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Rejoice! Biden is canceling up to $10K in student loans, $20K for Pell Grant recipients for borrowers making less than $125k/year


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I haven’t been in a hospital in 15 years (knock on wood). Why should I have to pay for Jim Bob’s broken ankle because he tried to do a backflip off the porch after drinking a half gallon of Fireball?


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18 minutes ago, ShocksMyBrain said:

I haven’t been in a hospital in 15 years (knock on wood). Why should I have to pay for Jim Bob’s broken ankle because he tried to do a backflip off the porch after drinking a half gallon of Fireball?


Somebody’s gotta take care of Jim Bob. Have you met that guy?

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20 minutes ago, ShocksMyBrain said:

I haven’t been in a hospital in 15 years (knock on wood). Why should I have to pay for Jim Bob’s broken ankle because he tried to do a backflip off the porch after drinking a half gallon of Fireball?


Because you are just lucky and do better backflips than than Jim Bob.

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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Because medical bills happen to you. Education bills are because of decisions you make or didnt make. The debts are okay, you are given a way to finance your education. Then pay for it like you AGREED to do. Act like an adult. No one owes you paid of debts you signed up for. NO ONE. You should have a very nice career. So pay your debts.

The problem is still over inflated tuition costs. If you want to legislate lower tuition costs that would be great. So far, no one has really even put thought into that. A few here have at least mentioned that. We need to look at subsidizing the costs more and to lower the threshold of cost. The problem is the cost, not the debt. The debt is a symptom. Not saving the cash, not managing your money right. You lower the costs for everyone and you lower the debt for everyone. 

I swear its like people only see THEIR side in this. Those that paid their own way, ROTC, Academic Schollies, Athletic Schollies and yes paid off debt are doing this right. building up a bunch of debt and praying that the taxpayers pay off your poor decisions is a pretty crappy way of acting like an adult.

Society benefits from college graduates. Society also benefits when people play by the rules and make better decisions. 

Schollies only do so much at the post graduate level. I’m sure you are becoming aware of that since I think you mentioned one of your kids is about to go. I had schollies in both undergrad and law school. The law school schollies didn’t go near as far as the undergrad. 

we need tuition reform and we also need insurance/medical cost reform, I’m a big universal healthcare proponent but a good start would be medical cost reform as well. 

hospitals do forgive debt if I remember correctly depending on the circumstances. 

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

Don’t even get me started on Billy Bob.

Billy Bob is a hitman roaming Fargo 

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Y’all, please don’t forget Bobby Bob either. That guy is his own worst enemy. He is constantly the most injured guy at the trailer park. 

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