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why are people racist?


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2 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:


ok i am gonna forgive you for this wonderful gift. plus how can runnoft a cat that would be a legend in porn?

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1 minute ago, DKW 86 said:

As for your b'day, I can make it up to you any time...

i have a quest for you my son. go west and find and bring back the holy grail of Willies Reserve and we will talk.......wink wink lol

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6 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

May be an image of map and text that says 'Road 202s2 urricane ills Henderso 124 124 Santa Fe Trai Brentwood ood Cookevil Franklin Smithville Murfreesboro Spring Hill. 65 Columbia Spart 24 Hohenwald 41A McMinnville 31 Shelbyville Manchester boro Lawrenceburg 31 2 hr 12 min 146 miles 41 rence 72 Ch Athens le Shoals HEtsville H tsville 65 Decatur 59 Ilville Scottsboro 431 Hartselle Fort Pa Payne Pleasant Country Road 231 Cullman'


i was born in Decatur.

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27 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

I am very curious about this phenomenon. Why do people fight on against hopeless odds and follow people that are leading them into certain defeat?

I think it has to do with denial, not wanting to admit that you have been duped into a doomed, failed cause for all the wrong reasons.

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3 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

I think it has to do with denial, not wanting to admit that you have been duped into a doomed, failed cause for all the wrong reasons.

ichy, you are likely the only one here that would get this. Its the oaths that bother me. 


The MAGA folks must consider that they took some kind of oath to trump...I have no words how this kind of crazy is to be followed with a spectacular loss coming in a few months AND they are okay with that apparently.


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10 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

ichy, you are likely the only one here that would get this. Its the oaths that bother me. 



I don't really know what to think.  As far as diversity goes, I have always experienced more diversity in the medical world and higher education than anywhere else.

Honestly, I deeply care about social justice but,,, I do not care for the "culture wars".  IMHO, the "culture wars" are a purely political creation.  They do little other than create division which, may be the goal.  I find the reporting on the "culture wars" to be little more than click bait, rage bait.  I avoid this sort of reporting.  It usually lacks context and honesty for a reason.  Rarely can it differentiate between honest mistakes and, intentional ones.



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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

I am very curious about this phenomenon. Why do people fight on against hopeless odds and follow people that are leading them into certain defeat? Why do I and many more care? We may be about to see this happen with the MAGA Right. 2022 is now looking like a certain loss. trump associated candidates are losing their asses. And yet they fight on.

I am amazed you try to compare the Civil War and Nazi Germany to the *MAGA* movement.  It sounds like 90% of the Dems on this board and I thought you were a little more reasonable.

The reason conservatives and Republicans are still in the *fight* is 74% of the country believe we are headed in the wrong direction.  It may be that those 74% thing Joe is too soft on his agenda, but I don’t think so.  To name a few issues we conservatives do not agree with the way things are going:

1) Transing the kids.  This is not based on science it is based on an ideology that many do not believe is the right way to go.

2) No bail and releasing criminals back into society.  Recent events in Memphis and around the country show that this is not working.  I know Joe is now saying wants to *fund* the police his actions will show a different story

3) The boarder crisis.  Texas and Arizona are busing illegals to DC, NY and Chicago and those sanctuary cities are crying foul.  Joe has ignored the problem.

4) Our education system.  It is corrupted by the teacher’s unions so much so the teacher’s union believes the kids are actually their responsibility and the parents have no rights.

5). CRT being overtly taught in our school.  CRT is an ideology and has not place being taught in schools.  This goes hand in hand with the DIE propaganda being thrust down everybody’s throats as you link states.  It is accepted by the media as the gospel.  I have to tell you I sure don’t feel included in that philosophy.

6). 87000 IRS agents assigned to audit tax returns.  Joe has stated people that make under $400,000 need not worry, you and I both know that is just wrong.

7) The obvious weaponizing of the DOJ to go after a political opponent. No matter what you thing of Trump this is wrong for the same reason Trump was Impeached the first time.  You know that *perfect* phone call.

8 )The weaponizing of the FBI to go after parents who disagree with school boards

9). Last, but not the complete list, demonizing Republicans in his most recent speech in Philadelphia. He alienated half the country and tried to paint anybody that disagrees with Joe as the enemy.  This is pathetic coming from the President of the UNITED STATES.  

You can see the affects on this very board.  Any opposition to the liberal way of thing is met with disdain and intimidation. You have seen it before.  I wonder if you have knuckled under with your latest posts.

I don’t think America will survive as a true democracy if Joe gets another term.  Even if Joe doesn’t run, so other far left candidate will take his place.

The country has put individualism ahead of common sense and a country of individuals is not going to succeed.

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

As for your b'day, I can make it up to you any time...

last time i could not walk for a month and now i am 67 i am afraid you will kill me. can we just hold hands?

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14 hours ago, homersapien said:


Use them.

I do! I like to read and collect books. When I retire one day, I don’t know where I will put the books I have at my office with the ones I already have at home.

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47 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I am amazed you try to compare the Civil War and Nazi Germany to the *MAGA* movement.  It sounds like 90% of the Dems on this board and I thought you were a little more reasonable.

The reason conservatives and Republicans are still in the *fight* is 74% of the country believe we are headed in the wrong direction.  It may be that those 74% thing Joe is too soft on his agenda, but I don’t think so.  To name a few issues we conservatives do not agree with the way things are going:

1) Transing the kids.  This is not based on science it is based on an ideology that many do not believe is the right way to go.

2) No bail and releasing criminals back into society.  Recent events in Memphis and around the country show that this is not working.  I know Joe is now saying wants to *fund* the police his actions will show a different story

3) The boarder crisis.  Texas and Arizona are busing illegals to DC, NY and Chicago and those sanctuary cities are crying foul.  Joe has ignored the problem.

4) Our education system.  It is corrupted by the teacher’s unions so much so the teacher’s union believes the kids are actually their responsibility and the parents have no rights.

5). CRT being overtly taught in our school.  CRT is an ideology and has not place being taught in schools.  This goes hand in hand with the DIE propaganda being thrust down everybody’s throats as you link states.  It is accepted by the media as the gospel.  I have to tell you I sure don’t feel included in that philosophy.

6). 87000 IRS agents assigned to audit tax returns.  Joe has stated people that make under $400,000 need not worry, you and I both know that is just wrong.

7) The obvious weaponizing of the DOJ to go after a political opponent. No matter what you thing of Trump this is wrong for the same reason Trump was Impeached the first time.  You know that *perfect* phone call.

8 )The weaponizing of the FBI to go after parents who disagree with school boards

9). Last, but not the complete list, demonizing Republicans in his most recent speech in Philadelphia. He alienated half the country and tried to paint anybody that disagrees with Joe as the enemy.  This is pathetic coming from the President of the UNITED STATES.  

You can see the affects on this very board.  Any opposition to the liberal way of thing is met with disdain and intimidation. You have seen it before.  I wonder if you have knuckled under with your latest posts.

I don’t think America will survive as a true democracy if Joe gets another term.  Even if Joe doesn’t run, so other far left candidate will take his place.

The country has put individualism ahead of common sense and a country of individuals is not going to succeed.

There is not a single item you listed that is not a MAGA talking point. You say conservative, but moderate conservatives are not in hysterics about the majority of what you listed.

I also remember hearing those on the far right claim that our democracy would not survive another term when both Clinton and Obama were president. Still amazed that some people think Biden is a greater threat to it than Trump.

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41 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

There is not a single item you listed that is not a MAGA talking point. You say conservative, but moderate conservatives are not in hysterics about the majority of what you listed.

I also remember hearing those on the far right claim that our democracy would not survive another term when both Clinton and Obama were president. Still amazed that some people think Biden is a greater threat to it than Trump.

So, if they are MAGA talking points they don’t count?  I know you are not worried about children being sexually mutilated or the teachers teaching children what they want and not necessarily the curriculum, but many parents do.  See the Virginia Gubernatorial race.

Biden is more of a threat as his policies have been a disaster.  He is as authoritarian as they come.

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56 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

So, if they are MAGA talking points they don’t count?  I know you are not worried about children being sexually mutilated or the teachers teaching children what they want and not necessarily the curriculum, but many parents do.  See the Virginia Gubernatorial race.

Biden is more of a threat as his policies have been a disaster.  He is as authoritarian as they come.



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4 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

I am amazed you try to compare the Civil War and Nazi Germany to the *MAGA* movement.  It sounds like 90% of the Dems on this board and I thought you were a little more reasonable.

The reason conservatives and Republicans are still in the *fight* is 74% of the country believe we are headed in the wrong direction.  It may be that those 74% thing Joe is too soft on his agenda, but I don’t think so.  To name a few issues we conservatives do not agree with the way things are going:

1) Transing the kids.  This is not based on science it is based on an ideology that many do not believe is the right way to go.

2) No bail and releasing criminals back into society.  Recent events in Memphis and around the country show that this is not working.  I know Joe is now saying wants to *fund* the police his actions will show a different story

3) The boarder crisis.  Texas and Arizona are busing illegals to DC, NY and Chicago and those sanctuary cities are crying foul.  Joe has ignored the problem.

4) Our education system.  It is corrupted by the teacher’s unions so much so the teacher’s union believes the kids are actually their responsibility and the parents have no rights.

5). CRT being overtly taught in our school.  CRT is an ideology and has not place being taught in schools.  This goes hand in hand with the DIE propaganda being thrust down everybody’s throats as you link states.  It is accepted by the media as the gospel.  I have to tell you I sure don’t feel included in that philosophy.

6). 87000 IRS agents assigned to audit tax returns.  Joe has stated people that make under $400,000 need not worry, you and I both know that is just wrong.

7) The obvious weaponizing of the DOJ to go after a political opponent. No matter what you thing of Trump this is wrong for the same reason Trump was Impeached the first time.  You know that *perfect* phone call.

8 )The weaponizing of the FBI to go after parents who disagree with school boards

9). Last, but not the complete list, demonizing Republicans in his most recent speech in Philadelphia. He alienated half the country and tried to paint anybody that disagrees with Joe as the enemy.  This is pathetic coming from the President of the UNITED STATES.  

You can see the affects on this very board.  Any opposition to the liberal way of thing is met with disdain and intimidation. You have seen it before.  I wonder if you have knuckled under with your latest posts.

I don’t think America will survive as a true democracy if Joe gets another term.  Even if Joe doesn’t run, so other far left candidate will take his place.

The country has put individualism ahead of common sense and a country of individuals is not going to succeed.

And ahead of common decency.

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12 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

4) Our education system.  It is corrupted by the teacher’s unions so much so the teacher’s union believes the kids are actually their responsibility and the parents have no rights.

Isnt the teachers whole job to get the kids prepared for the next step in their growth, whether that be the next grade, middle school / high school / college, or a successful career after they are done with school?

I dont think a parent should have a say in what is taught in the classroom the same way I dont think a parent should have a say what is taught on the sports field or have an input on playing time. 

If the parent is that concerned with what is being taught, home school or a private school is always an option. 

Before I get criticized, I do believe parents should be able to talk to a teacher/coach about what their child needs to do better, or bring up that they are struggling with xyz and try to find a way to resolve that issue. My point was more about not having an input on the teachers curriculum.

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1) Transing the kids.  This is not based on science it is based on an ideology that many do not believe is the right way to go.

No one here said otherwise.

2) No bail and releasing criminals back into society.  Recent events in Memphis and around the country show that this is not working.  I know Joe is now saying wants to *fund* the police his actions will show a different story

There is a complete disconnect between Biden and other Dems. Reforming Three Strikes by releasing non-violent and drug possession offenders is wildly popular. Soros and his DAs went wildly overboard in also having no cash bail. It is going horribly wrong, not that the hardcore left will ever agree to that, no matter what.

3) The boarder crisis.  Texas and Arizona are busing illegals to DC, NY and Chicago and those sanctuary cities are crying foul.  Joe has ignored the problem.

Totally agree. We need more busing. We should comically expose those that are suddenly NIMBY folks. 

4) Our education system.  It is corrupted by the teacher’s unions so much so the teacher’s union believes the kids are actually their responsibility and the parents have no rights.

Teachers arent the bad guys here. It is those pushing bad curricula and ludicrously telling us that concerned parents are Domestic Terrorists.

5). CRT being overtly taught in our school.  CRT is an ideology and has no place being taught in schools.  This goes hand in hand with the DEI propaganda being thrust down everybody’s throats as you link states.  It is accepted by the media as the gospel.  I have to tell you I sure don’t feel included in that philosophy.

Some of this has taken on a RELIGIOUS level of craziness.

6). 87000 IRS agents assigned to audit tax returns.  Joe has stated people that make under $400,000 need not worry, you and I both know that is just wrong.

People that make that kind of $$$ can afford tax attorneys and will never pay a cent.

7) The obvious weaponizing of the DOJ to go after a political opponent. No matter what you think of Trump this is wrong for the same reason Trump was Impeached the first time.  You know that *perfect* phone call.

DOJ, FBI, and now IRS are likely weaponized or are being weaponized. 
Hitler would be so proud. They can now silence their political enemies with a soon to be gestapo.

8 )The weaponizing of the FBI to go after parents who disagree with school boards

I think everyone in America saw that for what it was.

9). Last, but not the complete list, demonizing Republicans in his most recent speech in Philadelphia. He alienated half the country and tried to paint anybody that disagrees with Joe as the enemy.  This is pathetic coming from the President of the UNITED STATES.  

This was just plain stupid. He tried to target his comments as only aimed at a small subset of Reps. now if anyone will actually believe that or not remains to be seen. He should have known how that was going to be used against him before he said it.

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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

2) No bail and releasing criminals back into society.  Recent events in Memphis and around the country show that this is not working.  I know Joe is now saying wants to *fund* the police his actions will show a different story

There is a complete disconnect between Biden and other Dems. Reforming Three Strikes by releasing non-violent and drug possession offenders is wildly popular. Soros and his DAs went wildly overboard in also having no cash bail. It is going horribly wrong, not that the hardcore left will ever agree to that, no matter what.

I agree, the three strikes should only apply to non-violent crimes. I dont know enough about the rest to have an educated opinion, but if they are abusing the system to get violent criminals back on the streets, that is wrong.

3) The boarder crisis.  Texas and Arizona are busing illegals to DC, NY and Chicago and those sanctuary cities are crying foul.  Joe has ignored the problem.

Totally agree. We need more busing. We should comically expose those that are suddenly NIMBY folks. 

I think bussing showed how big of a problem the boarder really is. I think both sides need to come together to try to make a solution. I think building a wall is a lazy solution that won't fix the problem. 

4) Our education system.  It is corrupted by the teacher’s unions so much so the teacher’s union believes the kids are actually their responsibility and the parents have no rights.

Teachers arent the bad guys here. It is those pushing bad curricula and ludicrously telling us that concerned parents are Domestic Terrorists.

I think there is a difference between concerned parents and parents that are making threats.

6). 87000 IRS agents assigned to audit tax returns.  Joe has stated people that make under $400,000 need not worry, you and I both know that is just wrong.

People that make that kind of $$$ can afford tax attorneys and will never pay a cent.

I'm mixed on this. On one hand having more agents to verify the top 1% is paying their taxes correctly seems like a good thing. On the other hand I think the tax system needs to be reworked and basically be a bill from the government where it is the max you should pay and it is up to you to show deductions and validation. They already have some sort of automated process in place or they wouldn't be able to validate your tax returns almost immediately.

7) The obvious weaponizing of the DOJ to go after a political opponent. No matter what you think of Trump this is wrong for the same reason Trump was Impeached the first time.  You know that *perfect* phone call.

DOJ, FBI, and now IRS are likely weaponized or are being weaponized. 
Hitler would be so proud. They can now silence their political enemies with a soon to be gestapo.

So it's now okay for a former president to have possession of classified documents?  If someone has something they shouldn't and refuse to return it, what are you going to do? The fact that they are related to nuclear information makes it only worse. I would be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed.

Since you are making the comparison that Biden is like Hitler, I will say this. Only one group has tried to overthrow election results by voice and force. Only one group has claimed all news that they dont like as "fake". Only one group is weaponizing religion to dehumanize anyone that doesn't agree with them. Only one group is actively trying to deeducate the country. Only one group views their leaders are above the law.

As you have said later, this is only referring to a small subset and not the majority, but they seem to be the most vocal at this time.



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So it's now okay for a former president to have possession of classified documents? 

NO!!! I am a former Classified Document Controller. They should all go to Leavenworth for one document.

If someone has something they shouldn't and refuse to return it, what are you going to do? The fact that they are related to nuclear information makes it only worse. I would be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed.

See above. I do not care one bit who they are or what party they are from. Prison.

Since you are making the comparison that Biden is like Hitler, I will say this. Only one group has tried to overthrow election results by voice and force. Only one group has claimed all news that they dont like as "fake". Only one group is weaponizing religion to dehumanize anyone that doesn't agree with them. Only one group is actively trying to deeducate the country. Only one group views their leaders are above the law.

Who TF are you talking to? I have hated trump my entire life. Never liked the man nor his policies. The FBI investigations into the Whitmer Kidnapping, Ruby Ridge, even trump were heavy handed and saw the FBI getting their asses handed to them in the courts. The IRS is being weaponized now, the FBI may be already. Who wants to "Stack SCOTUS?" Who wont enforce federal law for Judges and Justices? Who is denying the Rule of Law?


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9 hours ago, arein0 said:

Isnt the teachers whole job to get the kids prepared for the next step in their growth, whether that be the next grade, middle school / high school / college, or a successful career after they are done with school?

I dont think a parent should have a say in what is taught in the classroom the same way I dont think a parent should have a say what is taught on the sports field or have an input on playing time. 

If the parent is that concerned with what is being taught, home school or a private school is always an option. 

Before I get criticized, I do believe parents should be able to talk to a teacher/coach about what their child needs to do better, or bring up that they are struggling with xyz and try to find a way to resolve that issue. My point was more about not having an input on the teachers curriculum.

First thing; do not conflate what I said about teacher’s unions with the teachers themselves.  Teachers, at the grade level, have no say is what curriculum is taught.  That comes from the state with heavy influence from the teacher unions.

At some point in the last 8 years or so (my wife was a teacher in NC for 30 years as now she is retired) the state has changed their curriculum to teach more (as I call it) ideology.  President Biden, by EO, has declared gender studies needs to be taught in all grades to combat bullying.  This is a guise for teaching gender studies as bullying can be combated without teaching gender studies.  Teachers have not say in the matter, they must teach it.  The same can be said of CRT (another ideology), even though the left will swear in isn’t in the curriculum, text books are produced with this theory as an underlying theme (see Ron DeSantis’ edict on textbooks in Fla).

When did we start teaching ideology in public schools?  It has crept up on most parents and that is why Glen Youngkin won the Gubernatorial race in Virginia.  The Loudoun Country School board lied about what was being taught in the schools (not the STEM courses) and parents revolted.  Parents do not want their children taught ideologies they don’t believe in at public schools.

As to private schools or carter school, the teacher’s unions are against them as it the Biden administration. The teacher’s unions were the spearhead of shutting down the school during COVID.  They are not looking out for your child’s education, it’s all about power of the union and they weld a lot.

The teachers on the other hand are looking out for your child’s well being, but are told what to teach by the state and have limited input to the curriculum.

I agree the parents should not tell teachers what to teach in the STEM subjects, but that is not what is at play here.

This is not a criticism of your comment, just explaining my comment.

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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

No one here said otherwise.

Where have you been?  There have been threads on this subject with posters that have no children, a Jesus freak and posters with children arguing it is not anybodies business if K-3 teaches gender studies and mutilate sex organs of children without the parent’s permission.  One would think this would be a universal thing to get behind.

I have been reliably told that silence is consent, if so there are a lot of people ok with transing the kids

4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Teachers arent the bad guys here. It is those pushing bad curricula and ludicrously telling us that concerned parents are Domestic Terrorists.

I tried not to paint the teachers as the problem by stating teacher’s unions as the culprit.  See my reply to @arein0.

4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Some of this has taken on a RELIGIOUS level of craziness.

Agree he too.  It is as if ideology has replaced religion in schools.  It needs to go.

The rest of your post I agree.

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

So it's now okay for a former president to have possession of classified documents? 

NO!!! I am a former Classified Document Controller. They should all go to Leavenworth for one document.

If someone has something they shouldn't and refuse to return it, what are you going to do? The fact that they are related to nuclear information makes it only worse. I would be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed.

See above. I do not care one bit who they are or what party they are from. Prison.

Since you are making the comparison that Biden is like Hitler, I will say this. Only one group has tried to overthrow election results by voice and force. Only one group has claimed all news that they dont like as "fake". Only one group is weaponizing religion to dehumanize anyone that doesn't agree with them. Only one group is actively trying to deeducate the country. Only one group views their leaders are above the law.

Who TF are you talking to? I have hated trump my entire life. Never liked the man nor his policies. The FBI investigations into the Whitmer Kidnapping, Ruby Ridge, even trump were heavy handed and saw the FBI getting their asses handed to them in the courts. The IRS is being weaponized now, the FBI may be already. Who wants to "Stack SCOTUS?" Who wont enforce federal law for Judges and Justices? Who is denying the Rule of Law?


I guess I misinterpreted your post. My apologies.

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Just now, icanthearyou said:

No one is "transing" children.

No one is "mutilating the sex organs" of children (with or, without "parents' permission").

From the Jesus freak.

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