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New Reality of the Situation


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8 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

At this point any investigation would need to look into both what the players said and the rumor of an affair and or it would not be a complete investigation. IO stand by what I said if the rumor is false and they can confirm the person or persons behind it. That rumor hurts the coach his family and the University.  Without doing a complete investigation it looks like a witch hunt and the if they don't have great ammunition to terminate with cause they would get sued and pay out a lot more than what is owed on his contract,

Oh I agree….I’m talking about investigations into Harsin, I don’t think that is what their focus is, that they think he has been diddling a subordinate.  I’m sure they are looking into everything but I don’t think that is what their goal is in regards to finding a “for cause” reason to terminate his contract.  I think what has instigated that is questions that began arising after players and coaches started running for the exits and they started asking some questions. 

Finding out where it originated?  Sure I would hope they would, if that’s even possible. I still think thats just garbage propagated on a cesspool of a forum as things like this seem to take on a life of their own. 

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6 hours ago, Tigerbelle said:

You can't say the allegations are false. There's enough there for Auburn players to leave in a significant number, and for recruiting to be in the dumpster. Clearly this is a bigger issue than just a couple of kids with hurt feelings. Due to Harsin's mismanagement of Auburn football there is now a big, embarrassing mess. That is reason enough to dump him even if he gets some money. 


Harsin was thoroughly vetted before being hired by AU which would have included his "relationships".  You praised McGlynn's work re: "the Newton Investigation" in the Zak Hill thread and now one would think that you believe McGlynn was incompetent in a standard investigation of the simplest of matters about Harsin's Boise "relationships".  That is the crux of the matter at hand in AU's investigation of Harsin, but you conflate the poor 2021 season record with this issue as many others are doing, which belies your true motives, and of those pressing for him to be fired.  Let's be clear, you want Harsin removed because of your accusation of "mismanagement", not because of the allegations at hand.

Until there is real evidence, not rumors, against Harsin, he has my full support.  

WDE !!!

EDIT:  And for those dragging Harsin's daughters into this matter by slandering their conduct should be ashamed.

Edited by Elephant Tipper
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8 hours ago, AUght2win said:

Forget completely about the affair accusations. They don't matter. Looks like total bunk. Whether or not it began this domino effect and who started that rumor is ultimately irrelevant. 

Like it or not, the real issue at hand is whether or not Harsin can continue recruiting for Auburn. That's what this is going to come down to. In many ways, it's what has always been at the core of this.

Recruiting was already suffering mightily. 8th in the SEC. Big time portal struggles this cycle. Junior day was a disaster. The cherry on top was not a single player signed on NSD. Not even a 2 star project from Montgomery or something. 

A bad situation went to critical when all these former, prominent, players publicly detailed their negative accounts of what it's like to play for Harsin. I don't think Smoke and those kids fully understand what they just did. It's going to be so easy for other programs to talk prospects out of coming to Auburn, now. All they've got to do is show them that footage and a bunch of players' tweets.

So regardless of whether those kids are soft. Regardless of whether Harsin is a jerk. Regardless of his plan. Regardless of culture. Regardless of accusations or the who "for cause" debate.

The ONLY question now is: is it even going to be possible for Harsin to recruit for Auburn anymore? Can he go forward after this? I'm honestly not sure. But whether it's fair or unfair, if this whole fiasco has done irreparable damage to his appeal to recruits, he can't be here anymore. 

Personally, I think the best thing for Auburn would be if somehow CBH could survive and rally. But it's going to take a massive PR campaign to fix this recruiting problem.

This is what the decision is going to come down to. 

And that’s why they have to take their time with this. There are so many things at play for this university

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5 hours ago, AUwent said:

Ok then, to anyone who hates my idea--who do you realistically think we can get?

One, there isn't a vacancy at this time because to date, there is nothing but rumor and innuendo to base anything on....and hurt feelings. It seems there are a LOT of hurt feelings these days. 

If there was an opening I would suggest we buck the trend of past hires and find a guy that can coach and been successful at his past stops, like Ruhle, or Fickell, and throw the bank at him.

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Soooo, do the recruits not want to come here because of the coach, or the crazy fan base that incessantly posts crap all over the internet, blows things out of proportion, openly insults players and coaches at the drop of a hat, etc???

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6 minutes ago, jw 4 au said:

Soooo, do the recruits not want to come here because of the coach, or the crazy fan base that incessantly posts crap all over the internet, blows things out of proportion, openly insults players and coaches at the drop of a hat, etc???

The bama NIL is paying thEm not to come here!!!   Lol

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5 hours ago, CodeRocket said:


A lot of people are convinced that the PTB are behind this but several message board owners and Mod's have stated that this came from inside the athletic department. I agree with this idea for several reasons:

  • I personally know a million dollar donor to the football program and he would never be involved in circulating a rumor about an illicit affair between the head football coach and a staffer, even if it were true, which is looking less and less likely. If they had clear evidence of such an affair CBH would already be "cooked". I saw it happen to people several times during my work career and the response from corporate was swift and decisive.
  • The PTB are the very people that would likely have to pay for CBH's removal and installation of a new staff. Before they would do that I think they would ask themselves, "How do we get better from here"? I am not sure anyone has a definite answer for that question, although there are many opinions.
  • Do we honestly believe that people that have amassed or inherited large fortunes would be dumb enough to start a dirty rumor that they didn't have evidence to prove? I know I don't believe that.
  • Do we believe that the PTB would want to see Auburn University athletics scandalized, and to freely hand over so much negative ammunition to our competitors?  Don't we believe that our competitors will use it against our recruiting efforts?

My gut tells we that someone inside the athletic department started the affair rumor for a personal reason or to accomplish a personal objective. Maybe the accusation had merit and maybe it was a complete fabrication, I don't know, but what happened next was analogous to throwing a lit torch into dry timber, and now the wildfire is burning out of control. I suspect the person or persons responsible never imagined how this event would unfold and expand, and before all is done they will probably wish for a do over.

Immense damage has been done to the reputation and perception of Auburn University, and the Auburn football program, and for that, the original perpetrator or perpetrators need to be identified and held accountable.

At this point President Gouge has authorized an investigation to try and separate "Fact From Fiction". The result of that investigation will determine what happens next. No matter what path Auburn University takes moving forward, it is likely to be a bumpy road.

Thanks for some common sense! If fans would stop repeating rumors and quit believing everything on a forum or message board, we would all be better off! I will also add: fans need to stop making up “ what could have happened “ comments. Thanks 

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5 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

Exactly. I also keep pointing out that a large number of his staff and support staff chose to follow him here. People usually don’t follow abusive jerks cross country  

It should also be no surprise that Allen Green is said to be unpopular and not connected, traits never spoken of while he was at Notre Dame, Ole Miss, or Buffalo. 

Saban is the biggest flaming **hole out there but nobody seems to have a problem with him. Seems a lot of people (laughably) call him the greatest ever.

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35 minutes ago, Elephant Tipper said:

Harsin was thoroughly vetted before being hired by AU which would have included his "relationships".  You praised McGlynn's work re: "the Newton Investigation" in the Zak Hill thread and now one would think that you believe McGlynn was incompetent in a standard investigation of the simplest of matters about Harsin's Boise "relationships".  That is the crux of the matter at hand in AU's investigation of Harsin, but you conflate the poor 2021 season record with this issue as many others are doing, which belies your true motives, and of those pressing for him to be fired.  Let's be clear, you want Harsin removed because of your accusation of "mismanagement", not because of the allegations at hand.

Until there is real evidence, not rumors, against Harsin, he has my full support.  

WDE !!!

EDIT:  And for those dragging Harsin's daughters into this matter by slandering their conduct should be ashamed.

Bringing up the Zak Hill thing does make one atleast wonder if all of this going on is a result of dirt being dug up at ASU

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11 minutes ago, jw 4 au said:

Soooo, do the recruits not want to come here because of the coach, or the crazy fan base that incessantly posts crap all over the internet, blows things out of proportion, openly insults players and coaches at the drop of a hat, etc???

The coach. 

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39 minutes ago, Elephant Tipper said:

Harsin was thoroughly vetted before being hired by AU which would have included his "relationships".  You praised McGlynn's work re: "the Newton Investigation" in the Zak Hill thread and now one would think that you believe McGlynn was incompetent in a standard investigation of the simplest of matters about Harsin's Boise "relationships".  That is the crux of the matter at hand in AU's investigation of Harsin, but you conflate the poor 2021 season record with this issue as many others are doing, which belies your true motives, and of those pressing for him to be fired.  Let's be clear, you want Harsin removed because of your accusation of "mismanagement", not because of the allegations at hand.

Until there is real evidence, not rumors, against Harsin, he has my full support.  

WDE !!!

EDIT:  And for those dragging Harsin's daughters into this matter by slandering their conduct should be ashamed.

Thank you. It all makes AU look pathetic and incompetent to run a major football program. I’m not happy with what BH has shown or done thus far, but without proof of any wrongdoing, this is AU at its normal. Honestly, Auburn is it’s own worst enemy and at this point, it’s hard to continue being a football fan of such an incompetent school. The damage is now done. 

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9 minutes ago, gman87 said:

Saban is the biggest flaming **hole out there but nobody seems to have a problem with him. Seems a lot of people (laughably) call him the greatest ever.

Maybe so, but he runs Bama and that’s not allowed at AU, because of certain people and never will be. That’s why AU is no more than a mediocre football program and had been. Pile on, because it’s really hard to argue any different. 

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3 minutes ago, Old fan 47 said:

Maybe so, but he runs Bama and that’s not allowed at AU, because of certain people and never will be. That’s why AU is no more than a mediocre football program and had been. Pile on, because it’s really hard to argue any different. 

If you win at Auburn you can tell the PTB to shove off. Tubberville did. People need to do their research. Bama was absolutely full of meddling boosters until a winner came and seized full control.

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4 minutes ago, Old fan 47 said:

Auburn is it’s own worst enemy and at this point, it’s hard to continue being a football fan of such an incompetent school. 

Auburn is a very competent and prestigious school. 

#1 in basketball at the moment….if that is the way you choose to grade universities.

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4 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

If you win at Auburn you can tell the PTB to shove off. Tubberville did. People need to do their research. Bama was absolutely full of meddling boosters until a winner came and seized full control.

How many months did he get to become a winner and what did his administration do to help him year 1?

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1 minute ago, AUght2win said:

If you win at Auburn you can tell the PTB to shove off. Tubberville did. People need to do their research. Bama was absolutely full of meddling boosters until a winner came and seized full control.

It’s was more like, the boosters all got together and got on the same page and made it really hard for him to fail *winkwink* 


So in my humble opinion, if getting rid of Harsin is going to get our boosters and boards to all get on the same page and put them in a situation to where they know they can’t fail, with the NIL going on, sure, let it happen. 

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4 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

If you win at Auburn you can tell the PTB to shove off. Tubberville did. People need to do their research. Bama was absolutely full of meddling boosters until a winner came and seized full control.

If you think Tuberville told the PTB to pound sand, I have a bridge I would like to sell you

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Just now, bigbird said:

How many months did he get to become a winner?

He had earned a longer leash by winning a NC at LSU. Sad truth is Harsin is operating like a guy who has prerequisites, but he really doesn't. You've got to be confident but also understand you aren't going to respected like Saban was when he came to Alabama. 

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6 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

If you win at Auburn you can tell the PTB to shove off. Tubberville did. People need to do their research. Bama was absolutely full of meddling boosters until a winner came and seized full control.

I'm really not trying to be a dick, but you're speaking with authority on something you don't know much about 

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3 minutes ago, Taco said:

It’s was more like, the boosters all got together and got on the same page and made it really hard for him to fail *winkwink* 


So in my humble opinion, if getting rid of Harsin is going to get our boosters and boards to all get on the same page and put them in a situation to where they know they can’t fail, with the NIL going on, sure, let it happen. 

Wait, what? You have heard of Jetgate, right?

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Just now, AUght2win said:

Wait, what? You have heard of Jetgate, right?

I’m speaking of Saban’s situation, not TT. 

And for your information. TT absolutely didn’t tell PTB to suck it. 

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1 minute ago, bigbird said:

I'm really not trying to be a dick, but you're speaking with authority on something you don't know much about 

I'm not going to call myself an insider but our family does have a direct link to a longtime football employee who has been there many, many years. Via his connection, a group of folks from my hometown got close to the Tubbs staff and would go hang with them/tour the facility every so often. 

I don't know specifics, but I understand Tubbs completely shut Dye and his cronies out, and the boosters essentially lost their power over him following Jetgate.

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4 minutes ago, bigbird said:

I'm really not trying to be a dick, but you're speaking with authority on something you don't know much about 

Copy your post real quick. You can go around and paste that on 80% of the posts out there. Mine included, haha. 

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4 minutes ago, bigbird said:

No, but having everyone pulling in the same direction might be helpful.

You have to earn that. His resume hasn't. His field results haven't. His recruiting results certainly haven't. That's why the dude should have been politicking like Bruce did when he arrived. He needed to convince people he was the right guy until he turned it around. But he had better things to do I suppose.

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1 minute ago, AUght2win said:

You have to earn that. His resume hasn't.

His resume was better than every single coach we've ever hired.

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