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As Florida’s DeSantis roars ‘Onward, Christian soldiers!’ Democrats must get real about religion | Editorial


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11 minutes ago, arein0 said:

Did I post anything related to math? I'm pretty sure my post you referenced was only about Christianity?

That’s the funny part, you did with no concept of it.  You mentioned not excluding anyone.  No concept of the debt this country has and it’s inability to take care of our own right now.  

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6 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

You do you bud.  I haven’t seen him preach a thing, just a commie making snarky pokes at a Christian.  If that’s love to you, y’all do your thing.  

But hit me up if you ever want to talk about your faith.  I think some of this stuff you’ve been reading is making you very angry and that’s exactly what the communists want

you do know the fellow you are calling a commie is a ten point vet who lost a leg in iraq right? and won a bronze?

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34 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

you do know the fellow you are calling a commie is a ten point vet who lost a leg in iraq right? and won a bronze?

Who also likes to take passive aggressive shots at people’s faith, and supports a socialist regime

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1 minute ago, pensacolatiger said:

Who also likes to take passive aggressive shots at people’s faith, and supports a socialist regime

you have called him a few names dude. you notice he is not getting down in the dirt with you? he thinks people are getting away from jesus and i agree with him. you have not said one nice thing to him. not once. you have not turned your other cheek or any of that. you attack the man when all he is doing is trying to help you. some of you christians need to get off your high horse and get back to the love of god and all mankind. christianity is dying and there is a reason for that and it is just flying right above your head. maybe it is called grace? grace is more than saying thank you at the dinner table. most churches need more love than what is being shown. a local church here teaches libs are evil. why you have a big time preacher in tennesse screaming for all libs to get out of his church. jesus wants you to be a good shepard and not a freaking fruitloop teaching hate in his name.

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56 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

That’s the funny part, you did with no concept of it.  You mentioned not excluding anyone.  No concept of the debt this country has and it’s inability to take care of our own right now.  

i am beginning to think you think jesus is a commie now pen. tell me one thing ichy said that was not jesus like. just one. you cannot do it. lod help you if you ever met john the baptist because he did not play from what little i know and have read of him. like it or not until the church turns from it's hateful ways membership will continue to decline. i am fine to worship at home but what about others. you guys have turned the new generation off from church. they see all this crazy political stuff mixed in with the church and they know better. and believe it or not some folks have honor. if you cannot help the church t least try not to hurt it.

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These are troubled times.  We cannot rely on the love, grace, mercy of Jesus.

Our faith needs to rest on the solid foundation of conservative principles and, our devout faith in unrestrained capitalism.

If we are going to remain a Christian nation, we must ignore Jesus and His teaching.  We must embrace our ideological interpretation of the bible, a book that has been carefully edited and translated  for 50 centuries in order to better suit our worldly needs.

Let us not try to rise above the world.  Let us control the world.

Edited by icanthearyou
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46 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i am beginning to think you think jesus is a commie now pen. tell me one thing ichy said that was not jesus like. just one. you cannot do it. lod help you if you ever met john the baptist because he did not play from what little i know and have read of him. like it or not until the church turns from it's hateful ways membership will continue to decline. i am fine to worship at home but what about others. you guys have turned the new generation off from church. they see all this crazy political stuff mixed in with the church and they know better. and believe it or not some folks have honor. if you cannot help the church t least try not to hurt it.

If that’s your justification for not going to church, I’ve got another idea.  Go to church, show the struggling Christians what a better Christian looks like.  Don’t waste anymore time here arguing with me

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41 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

These are troubled times.  We cannot rely on the love, grace, mercy of Jesus.

Our faith needs to rest on the solid foundation of conservative principles and, our devout faith in unrestrained capitalism.

If we are going to remain a Christian nation, we must ignore Jesus and His teaching.  We must embrace our ideological interpretation of the bible, a book that has been carefully edited and translated  for 50 centuries in order to better suit our worldly needs.

Let us not try to rise above the world.  Let us control the world.

Why would you put something like that in print?  Even if you’re joking.  Thank you for clarifying your spiritual status

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5 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

If that’s your justification for not going to church, I’ve got another idea.  Go to church, show the struggling Christians what a better Christian looks like.  Don’t waste anymore time here arguing with me

i will go to ichy if i need guidance or a best friend of fifty plus years whom is also a preacher. when you get time tell me your meaning of grace.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i will go to ichy if i need guidance or a best friend of fifty plus years whom is also a preacher. when you get time tell me your meaning of grace.

So iChy is a preacher that politically supports abortion?  

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5 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

So iChy is a preacher that politically supports abortion?  


4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

And transing the kids.

you are not a doc so you assume a lot. i have a friend who had a daughter that is now a he. honor roll and all the above. great young adult. she stated it probably saved her life but here you guys go again throwing down judgement on something i bet you know very little about. it gets complicated. and while i admit i know little of the science or medical stuff i know it worked for her. and tell me since you know so much have you ever researched the damage done to these kids say if they are feminie and have to attend mens PE class? you act like folks do not love their children and just want to hurt them. as for abortion ichy is probably like most non biased docs that will tell you a baby is not a baby until it is "done" cooking in the womb. look up brain waves and all that. most of you guys claim if a man ejaculates in a woman she is pregnant right then which is comeplte and total bullcrap. i would have to research the times again since its been a month or two since we tried hashing all this out. and there are fake vids and news articles out there that push anti abortion people past reason. basically unless enough loopholes are found it is either the mother or the baby dies. you people act like the mother has no rights at all. hell you guys are for capital punishment when all you are doing is murdering a murderer. but have fun with that.

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21 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i have a friend who had a daughter that is now a he. honor roll and all the above. great young adult.

How old was she when she transitioned, start to finish?

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4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

How old was she when she transitioned, start to finish?

she was home schooled and i said nothing because they were so concerned about a**holes freaking her out but i would say maybe around the time she started driving. she was not in grammar school. but she went through a gauntlet of docs and shrinks. and it is my understanding they all agreed after tests were done. but to be fair the he talked little about it. but she is very happy and a productive member of society the last i heard. but come on man i can not just run up and say what about this trans mess you got going. it is kind of like me asking what kind of sex you and the wifey enjoy...........ti is none of my business.

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7 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

she was home schooled and i said nothing because they were so concerned about a**holes freaking her out but i would say maybe around the time she started driving. she was not in grammar school. but she went through a gauntlet of docs and shrinks. and it is my understanding they all agreed after tests were done. but to be fair the he talked little about it. but she is very happy and a productive member of society the last i heard. but come on man i can not just run up and say what about this trans mess you got going. it is kind of like me asking what kind of sex you and the wifey enjoy...........ti is none of my business.

The point is it seems like she started her transition when she was a minor and to me that is child abuse.  I know you don’t know the particulars but that child was not of the age to give consent.  There is no good reason to start sterilizing a child without allowing them to grow and make decisions for themselves.  JMO.

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

The point is it seems like she started her transition when she was a minor and to me that is child abuse.  I know you don’t know the particulars but that child was not of the age to give consent.  There is no good reason to start sterilizing a child without allowing them to grow and make decisions for themselves.  JMO.

um i guess i did not state myself clear. she did not do the serious stuff until 18 or 19. but they had her taking meds before that. i do not see him as much but i am not going to ask questions that are none of my business. she is very happy now. i am telling you she saw a battery of docs before they went through with it. they have always been some of the best parents i know. their kids come before anything. and as for your last record it was her idea and they ran her through every battery of tests they found until they were absolutely sure it was what she wanted. and guess what? they were more worried about someone like you messing her up or hurting her when it is none of your business. see how that works? i assure you they had doubts because he said so he just did not go into great detail.

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Just so I’m clear, ICHY is a preacher and 50 is a Christian that both support gender reassignment surgery and abortion?  

come on, y’all playing.  Y’all run a car theft ring too?  (I’m playing 50, I’m playing)

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To be clear:

I support people having the right to be different without fear of bullying and persecution.

I do not support abortion.  I support the idea of the right to choose.

We make the world a better place by being better people ourselves, not by controlling others.  Being political, using force, does little.

IMHO, these social issues are nothing but a contrived distraction away from the real problems, money in politics, extreme inequality, the real threat of global warming.


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37 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

I support people having the right to be different without fear of bullying and persecution.

This is what Biden’s EO was about during his initial assault on the parent’s right to raise their own children.  However, like all other policies, it took a radical turn.  We are now mutilating teens by cutting off perfectly normal body parts and call it normal.  

Leftist are eager to state; there is no evidence that top surgery on teens are ever happening.


Now leftist are saying; yes they are happening and its good that there are.  The typical BS spread by evil thinkers.  Who would think mutilating teens because the teen believes they are something they are not is the right thing to do?  Where are the adults, real adults.  Even some of the adults are being brainwashed.

The interesting point of this survey is it is being conducted by the very people that has an economic internet in the results.  The control group was teens and young adults that were on puberty blockers or in the process of transitioning.  Its BS.

48 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

I do not support abortion.  I support the idea of the right to choose.

Jesus will see right through this excuse.

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Jesus will see right through this excuse.

In other words: MY Jesus supports the government enforcing MY beliefs on everyone who doesn't share them.



Edited by homersapien
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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

In other words, MY Jesus supports the government enforcing MY beliefs on everyone who doesn't share them.

Sounds about right. 

I wasn’t talking about me.  I didn’t say anything about my beliefs about abortion.  Ichy did.

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On 10/1/2022 at 1:57 PM, I_M4_AU said:

I wasn’t talking about me.  I didn’t say anything about my beliefs about abortion.  Ichy did.

No, you said what Jesus would about what ICHY's belief regarding personal choice, so stop prevaricating. 

So, you apparently know how Jesus would react.  (Of course, you undoubtedly believe that.)

With self-righteous "Christians" like you, it's little wonder religion is declining in this country.  (BTW, you would have been known as a "pharisee"  in Jesus's time.)

Edited by homersapien
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On 10/1/2022 at 1:02 PM, homersapien said:

No, you said what Jesus would think about what ICHY's belief regarding personal choice, so stop prevaricating. 

So, you apparently know how Jesus would react.  (Of course, you undoubtedly believe that.)

With self-righteous "Christians" like you, it's little wonder religion is declining in this country.  (BTW, you would have been known as a "pharisee"  in Jesus's time.)

Don’t mind homer - he’s harmless.  Just screams into the sky about all of the mean Christians.  

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I kind of chuckle when anyone claims to know what God/Jesus would want/say or how they would judge

No matter what you believe or how you interpret the bible, a majority of Christians out there will disagree with you in one respect or another and a lot of them will believe that YOU are going to possibly go to hell because you don't interpret the Bible/commands/path of salvation the same way they do, or that they are confident God will judge people in certain ways. 


Pro choice Christian? Millions of Christians believe that'll send you to hell 

Do you use contraception of any kind? Millions of Christians believe that'll send you to hell

Don't believe in water baptism for salvation? Millions of Christians believe that'll send you to hell 

Do/don't believe in the Trinity? Millions of Christians believe that'll send you to hell in either case depending on their belief. 

Believe or don't believe in pre-destination? Hell

Catholics and protestants each believe the other are fallen away from the "True church" 


Than there are literally hundreds if not thousands of other specific examples one could give where one Christian sect or denomination believes they alone have the correct interpretation or inspired message in their hearts and everyone who disagrees with them are wrong and influenced by the devil. 


One Bible...thousands of different interpretations/beliefs/readings and translations....many of which are significantly different than each other and none are able to definitively prove that THEY have the right "version" of beliefs. 



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