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Mr James your hate is showing. here is a reply i can stand by.................


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Guest opinion: Letter to Tim James about campaign ad; ‘It is never ok to attack children’

By Ryland Byars
4-5 minutes

This is a guest opinion column

Mr. James,

This has been written by someone who rarely posts or comments on any form of social media. However, sometimes it is necessary to speak up. I am tired of lies, negativity and hate being spread and used everywhere I look. But, singling out and endangering a group of people, especially children whose lives are already more difficult than you could possibly imagine, has impelled me to speak up.

My beliefs make me both a Christian and a Conservative. I believe we are called to be concerned for the health and general welfare of all people and to provide for those who cannot provide or struggle to provide for themselves, as we are able. I believe it is the job of government and our elected officials to protect the safety, health and general welfare of all its constituents and provide for the safety, health and general welfare in a dignified and constructive manner for those who cannot do so for themselves.

I do not agree with singling out any group of people and putting them in harm’s way. That’s exactly what you have caused and are causing with some of your political ads. As information, since airing of your latest ads, there have been cases of individuals driving by MCAA and displaying signs or blowing horns and yelling insults and threats at the students and faculty. Was that your intent? You are not the only candidate taking similar actions, but your actions have incited some of your followers to endanger children, teachers and staff working to educate those children in a safe environment. Was that your intent?

Regardless of anyone’s political opinions: What you said about the Magic City Acceptance Academy (MCAA) is inaccurate and uninformed. I know this for a fact. Amongst other reasons, MCAA was chartered to provide a safe learning environment for students that have been bullied or are not getting what they need in traditional classrooms or other learning environments. Your talk and actions have taken away that safe environment and put those individuals in harms way. Perhaps more research should have been done prior to making or airing the ad. Or was it just done to spread hate and get votes? Life is not quite as simple as you would like us to think. Not everyone fits into such a narrow world view. Does your god make mistakes? My God does not! I agree that “male and female He created them”. He did not stop there. I personally know human beings that He created who were born with the chromosomes of one gender and the physical characteristics and physiology of the opposite gender. Typically, they are classified on their birth certificates as the gender identified by the physiology, in reality they are possibly neither or both. These people are classified as intersex. I am certain there are other examples that don’t fit in your stated viewpoint.

It is not our place to judge or to condemn. Our job is to love, unconditionally, as Christ loves us. It is ok to disagree with something and to voice that disagreement, with factual information. It is never ok to attack children. It is never ok to attack anyone for traits they have had since birth. Hate is not ok. Encouraging your followers to single out a group of people then threaten and bully them is not ok, whether it is intentional or not. Your words and actions have consequences that may have an extremely negative impact on others, also designed and created by God. If you would like to be elected to a leadership position, please act like someone who knows what that means and actually cares about all the citizens of Alabama.

The opinions stated above are mine and do not necessarily correspond with the opinions of any individual, company, group or organization with which I may associate or belong.

I am open to a one-on-one personal conversation to discuss this further.


Ryland Byars

Ryland Byars was born and raised in Alabama and has been a resident of the state most of his life. Ryland is married, is an active member of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, raised four children and is a local businessman in Birmingham.

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Well damn, when I saw the title "Mr. James your hate" I was sure this post was about this guy


I was wrong.  Why haven't there been a bunch of posts about Frank James or this recent shooting in Sacramento?


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22 minutes ago, auburn41 said:

Well damn, when I saw the title "Mr. James your hate" I was sure this post was about this guy


I was wrong.  Why haven't there been a bunch of posts about Frank James or this recent shooting in Sacramento?



Because mass shootings and gun deaths in America are so common that they aren't deemed to be critical items of discussion anymore. 

I'm so thankful we have the 2nd Amendment so we wouldn't be like those pansy ass liberal European countries that only have a couple of shooting deaths a year. Here In God's country we give everyone guns, + unaffordable and ineffective mental health care + lots of drugs,  and then just let everyone shoot out their problems like nature intended. 

Yeah, some kids and innocents will die...heaven forbid..sometimes even innocent white people die (shudders)...but it's a price we all have to pay for our freedom to carry guns into Walmart strapped to our hips and brag about how we're the "good guys with guns" and how we'd of stopped all these shootings if only we'd been there to pop those baddie in the noggin just like we do on Call of Duty. 




Edited by CoffeeTiger
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20 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Yeah, some kids and innocents will die...heaven forbid..sometimes even innocent white people die (shudders)...but it's a price we all have to pay for our freedom to carry guns into Walmart strapped to our hips and brag about how we're the "good guys with guns" and how we'd of stopped all these shootings if only we'd been there to pop those baddie in the noggin just like we do on Call of Duty. 

The irony of people who are scared to leave their bedrooms without firearms doing all the tough guy cosplay... 

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Also, "Why haven't there a bunch of posts about Frank James"? Another reason is that you dipshits keep telling us that now is not the time to politicize shootings. (But suddenly you want to talk about it. Hmm. I wonder why that might be. I wonder what Frank James looks like...)

Meanwhile, for YEARS we have been *begging* for action to prevent Frank Jameses. All of those posts about equality and gun control? About removing barriers to entry and breaking the cycle of poverty? About disparate incarceration rates that sink many into poverty and lead to more single-parent homes? About raising minimum wage and taxing the rich at the same rate as the rest of us? About making sure that affordable healthcare and a decent education are available to all? YEAH, DUMBASS. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH ALL SOME OF US POST ABOUT IN HERE. IS MAKING FRANK JAMES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.

But hey, by all means, offer your solutions to prevent this from happening again. 

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10 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Great letter Fifty. 

It's a good reminder there are some self-identified conservatives and Christians who aren't cynical, hateful fascists.

at almost 67 i do not have time to wade through all of them to see who is legit. so i will stay at home and pray at home. i mean good grief metaphorically we have gone from washing feet to carrying assault rifles and you cannot tell me some of them hope they get to shoot someone. it is beyond stupid. i understand a lot of religions are like this now and it makes me sad.

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1 minute ago, McLoofus said:

Also, "Why haven't there a bunch of posts about Frank James"? Another reason is that you dipshits keep telling us that now is not the time to politicize shootings. (But suddenly you want to talk about it. Hmm. I wonder why that might be. I wonder what Frank James looks like...)

Meanwhile, for YEARS we have been *begging* for action to prevent Frank Jameses. All of those posts about equality and gun control? About removing barriers to entry and breaking the cycle of poverty? About disparate incarceration rates that sink many into poverty and lead to more single-parent homes? About raising minimum wage and taxing the rich at the same rate as the rest of us? About making sure that affordable healthcare and a decent education are available to all? YEAH, DUMBASS. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH ALL SOME OF US POST ABOUT IN HERE. IS MAKING FRANK JAMES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.

But hey, by all means, offer your solutions to prevent this from happening again. 

and some do not care if it is an illegal or some black person. i mean hell they made a hero out of that kid kyle i think?

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3 hours ago, McLoofus said:


If you are referring to me as the "DUMBASS," (not really easy to tell with all the BS virtue signaling) you can bite me!  

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59 minutes ago, auburn41 said:

If you are referring to me as the "DUMBASS," (not really easy to tell with all the BS virtue signaling) you can bite me!  

Just ignore him, he’s a whiny @$&#% that gets his knickers in a twist and resorts to name calling….

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3 hours ago, McLoofus said:

Safe to assume nobody disputed any of the points I made. 

Ha, safe to assume everyone reading this board knows you are a bomb throwing, virtue signaling, lightweight moron.

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