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Harsin Drama Megathread


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As far as the "can he do his job" aspect of the drama... I saw someone said that there were recruit events or something in Georgia which had many top recruits...Kirby and Saban went, but Harsin didn't...chose to go on vacation instead..


That is incompetency right there.

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Guest MustardSeed
25 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Likewise can't argue. 

Not to put words in your mouth, but I have sensed that a lot of people don't even care who this guy is. He just happens to be the guy fighting against the ptb at the moment.

I’m in that boat. I’m not some huge Harsin fan. But I’m done agreeing with what our money folks do to others. There’s no way to justify what keeps happening to every single football coach we have. Maybe they’re not behind all this, but there’s practically no reasonable way to think they aren’t involved somehow with how all the slander stories came out all at once. It was orchestrated. Period. And it wasn’t orchestrated by fans. It was spread by the yes men in the beat writers who couldn’t care less if anything they report is true or not. As long as they get clicks. I’m nearly out the door from supporting AU at all while these type of people call the shots. And either Proud Tiger was lying (which I doubt) or even folks in the President’s office are involved in spreading falsehoods. It needs to be fixed and not some random time down the road. It needs fixing now or people like me are done here. 

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2 hours ago, zeroforwinger said:

I feel like for 80% of the people supporting him it’s the vaccine issue and/or the acting like a tough guy all the time. 

No, I think for most of us it is because Auburn offered him a contract to be Auburn’s coach and since he has not broken said contract, then he should remain our coach unless they want to fire him and pay him what they owe


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2 minutes ago, Auburn06 said:

As far as the "can he do his job" aspect of the drama... I saw someone said that there were recruit events or something in Georgia which had many top recruits...Kirby and Saban went, but Harsin didn't...chose to go on vacation instead..


That is incompetency right there.

Yep the landscape has changed. Apparently you have to keep a case of Chapstick on the ready to deal with a bunch of self aggrandized 18 year old's to be a relevant program. I'm with him, I was totally tired of seeing folks that eff'd up being patted on the arse and consoled when they "messed" up. Get folks that want to work and pay the price and you will see results. 

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1 minute ago, Aucater said:

Yep the landscape has changed. Apparently you have to keep a case of Chapstick on the ready to deal with a bunch of self aggrandized 18 year old's to be a relevant program. I'm with him, I was totally tired of seeing folks that eff'd up being patted on the arse and consoled when they "messed" up. Get folks that want to work and pay the price and you will see results. 

You'll never see results when you're struggling to get quality players on campus and instead rely on "coachin em up". Recruiting is the lifeblood if college football. Alabama, UGA, tOSU, OK, all the big programs win by not only having good coaches, but by more importantly having the best athletes on the field. 

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42 minutes ago, aublue88 said:

 I hope we can all agree that whether you are pro-Harsin or against, that the man has to the right to make decisions that are going to benefit him.  Of course he  didn't talk to the media today, what the hell would he say?  I am sure he got multiple texts from his people(lawyers, agents) telling him to just be quiet, so no I don't think that was cowardly, it was a man doing exactly what he needs to do for himself and his family.   Just saying.... 

I think there is more support for Harsin than shows on this forum. Same ones say the same thing so many times till it’s taken for fact

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2 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

I’m in that boat. I’m not some huge Harsin fan. But I’m done agreeing with what our money folks do to others. There’s no way to justify what keeps happening to every single football coach we have. Maybe they’re not behind all this, but there’s practically no reasonable way to think they aren’t involved somehow with how all the slander stories came out all at once. It was orchestrated. Period. And it wasn’t orchestrated by fans. It was spread by the yes men in the beat writers who couldn’t care less if anything they report is true or not. As long as they get clicks. I’m nearly out the door from supporting AU at all while these type of people call the shots. And either Proud Tiger was lying (which I doubt) or even folks in the President’s office are involved in spreading falsehoods. It needs to be fixed and not some random time down the road. It needs fixing now or people like me are done here. 

I have seen nothing but 2nd- and 5th-hand hearsay about a few events on both sides. Therefore, I can't extrapolate to anyone having specific motivations or personality characteristics. I'm extremely disappointed at what I haven't seen from both Harsin and the AU administration before last Friday. It's fun to jest, but there are folks jaunting about asserting as fact that such and such is going on as we speak and so and so and their family are vile, evil villains. I recall someone referring to this as good entertainment. That made me, an equal opportunity joker, sad.

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23 minutes ago, provibe said:

I guess what I’m trying to figure out is, if almost everyone on this forum knows exactly everything that went on and why and all of that, then why is he still here?

Cause nobody here knows squat. I know I don’t, so I wait until something factual happens. 

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19 minutes ago, Auburn06 said:

As far as the "can he do his job" aspect of the drama... I saw someone said that there were recruit events or something in Georgia which had many top recruits...Kirby and Saban went, but Harsin didn't...chose to go on vacation instead..


That is incompetency right there.

And who said that?

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21 minutes ago, AEAugirl said:

Someone on the donor board did some math and with how his contract is structured it would actually save Auburn about $1.5M to go ahead and fire him now.   You save $3.5M on his buyout next year but then you are paying another $5M in salary. 

I still have faith in the General but it is to the point where I am more concerned with his replacement than I am whether he’s fired with cause or not.

In other words, let’s fire him regardless of buyout, then not hire some guy from the Mountain West Conference, if you know what I mean.

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22 minutes ago, Aucater said:

Yep the landscape has changed. Apparently you have to keep a case of Chapstick on the ready to deal with a bunch of self aggrandized 18 year old's to be a relevant program. I'm with him, I was totally tired of seeing folks that eff'd up being patted on the arse and consoled when they "messed" up. Get folks that want to work and pay the price and you will see results. 

Um he is getting millions to do those type of thing. I don’t get the coaching up lesser talent thing. In all sports u need talent to win. I can’t recall a team winning without any talent.

For example Alabama beat a well coached Cincinnati team by playing pretty vanilla and this wasn’t close to years past.

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3 minutes ago, AUscw2011 said:

Who we getting from the Clemson staff?! Lol


What's up with s Florida and panhandle flights today? Any flight management folks in here? Are there a lot of scuttled flight plans in the flight trackers? Is there just routine stuff that drives multi-engine flights around the region?

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Surely, surely, surely any clandestine business would be handled on corporate or rental flights out of not-AUO. I mean, AU would have learned from its past, obviously.

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8 minutes ago, AUscw2011 said:

Who we getting from the Clemson staff?! Lol


Well, there’s a pretty impressive Dline coach there that’s an excellent recruiter that we’re all familiar with. Is he HC material?

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20 minutes ago, auburnfaithful72 said:

If you want to fire him fire him but only if you can get a good replacement lined up if not wait and fire him next January 

I said the same thing about GCM, LOL. However, we need to look on the bright side, we are no longer running a HS offense and we are throwing to the Tight Ends now like the experts here that coach(ed) pee wee football said we needed, and after all, that is the most important thing.  

Change does not always mean better, it just means different. Why fans thought/expected that the same crew who gave GCM a $49 million contract and then fired him,  could turn around and make a blockbuster hire is beyond me.

This problem was put into motion when the outspoken fans and boosters revolted to get rid of CGM, it continued when those same fans rose up and revolted to stop the boosters from hiring Kevin Steele, which empowered the AD to hire CBH, now some of the same people in the previous groups want CBH fired, and the beat goes on. 

It's a classic three ring circus. The boosters teamed up with the outspoken fanbase to run CGM out of town against the wishes of the AD.  Then the schizophrenic fanbase revolted against and stuck a knife in the back of the boosters and jumped on board with the AD so he could get the man he wanted. 

Now everybody wants the boosters to pony up the money to pay off CBH and let the AD make ANOTHER blockbuster hire. That should not be TOO hard as I am sure big name and up and coming coaches that are looking and laughing at this from the outside are just clamoring to jump into this fiasco (never mind that Napier and UAB's coach both turned us down last time). All those pointing fingers need to look in the mirror instead. 

I supported CGM, I would have supported Kevin Steele and, as long as he is the coach, I support CBH. I don't have a solution, I just know that if the factions do not get together and support someone to restore stability, ultimately we will be lucky if we can get the OC of one of the Opelika Pee Wee football teams to take the job. Ok, I am going to pause here and see what the UT playbook we seem to be following suggests we do next.



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