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Auburn QB drills 8/24


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4 hours ago, VicTree said:

Anyone know who the QB wearing the green #4 is?

that is tanks number. he tossing balls now?

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Hard to see much but notice on the out route how shed dropped his hips on the cut? That’s exactly what you want and a perfectly thrown ball

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First two throws seem nice. 3rd seemed softer. hard to tell. 

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Rotation appears to be Finley, Ashford, Calzada, Geriner. 

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2 hours ago, Didba said:

Rotation appears to be Finley, Ashford, Calzada, Geriner. 

Who knows, but with the AD gone, not sure it really matters. Harsin doesn’t have a chance whether or not he improves or not. Funny thing is, what kind of well known coach would even think about coaching here. This is complete internal combustion at its finest. The leadership of this University never ceases to amaze me. The donors or trustees or meddlers, whatever you prefer have done such a disservice to this place. With NIL here now, their donations help, but the deals are ultimately with bigger brands. AU is going to self destruct as it seems to so very often. I love AU, but at some point common sense and updated logic in moving forward with the changing times, must be realized in order to have a chance. Currently, NO winning or respectful coach would come here. This is a teenager based drama filled organization and that’s exactly why it will remain this way until the supposed powers to be step back and quit meddling. This is my opinion, but at some point enough is enough. 

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