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Watch Pete Buttigieg's Devastating Takedown of Fla.'s Ron DeSantis


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Watch Pete Buttigieg's Devastating Takedown of Fla.'s Ron DeSantis

Alex Cooper
Mon, September 26, 2022 at 11:51 AM·2 min read
Ron DeSantis and Pete Buttigieg

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has taken Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to task over the anti-LGBTQ+ politician flying asylum seekers from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.

"Obviously, there are issues with the border and with migration, but these are the kinds of stunts you see from people who don't have a solution,” Buttigieg said in an interview with journalist Evan Smith at the 2022 Texas Tribune Festival.

His comments drew applause from the audience.

“Governor DeSantis was in Congress. Where was he when they were debating immigration reform?” Buttigieg asks in the interview. “What have any of these people done to be part of the solution?


“So, you know, I get that if you’re after attention … it’s one thing to call attention to a problem when you have a course of action … it’s another thing to just call attention to a problem because the problem is actually more useful to you than the solution, and that helps you call attention to yourself. And that’s what’s going on,”

Buttigieg continued, “And the problem is, it’s one thing if it was just people being obnoxious, but human beings are being impacted by that. You flee a communist regime in Venezuela, you come here, and then somebody tricks you — somebody using Florida taxpayer money for some reason — tricks you in going from Texas to Massachusetts.

“It is not just ineffectual, it is hurting people in order to get attention.”

The clip posted online has been viewed by more than 2.1 million on Twitter and has been liked by more than 105,000.

One Twitter user responded to the clip, “Slayer Pete.” Others praised Buttigieg for his response to DeSantis’s actions.

About two weeks ago, asylum seekers, many of whom are believed to be from Venezuela, were sent to Martha’s Vineyard from Texas due to arrangements made by DeSantis. Many said they did not understand where they were heading or why.

DeSantis said that he wanted to make a statement about President Joe Biden’s immigration policies.

The move has been condemned by Biden administration officials and human rights advocates.

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the video showed up when i copied but did not make it. sorry..................

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So what is the downside to ending up in Mass vs TX?  Who’s money is Biden spending dumping all these people in various states secretly? Why this different? By the way, Ron has all the consent forms. And why does Pete even still have a job? Has he done anything to actually help the country besides just complain about Ron?  Sorry not Slayer Pete.

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