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Harsin Drama Megathread


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7 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Right and that goes for EVERYBODY. And it goes for all things NOT just racism. Nobody should be reporting anything unless there is some form of evidence. 

It's not pick and choose, it's actually law

Spot on.   

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I have so many thoughts. Let me get this out of the way first.

What is happening on twitter and other media is disgusting..  Regardless of if the rumors or true or not, doxing and dragging a young woman through the mud who you do not know, who herself is not a public figure...is wrong.

While on one hand I think he has created a toxic culture at Auburn and would like a change that means the PTB wins and I would hate that. I hate how the PTB pull Auburn down because their egos won't allow anyone else to have any say so. All they want is a 'good ole boy' who will do whatever they say. Auburn needs a strong personality coach who will do what he needs to do to get the job done, someone who has free reign over parts of the job. 

I do not know how many people make up the boosters/PTB but they need to be ousted by people who will not create this kind of division. 

You know why basketball is flourishing right now? It is because PTB do not care about basketball and are not trying to control every aspect of it. 

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3 hours ago, AEAugirl said:

All the red flags center around one person and there are a lot of them. 


Everyone keeps saying this but who is she going to sue?  Auburn?  For a rumor that was born on a message board?  

Even the AU beat writers haven’t  touched this..  No one with Auburn has stated this at all. That should tell you what you need to know about that part of the “rumor”.  Just like here, on many forums its getting “zapped” where they put her name and/or links out.  

Its easy to put a tiny little spark on a message board and watch that become a flame.  Hell, I did it on a Bama board during the Cam saga to troll them and it spread to at least 3 different Bama boards 😂

For example, another salacious “rumor” came out yesterday that I am pretty sure started on the Rant…supposedly from “inside the AD” and involved the cousin of someone who goes to another SEC school….by the end of the day I had seen that repeated verbatim on Twitter, other forums, Instagram all with the “I Have a friend in the AD who sent this so TIFWIW”. 

So who is she going to sue….the Bunker?!?! 

What HAS happened is its all become one big rumor melting pot with some fact and some fiction, but from what is being reported these more “salacious” ones are just that, at least at this time. I don’t really believe it just because of where it came from. 

Now where it originated is another story but good look tracking THAT down.  My understanding is someone “tweeted” it then it made it to the Bunker and blew up but let’s be real…..the Bunker is an absolute cesspool of moronic activity. 

This is also not even something that has been or is being discussed on the donor board, which always tends to have a little more substance and a lot less of the rumor free for all this side has. 

If it were me, I would be doing everything to try and track where it originated…but that just me. Red flags and all for Harsin, she is still impacted   from this. Some people were even paying to get the rumor pushed…I mean $2, but they were still paying to get it noticed. 

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Well I am quite confident that Gogue is making the effort to legitimately determine what actually happened as best as possible. After that has been done, I believe Gogue can take the findings and make a reasonable decision on how to move forward. At this point no one knows except the parties involved. 

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38 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I don't think he should be fired unless he's been racist. I don't even think he should be fired for not fully embracing what most coaches do. I do think he's making it to be where we won't get the best players and eventually that will lead to his firing though.

I think we have to wait and see what's real and what's not. But I'm going to point out just blindly supporting one side and I'm going to call out the hypocrisy ofcertain outrage. I've actually been pretty adamant to leave Harsin alone and let him do what he wants and let's judge the results.

I'll NEVER support anybody racist or anybody that supports racism. I haven't seen anything to suggest Harsin is racist though.

This is pretty mich dead on where I am.

I want to see the allegations fleshed out during the investigation. 

Paired with comments from the donor board in the last month and a lot of the allegations coming out about connecting with players, understanding them, etc...all that holds true and its pretty obvious.  All the stories align. It's not a fireable offense, but lack of talent is going to get him fired.

I think it's pretty clear he's ignorant of the reality a lot of players face outside of football and he doesn't seem to care. Smoke alluded to that. He wants to be a better man, go to better places than he came from, bur Harsin doesn't want to talk about it or understand it.

That's not a good example of selling family if you don't care or don't want to understand. We already have ex players saying "don't go to Auburn" they'll listen to their local heros and we'll get shut out

Edited by W.E.D
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11 minutes ago, au701948 said:

Well I am quite confident that Gogue is making the effort to legitimately determine what actually happened as best as possible. After that has been done, I believe Gogue can take the findings and make a reasonable decision on how to move forward. At this point no one knows except the parties involved. 

And Gouge needs to report results of findings. You can't come out and say their is an investigation,  then never address it and hope it all goes away.. Gouge opened the door, he has to report back otherwise this thing continues to fester which leads to more wild assumptions and accusations. 

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19 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

This is pretty mich dead on where I am.

I want to see the allegations fleshed out during the investigation. 

Paired with comments from the donor board in the last month and a lot of the allegations coming out about connecting with players, understanding them, etc...all that holds true and its pretty obvious.  All the stories align. It's not a fireable offense, but lack of talent is going to get him fired.

I think it's pretty clear he's ignorant of the reality a lot of players face outside of football and he doesn't seem to care. Smoke alluded to that. He wants to be a better man, go to better places than he came from, bur Harsin doesn't want to talk about it or understand it.

That's not a good example of selling family if you don't care or don't want to understand. We already have ex players saying "don't go to Auburn" they'll listen to their local heros and we'll get shut out

Will they be able to afford the buyout though?

Since nothing concrete has happened yet, I'm guessing these rumors will fade away and we won't be talking about them soon. Reminds me of a few years ago when a beat writer completely made up a story about Gus accepting a reduced buyout for no reason.

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3 minutes ago, AUwent said:

Will they be able to afford the buyout though?

Since nothing concrete has happened yet, I'm guessing these rumors will fade away and we won't be talking about them soon. Reminds me of a few years ago when a beat writer completely made up a story about Gus accepting a reduced buyout for no reason.

Id be shocked if we couldn't afford it. We have plenty of boosters with more money than they know what to do with

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3 minutes ago, gman87 said:

Would you specify the details you're referring to? If it's about Corn all I know is our WRs couldn't catch a cold in Antarctica with him as their lead and they got marginally better after he left.

If you're referring to disgruntled players leaving, while I don't personally know any of them (or remaining players) or Harsin, I have reasonable powers of observation and from comments from players for AND against Harsin, it seems pretty straightforward. What it boils down to IMO, is Harsin treats everyone in drill sergeant mode, works their *** off to get better, doesn't fluff their ego or try and be their buddy, which isn't what they signed into with Gus, who was very into being their buddy and not working them hard...which is why we didn't have the toughness to win big games (or even put away puff teams sometimes).

That doesn't have anything to do with racism...which seems to be the allegation de jur, contrarily, it has to do with holding every person to the same high standard, working their ** off to get better and instill a toughness we haven't had for a LONG time. Which is kind of the exact opposite.

We didn't hire Harsin to be their Madden 2022 buddy, we hired him to win football games...which wasn't going to be a magic turnaround that probably some people expected.

So even in this reply you are generalizing so essentially doing to the players what you have disdain towards it happening to Harsin. 

As far as Corn the wr got a little better because a little more experience and the QB became better with time as well. That's usually how it works. There are a bunch of our coaches that didn't perform, but even that is besides the point. The point is when this came out EVERYBODY started speaking and speculating to this man's intelligence, coaching ability, integrity and so on and so forth. There was a particular common rumor that was repeated over and over no evidence. Then it came out this was completely untrue. 

To me this is karma like I said. As far as the racism stuff none of the pictures posted here did any of those players claim Harsin to be a racist. We don't know where the claim has come from, but I do find it funny it's natural for most to say it's not racism no proof but then speculate that the players aren't tough and all of that.

I bunch of guys who didn't have what it takes to even play calling guys weak. When a bunch of these guys came from much tougher conditions than most on here typing.

The whole somebody yelling at you make you tougher is dumb in itself, the whole players aren't intelligent enough to differentiate a coach coaching them and racism is dumb as well. People automatically saying that without understanding what a relationship with a coach really is and how it affects the whole dynamic of coaching actually just shows how many literally are just talking and don't understand because they literally haven't been in that environment which still reciprocates all away around to the how can you be so upset about claims and yell for people that's not in the know to shut up when you're speaking to the other side of the situation of not knowing

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2 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

And Gouge needs to report results of findings. You can't come out and say their is an investigation,  then never address it and hope it all goes away.. Gouge opened the door, he has to report back otherwise this thing continues to fester which leads to more wild assumptions and accusations. 

Agreed. I earnestly believe that Gogue would have to address the results…positive or negative. And if they indicate Harsin hasn’t done something that warrants being let go, then Gogue should firmly back Harsin in his effort to make Auburn better as a football team. If anyone thinks that firing Harsin, just for the sake of their egos, is a good idea. It is not. When and if that happens, the remainder of what players we have in place will be allowed to look elsewhere. Just think about how bare the cupboard would be then.
On the other hand, if there are real reasons for dismissal, that becomes a completely different situation. Just my thoughts on the sad matter. 

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There is no possible way Corn was less successful than Will Friend. Has to be the most inept coaching job I've seen, and he's still there.

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44 minutes ago, DyeCampAlum said:

The issue is, lots of employees are leaving the firm, and others are saying it’s working conditions. When that happens, the board has to decide what to do about the CEO.

Indeed. What to do about the CEO. Fire him because of the 20 who left, or keep him for the 65 who have stayed. Slippery slope. Which side do the decision makers want to lose?

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If Harsin pulls through this, this is exactly the kind of situation/motivation that could pull a team closer together and propel a team into a special season. Us against the world mentality and all that.

If it's the PTB's behind the scenes (e.g. jetgate) and they run Harsin off, I'm done with Auburn football.

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7 minutes ago, tigers23 said:

There is no possible way Corn was less successful than Will Friend. Has to be the most inept coaching job I've seen, and he's still there.

I actually feel like Friend is a better Oline coach than the guys we had under Gus. The problem is nobody want to commit to play for him.

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4 minutes ago, oracle79 said:

If Harsin pulls through this, this is exactly the kind of situation/motivation that could pull a team closer together and propel a team into a special season. Us against the world mentality and all that.

If it's the PTB's behind the scenes (e.g. jetgate) and they run Harsin off, I'm done with Auburn football.

But what if they run Harsin of and promptly install a Jeff Grimes or Luke Fickell? 

Not saying it will happen. We will far more likely find some no name dud. But what if? What if this is our PTB getting their sh*t together moment.

I’d like to say that I’d stop watching Auburn football too, but I’m not going to lie. I think Bryan Harsin is a complete dud. If they brought in one of those guys and the portal started yielding some hope for us, I’d be front seat supporting the program.

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1 hour ago, Beaker said:

@TitanTiger @Mitchie@rockfordpi


I did not say bama was to blame for Auburn's woes. I said bama is quick and can create more of a smokescreen than just about anyone.  

Below is a quote from Greg McElroy (who played QB at bama, who has a daily radio show of his own was on a regional (national ? ) show Thu spewing rumors.  The man got this trash published on the net Thur (Saturday Down South) and was on TWO  radio shows.    No where in the story  does McElroy state he has a source.  Not even a source!   So you want to tell me again how off base I am that their journalists can and will propagate trash at the drop of a hat (or text from someone in the REC)

People, I can read a forum and "gather" a lot.  Did McElroy even state he talked with a player or former player?  Nope, or a staffer or .....a source?   Nope.

“Based on what I’ve gathered, Austin Davis was unfit for the position and was going to be relieved of his duties if he didn’t step down,” McElroy, the ESPN commentator and WJOX co-host, said on “The Paul Finebaum Show.”



I hate to break it to you, but McElroy has a good source(s) here.  Davis was gone and it has nothing to do with this Harsin situation.  

Bama didn't create this situation and they didn't need to exaggerate it in the press as a smokescreen.  It's a bigger story than their DC's DUI.  It was a gift from Auburn to them that came at just the right time.  

Blame Harsin and the PTB at Auburn.  The End.

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5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I hate to break it to you, but McElroy has a good source(s) here.  Davis was gone and it has nothing to do with this Harsin situation.  

Bama didn't create this situation NOR is this a smokescreen.  It was a gift from Auburn to them that came at just the right time.  

Blame Harsin and the PTB at Auburn.  The End.

Last part of what you said is where I’m torn at what direction you take. 

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Yeah I honestly don’t care how this personally affects Harsin as far as that scandal rumor. Either he didn’t do it and he keeps his job or he did and he’s a bad person. But she could potentially get axed either way and I’d hate to see someone have their name in the mud bc they were hired to do something they shouldn’t be doing (I still don’t understand what she does) 

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46 minutes ago, oracle79 said:

If Harsin pulls through this, this is exactly the kind of situation/motivation that could pull a team closer together and propel a team into a special season. Us against the world mentality and all that.

If it's the PTB's behind the scenes (e.g. jetgate) and they run Harsin off, I'm done with Auburn football.

If it is found to be a PTB concoction brought on by their egos, it will would be saddening beyond belief. If it is some internet jockey playing games with peoples’ livelihood, then hopes are that he/she can be found out and made to pay financially or at least in civil court. 

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5 hours ago, AEAugirl said:

All the red flags center around one person and there are a lot of them. 


Everyone keeps saying this but who is she going to sue?  Auburn?  For a rumor that was born on a message board?  

Even the AU beat writers haven’t  touched this..  No one with Auburn has stated this at all. That should tell you what you need to know about that part of the “rumor”.  Just like here, on many forums its getting “zapped” where they put her name and/or links out.  

Its easy to put a tiny little spark on a message board and watch that become a flame.  Hell, I did it on a Bama board during the Cam saga to troll them and it spread to at least 3 different Bama boards 😂

For example, another salacious “rumor” came out yesterday that I am pretty sure started on the Rant…supposedly from “inside the AD” and involved the cousin of someone who goes to another SEC school….by the end of the day I had seen that repeated verbatim on Twitter, other forums, Instagram all with the “I Have a friend in the AD who sent this so TIFWIW”. 

So who is she going to sue….the Bunker?!?! 

What HAS happened is its all become one big rumor melting pot with some fact and some fiction, but from what is being reported these more “salacious” ones are just that, at least at this time. I don’t really believe it just because of where it came from. 

Now where it originated is another story but good look tracking THAT down.  My understanding is someone “tweeted” it then it made it to the Bunker and blew up but let’s be real…..the Bunker is an absolute cesspool of moronic activity. 

This is also not even something that has been or is being discussed on the donor board, which always tends to have a little more substance and a lot less of the rumor free for all this side has. 

She can easily sue any persons posting the derogatory comments and very likely the host site.  

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4 hours ago, W.E.D said:

It's pretty wild as soon as the "r" word allegations we're dropped how quickly nearly everyone shifted. Now they are blaming kids, social media, recruiting sites, etc.

Everyone was cool with stories of harsin having an affair and destroying thr program when he was just an uncompromising a**hole.

It’s become pretty obvious that Harsin likely has some issues that need to be addressed but I’m giving Harsin the benefit of doubt on the racist accusations until some creditable evidence surfaces.  It’s an extremely serious accusation and in today’s politically charged climate there a times that hurt feelings may result in accusations against of racism.

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5 hours ago, WarEagleT said:

Hell no you’re one of the more sensible ones on here that combats all these armchair psychologists who don’t know crap about football.

It was a test for TB but I appreciate the response 🤣

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2 hours ago, tigers23 said:

There is no possible way Corn was less successful than Will Friend. Has to be the most inept coaching job I've seen, and he's still there.

I do agree that seems to be the case.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

I hate to break it to you, but McElroy has a good source(s) here.  Davis was gone and it has nothing to do with this Harsin situation.  

Bama didn't create this situation and they didn't need to exaggerate it in the press as a smokescreen.  It's a bigger story than their DC's DUI.  It was a gift from Auburn to them that came at just the right time.  

Blame Harsin and the PTB at Auburn.  The End.

I do feel that you may very well be right. Hoping that it all gets resolved in a rational and rather expeditious manner for the individuals involved and of course AU.

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