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If you still don’t see it was an attempted coup


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It’s probably because you supported it and are either in deep denial, you’re such a delusional Trumper you can’t grasp reality, you’re just not that bright, or you just aren’t paying attention at all.


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Whatever, It didnt work. It was stopped. Good people stopped it. 

Now, we have the inverse issue. Some people are acting so badly that they are about to get him re-elected. 

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58 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Whatever, It didnt work. It was stopped. Good people stopped it. 

Now, we have the inverse issue. Some people are acting so badly that they are about to get him re-elected. 

You dismiss a coup as “whatever” but still get aroused over the “dossier.” 🙄

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Folks, it didnt happen. The nation did not fall to a half assed Non-Beer Putsch. Sorry, but while interesting and it should be looked at, it is going to be remembered as a foot note of the 1001 Bad Things trump did.

Did the military join in? Why no! Just like i said months before the election. Did they stop the certification? No! They did some damage and are being arrested just like they should be. Were  any cops killed? No! What four protesters died? 

This is just another pearl clutching moment for most of the nation. 

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14 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Folks, it didnt happen. The nation did not fall to a half assed Non-Beer Putsch. Sorry, but while interesting and it should be looked at, it is going to be remembered as a foot note of the 1001 Bad Things trump did.

Did the military join in? Why no! Just like i said months before the election. Did they stop the certification? No! They did some damage and are being arrested just like they should be. Were  any cops killed? No! What four protesters died? 

This is just another pearl clutching moment for most of the nation. 

BTW, you do realize the beer hall putsch failed miserably— at first, right?

And yet, allegations of collusion covered up by demonstrable lies and obstruction make you apoplectic. Strange. 🧐

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If you think anything at all would have happened to the government or the elected officials incoming and outgoing the next morning then perhaps there is kool aid being shared on the left.  There was never a danger of a coup. But I’m glad to see the left side has accepted the Guardian as a legit news source now. I used them before was heartily laughed off for using a bogus source. 

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Just because he sucks at it doesn't mean he didn't try.

It wasn’t even a real coup attempt, more like a gathering of idiots that heard a dog whistle……

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6 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

It wasn’t even a real coup attempt, more like a gathering of idiots that heard a dog whistle……

It entailed more than just the specific events by the Jan 6th mob.

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18 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

It wasn’t even a real coup attempt, more like a gathering of idiots that heard a dog whistle……

Read the article. There’s other articles about Trump’s active role in trying to subvert the transfer of power. You really have to refuse to see it to not see it.

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The article is full of this type of language:

It was not clear whether Trump

his lieutenants appeared to settle

Ben Sasse told the conservative talkshow host Hugh Hewitt that he heard Trump seemed “delighted” about the attack.

Again; no smoking gun, just like the 4 years of the Russia Hoax we have 2nd hand information only.  Call me when something of substance breaks.  

As DKW says, you need the military on your side to have a successful coup and he didn’t have it.  The videos of the *insurrection* showed it was not a well organized *coup*, but just a bunch of idiots roaming the Capitol Building.  Keep pressing this and the American people will NOT vote Democrat in the 2022 midterms.

The article said more than likely the phone calls from Trump to his lieutenants at the Willard Hotel were not recorded, so what do they have?  They have to rely on testimony from the lieutenants and that would be a long shot.

I, for one, hope Trump doesn’t run in 2024, but the Dems are making it so he will.

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Milley et al, and every vet I know were ready to stop a real bonafide coup attempt. Some of you folks pretend t know history, but really you dont.

Hitler also failed with the Beer Hall Putschs. He finally did win at the ballot box tho. How did that happen? Well, the PTB let the average German Worker fall in QOL to the point where they sought the help of a mad man. You want to lose a nation? Just keep giving decrees and mandates by fiat. Forget the little people until they no longer GAF about the government. Keep ignoring them and their condition. Keep answering to the Elitists. Keep failing at everything, like we do now.

Hitler was loved AT FIRST by the Volk because he made the trains run on time and got everyone back to work. He FIXED THE ECONOMY. He FIXED INFLATION, He FIXED UNEMPLOYMENT. Sound familiar?

Quit talking about it and get stuff done. 

Edited by DKW 86
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10 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

You dismiss a coup as “whatever” but still get aroused over the “dossier.” 🙄


10 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

Worst "coup" attempt in history......



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On 11/30/2021 at 12:32 PM, I_M4_AU said:

The article is full of this type of language:

It was not clear whether Trump

his lieutenants appeared to settle

Ben Sasse told the conservative talkshow host Hugh Hewitt that he heard Trump seemed “delighted” about the attack.

Again; no smoking gun, just like the 4 years of the Russia Hoax we have 2nd hand information only.  Call me when something of substance breaks.  

As DKW says, you need the military on your side to have a successful coup and he didn’t have it.  The videos of the *insurrection* showed it was not a well organized *coup*, but just a bunch of idiots roaming the Capitol Building.  Keep pressing this and the American people will NOT vote Democrat in the 2022 midterms.

The article said more than likely the phone calls from Trump to his lieutenants at the Willard Hotel were not recorded, so what do they have?  They have to rely on testimony from the lieutenants and that would be a long shot.

I, for one, hope Trump doesn’t run in 2024, but the Dems are making it so he will.

That's about the lamest reason I've ever heard to defend sedition.  You don't need the military on your side to foment violence in the streets.

Trump was clearly trying to thwart the legislature from fulfilling their constitutional duty, in spite of his own justice department declaring the election valid. And so far, the people who can provide that "smoking gun" you refer to, are refusing to obey their subpoenas to testify.

If a Democrat tried this, you'd be all over it demanding prison sentences. 

You know that's true.




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On 11/30/2021 at 8:14 AM, TexasTiger said:

It’s probably because

1) you supported it and are either in deep denial, 

2) you’re such a delusional Trumper you can’t grasp reality,

3) you’re just not that bright, or you just aren’t paying attention at all.


4) All of the above. 

(As this thread will illustrate.)

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15 minutes ago, homersapien said:

That's about the lamest reason I've ever heard to defend sedition.

I wasn’t defending sedition, I was just pointing out that there is about as much *evidence* of a sedition as there was for the Russian Hoax we spend 4 years on.


17 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You don't need the military on your side to foment violence in the streets.

No you don’t need the military on your side to foment violence, but you do need them for a successful coup.

18 minutes ago, homersapien said:

If a Democrat tried this, you'd be all over it demanding prison sentences. 

No I wouldn’t.  I realize that what ever a Democrat does, they will never be held responsible for their indiscretions.

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10 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I wasn’t defending sedition, I was just pointing out that there is about as much *evidence* of a sedition as there was for the Russian Hoax we spend 4 years on.

B.S.   You know that's not true.  First, we haven't heard all the evidence yet. And we do know that Trump expected Pence to intervene to halt the proceedings.

And Russia did intervene in our election on Trump's behalf. 


Anyone who seriously claims Trump wasn't trying to overturn the results of a legal election is in serious denial.  Hell, he kept insisting he actually won and the election was stolen.  A large proportion of Republicans still claim that.  I'd be ashamed to place myself in such a delusional group.


No you don’t need the military on your side to foment violence, but you do need them for a successful coup.

Again, Hitler assumed power without the aid of the military.  He did it via political coercion.  So you are simply wrong.


10 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

No I wouldn’t.  I realize that what ever a Democrat does, they will never be held responsible for their indiscretions.

That's a bad faith argument.  No Democrat has ever claimed to have actually won an election beyond the inauguration.  In fact, they have ultimately conceded when it's quite possible they actually DID win.  (Gore v. Bush)

Finally you are lying.  You'd go ballistic and you damn well know it.  Fortunately, Democrats love their country more than than their party.  They wouldn't nominate someone like Trump.


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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

B.S.   You know that's not true.  First, we haven't heard all the evidence yet. And we do know that Trump expected Pence to intervene to halt the proceedings.

The *evidence* brought up in that article was watered down with phases like *appeared* and *seemed like* which is NOT evidence.  It is the same as what the MSM did with Trump in the Russian Hoax (which has been widely viewed as a hoax despite what you may think).  Trump did expect Pence to back him, but HE DIDN”T back him and Trump was upset.  It was one man (Trump) trying to press his view of what should happen and NO ONE in power was willing to go along with it.  One man does not make a coup.


1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Anyone who seriously claims Trump wasn't trying to overturn the results of a legal election is in serious denial.  Hell, he kept insisting he actually won and the election was stolen.

He did try to overturn the results of the election and he ran out of options.  He fought all the way up to January 6th and his last ditch effort was to get Pence to delay the proceedings.  That didn’t happen and he is a sore loser.  By the way; did you hear Stacy Abraham is running for the Governor of Georgia again?  She thought that she had won the election the last time and that it was stolen.  In fact she has all kind of recounts and court proceedings to determine it was stolen.  It happens.


1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Again, Hitler assumed power without the aid of the military.  He did it via political coercion.  So you are simply wrong.

In 1932 Hitler opposed Hindenburg in the presidential election, capturing 36.8 percent of the votes on the second ballot. Finding himself in a strong position by virtue of his unprecedented mass following, he entered into a series of intrigues with conservatives such as Franz von Papen, Otto Meissner, and President Hindenburg’s son, Oskar. The fear of communism and the rejection of the Social Democrats bound them together. In spite of a decline in the Nazi Party’s votes in November 1932, Hitler insisted that the chancellorship was the only office he would accept. On January 30, 1933, Hindenburg offered him the chancellorship of Germany. 


Is this what you call coercion?  If so, Hitler had a powerful person on his side.  Trump did and does not

1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Fortunately, Democrats love their country more than than their party.  They wouldn't nominate someone like Trump.

This part is laughable.  The Democratic Party wouldn’t nominate someone like Trump, but they also wouldn’t nominate a black, woman or gay candidate because they feared anyone of those couldn’t beat Trump.  What a platform to run on and we are paying the price.  The Democrats are so afraid of Trump they are spending time and effort to make sure he can’t run again in 2024.  Try running the country and it wouldn’t matter if he ran in 2024, but right now, under Brandon’s leadership, Trump may be a shoe-in.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

I wasn’t defending sedition, I was just pointing out that there is about as much *evidence* of a sedition as there was for the Russian Hoax we spend 4 years on.


No you don’t need the military on your side to foment violence, but you do need them for a successful coup.

No I wouldn’t.  I realize that what ever a Democrat does, they will never be held responsible for their indiscretions.

The Democrats did try this. With the FBI CIA NSA special prosecutors spies surveillance falsified FISA applications and illegally obtained warrants. They failed miserably too. The military would never have supported a coup because the loved Trump and Trump loved them despite what lies and propaganda to the contrary.

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10 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

The Democrats did try this. With the FBI CIA NSA special prosecutors spies surveillance falsified FISA applications and illegally obtained warrants

Good point.  The Trump Presidency was fighting a coup attempt the whole time, just by another name.

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19 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

The *evidence* brought up in that article was watered down with phases like *appeared* and *seemed like* which is NOT evidence.  It is the same as what the MSM did with Trump in the Russian Hoax (which has been widely viewed as a hoax despite what you may think).  Trump did expect Pence to back him, but HE DIDN”T back him and Trump was upset.  It was one man (Trump) trying to press his view of what should happen and NO ONE in power was willing to go along with it.  One man does not make a coup.


That's the way media operates.  Don't confuse reporting with a court of law. The media never waits until the trial is over, particularly when there's not going to be a trial.

And like I said, if you really don't think Trump intended to overturn the results of the election and have himself declared the winner, you are in denial.

Trump kept up a constant drumbeat of "the election was stolen, I won" as soon as the results were tallied. In fact he never conceded.  How you can insist he didn't intend to defeat our election system and have himself declared the actual winner is beyond me. The fact he failed has nothing to do with his stated intent.

If this was a trial, our system would give Trump the benefit of assumed innocence until proven otherwise.  But it's not a trial.  It's an investigation into what happened.


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4 minutes ago, homersapien said:

In fact he never conceded.  How you can insist he didn't intend to defeat our election system and have himself declared the actual winner is beyond me.

I never said he didn’t intend to defeat our election system.  I said he was a sore loser and no one with any power backed his play.  Don’t put words in my mouth.

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19 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

He did try to overturn the results of the election and he ran out of options.  He fought all the way up to January 6th and his last ditch effort was to get Pence to delay the proceedings.  That didn’t happen and he is a sore loser.  By the way; did you hear Stacy Abraham is running for the Governor of Georgia again?  She thought that she had won the election the last time and that it was stolen.  In fact she has all kind of recounts and court proceedings to determine it was stolen.  It happens.


In 1932 Hitler opposed Hindenburg in the presidential election, capturing 36.8 percent of the votes on the second ballot. Finding himself in a strong position by virtue of his unprecedented mass following, he entered into a series of intrigues with conservatives such as Franz von Papen, Otto Meissner, and President Hindenburg’s son, Oskar. The fear of communism and the rejection of the Social Democrats bound them together. In spite of a decline in the Nazi Party’s votes in November 1932, Hitler insisted that the chancellorship was the only office he would accept. On January 30, 1933, Hindenburg offered him the chancellorship of Germany. 


Is this what you call coercion?  If so, Hitler had a powerful person on his side.  Trump did and does not

This part is laughable.  The Democratic Party wouldn’t nominate someone like Trump, but they also wouldn’t nominate a black, woman or gay candidate because they feared anyone of those couldn’t beat Trump.  What a platform to run on and we are paying the price.  The Democrats are so afraid of Trump they are spending time and effort to make sure he can’t run again in 2024.  Try running the country and it wouldn’t matter if he ran in 2024, but right now, under Brandon’s leadership, Trump may be a shoe-in.

I don't really understand your specific points.  Hitler came to power because he convinced Hindenburg to name him as chancellor.  Fear - and likely senility on Hindenbergs part - along with the political support of powerful players allowed it to happen.

My point was that Hitler didn't become chancellor because of an electoral victory.   He gamed the system with back room politics, just as Trump tried to do.  

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