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pastor among 6 arrested in St. Paul-Stillwater prostitution of minors sting


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Wisconsin pastor among 6 arrested in St. Paul-Stillwater prostitution of minors sting

Kristi Belcamino, Pioneer Press
Fri, July 29, 2022 at 6:47 PM

A sting operation this week in St. Paul and Stillwater led to the arrest of six people who now face felony charges in connection with attempting to solicit minors for sex or trafficking.

Undercover agents posed as minors or sex buyers on social media and made arrangements to meet the adults. When the adults arrived, they were arrested, according to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

One of the men, Jason James Taylor, is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Solid Rock in New Richmond, Wis. Taylor, 47, of New Richmond, was arrested and booked into Washington County jail on suspicion of felony solicitation of a minor for prostitution.

The Washington County criminal complaint gave the following details:


During the sting operation, an undercover officer posted an ad with a phone number on a known commercial sex website with a “decoy” picture of a girl appearing to be under 18. The undercover officer then contacted the people who called the number in the ad.

Authorities say Taylor was one of those who called.

During text conversations with the undercover officer, he agreed to pay $80 for a sex act. The undercover officer, acting as the girl, then said she was 17 years old. Taylor asked for a photo in a specific pose to confirm he was talking to a real person. After the photo was sent, Taylor confirmed he was OK with the girl being 17. The undercover agent gave Taylor the hotel’s address and room number. When he arrived on that floor, he was met by officers who arrested him, according to the criminal complaint.

Another church official, Pastor Brian Sullivan, said Friday night that because it was an ongoing legal issue, he was limited in any comment he could make.

“It’s a sensitive issue and we are praying for the Taylor family,” he said. “We are doing everything we can to support the family. Our role is to maintain the dignity of the family as best we can. It’s a sad thing. This is a lose-lose scenario for the community and the people impacted by it. The worst thing is what this will do to his family — and the church family.”

The operation, which took place Wednesday and Thursday, was a joint investigation by the BCA-led Human Trafficking Investigators Task Force, the East Metro Sex Trafficking Task Force and the Tribes United Against Sex Trafficking Task Force.

Authorities said they were able to rescue four victims of sex trafficking during the operation, but did not provide details.

According to the BCA, in addition to Taylor, the following suspects were arrested and booked into Washington County jail on suspicion of felony solicitation of a minor under 18 for prostitution:

  • Jeremiah Exzavier Brown, 30, of Eden Prairie.

  • Michel Libese Mbula, 47, of Kansas City, Mo.

  • Esteban Isaac Trejo-Dominguez, 21, of Columbia Heights.

  • Peng Yang, 28, of St. Paul.

In addition, Daville Shalik Wideman, 23, of Memphis, Tenn., was booked into Ramsey County jail on suspicion of promotion of prostitution or sex trafficking.

“While this operation is over, our work goes on,” said BCA Superintendent Drew Evans. “We will continue to pursue and arrest these criminals who exploit and victimize our children for sex.”

Authorities said if you or someone you know is in immediate danger of being trafficked, call 911. To report a suspected trafficking situation, call the BCA at 877-996-6222 or email bca.tips@state.mn.us.

“These arrests demonstrate that the market for juvenile commercial sex is not confined to limited segments of society,” said Washington County Attorney Kevin Magnuson. “The buyers come from all walks of life and each are responsible for the tremendous harm to the victims, their families and the public that sex trafficking causes.”

Mara Gottfried and Mary Divine contributed to this report.

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35 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Special place in hell for people like this...


i went to belleview baptist for a few years for a few years. long after i left they had a big blow up because the church wanted a known and convicted PED to lead the youth groups in music and all that. i will not even attempt to say what went on other than over half the congregation left for other churches. this is fact. now you guys know peds destroyed my older sisters life tho she was saved by gods grace a couple of years before she passed on christmas eve night. i got a touch and i buried it for many years which might have saved me down the line tho i could not pretend to tell you how or why. may last ex is the most screwed up woman i ever met and she will never change. she is doomed to horrors many of us can only imagine and i do not say this lightly and it will never go away. i had her in therapy and i am not sure she ever got better. she would not go to church because many called her a whore and the only time she got invites was to get together and put out for some user. i failed her and i often think god failed her. and i do not mean that in a mean way. maybe i am looking for answers. i will accept any opinions. but here is my thing and to me it is a biggie. how do we forgive peds? well all i can admit to is most were taught their family or someone close to family. this i understand. these guys do the worst s*** to the defenseless and two week i will be 67 and i have yet to make peace with it. i mean what if these guys are lying or fall off the wagon if they mean well? peds seem to be be mostly the gift that keeps on giving. and if i am really honest if i was in a room with a ped my thoughts would be two. how does the victim deal with it and how do you the the bastard and get away with it? this is an ongoing aubies sermon to aubie. i gone over and over this and all i have is the hate has gone down but the hurt has ramped up. so how do you guys get past this? i ask this here because most of you do not know me and i could not go to church and tell folks my sorry tale. i pray every single day and i never hear or feel anything. so how do you guys get by the really bad horrors that come calling?

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6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i went to belleview baptist for a few years for a few years. long after i left they had a big blow up because the church wanted a known and convicted PED to lead the youth groups in music and all that. i will not even attempt to say what went on other than over half the congregation left for other churches. this is fact. now you guys know peds destroyed my older sisters life tho she was saved by gods grace a couple of years before she passed on christmas eve night. i got a touch and i buried it for many years which might have saved me down the line tho i could not pretend to tell you how or why. may last ex is the most screwed up woman i ever met and she will never change. she is doomed to horrors many of us can only imagine and i do not say this lightly and it will never go away. i had her in therapy and i am not sure she ever got better. she would not go to church because many called her a whore and the only time she got invites was to get together and put out for some user. i failed her and i often think god failed her. and i do not mean that in a mean way. maybe i am looking for answers. i will accept any opinions. but here is my thing and to me it is a biggie. how do we forgive peds? well all i can admit to is most were taught their family or someone close to family. this i understand. these guys do the worst s*** to the defenseless and two week i will be 67 and i have yet to make peace with it. i mean what if these guys are lying or fall off the wagon if they mean well? peds seem to be be mostly the gift that keeps on giving. and if i am really honest if i was in a room with a ped my thoughts would be two. how does the victim deal with it and how do you the the bastard and get away with it? this is an ongoing aubies sermon to aubie. i gone over and over this and all i have is the hate has gone down but the hurt has ramped up. so how do you guys get past this? i ask this here because most of you do not know me and i could not go to church and tell folks my sorry tale. i pray every single day and i never hear or feel anything. so how do you guys get by the really bad horrors that come calling?

"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."

I have an ex BIL that just finished 25 years for sexually assaulting his then 2yo granddaughter. He is a crazed loon psycho and the reason I keep a 9MM by my bed and knives hidden all over the house. If he comes after me, it is a long story-he blames me for things in his life, I will send the bastard home and take my chances with a jury of my peers. 

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 This is a lose-lose scenario for the community and the people impacted by it. The worst thing is what this will do to his family — and the church family.”


Oh no! It's terrible how this will embarrass and hurt the church and his family.! quotes like this make me feel like this is definitely a Church that would hide and cover up any sexual abuse in their congregation without getting authorities involved. 

Glad the police got this guy and he wasn't just quietly moved to another Church in another state to be given 'another chance' 

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i went to belleview baptist for a few years for a few years. long after i left they had a big blow up because the church wanted a known and convicted PED to lead the youth groups in music and all that. i will not even attempt to say what went on other than over half the congregation left for other churches. this is fact. now you guys know peds destroyed my older sisters life tho she was saved by gods grace a couple of years before she passed on christmas eve night. i got a touch and i buried it for many years which might have saved me down the line tho i could not pretend to tell you how or why. may last ex is the most screwed up woman i ever met and she will never change. she is doomed to horrors many of us can only imagine and i do not say this lightly and it will never go away. i had her in therapy and i am not sure she ever got better. she would not go to church because many called her a whore and the only time she got invites was to get together and put out for some user. i failed her and i often think god failed her. and i do not mean that in a mean way. maybe i am looking for answers. i will accept any opinions. but here is my thing and to me it is a biggie. how do we forgive peds? well all i can admit to is most were taught their family or someone close to family. this i understand. these guys do the worst s*** to the defenseless and two week i will be 67 and i have yet to make peace with it. i mean what if these guys are lying or fall off the wagon if they mean well? peds seem to be be mostly the gift that keeps on giving. and if i am really honest if i was in a room with a ped my thoughts would be two. how does the victim deal with it and how do you the the bastard and get away with it? this is an ongoing aubies sermon to aubie. i gone over and over this and all i have is the hate has gone down but the hurt has ramped up. so how do you guys get past this? i ask this here because most of you do not know me and i could not go to church and tell folks my sorry tale. i pray every single day and i never hear or feel anything. so how do you guys get by the really bad horrors that come calling?

I am sorry Fifty. It was a blessing that your sister found Christ before she died, leaving this life of sorrows for everlasting paradise.

Were you molested as well?

I haven’t been through this type or intense trauma , but have lost parents, friends and love ones, battled depression a few times , had difficulties with a child and lost a great job years ago.

I always try to count my blessings, write down all the things I have to be thankful for. It always greatly outweighs the few negative things in my life. Think positive, help others, volunteer, because there are so many others that are much worse off or in much more difficult situations.

Confide in a close friend, seek counseling, replace worry with worship and service, read, walk, do things that give you pleasure and satisfaction.

But most of all, turn it over to God. Let him fight your battles, because he can do miraculous works.

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I am sorry Fifty. It was a blessing that your sister found Christ before she died, leaving this life of sorrows for everlasting paradise.

Were you molested as well?

I haven’t been through this type or intense trauma , but have lost parents, friends and love ones, battled depression a few times , had difficulties with a child and lost a great job years ago.

I always try to count my blessings, write down all the things I have to be thankful for. It always greatly outweighs the few negative things in my life. Think positive, help others, volunteer, because there are so many others that are much worse off or in much more difficult situations.

Confide in a close friend, seek counseling, replace worry with worship and service, read, walk, do things that give you pleasure and satisfaction.

But most of all, turn it over to God. Let him fight your battles, because he can do miraculous works.

yes. once. neck choke hold. pulled my pants in broad daylight and jerked off on my backside. no penetration. i was ashamed for years. i can still smell his hair lotion or what ever they wore back then. but i got barely a taste from what my sister and an ex got. i thought i could help heal my ex and that was a mistake.the guy that got me was a friend of a neighbors and he had two or three kids of his own and i had seen him three or four times.so i thought he was ok. my own shrink does not now i was molested because i was so shamed and i was not brave enough to speak out. my close friends know and they do not know how to act or what to say. the suicidal stuff actually came with lexapro  and once i quit those meds they went away. just weird stuff. i feel better telling folks online that do not know me to be honest. let me say the damage is done and the scars will never go away but i am in a much better place. and i am not looking for sorrow or any of that but i have to vent on occasion. i do believe my relationship with jesus helped me enough to still be here because i wanted to be dead. nothing like seeing and hearing how bad your family was treated only to leave this earth and have to try and deal with it on my own. most people that have never been involved in anything like that never know what to say or act. hell for years i confused gays and peds but i got that worked out. i still have some bad feelings in my heart for peds and no matter how hard i try i am not sure i can ever forgive any of them. i mean hurting and damaging someone for a few minutes of pleasure is some thing i will never understand. if more people talked about it instead of sweeping it under the rug i believe less children would be molested. so please do not feel sorry for me. if any thing be proud for me to get the courage to speak out. also always trust your guy instinct. warning bells went off with the guy that got me but we were outside in broad daylight. my shame is when he grabbed me around the neck in some kind of choke hold i froze. i still battle depression but my depression is anger.this one is hard because i cannot tolerate the meds. they are often up and down and do things like make me suicidal or quit working after a year or so. all my family that claims me is gone. right now i am in a good place but it has been a lifetime of hell off and on getting to find what peace i have. i will always have a friend in jesus. i think he saved me. when you lay in bed with a loaded and cocked pistol aimed at your head, crying and feeling as low as you can and knowing if i just pulled that trigger all my pain would be over. remember this was caused by a drug that they asked me to take to get over this. i never dreamed it would make things worse. ever. all i can say is never give up. in the end it is mostly you and jesus. people love you and want you better but they do not understand and will quit calling or coming by. that part hurts. if anyone in this board ever needs to talk in private i am up for it. i might can help or might not but i can care and i can cry with you. second chance wanted me to be a counselor for them but i was afraid of helping others with my own problems would basically hurt myself further.

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i will accept any opinions. but here is my thing and to me it is a biggie. how do we forgive peds?"

"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." We know that Jesus CONTINUALLY prayed this prayer from the time he was arrested thru his death.  It wasn't a one off.  And just think how tough it was to be an innocent scapegoat, having the ever-living s*** beaten out of you (yes, Mel Gibson's version was tame) and praying this throughout when it could be changed in an instant...

Matthew 18: 21-22

21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”

22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

This is the literal translation from the Greek.  Forgiveness is continuous because Abba's is continuous and never ending for all. Abba prefers mercy.


And before you start throwing your "Romans Road" garbage at me, make certain that you finish the first sentence which doesn't end with verse 23, but in 24:

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and ALL are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

The Greek uses a word in both cases as "us", meaning ALL of humanity. All of us. It has been given to ALL, whether you like it or not.  It's not your decision, and it never has been. That can be pretty tough to take.



Edited by 1716AU
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yes. once. neck choke hold. pulled my pants in broad daylight and jerked off on my backside. no penetration. i was ashamed for years. i can still smell his hair lotion or what ever they wore back then. but i got barely a taste from what my sister and an ex got. i thought i could help heal my ex and that was a mistake.the guy that got me was a friend of a neighbors and he had two or three kids of his own and i had seen him three or four times.so i thought he was ok. my own shrink does not now i was molested because i was so shamed and i was not brave enough to speak out. my close friends know and they do not know how to act or what to say. the suicidal stuff actually came with lexapro  and once i quit those meds they went away. just weird stuff. i feel better telling folks online that do not know me to be honest. let me say the damage is done and the scars will never go away but i am in a much better place. and i am not looking for sorrow or any of that but i have to vent on occasion. i do believe my relationship with jesus helped me enough to still be here because i wanted to be dead. nothing like seeing and hearing how bad your family was treated only to leave this earth and have to try and deal with it on my own. most people that have never been involved in anything like that never know what to say or act. hell for years i confused gays and peds but i got that worked out. i still have some bad feelings in my heart for peds and no matter how hard i try i am not sure i can ever forgive any of them. i mean hurting and damaging someone for a few minutes of pleasure is some thing i will never understand. if more people talked about it instead of sweeping it under the rug i believe less children would be molested. so please do not feel sorry for me. if any thing be proud for me to get the courage to speak out. also always trust your guy instinct. warning bells went off with the guy that got me but we were outside in broad daylight. my shame is when he grabbed me around the neck in some kind of choke hold i froze. i still battle depression but my depression is anger.this one is hard because i cannot tolerate the meds. they are often up and down and do things like make me suicidal or quit working after a year or so. all my family that claims me is gone. right now i am in a good place but it has been a lifetime of hell off and on getting to find what peace i have. i will always have a friend in jesus. i think he saved me. when you lay in bed with a loaded and cocked pistol aimed at your head, crying and feeling as low as you can and knowing if i just pulled that trigger all my pain would be over. remember this was caused by a drug that they asked me to take to get over this. i never dreamed it would make things worse. ever. all i can say is never give up. in the end it is mostly you and jesus. people love you and want you better but they do not understand and will quit calling or coming by. that part hurts. if anyone in this board ever needs to talk in private i am up for it. i might can help or might not but i can care and i can cry with you. second chance wanted me to be a counselor for them but i was afraid of helping others with my own problems would basically hurt myself further.

It takes a lot of courage for you to say this and I admire you for doing so. I am very sorry for what happened to you and your sister. I will keep you in my prayers.

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It takes a lot of courage for you to say this and I admire you for doing so. I am very sorry for what happened to you and your sister. I will keep you in my prayers.

just make sure when we cussin and fussin on here not to hold back. i mean you are always wrong of course but i would hate for that to change.  grins

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i went to belleview baptist for a few years for a few years. long after i left they had a big blow up because the church wanted a known and convicted PED to lead the youth groups in music and all that. i will not even attempt to say what went on other than over half the congregation left for other churches. this is fact. now you guys know peds destroyed my older sisters life tho she was saved by gods grace a couple of years before she passed on christmas eve night. i got a touch and i buried it for many years which might have saved me down the line tho i could not pretend to tell you how or why. may last ex is the most screwed up woman i ever met and she will never change. she is doomed to horrors many of us can only imagine and i do not say this lightly and it will never go away. i had her in therapy and i am not sure she ever got better. she would not go to church because many called her a whore and the only time she got invites was to get together and put out for some user. i failed her and i often think god failed her. and i do not mean that in a mean way. maybe i am looking for answers. i will accept any opinions. but here is my thing and to me it is a biggie. how do we forgive peds? well all i can admit to is most were taught their family or someone close to family. this i understand. these guys do the worst s*** to the defenseless and two week i will be 67 and i have yet to make peace with it. i mean what if these guys are lying or fall off the wagon if they mean well? peds seem to be be mostly the gift that keeps on giving. and if i am really honest if i was in a room with a ped my thoughts would be two. how does the victim deal with it and how do you the the bastard and get away with it? this is an ongoing aubies sermon to aubie. i gone over and over this and all i have is the hate has gone down but the hurt has ramped up. so how do you guys get past this? i ask this here because most of you do not know me and i could not go to church and tell folks my sorry tale. i pray every single day and i never hear or feel anything. so how do you guys get by the really bad horrors that come calling?

Have you ever watched the movie, The Shack?  

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Have you ever watched the movie, The Shack?  

no i was afraid it was a bunch of hype about nothing.

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no i was afraid it was a bunch of hype about nothing.

Hard to watch at times but, a really good movie.  The movie gives you a lot to think about in terms of God, humanity, freewill, sin, suffering, forgiveness, mercy, empathy.


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Hard to watch at times but, a really good movie.  The movie gives you a lot to think about in terms of God, humanity, freewill, sin, suffering, forgiveness, mercy, empathy.


i will try to check that out.

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i have netflix so i will check it out......................

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i will try to check that out.

I highly recommend.  It is uncomfortable.  However, I think it offers insight into an understanding of God, God's love beyond our limited, largely worldly understanding.

We tend to view all things through the only lens we know.  We see the limits of our physical world.  That is OUR context.  God has no such limits.  We want to "make things happen" by virtue of OUR perceptions.  We need to be more faithful and trust in Jesus, follow his simple command to love, be charitable, be humble, be merciful.

If we all lived by the virtues commanded by Jesus, there would be no problems in our world.  Have you ever known someone and thought, if everyone were like this person, there would be no war, no prisons, no hunger, no poverty, no anger, no hatred?  IMMHO, the only reason we do not live in the garden is,,, we cannot follow the simple commandments of Jesus.

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