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Pro-death Republicans


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“Let ‘em die.”

 A 14-year-old Tucson girl was denied a refill of a life-saving prescription drug she had been taking for years just two days after Arizona’s new abortion law had taken effect.

14 year old Emma Thompson has debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis which has kept her in and out of the hospital for most of her life. She relies on methotrexate to help tame the effects of the disease.”


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The examples the left throw out to justify the murder of millions are nuts.  Well what if a small schooner is headed southwest in a monsoon, and the only way to avoid capsizing is to euthanize a baby that’s almost full term?  What then you evil, self righteous baby savers?🤣🤣


TexasTiger must live in Austin

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12 hours ago, pensacolatiger said:

The examples the left throw out to justify the murder of millions are nuts.

The single issue some will use to defy the direct commandments of Jesus is pure hypocrisy.

The love for humanity, until they are born,,, is not love at all.

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So basically, it's up to a Walgreen's pharmacist to enforce Arizona state laws governing women's health issues? 

This is ****** up.

Edited by homersapien
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they have no shame at all. none. they got plenty excuses but thats it. they are destroying the religion of jesus as we speak. there are some very serious reasons why the church is in decline and make no mistake it is happening. and yet instead of taking a look and trying to understand you guys do not care and turn a blind eye to it. if you are a true christian would you not want to know why? most of you people want to turn this country into some kind of religious theocracy for christians only and the hell with all other religions. does that sound about right?

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11 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

The single issue some will use to defy the direct commandments of Jesus is pure hypocrisy.

The love for humanity, until they are born,,, is not love at all.

Wait, what?

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6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

they have no shame at all. none. they got plenty excuses but thats it. they are destroying the religion of jesus as we speak. there are some very serious reasons why the church is in decline and make no mistake it is happening. and yet instead of taking a look and trying to understand you guys do not care and turn a blind eye to it. if you are a true christian would you not want to know why? most of you people want to turn this country into some kind of religious theocracy for christians only and the hell with all other religions. does that sound about right?

No, as usual fiddy you have no idea what Christians want.  Stop listening to Homer. It is bad for you. You could not be more wrong.

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6 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

No, as usual fiddy you have no idea what Christians want.  Stop listening to Homer. It is bad for you. You could not be more wrong.

from what few headlines i have seen it is real and growing. also sadly some say by force if necessary? and is it normal for a preacher to come out in a service and tell folks jesus said to take off a piece of jewelry and give to the church? this is why i remain wary. last year in a local election a preacher lied and slandered a city council woman saying he had video of her with another man not her husband. this is the gods honest truth. it was a lie and funny he could not provide the video but he is also a man of god so many people believed him. and this woman was considered one fo the best teachers in alabama and she actually got a free trip to the white house to meet bush jr when he was pres.

this kind of thing is happening more and more. it is not i hate the church i hate what many of them are doing. and you guys can claim me and ichy are godless or mistaken or whatever but it is fact the church is shrinking and this i believe proves my point. when i first attended church i was told i was going to hell because i had long hair. so i started going less and less until i quit. and i am pretty sure could care less how long your hair is. and here is one more thing. if the church is going to keep dabbling in politics then every single one that does should be taxed.

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22 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

The single issue some will use to defy the direct commandments of Jesus is pure hypocrisy.

The love for humanity, until they are born,,, is not love at all.

Do you cut pages out of your Bible on the daily?  

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On 10/2/2022 at 10:17 PM, pensacolatiger said:

The examples the left throw out to justify the murder of millions are nuts.  Well what if a small schooner is headed southwest in a monsoon, and the only way to avoid capsizing is to euthanize a baby that’s almost full term?  What then you evil, self righteous baby savers?🤣🤣


TexasTiger must live in Austin

Once again, begging the question is not a logical argument.  Regardless of your religious beliefs, a majority of Americans do not believe termination of a pregnancy early in the term is "murder".

And I am confident in saying a similar majority do not welcome you imposing your religious beliefs on everyone else through rule of law. 

That's theocracy, pure and simple.

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Once again, begging the question is not a logical argument.  Regardless of your religious beliefs, a majority of Americans do not believe termination a pregnancy early in the term is "murder".

And I confident in saying a similar majority do not welcome you imposing your religious beliefs on everyone else through rule of law.  That's theocracy, pure and simple.

“Believe” - so that’s what matters?  If you choose to ignore science and believe the fetus is an inanimate object, that matters?


hell, you could not believe in gravity and we damn sure shouldn’t respect that belief when building guard rails

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2 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

I speak with Jesus daily.

And he likes your position on killing babies and mutilating children to change their identity?  What other parts of the Bible is he telling you to ignore or change?  (Because if you feel spiritually close to a being that’s guiding you away from biblical principle, your life is much darker than you know)

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41 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

And he likes your position on killing babies and mutilating children to change their identity?  What other parts of the Bible is he telling you to ignore or change?  (Because if you feel spiritually close to a being that’s guiding you away from biblical principle, your life is much darker than you know)

I have a wonderful relationship with Jesus. 

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On 10/2/2022 at 9:17 PM, pensacolatiger said:

The examples the left throw out to justify the murder of millions are nuts.  Well what if a small schooner is headed southwest in a monsoon, and the only way to avoid capsizing is to euthanize a baby that’s almost full term?  What then you evil, self righteous baby savers?🤣🤣


TexasTiger must live in Austin

i bet you could care less if the mother dies in some back alley abortion. babies are not people until a certain way. you say what you want but you cannot change the science. i am pretty sure i read where the baby has to have a working brain up until a certain point.

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4 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

I have a wonderful relationship with Jesus. 

tell him to name three people you have killed...............

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10 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

from what few headlines i have seen it is real and growing. also sadly some say by force if necessary? and is it normal for a preacher to come out in a service and tell folks jesus said to take off a piece of jewelry and give to the church? this is why i remain wary. last year in a local election a preacher lied and slandered a city council woman saying he had video of her with another man not her husband. this is the gods honest truth. it was a lie and funny he could not provide the video but he is also a man of god so many people believed him. and this woman was considered one fo the best teachers in alabama and she actually got a free trip to the white house to meet bush jr when he was pres.

this kind of thing is happening more and more. it is not i hate the church i hate what many of them are doing. and you guys can claim me and ichy are godless or mistaken or whatever but it is fact the church is shrinking and this i believe proves my point. when i first attended church i was told i was going to hell because i had long hair. so i started going less and less until i quit. and i am pretty sure could care less how long your hair is. and here is one more thing. if the church is going to keep dabbling in politics then every single one that does should be taxed.

I agree. What is the tax that churches are exempt from? Is it property tax on the buildings? I don’t know. But whatever it is, the amount should be made public and the congregation can raise money to pay it. Otherwise the pastor’s silence on important spiritual issues is being bought for the amount of a tax bill. No Christian will ever force Christianity on a population because the choice of Jesus is made by the individual freely and solely. Another fiddy Christian bashing story above. I don’t know the guy or care to. He is obviously not right with God if he is acting as you say he is. Nobody cares about your hair. If you grew it long as a rebellion against your parents, then we have a problem, not with the hair, with the act of rebellion. Commandment 5.

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6 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

I agree. What is the tax that churches are exempt from? Is it property tax on the buildings? I don’t know. But whatever it is, the amount should be made public and the congregation can raise money to pay it. Otherwise the pastor’s silence on important spiritual issues is being bought for the amount of a tax bill. No Christian will ever force Christianity on a population because the choice of Jesus is made by the individual freely and solely. Another fiddy Christian bashing story above. I don’t know the guy or care to. He is obviously not right with God if he is acting as you say he is. Nobody cares about your hair. If you grew it long as a rebellion against your parents, then we have a problem, not with the hair, with the act of rebellion. Commandment 5.

you did not watch the videos i posted. so quit saying i am bashing. i do not have to. all i have to do is post the news,period. believe what ya want but you are so far off base with me it is laughable.

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4 hours ago, pensacolatiger said:

“Believe” - so that’s what matters?  If you choose to ignore science and believe the fetus is an inanimate object, that matters?

Where does science say anything about "animate" regarding a diploid cell (and up)?

Not sure you understand the role of science.


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4 hours ago, pensacolatiger said:

And he likes your position on killing babies and mutilating children to change their identity?  What other parts of the Bible is he telling you to ignore or change?  (Because if you feel spiritually close to a being that’s guiding you away from biblical principle, your life is much darker than you know)

You make a great Pharisee!

Now - given the power - what would you do with all these heretics who don't think exactly as you do?

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26 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You make a great Pharisee!

Now - given the power - what would you do with all these heretics who don't think exactly as you do?

Well Pharisees were Jews who denied that Jesus was the Messiah. That doesn’t sound like ptiger. Not one of your better comparisons. And the answer is nothing aside from witnessing. It is people like you that reject or deny God that act on your impulses.

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20 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Well Pharisees were Jews who denied that Jesus was the Messiah. That doesn’t sound like ptiger. Not one of your better comparisons. And the answer is nothing aside from witnessing. It is people like you that reject or deny God that act on your impulses.

I'm fine with "Witnessing".

It's the support of religiously justified legislation I have a problem with.


And it was an excellent analogy:


noun: Pharisee; plural noun: Pharisees
  1. a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.
    • a self-righteous person; a hypocrite.
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