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2 hours ago, LPTiger said:

In our History, Auburn has played 1,282 football games.   7 times we have beaten the number 1 ranked team in the country.   That is, .5% of our games in our entire history have resulted in a victory over Number 1.  I can't find stats on how many times we have beaten the number 3 team in the country, but my guess is it is probably somewhat more.   Let's just say double it = 1%.   Yesterday, we were 2 yards, one interception, one holding call, one hurt qb, 4 OTs away from doing what has historically happened only 1% of the time for us.   I understand people "not being into moral victories," but the way you play in loses is very important.  These men were on a 3 game losing streak and beat the number 3 team in the country for 59 minutes and 20 seconds.  Flame away, but if you can't see a ton of good in what took place yesterday, you are likely to live a long and miserable life.    I promise you, recruits came away very impressed.

Indeed.  A #3 team that's 3 deep in Blue Chips at every position cherry picked by super coach and we should have won.  I hate our guys lost but I liked the fight I saw in our players, especially the defense.  

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3 hours ago, LPTiger said:

In our History, Auburn has played 1,282 football games.   7 times we have beaten the number 1 ranked team in the country.   That is, .5% of our games in our entire history have resulted in a victory over Number 1.  I can't find stats on how many times we have beaten the number 3 team in the country, but my guess is it is probably somewhat more.   Let's just say double it = 1%.   Yesterday, we were 2 yards, one interception, one holding call, one hurt qb, 4 OTs away from doing what has historically happened only 1% of the time for us.   I understand people "not being into moral victories," but the way you play in loses is very important.  These men were on a 3 game losing streak and beat the number 3 team in the country for 59 minutes and 20 seconds.  Flame away, but if you can't see a ton of good in what took place yesterday, you are likely to live a long and miserable life.    I promise you, recruits came away very impressed.

That is all well and good but 156 yards of total offense which includes 3 overtime is abysmal and there is not any excuses for that including the reasons you cited in your comments.

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My wife found this on some social media thing:


I love Auburn.

I love that a team didn’t listen to the masses who said they didn’t stand a chance. 

I love an injured, backup quarterback who just kept grinding to help give his team a chance. #IBelieveInASoundMindAndASoundBody

I love a backup place kicker who shouldered enormous pressure in a monumental game.

I love the fight and grit of these young men who played their hearts out and left everything on the field. #IBelieveInWorkHardWork

And…..I love our Auburn Family who stood in support and appreciation of the efforts and will of these young men.  These pictures were taken after the game was over, yet the Auburn faithful stood and showed their respect and love for these young men.

And, because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.

So, when I say I love Auburn, I speak the truth.  Auburn is not just coordinates on a map, a name on a sports schedule or the institution listed on a diploma.  Auburn becomes part of you, your beliefs and your actions.  It is a state of mind and way of life that I have grown to embrace.  

Am I disappointed in the score?  
Absolutely, 100%….YES.  I don’t like to lose anymore than the next person.  

Am I thankful that I am part of something that is bigger than me or a final score?  Absolutely, 100%…..YES.




Edited by AUGoo
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I personally don't like celebrating losses as victories.   It can cloud one's judgement when making the hard choices moving forward.   

We almost won the Iron Bowl, but we lost.  We played hurt.  Bama is the weakest it's been in years.  Lots of facts to consider when assessing yesterday's performance. 

Lots of work to do moving forward. 

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I absolutely think perspective is key and we did play a good game last night. Kudos all around. Now for perspective, it was one game and we are now on a 4 game losing streak. One close game against an overrated opponent does not make up for the collapses to MSU and Carolina. I don’t mind getting all sentimental about effort and hurt qb’s, and not quitting, but there’s two sides to perspective. Yes we took a step in the right direction last night and now let’s see if we can recruit some studs and sign them next month. 

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36 minutes ago, AUGoo said:

My wife found this on some social media thing:


I love Auburn.

I love that a team didn’t listen to the masses who said they didn’t stand a chance. 

I love an injured, backup quarterback who just kept grinding to help give his team a chance. #IBelieveInASoundMindAndASoundBody

I love a backup place kicker who shouldered enormous pressure in a monumental game.

I love the fight and grit of these young men who played their hearts out and left everything on the field. #IBelieveInWorkHardWork

And…..I love our Auburn Family who stood in support and appreciation of the efforts and will of these young men.  These pictures were taken after the game was over, yet the Auburn faithful stood and showed their respect and love for these young men.

And, because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.

So, when I say I love Auburn, I speak the truth.  Auburn is not just coordinates on a map, a name on a sports schedule or the institution listed on a diploma.  Auburn becomes part of you, your beliefs and your actions.  It is a state of mind and way of life that I have grown to embrace.  

Am I disappointed in the score?  
Absolutely, 100%….YES.  I don’t like to lose anymore than the next person.  

Am I thankful that I am part of something that is bigger than me or a final score?  Absolutely, 100%…..YES.




This sounds cult-ish.

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Just now, Cali TIger said:

This sounds cult-ish.

The Auburn Creed sounds cultish?

You might find a few dissenters here.

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I appreciate the post and all but I’m interested in Auburn winning those games, not just really getting close and playing the forever scrappy underdog role. We’re better than that.

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If u are a recruit how do u view the last three weeks of blown leads. Do u feel that u might be the key piece that can get the team over the hump or do u feel the staff can’t get u in a position to win championships. I guess we will find out in a few weeks what they think. 

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8 minutes ago, aucom96 said:

I appreciate the post and all but I’m interested in Auburn winning those games, not just really getting close and playing the forever scrappy underdog role. We’re better than that.

Historically not so much. 

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A mature recruit sees yesterday as an incredible opportunity. The rest or most of them see a program that hasn't done much lately but has a good home field atmosphere. A win would've been better but it was helluva football game that's for sure.

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Guest MustardSeed

Here’s some other perspective that is also relevant 

LSU has missed out on Riley and Napier. By most accounts that was their top 2 guys and both have taken other jobs. They may be in trouble 

aTm isn’t very good after all under Jimbo

MSU is about as good as they’ve been for years. Can beat you but still shouldn’t 

Arky isn’t as good as people were thinking earlier. 
Bama is slipping and just went to 4 OTs with a first year coach with a hurt backup qb

Ole Miss loses their qb and I’m betting their O falls of a good bit and their d is a joke

Recruits are raving about the atmosphere and play yesterday and several may have moved us to the tops of their lists

We may not be world beaters next year but the SEC West may be the weakest it’s been in years. An above average performance could get 10 wins. The future could very well be bright 😎

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3 hours ago, AURealist said:

I personally don't like celebrating losses as victories.   It can cloud one's judgement when making the hard choices moving forward.   

We almost won the Iron Bowl, but we lost.  We played hurt.  Bama is the weakest it's been in years.  Lots of facts to consider when assessing yesterday's performance. 

Lots of work to do moving forward. 

I don't know anyone that's calling the losses as victories. Calling a loss a building block is vastly different than claiming a moral victory. A loss is a loss but, it's possible to take the loss to learn a lesson or build something greater. The latter is what I saw on Saturday. The loss sucks, really really sucks, but I saw a foundation being laid upon which a solid program can be built.

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