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New Reality of the Situation


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3 minutes ago, Didba said:

Let me pull the IG live. It might blow yall away.

Those were soft players who don't want to work hard and demand zero accountability 

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4 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

He is dealing with an extremely different set of players. Not saying he's racist or anything. But he's never coached a team of southern kids before.

What does this mean though?  I am not trying to be an a$$.  What makes them different?  Specifically just in the player/coach relationship

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1 minute ago, W.E.D said:

If I had a crystal ball, and putting together comments from a lot of insiders for weeks before this current investigation, I think k that's where we end up. It's not racism, but it's the inability, ignorance, unwillingness to understand, etc the hardships of a specific group of people and it happens to fall on racial lines.

Now, that doesn't mean either side is wrong in support for or against him. He could connect with some but not others.

It just meshes a lot about Harsin and his staff nit being able to relate and connect with a lot of recruits/players.

That's still a lot of bad blood in the water. If that happens, not sure the path forward. A lot of ppl would have to get behind him institutionally

I don’t think there is a path forward. I believe CBH will leave, but out in hand and will get another job thereafter. Still, there needs to be careful considerations in accusation. I am not saying Harsin is right because he clearly hasn’t been mr. perfect or things wouldn’t have gotten to this point , but the others who are throwing out baseless accusations are very much culpable as well. 

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4 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Those were soft players who don't want to work hard and demand zero accountability 

I agree but they actually seriously compliment Harsin before talking bad, what I am trying to find

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2 minutes ago, DAG said:

I don’t think there is a path forward. I believe CBH will leave, but out in hand and will get another job thereafter. Still, there needs to be careful considerations in accusation. I am not saying Harsin is right because he clearly hasn’t been mr. perfect or things wouldn’t have gotten to this point , but the others who are throwing out baseless accusations are very much culpable as well. 

I kinda agree. I think we're headed towards a mutual buyout of sorts. No fault type thing and chaulk it up to a bad marriage. 

Limit damage to either side.

I haven't seen anyone make any specific allegations yet. I guess we'll eventually know bc Auburn is a public institution and can't lock it away

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A lot of people are convinced that the PTB are behind this but several message board owners and Mod's have stated that this came from inside the athletic department. I agree with this idea for several reasons:

  • I personally know a million dollar donor to the football program and he would never be involved in circulating a rumor about an illicit affair between the head football coach and a staffer, even if it were true, which is looking less and less likely. If they had clear evidence of such an affair CBH would already be "cooked". I saw it happen to people several times during my work career and the response from corporate was swift and decisive.
  • The PTB are the very people that would likely have to pay for CBH's removal and installation of a new staff. Before they would do that I think they would ask themselves, "How do we get better from here"? I am not sure anyone has a definite answer for that question, although there are many opinions.
  • Do we honestly believe that people that have amassed or inherited large fortunes would be dumb enough to start a dirty rumor that they didn't have evidence to prove? I know I don't believe that.
  • Do we believe that the PTB would want to see Auburn University athletics scandalized, and to freely hand over so much negative ammunition to our competitors?  Don't we believe that our competitors will use it against our recruiting efforts?

My gut tells we that someone inside the athletic department started the affair rumor for a personal reason or to accomplish a personal objective. Maybe the accusation had merit and maybe it was a complete fabrication, I don't know, but what happened next was analogous to throwing a lit torch into dry timber, and now the wildfire is burning out of control. I suspect the person or persons responsible never imagined how this event would unfold and expand, and before all is done they will probably wish for a do over.

Immense damage has been done to the reputation and perception of Auburn University, and the Auburn football program, and for that, the original perpetrator or perpetrators need to be identified and held accountable.

At this point President Gouge has authorized an investigation to try and separate "Fact From Fiction". The result of that investigation will determine what happens next. No matter what path Auburn University takes moving forward, it is likely to be a bumpy road.

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1 minute ago, auburnphan said:

What does this mean though?  I am not trying to be an a$$.  What makes them different?  Specifically just in the player/coach relationship

A lot more kids from poverty and dangerous neighborhoods. 

There's also a lot of strings attaching some of those kids to the bad situations they come from, and that's tricky to deal with. How to sever them from being involved with the hard side of where they come from, while being sensitive to the fact that their family and friends are still there, and a kid can't totally cut ties. As I understand it, that is what led to Kobe's dismissal.

Harsin isn't recruiting many kids like that in the pacific northwest. More middle class or rural kids. The state of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho doesn't have anything comparable. 

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5 minutes ago, Didba said:

I agree but they actually seriously compliment Harsin before talking bad, what I am trying to find

Wouldn't that put a little more validity into their comments? They didn't just completely hate on him. They gave him a lot of praise, too.

It just means two groups had very different experiences. Neither are wrong. Neither are the "bad group"

Edited by W.E.D
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16 minutes ago, DAG said:

I just want to see some viable examples of racism. Racism is not the same as not understanding someone cultural background. I wouldn’t call you a bigot if you didn’t understand the idea of non-binary. However, I would hope you would be willing to engage in discussion with it and not be dismissal. 

I was told of one comment that was being used to say that he was racist and it was a failure to say the least.  In all actuality the conclusion to think that what he said was racist would only be thought to be by a racist person.  it was more socio-economic.

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1 minute ago, auburnphan said:

I was told of one comment that was being used to say that he was racist and it was a failure to say the least.  In all actuality the conclusion to think that what he said was racist would only be thought to be by a racist person.  it was more socio-economic.

I am confused . Are you alluded to a term like thug? 

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4 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

A lot more kids from poverty and dangerous neighborhoods. 

There's also a lot of strings attaching some of those kids to the bad situations they come from, and that's tricky to deal with. How to sever them from being involved with the hard side of where they come from, while being sensitive to the fact that their family and friends are still there, and a kid can't totally cut ties. As I understand it, that is what led to Kobe's dismissal.

Harsin isn't recruiting many kids like that in the pacific northwest. More middle class or rural kids. The state of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho doesn't have anything comparable. 

This situation is really comparable to what got Todd Graham from Hawaii fired. Came in trying to do his thing without trying to understand the Hawaiian kids culturally. This he is no longer here. On the flip side June Jones understood it and to date lead one of the biggest turnarounds in college football history.

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Just for the sake of conversation the way people interact from state to state varies. Sometimes people move back to where they came from because they had a hard time adapting to their surroundings. It’s a tough path forward but surrounding himself with the right people for balance and winning games is a good start IMO

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17 minutes ago, CodeRocket said:


A lot of people are convinced that the PTB are behind this but several message board owners and Mod's have stated that this came from inside the athletic department. I agree with this idea for several reasons:

  • I personally know a million dollar donor to the football program and he would never be involved in circulating a rumor about an illicit affair between the head football coach and a staffer, even if it were true, which is looking less and less likely. If they had clear evidence of such an affair CBH would already be "cooked". I saw it happen to people several times during my work career and the response from corporate was swift and decisive.
  • The PTB are the very people that would likely have to pay for CBH's removal and installation of a new staff. Before they would do that I think they would ask themselves, "How do we get better from here"? I am not sure anyone has a definite answer for that question, although there are many opinions.
  • Do we honestly believe that people that have amassed or inherited large fortunes would be dumb enough to start a dirty rumor that they didn't have evidence to prove? I know I don't believe that.
  • Do we believe that the PTB would want to see Auburn University athletics scandalized, and to freely hand over so much negative ammunition to our competitors?  Don't we believe that our competitors will use it against our recruiting efforts?

My gut tells we that someone inside the athletic department started the affair rumor for a personal reason or to accomplish a personal objective. Maybe the accusation had merit and maybe it was a complete fabrication, I don't know, but what happened next was analogous to throwing a lit torch into dry timber, and now the wildfire is burning out of control. I suspect the person or persons responsible never imagined how this event would unfold and expand, and before all is done they will probably wish for a do over.

Immense damage has been done to the reputation and perception of Auburn University, and the Auburn football program, and for that, the original perpetrator or perpetrators need to be identified and held accountable.

At this point President Gouge has authorized an investigation to try and separate "Fact From Fiction". The result of that investigation will determine what happens next. No matter what path Auburn University takes moving forward, it is likely to be a bumpy road.

There has been meddling since the Bowden years and I’m sure even before then

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47 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Is it possible groups can have different experiences? Not sure why either outspoken sides have to be liars.


Simply put some players like him and what he his trying to do and others don’t. Some stayed, others left. 

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So I am still trying to find the clip.  I saw it late last night before bed and can't remember where.

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9 minutes ago, Didba said:

So I am still trying to find the clip.  I saw it late last night before bed and can't remember where.

This is from the live earlier.

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1 minute ago, autiger88 said:

THANK YOU.  I have been trying to find it for like an hour on youtube.

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2 minutes ago, autiger88 said:

@W.E.D  this was what I was referring too.

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Re-posting for visibility

Edited by Didba
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29 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

A lot more kids from poverty and dangerous neighborhoods. 

There's also a lot of strings attaching some of those kids to the bad situations they come from, and that's tricky to deal with. How to sever them from being involved with the hard side of where they come from, while being sensitive to the fact that their family and friends are still there, and a kid can't totally cut ties. As I understand it, that is what led to Kobe's dismissal.

Harsin isn't recruiting many kids like that in the pacific northwest. More middle class or rural kids. The state of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho doesn't have anything comparable. 

I took a look at Boise States roster.  There are 24 players from Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Utah on the roster, most all of them are walk ons.  There are over 34 Californians and 14 Texans.  There are several guys from Georgia and Florida.  Guys from Baltimore, Flint, Phoenix, etc.  I don't think he spent much time recruiting the Northwest at all.  

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5 minutes ago, Didba said:

@W.E.D  this was what I was referring too.

Yeah I've seen it.

Also of note, Zakoby deleted his post supporting Harsin after this IG live

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Since no real evidence of an affair and assuming after investigating there is no evidence of an affair. If this is a true investigation then anybody associated with the fabrication if working for Auburn should be fired and if involved with Auburn in any capacity including as a Donor should no longer be allowed at Auburn in any way going forward. To push something like this if not true does damage to the coach his family and the whole University.

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