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Pretty good one on Harsin and Auburn.


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8 hours ago, Didba said:

But what are you to do when someone makes a clearly false assertion attempting to controvert your statement?

For example, if a person said "it is standard across football today for Dlineman to retreat if they feel an easy pass rush and work down the line looking for the a screen play" and a person responds with:

"Screens are never on the DL. You teach defensive linemen to be aggressive and pounce on EVERY opportunity to hit the QB. If they do suspect a screen, get hands up. But it's a linebackers job to snuff it out."

I may be misinterpreting your question, and if I am please let me know so I can better rephrase.

There will always be people like that who make false assertions and believe it wholeheartedly.  You see it in politics all of the time.  But even in that, there is a way to have a discussion that does not involve devolving the conversation into a spitting match.  I think a good example would be how you and I converse.  You don't agree with everything I say, but we treat each other in a manner that at the end of the day we can still PM back and forth about our love for music.

If you respond to aggressive statements with aggressiveness, it will only make both sides dig in deeper out of spite.  But if it remains friendly, then there is a greater chance of your point getting across and the other person changing their mind.  That is my hope of what we can get back to, because that is what this forum once was and it attracted some very quality posters.  We had people like 72, LionHeartKC, and ToraGirl who explicitly came to this site to escape what was going on in their lives to find some peace.  But now we have posters going unchecked in how they treat others, which is driving many away.

I am sure you see what I am referring to all of the time.  It isn't uncommon to see posters talking to each other openly in how certain responses are incredibly stupid or this poster is dumb for thinking that.  No one is right all of the time, but there is a correct way to talk about it.

One of the ways I go about it is, you never know what someone else is going through to be acting the way they do in their posts.  A great example was Auburn4Ever.  It seemed every single post he made upset the ENTIRE forum.  I was one of the few who did not pile onto him because I had a feeling someone was going on and he may have disabilities we were unfamiliar with.  Well, it turns out, that was true.  You just never know until sometimes it is too late.

I will get off my soapbox now.  :nanner:

Edited by abw0004
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1 hour ago, abw0004 said:

A great example was Auburn4Ever.  It seemed every single post he made upset the ENTIRE forum.  I was one of the few who did not pile onto him because I had a feeling someone was going on and he may have disabilities we were unfamiliar with.  Well, it turns out, that was true.  You just never know until sometimes it is too late.

A number of people who knew full well about Auburn4Ever's situation piled on anyway. Thus they lost all of my respect, which I'm sure didn't make them lose any sleep. But I still remember who they are and what they are.

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10 hours ago, Didba said:

But what are you to do when someone makes a clearly false assertion attempting to controvert your statement?

For example, if a person said "it is standard across football today for Dlineman to retreat if they feel an easy pass rush and work down the line looking for the a screen play" and a person responds with:

"Screens are never on the DL. You teach defensive linemen to be aggressive and pounce on EVERY opportunity to hit the QB. If they do suspect a screen, get hands up. But it's a linebackers job to snuff it out."


They will get even more upset. I'll tell you the truth that most on here will try to dance around, if you disagree with a person on here that is well liked you will be ostracized. That's it. No ifs, ands, or buts. 

If you think for yourself and have your own opinion and you are on here long enough you will disagree right? But like I said if it's a popular person they more than likely have fans who will be mad at you. Now when you disagree with the next person you might have 3/4 people who are angry that you disagreed with them a few weeks ago and now they are reacting, not even about the topic on hand mind you, but they are reacting and piling on. The fact that you showed yourself to be knowledgeable will make them even more mad and they will probably hit you with the you don't know everything.

Meanwhile there are other posters who are deemed to know everything and it's taboo to disagree with them. It's basically high school, it's a popularity contest. It's more so you are welcome here if you think like we think. Then you have to understand the demographics of the board as well. Who is really more likely to know what the players think and feel? I bet that's not going to line up to the demographics of the board and that's going to be a conflict right there.

Right hand to God I had people really type on this forum how former players more than likely don't know anything about the program. Think about that. That's how out of touch it is. Former players don't know anything but a 40/50 year old guy let's even say he coached pee wee but most haven't done that, that guy knows football and what he says can't be doubted....he's an insider! Or maybe he has a paid account somewhere or follows everything on Twitter even the stuff that's not true....

I have a bunch more but I'll get off my soap box because if I don't this thread will be locked immediately 🤷🏿

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Former players are not prophets who know everything lol


A player graduated under Chizik so he’s complete expert of Auburn football under Harsin? That’s just silly. If you quit a job 10 years ago you can pretend to know all the ins and out of that company today, but mostly you don’t know sh*t. You just think you do. 

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7 hours ago, woodford said:

Former players are not prophets who know everything lol


A player graduated under Chizik so he’s complete expert of Auburn football under Harsin? That’s just silly. If you quit a job 10 years ago you can pretend to know all the ins and out of that company today, but mostly you don’t know sh*t. You just think you do. 

@Didba you see? Now you'll notice I didn't say or even imply that an athlete would know everything. But this is the disconnect, he doesn't know anything and is threatened by the thought of having someone not look at him as if he does. Meanwhile there are plenty of examples let's take tank bigby right. He just happened to be trained by Brad Lester former player. Now we can pretend that has nothing to do with him coming here. Also Brad trains a bunch of athletes, Brad is well known in the Georgia circuit. He mentors kids, you think Lester would probably know more than anybody the going on of the program? So what's hilarious guys like the op? They don't know. Not his community. Don't know how it works. Don't know how guys that played even though they may not have been hall of fame in the NFL or college are vital in the hood. But once again somebody named tigerfootballluver shouldn't be questioned while guys who legit talk to players and coaches as this guy says just think they do.....

But yeah that guy is a PERFECT example of what I'm saying. There's going to be a disconnect on here no matter what. Look at the demographics, he can't understand, he can't know what he doesn't know

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

@Didba you see? Now you'll notice I didn't say or even imply that an athlete would know everything. But this is the disconnect, he doesn't know anything and is threatened by the thought of having someone not look at him as if he does. Meanwhile there are plenty of examples let's take tank bigby right. He just happened to be trained by Brad Lester former player. Now we can pretend that has nothing to do with him coming here. Also Brad trains a bunch of athletes, Brad is well known in the Georgia circuit. He mentors kids, you think Lester would probably know more than anybody the going on of the program? So what's hilarious guys like the op? They don't know. Not his community. Don't know how it works. Don't know how guys that played even though they may not have been hall of fame in the NFL or college are vital in the hood. But once again somebody named tigerfootballluver shouldn't be questioned while guys who legit talk to players and coaches as this guy says just think they do.....

But yeah that guy is a PERFECT example of what I'm saying. There's going to be a disconnect on here no matter what. Look at the demographics, he can't understand, he can't know what he doesn't know

this is a good point, lot of people that never played the game don't have the respect for the players, lots do of course but many only see the product on the field and could give a rip about the person.

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13 hours ago, Mikey said:

A number of people who knew full well about Auburn4Ever's situation piled on anyway. Thus they lost all of my respect, which I'm sure didn't make them lose any sleep. But I still remember who they are and what they are.

This is 100% correct. I remember from reading, before I ever posted on this site. It bothered me at the time. 

I don't remember the names. But anyone who piled on him while knowing, should be deeply ashamed. Honestly, anyone should have been able to figure it out. There are some childish bullies on this site. 


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11 hours ago, cole256 said:

@Didba you see? Now you'll notice I didn't say or even imply that an athlete would know everything. But this is the disconnect, he doesn't know anything and is threatened by the thought of having someone not look at him as if he does. Meanwhile there are plenty of examples let's take tank bigby right. He just happened to be trained by Brad Lester former player. Now we can pretend that has nothing to do with him coming here. Also Brad trains a bunch of athletes, Brad is well known in the Georgia circuit. He mentors kids, you think Lester would probably know more than anybody the going on of the program? So what's hilarious guys like the op? They don't know. Not his community. Don't know how it works. Don't know how guys that played even though they may not have been hall of fame in the NFL or college are vital in the hood. But once again somebody named tigerfootballluver shouldn't be questioned while guys who legit talk to players and coaches as this guy says just think they do.....

But yeah that guy is a PERFECT example of what I'm saying. There's going to be a disconnect on here no matter what. Look at the demographics, he can't understand, he can't know what he doesn't know

“Threatened” lol your insecurity is p entertaining ngl 

9 hours ago, Didba said:

this is a good point, lot of people that never played the game don't have the respect for the players, lots do of course but many only see the product on the field and could give a rip about the person.

Yeah I never played football in the SEC so I could never fully respect the players like you. I’m glad we have you virtuous shepherds to guide us all ignorant sheep through the world of college football. We will never understand. 

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11 hours ago, cbo said:

This is 100% correct. I remember from reading, before I ever posted on this site. It bothered me at the time. 

I don't remember the names. But anyone who piled on him while knowing, should be deeply ashamed. Honestly, anyone should have been able to figure it out. There are some childish bullies on this site. 


I never understood why people even got upset with them. It was literally nothing to be upset about

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12 hours ago, Didba said:

this is a good point, lot of people that never played the game don't have the respect for the players, lots do of course but many only see the product on the field and could give a rip about the person.

It's not even respect, it's just hilarious to come to the conclusion they don't know squat while praising some guy they know nothing about, to be all knowing.

I can quit work right now and not look at a plant for years, you're not going to find some joe off the street to know nuclear power, but better yet nuclear power at that specific plant more than me.....and I guarantee I will still know many people that still work at the facility. 

Let's say a D1 level basketball player is coming out of Florence right now there is no way they aren't going to have a relationship with lamontae Turner or a guy from muscle shoals is going to have a relationship with Mark Sears....That's how it works. But once again if you're not in the environment you'd never know and it would seem foreign to you. You would just come to the conclusion that former players don't know anything because that's the way they look at players.

But it turns out that players are actually humans too! 😮 they form relationships and they are sought after for advice and they still have connections! 

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15 hours ago, cbo said:

This is 100% correct. I remember from reading, before I ever posted on this site. It bothered me at the time. 

I don't remember the names. But anyone who piled on him while knowing, should be deeply ashamed. Honestly, anyone should have been able to figure it out. There are some childish bullies on this site. 


I am out of the loop. What happen to that dude (PM).

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4 hours ago, cole256 said:

I never understood why people even got upset with them. It was literally nothing to be upset about

Because some people are just self-righteous ass hats. The one that gave it to him the worst is a mod and is still here.

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1 hour ago, Barnacle said:

Because some people are just self-righteous ass hats. The one that gave it to him the worst is a mod and is still here.

Yeah I thought it was some running gag they personally had with each other. Never knew the guy was seriously disabled or ill (Presumtuously). Dang. 

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On 7/20/2022 at 11:01 PM, Mikey said:

A number of people who knew full well about Auburn4Ever's situation piled on anyway. Thus they lost all of my respect, which I'm sure didn't make them lose any sleep. But I still remember who they are and what they are.

Same. They know/knew full well he had disabilities, and they piled on anyway. How fun that must’ve been for them to pick on the disabled guy. Pretty sick and despicable, but they don’t care.

Reminds me of Steve Spurrier‘s comments when the turds hired Nick Saban. Spurrier said it’s a match made in heaven, Alabama hired a coach without a conscious and a fan base that doesn’t care. Several people knew he had this disabilities, it was pointed out to them, and they just didn’t care!

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On 7/21/2022 at 7:36 AM, woodford said:

“Threatened” lol your insecurity is p entertaining ngl 

Yeah I never played football in the SEC so I could never fully respect the players like you. I’m glad we have you virtuous shepherds to guide us all ignorant sheep through the world of college football. We will never understand. 

No problem, glad I could help you. Feel free to reach out if you ever need a lesson. I charge by the hour for legal services but my football analysis is free especially for you.

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