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This week highlighting a couple of judges


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Smh. This week I've seen a white guy whose a business owner drag a black woman out and throw her on the ground and it's on video and the judge didn't see any wrong doing.

And you have the judge who was taped using the n word oh so freely....And coincidentally when caught she states how she's a victim. She's been sending black people to jail for a while now.

Just pointing it out because I remember how some of you stated there's no problem with the justice system as far as race. 

Also coincidentally the first case is in Virginia and the other Louisiana. I've also seen it argued how the south isn't any less progressive than anywhere in the US

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On 12/20/2021 at 11:54 PM, jj3jordan said:

Are you familiar with the facts of this case?

Which one? I'm very interested on how anybody would make either of them ok

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20 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Which one? I'm very interested on how anybody would make either of them ok

It appeared that you judged the business owner guilty of something but no facts were presented. The dragging may have been justified regardless of the race of the owner or perp. 

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27 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

It appeared that you judged the business owner guilty of something but no facts were presented. The dragging may have been justified regardless of the race of the owner or perp. 

I'm interested in what scenario a male business owner has the right to assault a customer. 

Yes I do judge men that put their hands on women without being attacked first. 

Edited by cole256
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But I mentioned two different cases. As far as the business owner, a woman went in and wanted a refund. She calmly expressed that to an older white lady who was working the owner overheard the convo, became enraged and started acting like an animal. Multiple people tried to restrain him, he broke free, you can't see where but it was said he grabbed the woman by her hair and then drug her out. She suffered cuts and bruises. 

Those are a few facts

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On 12/20/2021 at 10:12 PM, cole256 said:

Also coincidentally the first case is in Virginia and the other Louisiana. I've also seen it argued how the south isn't any less progressive than anywhere in the US

Just quoting this line, as it's the only thing I remember us talking about.... at least in the past year or so.

But if I remember that thread correctly it wasn't saying the southeastern states were great at dealing with racism. It's that racism in the northeastern states is waaay underplayed by the media.




For one of the un-quoted parts I'm with you. If I see a dude putting his hands on a female I'm always on the females side at the start, unless the dude can provide a real legitimate reason for his actions, then F him he needs to do time.

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20 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

Just quoting this line, as it's the only thing I remember us talking about.... at least in the past year or so.

But if I remember that thread correctly it wasn't saying the southeastern states were great at dealing with racism. It's that racism in the northeastern states is waaay underplayed by the media.




For one of the un-quoted parts I'm with you. If I see a dude putting his hands on a female I'm always on the females side at the start, unless the dude can provide a real legitimate reason for his actions, then F him he needs to do time.

Somebody quoted me in that thread and said something to the extent there's no difference between up north and down south. 

But yeah listening to the woman scream to please get his hands off and the screams in general is terrifying. Hard to watch.

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14 hours ago, cole256 said:

But I mentioned two different cases. As far as the business owner, a woman went in and wanted a refund. She calmly expressed that to an older white lady who was working the owner overheard the convo, became enraged and started acting like an animal. Multiple people tried to restrain him, he broke free, you can't see where but it was said he grabbed the woman by her hair and then drug her out. She suffered cuts and bruises. 

Those are a few facts

If those are the facts of the case it would seem the owner overreacted to a calm expression of a customer asking for a refund. You didn’t disclose those in your initial comments.  It sounded like it was something you heard second hand which would render you impossible to judge the situation. I do not condone men being physically abusive with women. Is your point that he abused a woman, a black woman, a customer, or what? Those are all different issues. I suspect there is more to this case than you have presented, but if not, then the business owner is a lunatic. Please tell us the business so we can avoid patronizing this establishment.

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28 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

If those are the facts of the case it would seem the owner overreacted to a calm expression of a customer asking for a refund. You didn’t disclose those in your initial comments.  It sounded like it was something you heard second hand which would render you impossible to judge the situation. I do not condone men being physically abusive with women. Is your point that he abused a woman, a black woman, a customer, or what? Those are all different issues. I suspect there is more to this case than you have presented, but if not, then the business owner is a lunatic. Please tell us the business so we can avoid patronizing this establishment.

My point is what I originally stated that this man did that and the judge apparently said it was ok. I wouldn't start a thread on something I heard. I argue with people on here that make situations right when you watch racism clear in HD, I certainly wouldn't think people would be ok with an opinion from me. Let many tell it I'm a race baiter for even having the gumption to demand equality and justice. 

The business is exotics and aquatics in Roanoke Virginia. I'm sure if you dig around you could watch a video of the incident.

But I'm still interested in what situation can arise that an owner can put his hands on a person and literally throw them out

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

My point is what I originally stated that this man did that and the judge apparently said it was ok. I wouldn't start a thread on something I heard. I argue with people on here that make situations right when you watch racism clear in HD, I certainly wouldn't think people would be ok with an opinion from me. Let many tell it I'm a race baiter for even having the gumption to demand equality and justice. 

The business is exotics and aquatics in Roanoke Virginia. I'm sure if you dig around you could watch a video of the incident.

But I'm still interested in what situation can arise that an owner can put his hands on a person and literally throw them out

Yes I did watch the video and read stories about the incident. Turns out there is a lot more to the story. A long running disagreement between the two parties.  Weirdness with the snakes and rats. Returning a rat because the snake would not eat it. I can see the owners frustration with these demands.  Sounds like she was never going to be satisfied. Almost seems like she was baiting the owner to damage his business with the secret recording and all. He didn’t react in a rational manner in my opinion. He showed frustration over dealing with her before. The video does not show picking up or dragging by hair. More like grabbing her arms and pulling her out. No doubt she went down to make it harder. Would he do the same to a white woman who acted the same way? My guess is yes but if somebody wants to attribute his poor behavior to racism no one can stop them. Rural western Virginia can be a little rough. I’ve spent some time in Roanoke but never got a racist vibe. The judge saw more than we did including testimony from a cop. I can see either verdict but I don’t have a favorite. News article said the prosecutor was one of their best. Unless you think they tanked that too, I would say the trial was fair, just not the outcome you wanted. Hardly a case supporting systemic racism. Did you have similar consternation when black rioters were destroying stealing and burning white businesses and nothing was done to them?

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22 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Yes I did watch the video and read stories about the incident. Turns out there is a lot more to the story. A long running disagreement between the two parties.  Weirdness with the snakes and rats. Returning a rat because the snake would not eat it. I can see the owners frustration with these demands.  Sounds like she was never going to be satisfied. Almost seems like she was baiting the owner to damage his business with the secret recording and all. He didn’t react in a rational manner in my opinion. He showed frustration over dealing with her before. The video does not show picking up or dragging by hair. More like grabbing her arms and pulling her out. No doubt she went down to make it harder. Would he do the same to a white woman who acted the same way? My guess is yes but if somebody wants to attribute his poor behavior to racism no one can stop them. Rural western Virginia can be a little rough. I’ve spent some time in Roanoke but never got a racist vibe. The judge saw more than we did including testimony from a cop. I can see either verdict but I don’t have a favorite. News article said the prosecutor was one of their best. Unless you think they tanked that too, I would say the trial was fair, just not the outcome you wanted. Hardly a case supporting systemic racism. Did you have similar consternation when black rioters were destroying stealing and burning white businesses and nothing was done to them?

Typical. Nobody really questioned did he do that because he was racist. I was talking about a judge watching that and coming to a conclusion that assault wasn't performed. 

No doubt she went down to make it harder? Can you elaborate? I ALWAYS find it humorous when speaking on the flawed justice system the first thing people like to do to shoot down racism is go to the court and say well this is what they said.....lol I know. That's the problem that's being discussed. 

Funny all the assumptions you made. You automatically believe his story when initially trying to chastise me for not knowing facts. Yet you can see his frustration is hilarious. If you watched the video you see the woman simply ask for her money back. Yet you'd rather go with the stuff you can't see.....interesting. Also interesting to come to a conclusion that she is going to hurt the store with a secret recording. That's just stupid, but even so why would being recorded EVER be a problem if nothing wrong is occurring. If anything recording should make everybody happy. 

What question you should ask yourself would you be so sympathetic to a situation if that was a black man slinging around a poor innocent white woman, pure as newly fallen snow. 

As far as your last question apples and oranges, that has nothing to do with this particular situation and isn't similar in any way. But I will ALWAYS value a humans life over a building or some sort of material thing. That's a very typical I'm a white man who sees no wrong but blame black people for something question though. Congrats you should be proud when you look at yourself in the mirror.

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Typical. Nobody really questioned did he do that because he was racist. I was talking about a judge watching that and coming to a conclusion that assault wasn't performed. 

You literally said watching racism in HD.


No doubt she went down to make it harder? Can you elaborate? I ALWAYS find it humorous when speaking on the flawed justice system the first thing people like to do to shoot down racism is go to the court and say well this is what they said.....lol I know. That's the problem that's being discussed.  

It is harder to remove a person if they are off their feet. If you think it is flawed then there is nothing more to say.

Funny all the assumptions you made. You automatically believe his story when initially trying to chastise me for not knowing facts. Yet you can see his frustration is hilarious. If you watched the video you see the woman simply ask for her money back. Yet you'd rather go with the stuff you can't see.....interesting. Also interesting to come to a conclusion that she is going to hurt the store with a secret recording. That's just stupid, but even so why would being recorded EVER be a problem if nothing wrong is occurring. If anything recording should make everybody happy. 

I didn’t automatically believe anybody.  You offered NO FACTS initially, just racism in HD. If I could see the recordings of their interaction for the past two years I’m sure I would side with you. She clearly had the recording hidden and refused to accept store credit over and over.  A complete and full recording of the entire relationship would be great.


What question you should ask yourself would you be so sympathetic to a situation if that was a black man slinging around a poor innocent white woman, pure as newly fallen snow. 

I would never have seen it. The media would have buried it. If she was as obnoxious as that woman then no, you are wrong, I would not have attributed his physical actions to racism. Also, newly fallen snow is not that pure.

As far as your last question apples and oranges, that has nothing to do with this particular situation and isn't similar in any way. But I will ALWAYS value a humans life over a building or some sort of material thing. That's a very typical white man question though. Congrats you should be proud when you look at yourself in the mirror.

It exactly the same. Judges seeing crime and letting it go because of the race of the perp. I use the mirror primarily to remove stray nose hairs. It is not a tool of pride. Thank you though for perpetuating the truth that when you transition to the personal attack, you got nothing.


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11 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:


Lol every paragraph a deflect and try to reword or ignore the point. You came to 3 conclusions without seeing it. Your last paragraph had nothing to do with anything and who knows what your last sentence is even saying.

Coincidentally you don't see anything wrong after watching a video of a man assault a woman. Of course race has nothing to do with it, you weren't going to go out of your way to disagree of course. It's just a coincidence.

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

Lol every paragraph a deflect and try to reword or ignore the point. You came to 3 conclusions without seeing it. Your last paragraph had nothing to do with anything and who knows what your last sentence is even saying.

Coincidentally you don't see anything wrong after watching a video of a man assault a woman. Of course race has nothing to do with it, you weren't going to go out of your way to disagree of course. It's just a coincidence.

Sounds like you need to head on over there and give that redneck racist a piece of your mind.  Stop by the courthouse and yell at the judge too.

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16 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Sounds like you need to head on over there and give that redneck racist a piece of your mind.  Stop by the courthouse and yell at the judge too.

Wow what a creative post!  Any decent person should stand against racism and a man assaulting a woman, unless there's some other agenda more important to them. 

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2 hours ago, cole256 said:

Wow what a creative post!  Any decent person should stand against racism and a man assaulting a woman, unless there's some other agenda more important to them. 

Tell it to the judge.

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20 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Tell it to the judge.

No I'll post about it on here because you don't dictate what I do. Now what you can do is choose not to click and go about your day and continue being the great person you seem to be

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On 12/22/2021 at 5:50 PM, Mims44 said:

Just quoting this line, as it's the only thing I remember us talking about.... at least in the past year or so.

But if I remember that thread correctly it wasn't saying the southeastern states were great at dealing with racism. It's that racism in the northeastern states is waaay underplayed by the media.




For one of the un-quoted parts I'm with you. If I see a dude putting his hands on a female I'm always on the females side at the start, unless the dude can provide a real legitimate reason for his actions, then F him he needs to do time.

i joined the service for four years and ended up at the pentagon. because i was from alabama and my accent i can tell you for a fact they are more racist up north or were from 73 yo 77. and they assumed i was down with that crap so many talked freely around me. my opinion is they were every bit as bad as the south they just hid it better. racism is nationwide. hell there are forms of racism all over the world and i will never understand it. at 17 i joined the service and i was a long haired hippy and i was all about peace and love. it was a shock at 17 to realize people thought i was pretty much evil because of where i was from. between that and mosrly college age folks calling folks in the military murderers was quite an eye opener.

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I was just asked how did I know slave owners were lazy, sounds like woke chip on shoulder......it's instilled in logic in South imo

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