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Climate Control Corruption....Follow The Money


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10 minutes ago, Didba said:

Okay post it then chief.

Since JJ is the one with the claim, I will defer to him. I am technically not a party to his claim so I don't believe I am subject to the discovery process. (How's that for law talk?) 😅

However, I will say that his ties to the forced labor is a stretch at best from what I have seen. But, I can see where people run with it. 

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5 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Since JJ is the one with the claim, I will defer to him. I am technically not a party to his claim so I don't believe I am subject to the discovery process. (How's that for law talk?) 😅

However, I will say that his ties to the forced labor is a stretch at best from what I have seen. But, I can see where people run with it. 

Good point. Motion granted. Case is dismissed. 🤣

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20 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

So it is the left the fascist ones.........interesting, LMAO

So this chart is easier to read and is based on the traditional left to right scale as most people understand them, that other scale was confusing when I went back and looked further. I also pulled three charts from Germany, UK, and US so you could see how the parties for each individual country show up on the left to right spectrum chart.  This source is a little old from the late 80s but it represents the left v right spectrum well and not much has changed for the actual spectrum besides where the various parties fall on it.

In the present for the US I'd put Ds more right of center in between 5-6 and the Rs would be more in between 7-8.75.

Excerpt 1.jpg

Untitled 2.jpg


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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

This country has never been less "socialistic".   The majority of "welfare" is going to the wealthy.

If socialism is one end of the spectrum and, fascism is the other, which one would be of greater concern?

 The socialism that the democrats have been pushing for years.

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1 minute ago, Tigermike said:

 The socialism that the democrats have been pushing for years.

See the charts I just posted, Democrats are far from socialists.

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

This country has never been less "socialistic".

That's not the first lie you told today is it.

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3 minutes ago, Tigermike said:

That's not the first lie you told today is it.

I mean it's not a lie, tons of academic sources back that up.

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1 minute ago, Didba said:

See the charts I just posted, Democrats are far from socialists.

Keep telling yourself that.  Who is the future of the DNC?  AOC...

In 60 seconds, AOC shows she's the future of the Democratic Party


Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the “future of our party”.



If James Carville and Obama hadn't made deals with James Clyburn in South Carolina during the last Presidential primaries Bernie Sanders would most likely have won the nominatin.   Biden was floundering and lost in his basement.   James Carville "We can't allow a damn socialist be our nominee!"


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5 minutes ago, Tigermike said:

Keep telling yourself that.  Who is the future of the DNC?  AOC...

In 60 seconds, AOC shows she's the future of the Democratic Party


Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the “future of our party”.



If James Carville and Obama hadn't made deals with James Clyburn in South Carolina during the last Presidential primaries Bernie Sanders would most likely have won the nominatin.   Biden was floundering and lost in his basement.   James Carville "We can't allow a damn socialist be our nominee!"


I don't have to tell myself that. I have access to decades of academic research that proves you wrong time and time again.  I even posted some above but you conveniently ignore it.

Further, your first link says "Opinion:"  right at the start thus not a credible source.  Further, you seem to misunderstand the difference between Socialist-democrats vs socialism/socialist vs communists.

Moreover, Bernie isn't a socialist, he is a socialist democrat. Seriously, you need to figure out the difference.


Did you even take a second to look at the charts I posted from a published paper in a political science journal? Like c'mon man at least attempt to understand what I am positing with academic papers.  Academic studies are what should be relied on for this type of discussion not opinion pieces from CNN and blog posts from The Hill.

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3 hours ago, Didba said:

Uh, wrong on the communist point as there have never been true communists within the democrat party. I'd love for you to cite me some credible/academic papers that show otherwise.

As per the democratic-socialists, you are correct that they are in the party, incorrect that they lead and push the party.  The socialist/progressive contingent of the democrat party is small compared to the moderate left centrists. 

As for you second sentence I hope they are they are the future of the party but I doubt it.

Source: my Political Science degree, and the plethora of research/academic writing I had to do on these exact subjects to get my degree from Auburn.


Also, it's such BS that you cannot ignore a Mod on this site. 

May be a small portion of the Demonic Party, but they do run it or have the leaders bend to their demands.

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4 hours ago, Didba said:

Okay post it then chief.

Quick easy search shows a page of links and there is more. I realize it is a waste of time to present this type info. Leftists don’t believe anything but their propaganda.  The search of fascists republicans and fascists democrats turns up a bunch of articles explaining why the party is fascist.  Same same. One of them even said republicans are fascist because they are pro life. LOL.


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2 hours ago, PUB78 said:

May be a small portion of the Demonic Party, but they do run it or have the leaders bend to their demands.

Oooooh I see what you did there! Very clever sir!


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56 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Quick easy search shows a page of links and there is more. I realize it is a waste of time to present this type info. Leftists don’t believe anything but their propaganda.  The search of fascists republicans and fascists democrats turns up a bunch of articles explaining why the party is fascist.  Same same. One of them even said republicans are fascist because they are pro life. LOL.


Neither Republican Party or the Democratic Party are fascists. However, extreme left and extreme right supporters of each party can be fascists or totalitarian. Nazis are fascists on the far right. Communists are totalitarians on the far left. Simple political science 101. 

further as for your sources cited above the first three are biased, well known conservative news outlets so those sources are not neutral as such are not credible just like cnn, msnbc, Washington Post etc are not credible when they report on conservatives because they are not neutral.

The last source in the BBC article is neutral but does not include Kerry anywhere in it so it doesn’t support your conclusion either. See where it says missing: Kerry, that means Kerry was not mentioned anywhere in the article. 

I do appreciate your attempt to provide sources. 

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5 minutes ago, Didba said:

Neither Republican Party or the Democratic Party are fascists. However, extreme left and extreme right supporters of each party can be fascists or totalitarian. Nazis are fascists on the far right. Communists are totalitarians on the far left. Simple political science 101. 

further as for your sources cited above the first three are biased, well known conservative news outlets so those sources are not neutral as such are not credible just like cnn, msnbc, Washington Post etc are not credible when they report on conservatives because they are not neutral.

The last source in the BBC article is neutral but does not include Kerry anywhere in it so it doesn’t support your conclusion either. See where it says missing: Kerry, that means Kerry was not mentioned anywhere in the article. 

I do appreciate your attempt to provide sources. 

There were a bunch more articles. Did you ask yourself who was buying all those solar panels? I think you know it is the truth but you just can’t resist denying it. Probably the lawyer talking.

Predictable attack on sources you don’t like.  No worries everybody is used to it.

Maybe you should tell Homer republicans are not Fascists. He thinks we are.

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37 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

There were a bunch more articles. Did you ask yourself who was buying all those solar panels? I think you know it is the truth but you just can’t resist denying it. Probably the lawyer talking.

Predictable attack on sources you don’t like.  No worries everybody is used to it.

Maybe you should tell Homer republicans are not Fascists. He thinks we are.

please man, view me here as neutral for once and not just a liberal. Im not like some of the other liberals on here. I am really trying to converse with you and not just dismiss you.

It’s so denigrating when I’m actually trying to connect with you guys and not just F with y’all then you just respond “it’s probably just the lawyer talking.”

I literally attacked both left and right wing sources, I don’t like any entertainment/biased source because they aren’t neutral or credible left or right. Cmon man. I’m literally being neutral in that regard.

My preferred sources are non-entertainment news like AP, PBS, NPR and BBC because they are not entertainment for profit 24 hours news media.

I am not even denying that Kerry is involved. Find once in this thread where I’ve denied it. All  I’ve done is ask for neutral, non-biased (both left and right) sources on Kerry’s link to the Chinese genocide of the Muslims. If the BBC, AP, NPR or PBS ran an article linking Kerry to this stuff I promise I’d believe you. 

and honestly you ask if I know where the solar panels are coming from? Honestly I have no idea. If the are coming from china’s camps of Muslims that’s really bad, if John Kerry is involved that is even worse.  This type of stuff doesn’t enter my news cycle. I hadn’t even heard of solar panels coming from china until I hopped in this thread. 

I know you guys find it hard to believe but I really don’t do any entertainment news media or even social media. I’m not on twitter, Facebook, insta, truth social, any of em. I only use Reddit and that’s literally for law subreddits strictly about law practice and developments and sports subreddits. 


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37 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

There were a bunch more articles. Did you ask yourself who was buying all those solar panels? I think you know it is the truth but you just can’t resist denying it. Probably the lawyer talking.

Predictable attack on sources you don’t like.  No worries everybody is used to it.

Maybe you should tell Homer republicans are not Fascists. He thinks we are.



These were the only articles from AP, BBC, PBS and NPR I could find after a quick search mentioning Kerry. 

"Kerry's Hillhouse stake is through a trust in which his wife is the beneficiary. He stated in his disclosure that they are not involved in managing the investments. While Kerry sold off many of his energy-related holdings earlier this year, those divestments did not include Hillhouse, according to a disclosure filed in March with the Office of Government Ethics."

I found the above in a right wing entertainment news site (https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/john-kerry-holds-1-million-stake-in-equity-fund-linked-to-uyghur-labor-abuse/). If the only connection is through his wife as beneficiary to a trust then he has no control over any of it, only the trust's trustee has control of the investments, beneficiaries do not make trust decisions. Kerry does not appear to be named in the trust either, and depending on the state his wife may not be able to withdraw as beneficiary without destruction of the trust which has a whole slough of ramifications. 

IMO, if true and she had notice of this investment she should have attempted to withdraw as a beneficiary but beneficiaries of trusts are not required to constantly monitor how the trustee invests the trust funds. Nor, do you want a beneficiary constantly monitoring it.  They usually get a trust financial statement once a year that explains the years fiscal investments, expenditures, etc. its very likely even if this information was in the financial statements there wouldn't be anything that jumps out to her saying hey this investment is going straight to genocide.  Also, Kerry is not privy to those financial documents himself.

Further, her stake appears to be an investment in this Hillhouse corp. which itself has invested in the chinese company so it appears to be an investment within an investment situation that could make it even harder for a beneficiary to know about the whole situation because the chinese company likely wouldn't be listed in the trust's financial documents.

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40 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Maybe you should tell Homer republicans are not Fascists. He thinks we are.

well republicans can be fascists, if a republican voter is a white supremacists then yeah that particular republican very well could be a fascist depending on his beliefs.

My statement meant that there were not any elected republicans or democrats that are fascists in the strict sense, supporters on both sides can be though.

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I'm gonna go back to the title of the thread, and posit that "follow the money" is the correct answer to damn near 100% of decisions and initiatives out there...and it's not just limited to politics, believe that.

Pursuit of money and power disguised as pious caring...it's a damn lucrative gig. 

I'm going to go control my own climate now...turning the thermostat up a degree or two.

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13 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

There were a bunch more articles. Did you ask yourself who was buying all those solar panels? I think you know it is the truth but you just can’t resist denying it. Probably the lawyer talking.

Predictable attack on sources you don’t like.  No worries everybody is used to it.

Maybe you should tell Homer republicans are not Fascists. He thinks we are.

Is there any actual evidence in ANY of your articles?  Can you cite/quote anything of substance?

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20 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Is there any actual evidence in ANY of your articles?  Can you cite/quote anything of substance?

There is a link through a trust Kerry’s wife is a beneficiary of but that link is tenuous. Beneficiaries have no decisions over who the trustee invests trust funds in not do they even know who the trust invests in 90% of the time. 

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4 hours ago, Didba_ said:

There is a link through a trust Kerry’s wife is a beneficiary of but that link is tenuous. Beneficiaries have no decisions over who the trustee invests trust funds in not do they even know who the trust invests in 90% of the time. 

So, we have plenty of innuendo but,,, NO evidence. 

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36 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

So, we have plenty of innuendo but,,, NO evidence. 

Pretty much.

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