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Time to eat crow


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1 hour ago, Zeek said:

Eating crow in February before even the A-day game of his second year? Nah.

It's okay to admit things look bad without also being total meltdown doom and gloom. Just chill and enjoy basketball. I have chosen to ignore any and all football news until the season starts. It is not worth your time or stress to worry about something almost 8 months away from materializing.

Watch and think about literally any of the sports we currently have playing. We are crushing it in a lot of sports right now.

This Right Here!!!!!

There is no reason for anyone to eat crow. There is no reason for anyone to say I told you so" at this point. Nothing is proven. Everyone wanted a culture change. A lot of this comes with that change. Some chamges go more smoothly than others obviously. We haven't even had our 2nd spring game with this coach yet and people are writing him off.

Many folks like to talk about how bad Gus left things, but then expected CBH to just fix it in one season. Well which is it? Did Gus leave things in a complete mess or is CBH completely incompetent? 

One thing we do know about AU is that throughout the years we have shown a keen ability to bounce back quickly. Look at the end of Tubs era and the 08 recruiting class. Then enter G.C. and 2 years later we win a NC. G.C went 3-9 in 2012 and one year later we won the SEC. My point is that no matter how bad it may seem right now, AU is capable of bouncing back quickly. 

Reminder, I am not saying not to be concerned or bury your head in the sand....but it is WAY to early to write off this staff IMO.

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I am ready to eat crow as well. Honestly I was not sure that the new transfer point guards would mesh well with a transfer center who barely played last year, an 18 year old phenom, and scorer from UGA who plays out of control at times. I mean I knew they had talent but I never thought they would be this good together. 
Just throwing it out there since we are eating crow and all. 

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3 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:

I am ready to eat crow as well. Honestly I was not sure that the new transfer point guards would mesh well with a transfer center who barely played last year, an 18 year old phenom, and scorer from UGA who plays out of control at times. I mean I knew they had talent but I never thought they would be this good together. 
Just throwing it out there since we are eating crow and all. 

However, what players have been brought into the football program who are of the quality you mention above? I don't see even one, let alone several former or current top prospects being added to the AU football roster.

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First and foremost we are all message board junkies. Not a dang one of us actually know what all is happening. Things are never as bad as we think they are and never as amazing as we believe. The coaching hire also brought a culture shock along with it. There is probably more of a chance that the expectations placed on players are higher than they were in the past versus the culture being toxic. Change isn't instant and will take some time regardless of who is running the program. 


The vast majority of us cannot imagine how many kids on every team are unhappy with where they signed. Add in a coaching change and it can get worse. The portal just gave them an easy out and they are taking advantage of it. My daughter is a college athlete. Through my time as one of her coaches I have gotten to know so many girls that are now playing in college. I also know several that quit during their first semester or absolutely hate where they are. There is a difference between the coaches they meet during recruiting vs the coaches they have when they get to campus. There is a tough transition so many go through balancing school and a sport while being away from home for the first time. 


Look at the portal and this isn't just an AU issue. There is an average of 12.8 players transferring from each DI program (129 FBS and 125 FCS). 


Sports Illustrated tweeted Wednesday that a record 3,000-plus FBS and FCS players have entered the transfer portal in the past two months. This week alone, 173 players have hit the portal, according to 247 Sports.

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39 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Can't speak for that person but sometimes I'll own up to my own bull-ish before anyone comes at me. Folks might not even know I ever said it. Right thing to do sometimes though. 

Just my opinion and of course I don't ever know what I'm talking about, but I just don't see anything to eat crow about. We needed a new coach. We should've known the brass wouldn't execute things right, we couldn't know if a newcoach would have some supreme power struggle or not. 

Even if for some reason things aren't right, that doesn't mean change was needed. We just need a complete makeover, we just keep trying to place a new covering of wallpaper to fix stuff instead of actually fixing the structure or foundation

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Just my opinion and of course I don't ever know what I'm talking about, but I just don't see anything to eat crow about. We needed a new coach. We should've known the brass wouldn't execute things right, we couldn't know if a newcoach would have some supreme power struggle or not. 

Even if for some reason things aren't right, that doesn't mean change was needed. We just need a complete makeover, we just keep trying to place a new covering of wallpaper to fix stuff instead of actually fixing the structure or foundation

I might've read it wrong, but what I took from the OP wasn't that we didn't need to make a change, but that we made the wrong change. 

I don't know nearly enough to speak to structural issues. But right now it doesn't *feel* to me like they're what's causing problems in football. That seems to be all Harsin. 

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39 minutes ago, Hank2020 said:

I agree with the idea of not jumping off the bridge. All the rest of the gender based references I don’t. Must be just the ladies that met you jumping.😄

Somebody please put something in this dude's mouth because my zipper is stuck. 🤭

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3 hours ago, JDUBB4AU said:

Mario or Billy would have came had the AU admin got off their ass and made it happen . Maybe football in Auburn doesn’t matter to Auburn . Drain the swamp is a term that was used . The swamp is over the levy guys and it ain’t draining 

But the PTB  Auburn would never hire a personality like a Billy or Mario. Cause they would say get outta the way or kick rocks. They will never give the keys of the program to someone with that type of leadership style. Tubs, Chiz, Gus, and to a degree Harsin we’re just happy to get the elevation and opportunity to compete at a bigger school like Auburn. It’s like I’m just happy to be here and I’ll somewhat accept whatever parameters that come with the job, even the meddling and suggestions from boosters. 

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Oh, look. Someone's mommy didn't give them enough attention. 

Try therapy. I promise it's more effective than begging for negative responses on the internet and it's covered by most insurers these days. 

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27 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Just my opinion and of course I don't ever know what I'm talking about, but I just don't see anything to eat crow about. We needed a new coach. We should've known the brass wouldn't execute things right, we couldn't know if a newcoach would have some supreme power struggle or not. 

Even if for some reason things aren't right, that doesn't mean change was needed. We just need a complete makeover, we just keep trying to place a new covering of wallpaper to fix stuff instead of actually fixing the structure or foundation

Pretty much. 

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IMO The last few hires have never received unilateral support from the PTB maybe one side wanted the coach and the other did not. But instead of supporting the program and the decision the pissed of side throws a hissy fit, and try to get some consolation (like hire this guy, do this or that, or make it difficult in any way they can…I personally believe Auburn Football is that petty, and for that reason there will never be home run hire that many desire it just ain’t happening with the current leadership structure.

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6 hours ago, NWALA Tiger said:

Folks I have been adamate that I thought Harsin should get 3 years. Even argued that point with fellow posters. However,  after hearing certain things and seeing the shedding of the roster that's going on, with no portal additions of late, it's becoming clear that this thing is spiraling out of control. Best case is we start a ton of freshman and sophomore next year. Because of what I've just said, I think their is a chance (small), that Harsin doesn't make it thru Spring practice. According to what I've gathered, it's that bad.. For the ones that want to say I TOLD YOU SO... go ahead and Blast away....

You are one of the few on this forum who will admit they might have been wrong about anything, not necessarily  just about this issue. I respect that, but I do hope that you are wrong. Not a sunshine pumper just hoping for the best for Auburn.

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3 minutes ago, autan said:

You are one of the few on this forum who will admit they might have been wrong about anything, not necessarily  just about this issue. I respect that, but I do hope that you are wrong. Not a sunshine pumper just hoping for the best for Auburn.

Me 2 just hard to see positive right now

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34 minutes ago, maryland tiger said:

Somebody please put something in this dude's mouth because my zipper is stuck. 🤭

Mine was meant as a joke not a disparaging remark but guess it fell short. Apologies if I offended. 

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I'm personally fixing to flip the page here shortly. Been feeling down about the program, and still am, but I'm not going to go through the entire offseason completely miserable. I won't be terribly optimistic, but eventually everyone that wants out will get out, and the guys that stick it out through these times will likely bond together, and hopefully take an us vs the world mentality this offseason. Dukes on 247 said something to the likes on that this morning.

After the tear down ends, we'll get an OC or QB coach, have spring ball, add players through the portal, and maybe even get a few '23 commits in the summer. The best part is that games will eventually be played again. While we're likely far more likely to go 3-9 than contend, maybe Harsin can find a way to win 8 and build some good faith, even though 8 wins is not the long term goal. One step at a time. If we implode like expected, we'll hopefully have a new Pres and AD that can unify to find a new coach. That's my positivity for the day, lol.

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8 minutes ago, PoetTiger said:

IMO The last few hires have never received unilateral support from the PTB maybe one side wanted the coach and the other did not. But instead of supporting the program and the decision the pissed of side throws a hissy fit, and try to get some consolation (like hire this guy, do this or that, or make it difficult in any way they can…I personally believe Auburn Football is that petty, and for that reason there will never be home run hire that many desire it just ain’t happening with the current leadership structure.

Which is why we are consistently inconsistent 

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5 hours ago, JDUBB4AU said:

Mario or Billy would have came had the AU admin got off their ass and made it happen . Maybe football in Auburn doesn’t matter to Auburn . Drain the swamp is a term that was used . The swamp is over the levy guys and it ain’t draining 

See this stuff makes me mad. 

People KEEP saying this. The "swamp" didn't make this hire. The "swamp" hated it and still hates it. Hiring Harsin was a statement that we aren't going to let the PTB run Auburn anymore.

That was actually what was GREAT about it! But it hasn't worked out. I don't want to go back to the PTB heavily meddling. But we CANNOT blame anybody but Harsin for this.

He has had total control over this program since Day 1. It's his fault and the AD's fault. 

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1 hour ago, maryland tiger said:

Has a game been played in 2022? Let things play themselves out over Spring before we start jumping off bridges. We have really come to a sad place in American when males are as emotional as women. It is not a good look! 

Are u referring to my post?

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

Have you even been posting on here enough for anybody to come at you? 

I doubt anybody would come looking for you to say I told you so

I didn't realize new posters had a grace period.... How much longer I got?... Gotta alot I need to get off my chest😁

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1 hour ago, RHN1975 said:

.Look at the portal and this isn't just an AU issue. There is an average of 12.8 players transferring from each DI program (129 FBS and 125 FCS). 

And Auburn is way over that average, while being way under in terms of portal additions. I think we're down a net of 16 scholarship players right now? 

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2 hours ago, fasttimes said:

The lack of patience is a problem IMO. Was it not pretty obvious with the extreme lack of talent on the oline and depth on dline this was going to be quite a rebuild? Seemed that way to me.

it wasn’t going to be a come in and after one year everything would be fixed. I understand everyone wants a saban timeline turnaround but that’s not realistic.

id like to see a bit more patience but it doesn’t seem many have the stomach for that. Imo of course.

Would have helped patience if the guy could have beaten inferior teams like USC, Houston and Miss State and finished an easy win like the Iron Bowl. Even the narrow Georgia State escape is worrisome.

How can we say it's all a talent issue when A. we aren't bringing in talent, and B. we are losing to lesser talented teams anyway.

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Nobody should have to eat crow. I loved the Harsin hire. In many ways, I still do. I still believe he has a chance to turn it around. 

The only people who should truly have to eat crow are the ones who keep spinning all the obviously negative stuff as positives, and mocking other fans for worrying or being impatient.

Here's the thing on that, if you're one in that lot. You have literally nothing to root your optimism in other than blind faith. Which is silly in sports.

No SEC resume. No recruiting resume. No people skills. Game management red flags. Locker room red flags. Coaching staff red flags.

There is absolutely no reason to believe in CBH at this point other than blind faith. I'm all fine to wait and let the guy try to fix this. But the fans who are absolutely certain he is the guy are full of it. 

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

However, what players have been brought into the football program who are of the quality you mention above? I don't see even one, let alone several former or current top prospects being added to the AU football roster.

I think everyone can see that we went from average to below average, but Harsin has been here a year and Gus was here 8 years. As a Gus fan I gave Gus the benefit of the doubt for a very long time (probably too long) until it was obvious he needed to go. Yes it looks bleak now with this coach, and it may get even worse, but let’s see how the 2022 season pans out and if we can start pulling in players. We are not going to fire a coach one year into a job unless something illegal or terrible happens. We have to give him more time to make it better (and hope that it is not worse haha). 

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