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Harsin Drama Megathread


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4 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I understand I posted this once and it wasn't answered and that may be everybody saying f me, but just in case a saw a few posts saying they are looking into how players and coaches have been treated. Has any coaches said anything on record? 

Not that I'm aware of.

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1 minute ago, lutzcammed said:

Just wondering, when claims come out on similar situations such as our unsubstantiated rumor, by credible sources, what percentage of the claims are proven to be true?


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1 minute ago, wcware said:

This is going to be the biggest Nothingburger in Auburn history 

I hope you're right.  The timing of this with the other schools DUI and whining about NIL is SUS

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  • TitanTiger changed the title to Harsin vs AU PTB Megathread
50 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

Folks need to go read what Chandler Wooten said about Harsin.. Hoke interviewed him. IF this improper relationship is debunked, all this will be is  a big  ole Nothing Burger, that's destroyed the man's name and hurt his family. IF he is guilty of the relationship,  he is gone. BUT if not, someone will have some explaining to do and I hope whoever started it is outed.

Yeah I’m not a fan of Harsin but it’s impressive to see how forceful some players are in their backing of him. I agree with everything you said, if the affair is bogus it just a pisses you off how coordinated this all seems to be. 

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Already have my buddy from Ohio texting me asking if our coach pulled a Terry Bowden.  😔

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41 minutes ago, auburnphan said:

This is my thought as well., there is nothing good that can really come out of this.  Well, one 

thing, but that won’t happen because money walks and talks first and foremost.

Money does talk, but it doesn’t and can’t buy common sense, which the PTB at this school have proven forever. AU will never be a perennial top 10 team with the big money guys meddling like they do. I mean, yes, every major University has LARGE donors, but AU is the constant for the last 35 plus years in taking it to a level of control that ruins the program. Until hands stay out of the pot, AU football will continue to be a laughingstock and will stay irrelevant with the exception of every 8 to 10 years when Lady Luck shines down. It’s getting more difficult each year to really care about AU football, because it appears as a train wreck every couple of years. Thank the good Lord for BP and AU basketball. Also AU Gymnastics is a fun watch, but unfortunately, in the SEC, football drives the money. 

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Lots of ifs here but IF

The PTB drummed up rumors (that didn’t involve football related issues)to try and force him to resign so they didn’t have to pay him..and 


CBH hasn’t mistreated players/coaches in a way that violates their basic humanity and 


he keeps his job and 
IF he is successful, he will break the PTB’s strangle hold on the football program.. IF all of this is the case, I’m really pulling for CBH now more than ever.

If a coup fails the leader is made stronger. If the PTB want him fired without cause, they better not miss because I don’t think CBH is stepping down 

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3 minutes ago, Bro Johnny Mac said:

Lots of ifs here but IF

The PTB drummed up rumors (that didn’t involve football related issues)to try and force him to resign so they didn’t have to pay him..and 


CBH hasn’t mistreated players/coaches in a way that violates their basic humanity and 


he keeps his job and 
IF he is successful, he will break the PTB’s strangle hold on the football program.. IF all of this is the case, I’m really pulling for CBH now more than ever.

If a coup fails the leader is made stronger. If the PTB want him fired without cause, they better not miss because I don’t think CBH is stepping down 

 I don't see how things go on as they did after this. Either Harsin's run off (most likely), Harsin stays and the good ole boys are forever run off in disgrace, or Harsin is run off and takes the good ole boys down with him on his way

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19 minutes ago, Tampa Tiger said:

I hope you're right.  The timing of this with the other schools DUI and whining about NIL is SUS

This is not Alabama people. This is Rane and his ilk. No doubt.


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Question... since Pres Gouge has said they are looking at things separating fact from fiction etc... Should we expect another statement from him or the new Prez if Harsin is found innocent??? I would think that's the right thing to do.. Obviously if he is fired we will get a statement from Him on that, but it should go both ways since Gouge has acknowledged an investigation is going on

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Between the tweets from past and present players and Harsin on ESPN, this has turned into a PR nightmare for Auburn. I feel terrible for everyone involved. And it hurts to watch Auburn destroy itself. 

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4 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

Question... since Pres Gouge has said they are looking at things separating fact from fiction etc... Should we expect another statement from him or the new Prez if Harsin is found innocent??? I would think that's the right thing to do.. Obviously if he is fired we will get a statement from Him on that, but it should go both ways since Gouge has acknowledged an investigation is going on

The new president does not take full control till like May, so all of this should be over by then.

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1 hour ago, Maverick.AU said:

Really good read

Chandler Wooten vigorously defends Bryan Harsin in conversation with Auburn Live

Justin Hokanson17 minutes
Chandler Wooten (Photo by Erik Rank/Auburn Live)

AUBURN – As the Bryan Harsin saga continues to unwind, Friday brought about numerous former and current Auburn players speaking up about their experiences with Harsin.

Those comments can be found inside this story, where T.D. Moultry, Derick Hall, Smoke Monday and Lee Hunter spoke publicly.

One player in particular that has been outspoken is former linebacker Chandler Wooten. The now-graduated Wooten sat out during the 2020 season due to COVID. Wooten returned to the team this season and was named a team captain by Harsin. Auburn Live spoke to Wooten in depth on his experiences with Harsin, and his take on the current situation. 

[Bryan Harsin speaks to ESPN, defends himself]

[Bryan Harsin’s immediate future in question]

[What the news means, what it doesn’t mean]

These are his comments in full:

“Auburn had soft players on the team. Everybody wants to play. I can honestly say Bryan Harsin and everybody in the building wants to put the best product on the field. He wants to win. That’s all he knows. When you have players that are used to being babysat and coaches telling them to do things — it’s like when you have someone cut and dry not putting up the bulls***, it might seem like he doesn’t care about you.

“The man didn’t have to give me a chance or let me play. Having the conversation with him, I don’t know where this thing comes from. They opened the facility to me. They let me bring my son to practice, they opened the whole facility up

“That’s some bulls*** to me about not caring about players. It was more strenuous, no more babysitting, it’s a culture change. This is coming from people that didn’t have the seasons they wanted. Most of the people that left, that’s a good thing for Auburn. That man doesn’t disrespect nobody. If you aren’t doing what it takes to win, he’s going to call you out. When people say he doesn’t care about you, that’s completely false.

“Everybody was used to doing what they wanted to do and get away with it. That’s not Bryan Harsin. Those guys push against the grain, that’s how they live and move. Harsin coming in and he’s telling you what to do. That’s the pushback. To say the man doesn’t care, that’s reaching. They know that’s reaching. It’s crazy to see. We know why you are upset. You weren’t playing. What’s the point of you coming out now?

“They were getting way with that under the other staff. You don’t see this many people go from one school to the other school where the coach that just left is. I question some people’s motives. Why are you waiting until right now? You could have said that a long time ago. Why now? Maybe you should have been doing what you were supposed to do. Look in the mirror. Maybe we would have won more games. If we would have done what we were supposed to do, we would have been better off.

“None of this was going on during the season. If we didn’t lose the last few, this wouldn’t be happening. Everybody would have been happy. That’s how it goes. You have clicks on the team, certain influence, and those others don’t have a reason to feel that way. A lot of people are following and not standing.

“Yea, it’s different coming to the South, but they are blowing it out of proportion. I understand what they’re saying about not being understood, but they’re pushing one or two incidents. They’re speaking for everybody when they should be speaking for themselves. For Chandler Wooten I love him. That’s my coach. I know the man he is. He’s going to do what he has to do.

“Take a look and listen to the people that are here. This is coming from players that left. They left for different reasons. They weren’t doing what they were supposed to do. People are getting their information from the wrong sources. Ask the right people. I love Harsin. That’s a great tman. He’s been nothing but good to me and my family. He wants to be at Auburn. It would be a loss for Auburn. The man wants to win. If they give him the support, he’s going to win. It’s inevitable. I know that from the work they’re putting in compared to years past.”


Harsin or no Harsin this man needs to be a position coach soon. Well said.

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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Between the tweets from past and present players and Harsin on ESPN, this has turned into a PR nightmare for Auburn. I feel terrible for everyone involved. And it hurts to watch Auburn destroy itself. 

Agree.  Wasn't handled good.  If they were going to fire him, they should have made it quick.  Now we're going to have weeks of speculation and yet another massive negative story on top of everything that has happened since October

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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Between the tweets from past and present players and Harsin on ESPN, this has turned into a PR nightmare for Auburn. I feel terrible for everyone involved. And it hurts to watch Auburn destroy itself. 

Players, Coaches, Fans: To borrow a phrase: "AU - Get Yourself Together". wde

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