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Harsin response to Washington rumor question.


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25 minutes ago, AUFlyer99 said:

I was a five year old sorta bama fan in 1981 that was more interested in model airplanes than anything else.  

The idea behind Harsin I really like.  I’m more skeptical now whether that happens or not although watching Nix’s progress this season is very encouraging.  I also hope we see some coaching changes.  Although most of the time Mason had a beyond solid team, I’m finding it hard to get past the Miss State game and limited blitzing on the UAT TD drive.  On the same token he kept them out of the end zone for three quarters which is mind boggling.  

Bobo probably should be replaced though.  Parking Tank against SCar should cement that one.  

The Boise State fan talk about Harsin concerns me as it is very similar to our words about Gus. On the same token you have to wonder if they’re ticked because “their girlfriend dumped them”.  Time will tell on that account.  I figure next season will look similar to this one, maybe even not quite as shiny but that’s ok if he’s recruiting well and the players he does have are being put in the best possible position to win.  Year three is going to require some results.  Nine wins  minimum with one being over what I think will be UAT’s first season without Saban.  

Well to be fair to Bosie fans, they watched every year him lose games he shouldn't and won games only by a slight margin on games he should have won in a blow out do to it being Boise and having the best players, also not wanting to get rid of coaches. Who knows at this point I wouldn't be sad if he left but I also wouldn't be sad if he stayed, I just hope he can turn things around because what happened these last four games with us collapsing he was notorious for doing the same thing at Bosie. 

Edited by autiger88
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3 hours ago, bigbird said:


That's fair. We've had some bad losses (MSU/USCe), some good losses (TAMU/PSU/UA), and some good wins (LSU/OM/Ark). To me, it's closer to a C. We were never out of any game. That itself is a massive improvement. Also, I never felt overmatched in any game except for maybe UGA, but we were in it. 

The culture is changing and that's the hardest thing to fix. Did you see us back down once yesterday from any of the "bama way"? Hell no, we went right back at them, all freakin' game!

To be here for only ~10-11 months and to see the improvements and who and where they came from makes me encouraged for the future.  

If we had the same staff we had last year and given the same set of circumstances we found ourselves in yesterday, we would have lost by 20+.
Rebuilds are not pretty, I’m not a prophet so don’t know how Harsin will pan out, but I can see that a foundation of toughness,accountability ect.. is being built.

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3 hours ago, bigbird said:


That's fair. We've had some bad losses (MSU/USCe), some good losses (TAMU/PSU/UA), and some good wins (LSU/OM/Ark). To me, it's closer to a C. We were never out of any game. That itself is a massive improvement. Also, I never felt overmatched in any game except for maybe UGA, but we were in it. 

The culture is changing and that's the hardest thing to fix. Did you see us back down once yesterday from any of the "bama way"? Hell no, we went right back at them, all freakin' game!

To be here for only ~10-11 months and to see the improvements and who and where they came from makes me encouraged for the future.  

I agree! I posted in fustration yesterday that we lost this game on bad coaching decisions, I was wrong for that, the only game that we really played poorly in was the Ga. State game, even the game against UGA didn't get out of hand until the second half. I think when you have a season like we had it should make our coaches work even harder to know that they were close this year with some talent issues across the board, we need to fill some holds and continue to build build build.


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