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Trump Likely To Announce Run Soon Because He's A 'Freaking Toddler,' Says Ex-GOP Official

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Donald Trump may soon announce he’ll run for the presidency because he’s having a fit about the dirt revealed about him in Jan. 6 hearings, and because he has “all the impulse control of a freaking toddler,” a former GOP official scoffed Saturday.

“At the end of the day, he’s going to do whatever he wants. He’s shown that time and time again,” Kurt Bardella, a former deputy communications director for the GOP-controlled House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told MSNBC. (He’s now a Democrat and news commentator.)

“This guy has the impulse control of a freaking toddler. So nobody should be surprised about that at all. I think that Republicans, yeah, this is the golem they created,” Bardella added.

Bardella was responding to a New York Times story Friday that Trump is hoping a stepped-up announcement about going for the presidency — yet again — will distract the public from a “stream of damaging revelations,” and could declare he’s entering the race as early as this month.

“We all know from past experiences Donald Trump doesn’t care about anybody else but Donald Trump,” Bardella told MSNBC host Alex Witt. “So it doesn’t surprise me that when faced with the criticism that’s been mounting right now, following the January 6th hearings, that he’s thinking about pulling the trigger now.”

That timing will likely “ruin” things for the Republicans ahead of the midterms as more negative testimony taints the candidate, said Bardella. But it’s what Republicans deserve for tying their future to Trump, he said.

“You know what, Donald?” Bardella said. “Go out there, show everybody who you are, what you want to do, implode the Republican Party before November.”

“These guys have wanted to divorce themselves from Donald Trump for the last five years; they just have lacked courage, the ability, the guts to actually do it,” Bardella added. Behind the scenes “they are rooting for the Jan. 6 committee.”

Bardella claimed that “nobody was was more excited” about the powerful testimony early this week by Cassidy Hutchinson than “Republicans who want to dispense with Donald Trump.”

Among her most damning revelations, Hutchinson, who was an aide to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, testified that Trump wanted to drop screening for his supporters, who were known to be carrying weapons, and allow them to march to the Capitol Jan. 6, 2021. “They’re not here to hurt me,” Hutchinson quoted Trump as saying.

Check out Bardella’s full interview about Trump in the video below. He talks about Trump stepping up his race announcement beginning at 5:30:


This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

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