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1 hour ago, WarEagleT said:

Idaho not a bad thing, Captain Unaware. They have a better record against ranked teams than Auburn. it’s still D1 football. Boise, when they get a chance to play Power 5 conference schools, usually beats them, usually with lesser talent. Boise beat Dawgs in Athens 34-21 in ‘ll, and I loved it. All those 3,4,5 stars, and they got their ass kicked, because they were outschemed, and Boise players were coached up enough to compete against better talent. If that game had been played on the blue turf in Boise, Boise would have hung 50 on them. Been there, think Auburn Jungle bball, with about 40k fans instead. 

??? Boise has a better record against ranked opponents???

And why are you talking about Boise from 11 years ago when Harsin wasn't even there? Against a UGA that wasn't half what they are now? 


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5 hours ago, WarEagleT said:

Nope it is you who is wrong. Harsin/Boise has been coaching and winning at a high level for years. His teams with him as OC or head coach were 6 and 3 vs top 10 ranked opponents, including a spanking of Stoops and #5 Oklahoma in ‘07 Fiesta Bowl. Boise higher level than Gustav’s Arky State and Tulsa teams.

Just for clarity Harsin coached Arky State after Gus and had a worse record just like this year and is 1-0 vs Harsin. Peterson was the coach against Oklahoma and really put them on the map . Also Gustav is 1-0 against Peterson as well.  Again there is a big difference playing top ranked team every now and then versus on a frequent.

U are saying 6-3 which is probably over a span of 10 years or more . Auburn probably plays that man in 2 years. Apples to oranges

Edited by e808
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With all due respect Taco, perception, perception, perception. Like I said in an earlier post, I lived in Alabama for 20 years but my roots are up north. When I lived in Alabama there was a certain class of arrogant swells who carried themselves like their stuff didn't stink. I lived in Huntsville but I associated these folks with places like Mountain Brook and Vestavia Hills. That's how I see the BOT, Are they purposely sabotaging the program? Of course not, but that sense of entitlement as the landed gentry, the ones that tipped a couple with Coach Dye is how I see these guys. This is Auburn University , by God, and as long as they're alive, they'll set the course.

Am I wrong? Could be. I'm sitting in Kentucky. Soon this death by a thousand cuts will we over and we can wait for the next season of drama. Meanwhile another year of instability will come and go. Saban and Jimbo and Kirby and every other powerful rival will whisper in the 5 star kids' ears "you don't want to go to that 'cow college', son. You know how they are down there"

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17 hours ago, Tigerbelle said:

You can't say the allegations are false. There's enough there for Auburn players to leave in a significant number, and for recruiting to be in the dumpster. Clearly this is a bigger issue than just a couple of kids with hurt feelings. Due to Harsin's mismanagement of Auburn football there is now a big, embarrassing mess. That is reason enough to dump him even if he gets some money. 


The problem with Auburn is not Harsin.  All of the coaching world knows it and discusses it among themselves.


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20 hours ago, aucom96 said:

I think a lot of the damage to Auburn football has been lingering for years, peaking with the idiocy of Steven Leath. 

We weren't in a place where we needed a drill sergeant at Auburn. We needed someone to come in and make Auburn football attractive, to players and students alike. We needed to make it fun. We went out and got the opposite. I think I've gotten some idea of Harsin's plan and the amount of time it would take for that to even possibly work would require patience few SEC programs short of Vanderbilt have. He is a bad fit and I think this offseason - minus the Jerry Springer drama - proves that out. We are getting behind in a recruiting area that's full of sharks. 

Already had that with FunGus.

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6 hours ago, e808 said:

Just for clarity Harsin coached Arky State after Gus and had a worse record just like this year and is 1-0 vs Harsin. Peterson was the coach against Oklahoma and really put them on the map . Also Gustav is 1-0 against Peterson as well.  Again there is a big difference playing top ranked team every now and then versus on a frequent.

U are saying 6-3 which is probably over a span of 10 years or more . Auburn probably plays that man in 2 years. Apples to oranges

Harsin was OC on that team that beat Stoops/Okla.

Of course Boise does not have the opportunity to play as many top 10 teams due to their conference schedule. But when they do, they win more than they lose.  The point is many on this board are uninformed regarding the strong and successful  coaching and player development ability of Boise coaches- Petersen, Harsin, and others. Their overall body of work proves it. They coach up players and out scheme and  out- game plan many of the major conference teams they face. Yes Petersen helped establish it, and that success continued under Harsin. 

I’d like to see more of that player development, which was a critical flaw under Malzhan, from a more talented recruiting pool than they had at Boise. 

We’ll see if Jaba allows time to build a recruiting base so that Harsin can install more of a Pro style offense, and catch up with Saban, Kiffin, etc, who have adapted. On the defensive side, no more of this bring back Steele or Muschamp nonsense. 

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15 minutes ago, Stephen66 said:

Already had that with FunGus.

You think Gus was “fun”?


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9 hours ago, AUght2win said:

??? Boise has a better record against ranked opponents???

And why are you talking about Boise from 11 years ago when Harsin wasn't even there? Against a UGA that wasn't half what they are now? 


Look it up. Boise is not able to play ranked opponents as often because of the conference they play. in. But when they do, they do quite well-  6-3 vs top 10, and signature wins against Power 5 competition with more talented rosters, including Ga, Fla State, Va Tech (when they were good). Harsin was there for a lot of that, including OC in that Fiesta Bowl win against #5 Oklahoma way back in ‘07. Auburn, by contrast, plays more highly ranked teams for sure, but no coach in Auburn history has a winning record vs top 10 teams.

Logic of many on here with SEC bias would have never thought Saban or Meyer could have come to SEC and been successful after coaching at Bowling Green and Utah.

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4 minutes ago, WarEagleT said:

Look it up. Boise is not able to play ranked opponents as often because of the conference they play. in. But when they do, they do quite well-  6-3 vs top 10, and signature wins against Power 5 competition with more talented rosters, including Ga, Fla State, Va Tech (when they were good). Harsin was there for a lot of that, including OC in that Fiesta Bowl win against #5 Oklahoma way back in ‘07. Auburn, by contrast, plays more highly ranked teams for sure, but no coach in Auburn history has a winning record vs top 10 teams.

Logic of many on here with SEC bias would have never thought Saban or Meyer could have come to SEC and been successful after coaching at Bowling Green and Utah.

Clarification- Saban: Kent State, Mich State

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21 hours ago, oracle79 said:

The crybabies on social media didn't sign up for Harsin and they are entitled to their opinions and I'm glad they hit the road if they couldn't adapt to the new culture. It's going to take him getting his guys on scholarship, and his coaches under contract. Then the tide will turn. Question is, will the big money jack asses allow it to happen.

Dead on. Some replies to your post are from those who don’t acknowledge that it takes more than one season to fix the damage done by the last guy, due to resentment and behind the scenes meddling on asst. coach hiring.
Debates over players being soft are not about psychical toughness, but about being coached hard to get better. Smoke an others departing are spewing  crap on social media because they were  coached hard about mental errors and/or lack of effort  (targeting, coverage busts in Smoke’s case).. Kid needs to grow up and not worry about who bows to his momma. Thanks for your effort, good luck in the CFL ( oops damn that’s way upnorth). Nix left because he couldn’t take a full season of being coached up and being held more accountable for fixing fundamentals, and not being guaranteed he would start next year. So goodbye, wasn’t a good fit in the new system. Might not start all season at Oregon. 
Gustav was infamous for lack of player development, prime example being the Liberty about-to-be NFL high draft pick quarterback who was buried on the Gus Bus depth chart. We needed player development, better scheme, and better recruiting across all position groups.

Booster meddling has reared its ugly head from those who wanted Steele as head coach, All these coaching departures, including Mason, are because Harsin was not allowed to bring in exactly who he wanted and has complicated a critical first recruiting cycle. Coming to light now that incompetence and/or meddling has been a negative factor in asst. coach selection and salaries. 

Gotta tear some of this crap down before getting it right. Will take more than one season due to the back stabbing, whiny players, and JABA.
But, they may sabotage and run off exactly the kind of head coach Auburn needed, because he doesn’t have enough South in his mouth. Wife and daughters too attractive and wearing that modern fashion.  From up north. (west actually). Doesn’t hug mommas and daddys enough. Is he Mormon? Damn that’s the last straw. 


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11 hours ago, Taco said:

I think it’s a really weird idea that the people giving the university absurd amount of money is actively out there sabotaging it on purpose. Believe it or not, PTB are doing what they believe is best for the program, sometimes they’re a mess and they end sabotaging themselves, but usually they’re onboard to make the program successful. 

The Harsin hire obviously started from behind the 8-ball with everything regarding the situation of how he was hired. But I’ve said this plenty of times today and probably my final time, he didn’t really do much to help himself. So yes, the PTB are stepping in because they see red flags to nip it in the bud before we turn into a Tennessee. It seems like the PTB are aligned on that. 

Are they doing it the right way? Hell no.

Is this going to end up being messy? Yes.

Can Harsin somehow still come back? Maybe but he better cross his T’s and dot his I’d

Can Auburn come back from this? No doubt. 

If you or anybody wants to bury their head in a hole and ignore red flags, be my guest. But please for the love of god, stop saying PTB are trying to sabotage the university they throw ungodly money at. Because if they really wanted to give the football program and middle finger, they’ll just pull their funding. It’s really THAT simple. 

But if they have a history of stupid decisions their money doesn’t matter. 

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2 hours ago, Kentucky Tiger said:

With all due respect Taco, perception, perception, perception. Like I said in an earlier post, I lived in Alabama for 20 years but my roots are up north. When I lived in Alabama there was a certain class of arrogant swells who carried themselves like their stuff didn't stink. I lived in Huntsville but I associated these folks with places like Mountain Brook and Vestavia Hills. That's how I see the BOT, Are they purposely sabotaging the program? Of course not, but that sense of entitlement as the landed gentry, the ones that tipped a couple with Coach Dye is how I see these guys. This is Auburn University , by God, and as long as they're alive, they'll set the course.

Am I wrong? Could be. I'm sitting in Kentucky. Soon this death by a thousand cuts will we over and we can wait for the next season of drama. Meanwhile another year of instability will come and go. Saban and Jimbo and Kirby and every other powerful rival will whisper in the 5 star kids' ears "you don't want to go to that 'cow college', son. You know how they are down there"

Where you located in Kentucky? I’ve been located in Kentucky the past year as well. Worked as an counsel to a mid-major D1 school but was thankfully allowed to work remotely/travel so I was able to be located in Lexington. Now I’m up in Covington working for a firm in Cincinnati. 

For what you’re saying I think I’m getting the point. But what I’ll state is something people seems to ignore. The PTB really are the hands that feed Auburn University. They’re the ones that back Auburn to have the money to give what Bruce Pearl wanted in his contract, the facility additions he wanted, and the building of our new football indoor facilities. Do they think they know more than us regular folks? Probably. But the difference is that they have the capital to make moves, they know more on the inside to see what’s going on and whether it’s for the good and bad. But I can promise you, they not activity going around trying to light their millions on fire just to say “I told you so.” To be rosy eyed with Harsin at this point in my humble opinion is that you are just ignorant, or choose to only believe what’s coming out from Harsin’s camp. 

Now, with regards to Saban and Jimbo, it seems like this seems like a chicken or the egg scenario for a lot of people. “They won so the boards stopped meddling.” Yes, that’s part of it, but it was more of the PTB at their respective schools look at the mess from the previous coaches and seeing the arms race going on in the SEC and saying “ok, enough is enough. Let’s get on the same page, get our guy, and let’s get this program to the levels we want it to be.” When everyone is aligned from the board, the boosters, and the athletic department and willing to get the ship right, it could be a really good scenario. Obviously Saban worked out wonders for Bama. I personally believe Jimbo is up in the air. 

Kirby is an example of what Harsin’s hire could have been. Kirby had the SEC background, all the coordinator experience you can have, and was Saban’s protege. But he had 0 head coaching experience and was replacing one of UGA’s most successful coach in history (would be if he ever won a national title). The big difference with Kirby and Harsin is that he did have his southern connections, and he’s built his program around recruitment (very strong correlation between recruiting ranks/titles and actually competing for the national title. Coach Harsin has not shown this. It’s not a year 1 situation with Harsin, he hasn’t done what he needed to in year 1 regarding recruiting to to show me, the coaches in AL, GA, FL or our pipelines. 

My conclusion? Coach Harsin is a fine coach. He’s going to be great at an non-perennial national championship contending program in the PAC12 or Big 12, but he’s not ready to compete with the big boys in the SEC West. 

And for people who thinks “oh he’s got to have more time to learn.” With the money our boosters forks over, you don’t really, especially when you HAVE NOT shown the ability to learn and adjust to the SEC landscape. 

Alright I think I’m done for the day on the board after this lol. 

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11 minutes ago, WarEagleT said:

But if they have a history of stupid decisions their money doesn’t matter. 

Dont be naive. Money does matter. Not only in Auburn but in everything in our lives. 

I really am giving off the Mr. Wonderful vibes. I might have to take a shower.

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16 minutes ago, Taco said:

Where you located in Kentucky? I’ve been located in Kentucky the past year as well. Worked as an counsel to a mid-major D1 school but was thankfully allowed to work remotely/travel so I was able to be located in Lexington. Now I’m up in Covington working for a firm in Cincinnati. 

Covington is a nice area, I’ve been up to Florence and Covington several times on business and heading there and to the Cincinnati area this week!

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1 hour ago, WarEagleT said:

Look it up. Boise is not able to play ranked opponents as often because of the conference they play. in. But when they do, they do quite well-  6-3 vs top 10, and signature wins against Power 5 competition with more talented rosters, including Ga, Fla State, Va Tech (when they were good). Harsin was there for a lot of that, including OC in that Fiesta Bowl win against #5 Oklahoma way back in ‘07. Auburn, by contrast, plays more highly ranked teams for sure, but no coach in Auburn history has a winning record vs top 10 teams.

Logic of many on here with SEC bias would have never thought Saban or Meyer could have come to SEC and been successful after coaching at Bowling Green and Utah.

Just so wrong on so many levels. But let's break it down.

First off, Tubberville was 15-14 at Auburn against top 10 teams. So there's point #1 debunked.

Secondly, Boise has not beaten a top 10 team since 2009. They have only been D1 for less than 30 years are 3-3 ALL TIME as a program against top 10 teams.

Finally, let's look at Harsin's record as HC against ranked and top 10 teams at Boise.

- In 2020 he played #9 BYU and #24 San Jose State. Lost to both.

- In 2019 Boise did not face a single ranked opponent. 

- In 2018 Boise did not face any top 10 teams, and went 2-2 vs. Ranked teams. 

- In 2017, no top 10, 2-1 vs. Ranked.

- In 2016, no ranked opponents. 

- In 2015, no ranked opponents.

- In 2014, no top 10 opponents, 1-1 vs. Ranked teams. 

Harsin at Boise was 0-1 vs. Top 10 teams and 5-6 vs. ranked teams. So everything you posted was intentionally a lie or just wildly ignorant. 

Edited by AUght2win
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For the "most accomplished coach ever to be hired by Auburn" absolutely no one else looked to hire him during his decade at Boise.

He probably would be looked at differently if he built it, but at best he just maintained what he inherited and could never get it back to the peak of his predecessor 

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12 hours ago, Taco said:

Believe it or not, PTB are doing what they believe is best for the program,

Jerry Jones has been doing what he thinks is best for the Cowboys. How has that worked out for him since Jimmy Johnson left?

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6 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

For the "most accomplished coach ever to be hired by Auburn" absolutely no one else looked to hire him during his decade at Boise.

He probably would be looked at differently if he built it, but at best he just maintained what he inherited and could never get it back to the peak of his predecessor 

He doesn't believe that. Nobody genuinely believes that. Harsin was an interesting gamble and had some bright spots on his resume. But everyone knew going in that there were serious questions as to whether his experience would translate. 

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59 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

Just so wrong on so many levels. But let's break it down.

First off, Tubberville was 15-14 at Auburn against top 10 teams. So there's point #1 debunked.

Secondly, Boise has not beaten a top 10 team since 2009. They have only been D1 for less than 30 years are 3-3 ALL TIME as a program against top 10 teams.

Finally, let's look at Harsin's record as HC against ranked and top 10 teams at Boise.

- In 2020 he played #9 BYU and #24 San Jose State. Lost to both.

- In 2019 Boise did not face a single ranked opponent. 

- In 2018 Boise did not face any top 10 teams, and went 2-2 vs. Ranked teams. 

- In 2017, no top 10, 2-1 vs. Ranked.

- In 2016, no ranked opponents. 

- In 2015, no ranked opponents.

- In 2014, no top 10 opponents, 1-1 vs. Ranked teams. 

Harsin at Boise was 0-1 vs. Top 10 teams and 5-6 vs. ranked teams. So everything you posted was intentionally a lie or just wildly ignorant. 

Ok Wikipedia Wonder, I stand corrected on Tommy Trumper T, he was 15/14 vs ranked programs. His undoing despite beating Bammer so much vs a weakened opponent and inferior coaches, was his coming up short in some big games toward the end plus the bubba boosters’ meddling. Every other AU coach- not so good vs top 10. 
 Regarding the rest of your “research”, I was originally posting about the general excellence of the Boise coaching tradition where Harsin was a major part- player, OC, and finally, head coach. That program has a reputation as a “ giant killer “ for a reason- they’ve gone head to head against larger programs over the years and more than held their own. I particularly enjoyed their thrashing of Ga in ‘11. Of course That Ga team was not as good as the one today- but they were the almighty SEC! How could they lose to the potato boys at home? That takes superior player development, scheming, and game day management, Something AU desperately needed after the Gus Bus started breaking down.  

This site is getting boring with all the drama over this coach.  Go back to your tv and keyboard;  time for me to go skiing!


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36 minutes ago, WarEagleT said:

Ok Wikipedia Wonder, I stand corrected on Tommy Trumper T, he was 15/14 vs ranked programs. His undoing despite beating Bammer so much vs a weakened opponent and inferior coaches, was his coming up short in some big games toward the end plus the bubba boosters’ meddling. Every other AU coach- not so good vs top 10. 
 Regarding the rest of your “research”, I was originally posting about the general excellence of the Boise coaching tradition where Harsin was a major part- player, OC, and finally, head coach. That program has a reputation as a “ giant killer “ for a reason- they’ve gone head to head against larger programs over the years and more than held their own. I particularly enjoyed their thrashing of Ga in ‘11. Of course That Ga team was not as good as the one today- but they were the almighty SEC! How could they lose to the potato boys at home? That takes superior player development, scheming, and game day management, Something AU desperately needed after the Gus Bus started breaking down.  

This site is getting boring with all the drama over this coach.  Go back to your tv and keyboard;  time for me to go skiing!


Dude. Why make an argument that's so dependent on specifics if you're not even remotely aware of the specifics. 

- Boise State did not beat UGA in Athens. 

- Tubberville was 15-14 against TOP TEN. Not just ranked.

- The entire Boise program has played 6 games in its HISTORY against top 10 teams.

- Tubbs beat inferior coaches? Like Nick Saban at his peak at LSU? Urban Meyer at his peak at Florida? Phillip Fulmer at Tennessee? Les Miles? 

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Hey Taco, my computer is spazzing out on replying directly so here's my reply.

Demographically, I live in Louisville where I work as a drug counselor. My dad was born in Covington, but abandoned at birth so he was adopted into a New York family.

1) I'm not saying Harsin is the good guy. I'm not saying he's the devil either. I'm just saying give him a year to make or break with those guys who will go to war for him. If he blows things up , fine get rid of him based on performance , . If you bring in some old mediocrity like Kevin Steele, the season will be a disaster anyways.

2) I don't like arrogant rich people much. Maybe my bias gets in the way of sound analysis, but your defense of the powers that be looks like a bunch of guys that own a professional sports team, my way or the highway. Really?

3) The other thing drives me to distraction is the sports media (network, blogs, podcasts, You Tube channels, whatever (exception- I watched the War Rapport and thought those guys were fair and astute) I watched some obese nerd on CBS Sportsline smugly condemning both Harsin and Auburn and my thought was "boy you ain't never strapped them on, what the hell do you know?"

4) The endless drama is appalling in my opinion and has to end . It feels like "Groundhog Day" It's the same year every couple of years.

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On 2/5/2022 at 12:08 PM, Farmer Brown said:

I think it is obvious, that there was trouble in the locker room, from the attitude of those who left, and have pouted on social media. 

If that’s the case then it’s still Harsin’s fault . He had a whole year to work on the attitude problem, if one existed. He undoubtedly didn’t get it worked out. That’s his job, like it or not. Jeez. 🙁

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