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Mason rumored as a top candidate for A&M DC job


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25 minutes ago, Didba said:

Hard disagree on the Bama game being an anomaly.   He was calling fronts, coverage and mixtures of zone and man that were the type of exotic stuff you'd see on Sundays.  BYoung had no idea who was rushing or dropping into coverage.  Sure, the players executed but he called a great game.

Not really a strong understanding on here about how you strategize differently against different types of offenses as opposed to play them all the same way

Edited by cole256
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5 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

Well if that really happened then we can potentially assume what caused the D to look so different in that game, because it was entirely different gameplan than we had seen the entire year. And a million times more effective 

Yep, and to be clear I'm not saying this to try and put Mason down. I have no clue if the guy was right. The timing of the post is why I thought it could be credible. The dude claimed on the Monday after the USCe loss that it was happening. I would've laughed if he had said it after the game

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Is this all schools or is it just us where the coach when he's successful it's always the assistants that really should get the credit?

Usually they get the credit for expertise if they have an identified one. Saban (defense) and Kirby (defense) are probably 2 good examples, that occur to me.

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Just now, Hank2020 said:

Usually they get the credit for expertise if they have an identified one. Saban (defense) and Kirby (defense) are probably 2 good examples, that occur to me.

Lol. Mason would be an example as well

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Mason is doing a heck of a job with the talent he has to work with. He made some bad decisions but overall heck of a job. If he was smart he would go to AM and work with an SEC caliber roster. 

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6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Not really a strong understanding on here about how you strategize differently against different types of offenses as opposed to play them all the same way

Very low understanding of scheme in general by many posters.

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Jimbo is going into his 5th year. With all the money TAMU is putting out the boosters are going to start wanting better results. Mason might want to stay put.

TAMU regular season- 2018: 8-4, 2019: 7-5, 2020: 8-1, 2021: 8-4

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Maybe he goes, but A&M is NOT a better job than Auburn. Jimbo is an average coach that is way overpaid. He's proven that at A&M and that's about all he's done there.

Seems like a lot on here have a huge Auburn inferiority complex.

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24 minutes ago, IronMan70 said:

Jimbo is going into his 5th year. With all the money TAMU is putting out the boosters are going to start wanting better results. Mason might want to stay put.

TAMU regular season- 2018: 8-4, 2019: 7-5, 2020: 8-1, 2021: 8-4

Jimbo doesn’t have a single thing to worry about. Their fans are actually content but not in any way just satisfied. They aren’t looking to fire him right away like some on here. He also has major recruitment coming in so they are willing to wait and see. Mason would be a fool not to take this with more money and better recruits. 

Edited by DAG
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Just now, TheDob06 said:

Maybe he goes, but A&M is NOT a better job than Auburn. Jimbo is an average coach that is way overpaid. He's proven that at A&M and that's about all he's done there.

Seems like a lot on here have a huge Auburn inferiority complex.

But at the moment it is a better job. They have better infrastructure , they have great facilities , they are a blue blood for recruiting and it’s a lot more money to be had. That’s just realistic . Like I said , some of y’all about to get what y’all wish for.

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1 minute ago, DAG said:

Well some of you guys are about to get what you wished for 

I would really hate to lose Mason.  I think he did a much better job with the defense than Bobo did with the offense.  

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Just now, cole256 said:

I would go as far as to say devastating

I think it would significantly diminish the chances of the Harsin era working out.

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6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I would go as far as to say devastating

I would be very upset to lose Mason.  One of the best Coaches on staff, recruits love him and so do their parents.  Plus, I believe his defense translate well to the NFL.

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1 minute ago, DAG said:

But at the moment it is a better job. They have better infrastructure , they have great facilities , they are a blue blood for recruiting and it’s a lot more money to be had. That’s just realistic . Like I said , some of y’all about to get what y’all wish for.

For the record, I'd like Mason to stay.

We're about to open a new facility and all the "blue blood" recruiting has gotten A&M is 8-4 seasons. Coaching salaries are crazy right now so if we need to pay more to keep him then we need to pay more.

This isn't directed at you @DAG, but the Auburn is inferior, sky is falling, we'll suck forever, if another school wants one of our coaches he's gone, etc. attitude is getting old.

Just wanted to point out that A&M (maybe) calling isn't the same as say, Bama calling.

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3 minutes ago, TheDob06 said:

For the record, I'd like Mason to stay.

We're about to open a new facility and all the "blue blood" recruiting has gotten A&M is 8-4 seasons. Coaching salaries are crazy right now so if we need to pay more to keep him then we need to pay more.

This isn't directed at you @DAG, but the Auburn is inferior, sky is falling, we'll suck forever, if another school wants one of our coaches he's gone, etc. attitude is getting old.

Just wanted to point out that A&M (maybe) calling isn't the same as say, Bama calling.

None of that rebuts the fact that A&M would be a considerable better job for a DC right now. Yeah they have 8-4 seasons but they have much higher stability and much higher potential than Auburn right now. Yes , we finally are building a FOF, but behind the curve of a place like the aggies. I don’t consider this a sky is falling situation but I am also realistic. 

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2 minutes ago, TheDob06 said:

Just wanted to point out that A&M (maybe) calling isn't the same as say, Bama calling.

When has Bama ever called or plucked an Auburn assistant away?   Especially Saban.   He gets whom ever he wants.   Harsin seems to go after experience and is not afraid of going after a former head coach.  

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I have given Mason a hard time , but he needs to stay . Txam is not a better job . In order to build sustained success in recruiting. The staff needs to stay intact as best as it can 

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Like I said some of you guys are about to find out the hard way lol. Selling the family vibes and CFA just doesn’t hit the same.

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