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Tank Bigsby Expected to Transfer


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34 minutes ago, aucom96 said:

It already is. 

Harsin had better up his recruiting very quickly. Some Auburn fans think they'll tolerate another 5-6 win season now, but the reality will have Harsin's seat blazing hot with a quickness. 

Pay attention this week.  Starting with two names today.

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5 hours ago, bigbird said:

You forgot that he has the chance to be much better than Gus as well.

I really want to believe that BB.............for the future of AU football sake I hope you're right.


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Guest MustardSeed
50 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Pay attention this week.  Starting with two names today.

It does appear coach has made recruiting a bigger priority than getting an OC quickly. With early signing day it may turn out to actually be a solid plan 🤷‍♂️  Of course getting an OC quickly may have helped that but I’m starting to honestly believe Hill was the only guy on the list and Harsin already knew he was willing to come and our compliance dept is the one that caused the entire delay (and potentially for legitimate reasons so no fault being placed). I’ve admittedly fallen victim of the hysteria and jumping on Harsin for not getting this done quick enough BUT it appears he likely had it done day 1 but unexpected issues changed the plans and he opted to focus on recruiting. Not sure I disagree with him at this point. 

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7 hours ago, Didba said:

The fact that you have King and Finley on there, shows how little you actually know lmao.

You expecting 2nd team QB grant loy yo get the reps?

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1 minute ago, MustardSeed said:

It does appear coach has made recruiting a bigger priority than getting an OC quickly. With early signing day it may turn out to actually be a solid plan 🤷‍♂️  Of course getting an OC quickly may have helped that but I’m starting to honestly believe Hill was the only guy on the list and Harsin already knew he was willing to come and our compliance dept is the one that caused the entire delay (and potentially for legitimate reasons so no fault being placed). I’ve admittedly fallen victim of the hysteria and jumping on Harsin for not getting this done quick enough BUT it appears he likely had it done day 1 but unexpected issues changed the plans and he opted to focus on recruiting. Not sure I disagree with him at this point. 

No, not bringing in the OC at this point in the recruiting game is a planned move. It has allowed them to keep Trovon Reed on the recruiting trail (only allowed because we do not have an OC). Trovon Reed is one of the best ambassadors Auburn has and recruits love him. Much better than bringing in a guy from the PNW and telling him he’s got a week to make relationships and help close for signing day.

I know it’s the craziest thing for the abundance of genius on this site but the coaching staff may actually know what they are doing.

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Can't blame him, Harsin did nearly nothing to help the OL in year one, which everyone knew was going to be a disaster. 

Year 2 and it's not looking any better. Not sure why any decent transfer QB/RB will come to us when we are in back to back cycles taking 1 OL, perpetuating Gus awful OL recruiting, and seem to have little traction with any Portal OL

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1 minute ago, W.E.D said:

Can't blame him, Harsin did nearly nothing to help the OL in year one, which everyone knew was going to be a disaster. 

Year 2 and it's not looking any better. Not sure why any decent transfer QB/RB will come to us when we are in back to back cycles taking 1 OL, perpetuating Gus awful OL recruiting, and seem to have little traction with any Portal OL

We aren't taking 1 OL this cycle.  The cycle doesn't end until February.  Three OL targets we are in on don't even announce until then.

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Much worse loss than Bo. Most naturally talented player on our team. This loss is going to hurt. I guess he got tired of running behind an o line who has converted d linemen in the two deep.

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4 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

We aren't taking 1 OL this cycle.  The cycle doesn't end until February.  Three OL targets we are in on don't even announce until then.

Yeah and Tank or anyone else isn't going to wait on that. We don't even lead for those guys, so it's just a wish. 

Our OL recruiting is a disaster. Spin it all you want. 

A coaches son was the best OL that showed us any true interest 

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21 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

It does appear coach has made recruiting a bigger priority than getting an OC quickly. With early signing day it may turn out to actually be a solid plan 🤷‍♂️  Of course getting an OC quickly may have helped that but I’m starting to honestly believe Hill was the only guy on the list and Harsin already knew he was willing to come and our compliance dept is the one that caused the entire delay (and potentially for legitimate reasons so no fault being placed). I’ve admittedly fallen victim of the hysteria and jumping on Harsin for not getting this done quick enough BUT it appears he likely had it done day 1 but unexpected issues changed the plans and he opted to focus on recruiting. Not sure I disagree with him at this point. 

It was also brought up that with the outcome of the basketball situation known behind the scenes that bringing in Hill was gonna be way to big of a risk.  The entire athletic department is on probation and bringing in Hill and if he were to get implicated with things at ASU that would somehow also go against Auburn.  sorry for the poor wording of this.

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30 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Yeah and Tank or anyone else isn't going to wait on that. We don't even lead for those guys, so it's just a wish. 

Our OL recruiting is a disaster. Spin it all you want. 

A coaches son was the best OL that showed us any true interest 

Talk to me about this again in February.

Edited by Brad_ATX
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7 hours ago, AU-24 said:

Maybe so but you have to admit: he’s not exactly off to one hell of a start!

He’s off to a perfectly normal start for a HC replacing a guy who drove the program into a perpetual cycle of mediocrity and was being left in the dust by his biggest rivals. Terry Bowden and Gus got off to spectacular starts right before they flamed out and left our program in need of rebuild. Roster turnover is a constant in any new coaching staff, some good and some bad. Hell, Pat Dye had about 40% roster turnover his first year or two. 

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5 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Talk to me aboutnl this again in February.

Again, we don't have time to wait another 3 months.  90% of top level kids sign this week.  Waiting until Feb to show you you've got is too late.  Ppl are leaving b/c it isn't being addressed now and we're really going to struggle  Back to back 6-6 seasons isn't going to make recruiting any easier. 

I don't think our recruiting as a whole is really that bad.  But our OL is horrendous and we should be ashamed of it's current status

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Guest MustardSeed
4 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Ppl are leaving b/c it isn't being addressed now

Tank had a visibly bad attitude in game 3 and quite often from then on.  Highly doubt recruiting is his deciding factor.  Also he had 4.8 ypc this year and Hunter had 6.9 ypc.  O line issues may be just a tad overblown… play calling on the other hand….

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We're over here hyping Jalen Farmer, Anez Cooper, and DL Tae Woody as the saviors to our horrendous recruiting on the OL.

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I understand some are saying that Coach Dye didn’t start well but when each coach comes in situations are different. U didn’t have the same teams in the conference and additions that are about to be made. There was no NIL, early signing day or portal. Something has to pick up sooner rather than later

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10 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Again, we don't have time to wait another 3 months.  90% of top level kids sign this week.  Waiting until Feb to show you you've got is too late.  Ppl are leaving b/c it isn't being addressed now and we're really going to struggle  Back to back 6-6 seasons isn't going to make recruiting any easier. 

I don't think our recruiting as a whole is really that bad.  But our OL is horrendous and we should be ashamed of it's current status

Let me ask you this.  Lets say we signed 5 blue chip HS O linemen right now.  Does Tank or Bo stay?

Answer is probably not because those guys aren't likely to play immediately.  2023 recruiting is looking very strong so far.  6-6 means nothing on that front.  Texas hasn't won **** in years and is showing you can recruit just fine.

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Just now, MustardSeed said:

Tank had a visibly bad attitude in game 3 and quite often from then on.  Highly doubt recruiting is his deciding factor.  Also he had 4.8 ypc this year and Hunter had 6.9 ypc.  O line issues may be just a tad overblown… play calling on the other hand….

I think the OL was an issue, but also play selection and utilization at times were really bad.  100% agree.

I can't fault a player being upset, when he's literally the best player on our offense, for being upset when he's number isn't call when we need a bit play.

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5 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

Tank had a visibly bad attitude in game 3 and quite often from then on.  Highly doubt recruiting is his deciding factor.  Also he had 4.8 ypc this year and Hunter had 6.9 ypc.  O line issues may be just a tad overblown… play calling on the other hand….

That’s no a fair assessment. Tank had double the attempts running a porous oline and bad play calling. Hunter wasn’t really effective as the season progressed.

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1 minute ago, Brad_ATX said:

Texas hasn't won **** in years and is showing you can recruit just fine.

Texas is paying money.  We aren't.  We'll never recruit like UT does being as bad as we are.

Also, Sark has loads of hype behind him from putting up prolific offenses at Bama and we've got a G5 coach.  The situation aren't close to being the same.

2 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Lets say we signed 5 blue chip HS O linemen right now.  Does Tank or Bo stay?

That wasn't my argument.  If we actually signed kids out of HS last year, took good OL tranfers vs rolled with the crap we had...then had guys lined up this year and needed just a piece vs 5 starting OL...then yeah, that changes things.  Doesn't address poor play calling from Tank, but maybe we never get there

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1 minute ago, W.E.D said:

I think the OL was an issue, but also play selection and utilization at times were really bad.  100% agree.

I can't fault a player being upset, when he's literally the best player on our offense, for being upset when he's number isn't call when we need a bit play.

I thin his frustrations were with minor injuries not allowing him to play his game and seeing the success of Hunter knowing that should be him.  He has a workhorse mentality.  Unfortunately for him most teams in the NFL are going to two back systems limiting reps.  

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