disingenuous, please explain how.

But I have to admit that retiring from this debate is obviously a good choice for you.  After all, you are getting owned.

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5 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

If medical surgeries were not available to convert a human body to the opposite sex would there be such a movement as transsexuals?

Man, you still just don't get it.  :no:

One's sexuality does not reside in their genitalia.


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5 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

While we cannot fully understand the nature of God,,,

I believe Jesus made his intentions for us very clear.



The nature of God. He created everything perfect. Not hard to understand the rest. 

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11 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Does the Bible tell you that you're to use physical force and legal procedures to force people not to sin? Or does the Bible simply teach that you are to inform people what God and the bible consider sinful and let them make their own choices? 


Why even have free will at all if we're supposed to live in a Theocracy where it's illegal to sin or go against the Bible?

Good point Coffee. Thank you for making it. Informing people what God and the Bible consider sinful is what will get you cast into the lake of “haters” on this board. 

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12 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

when you die.jpg

I’m not sure how much God will ask, I believe He will revisit your life, exposing your sin  and your falling short of His standard. Shortly He will sentence you to hell unless you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. If so, Jesus will advocate for you in Heaven since He died on the Cross for your sins. 

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11 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i doubt he answers that.

I’ll answer it. Yes (in part). The Ten Commandments are exactly what is described above. Using legal proceedings to enforce them. Using force? Not so much. God gives us free will to choose Him. If you reject God, you are choosing Satan.

God created Adam and Eve, and they were perfect. When they sinned against God, evil entered the world and Satan has been exploiting that since. All of humanity beginning with Cain and Abel were born into a sinful world.  Yes large populations of homosexual and trans people did live back then. They were summarily destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Merely identifying what the Bible says about homosexuality and other sexual deviances does not make you hate anyone. This is the part you, fiddy, do not understand.

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5 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I’ll answer it. Yes (in part). The Ten Commandments are exactly what is described above. Using legal proceedings to enforce them. Using force? Not so much. God gives us free will to choose Him. If you reject God, you are choosing Satan.

God created Adam and Eve, and they were perfect. When they sinned against God, evil entered the world and Satan has been exploiting that since. All of humanity beginning with Cain and Abel were born into a sinful world.  Yes large populations of homosexual and trans people did live back then. They were summarily destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Merely identifying what the Bible says about homosexuality and other sexual deviances does not make you hate anyone. This is the part you, fiddy, do not understand.

i posted two different video's of preachers saying you are wrong. one pastor in the last video wants gays hunted down and murdered by the feds. the other one screamed for dems to get out of his church and he did the hatefuk gay thing as well.

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5 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I’m not sure how much God will ask, I believe He will revisit your life, exposing your sin  and your falling short of His standard. Shortly He will sentence you to hell unless you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. If so, Jesus will advocate for you in Heaven since He died on the Cross for your sins. 

i am not being smart here but i do not believe in hell. i am fine with that. my whole point in all of this jj is i do not hate christianity i hate what they are doing to the church. again i have an ex who found the lord and got on facebook after leaving church and wrote libs are evil. the very people you folks hate you should be showering with gods love and not how many folks you can kill and all that. evangelicals are not the only folks i have problems with. not too big on the caths tho they have a nice sermon as i was a guest once. but molesting little boys and covering it up and moving the offenders where they did it again? and i will never believe i need someone else to talk to god. i am not sure if that makes any sense. it is safe to say if i find a church it will be a methodist church because they are not as hateful as others in my personal experience or a nondenominational church run by hippies that preach love. and let me be clear. there are great people that attend churches i mentioned above so not all of them are evil or have corrupted gods will. and i will remind you many religious folks have done horrible things so lets not forget. salem witch trials was murder. england had a civil war over religion and they both took turns mutilating each others worshippers to include removing and burning of genitals and that sort of thing. most wars have been fought over religion who claim to love people. if you think churches and doctrines cannot be manipulated i do not know what to tell you. i love jesus and what he stands for. and i often wonder where he was when i was a kid in third of fourth grade getting my ass beat to a bloody pulp and being locked in a room while a step dad molested my sister. and this happened over and over. so i earned that right to not have to associate any hate and that includes religion. i beg you to watch those videos and yet even hurt i still love jesus and what he stands for. i know most are not that bad but they do damage as well. and if i call it out it does not mean i am a hater it is like are you guys aware and are you ok with it? what are you doing to combat it? and i want to make sure we have the freedoms of religion that are supposed to be guaranteed in this country and not seeing this country turn into a theocracy where anyone religion is shoved down my throat. so jj i will give trump hell all day if he deserves it but you guys are wrong about me and ichy and religion. all we are saying at the end of the day it is supposed to be about love. and with the church i mean big bad love. no hate. now i have been as blunt and honest as i can be. now i love jesus now and my own personal gut instincts tell me if there is one small ounce of hate in church it is not gods will.

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6 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

 God gives us free will to choose Him. If you reject God, you are choosing Satan.

This is truly an honest question: Is the choice that black and white? Meaning, if I reject God, the only alternative is to choose Satan? 

6 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I’m not sure how much God will ask, I believe He will revisit your life, exposing your sin  and your falling short of His standard. Shortly He will sentence you to hell unless you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. If so, Jesus will advocate for you in Heaven since He died on the Cross for your sins. 

Another honest question. You have two people: a person that has maliciously murdered someone and later accepts Jesus as their Savior, and a Hindu whose greatest sin in life was to once cheat on their taxes. Does the Saved person get into Heaven and the Hindu goes to Hell?


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14 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

The nature of God. He created everything perfect. Not hard to understand the rest. 

If there is a creator God, then "He" created everything, by definition.

The idea of "good, bad or perfect" is in the eye of the beholder (man).

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i am not being smart here but i do not believe in hell. i am fine with that. my whole point in all of this jj is i do not hate christianity i hate what they are doing to the church. again i have an ex who found the lord and got on facebook after leaving church and wrote libs are evil. the very people you folks hate you should be showering with gods love and not how many folks you can kill and all that. evangelicals are not the only folks i have problems with. not too big on the caths tho they have a nice sermon as i was a guest once. but molesting little boys and covering it up and moving the offenders where they did it again? and i will never believe i need someone else to talk to god. i am not sure if that makes any sense. it is safe to say if i find a church it will be a methodist church because they are not as hateful as others in my personal experience or a nondenominational church run by hippies that preach love. and let me be clear. there are great people that attend churches i mentioned above so not all of them are evil or have corrupted gods will. and i will remind you many religious folks have done horrible things so lets not forget. salem witch trials was murder. england had a civil war over religion and they both took turns mutilating each others worshippers to include removing and burning of genitals and that sort of thing. most wars have been fought over religion who claim to love people. if you think churches and doctrines cannot be manipulated i do not know what to tell you. i love jesus and what he stands for. and i often wonder where he was when i was a kid in third of fourth grade getting my ass beat to a bloody pulp and being locked in a room while a step dad molested my sister. and this happened over and over. so i earned that right to not have to associate any hate and that includes religion. i beg you to watch those videos and yet even hurt i still love jesus and what he stands for. i know most are not that bad but they do damage as well. and if i call it out it does not mean i am a hater it is like are you guys aware and are you ok with it? what are you doing to combat it? and i want to make sure we have the freedoms of religion that are supposed to be guaranteed in this country and not seeing this country turn into a theocracy where anyone religion is shoved down my throat. so jj i will give trump hell all day if he deserves it but you guys are wrong about me and ichy and religion. all we are saying at the end of the day it is supposed to be about love. and with the church i mean big bad love. no hate. now i have been as blunt and honest as i can be. now i love jesus now and my own personal gut instincts tell me if there is one small ounce of hate in church it is not gods will.

Jesus was not very fond of the church in his day Fiddy. Note his birth was announced to a bunch of sheep herders in a pasture. Not to the big shots in the temples.

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9 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I’ll answer it. Yes (in part). The Ten Commandments are exactly what is described above. Using legal proceedings to enforce them. Using force? Not so much. God gives us free will to choose Him. If you reject God, you are choosing Satan.

God created Adam and Eve, and they were perfect. When they sinned against God, evil entered the world and Satan has been exploiting that since. All of humanity beginning with Cain and Abel were born into a sinful world.  Yes large populations of homosexual and trans people did live back then. They were summarily destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Merely identifying what the Bible says about homosexuality and other sexual deviances does not make you hate anyone. This is the part you, fiddy, do not understand.

Religion just gives you a convenient excuse to hate someone who doesn't conform to your idea of "perfect".

"Fiddy" understands more about Christianity - Jesus - than you do.

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

If there is a creator God, then "He" created everything, by definition.

The idea of "good, bad or perfect" is in the eye of the beholder (man).

I would think so. He created a horse. A perfect horse. Today we have various horses.

Side note: man was appointed to look over the horse and it was man’s fancy breeding that made them difficult for veterinarians to care for.

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17 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

The term transgender didn’t exist until the 60’s. The only way transgender people could exist prior to 1960 is assuming their identity by other means than science.  



Here's a question for you:  Did bacteria exist thousands of years ago?  Or did they suddenly come into existence when they were discovered and named?

Did Down's syndrome exist thousands of years ago, or did it come into existence when the reason for it was found?

Obviously, there are practically an infinite number of other examples of things that existed long before they were studied, discovered and named.  But they have existed from the beginning.

You really should quit this, you're making a fool of yourself.


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11 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Good point Coffee. Thank you for making it. Informing people what God and the Bible consider sinful is what will get you cast into the lake of “haters” on this board. 

What exactly is the object of all this "hate"?

Is it all you self-described Christians who are using religion to condemn transsexuals and homosexuals?

I'll admit to that. 

I hate to see religion - any religion - used to abuse or condemn other people.  I'll fight that when I see it.

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17 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

I would think so. He created a horse. A perfect horse. Today we have various horses.

Side note: man was appointed to look over the horse and it was man’s fancy breeding that made them difficult for veterinarians to care for.

Well the first horses were about a foot high, but sure, I suppose one could say they were "perfect". :rolleyes:

Just like one could say that a creator God created the process of evolution, which if "He" exists is true, by definition.

Can't buy into that "man was appointed" part though.  Man arrived at the pinnacle of control through that aforementioned evolution and pure luck.


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32 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Jesus was not very fond of the church in his day Fiddy. Note his birth was announced to a bunch of sheep herders in a pasture. Not to the big shots in the temples.

I seriously doubt Jesus would be fond of the church in our day.  There's a message in that.

The modern church contains as many Pharisees as ever, as this thread clearly shows.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

I seriously doubt Jesus would be fond of the church in our day.  There's a message in that.

The modern church contains as many Pharisees as ever, as this thread clearly shows.

My point and opinion Brother Homer. You and I agree often. 

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8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i posted two different video's of preachers saying you are wrong. one pastor in the last video wants gays hunted down and murdered by the feds. the other one screamed for dems to get out of his church and he did the hatefuk gay thing as well.

Clearly to me those pastors are being misled.  I will loudly proclaim that I completely disagree with their positions as you have described. To me they are not representative of how Christians should act.

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