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Ohio State vs Michigan


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Does Harbaugh finally break through and break the streak against OSU?  Until they do it, I'm not betting on it.  But should be a classic again today. 

Edited by AUBwins
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1 minute ago, Eagle-1 said:

Well, that was dumb. Bad decision to throw that ball.

Bad pass altogether.  It was behind his guy in the back of the EZ and too far in front and high to his guy underneath. 

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25 minutes ago, bootskii said:

This is a hard game to root for. I want Michigan to win but I feel Ohio St. would be the only ones to challenge UGA.

Looks like Michigan will give Georgia a better game.

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Michigan driving. This is what they need to do to answer and put the pressure back on osu

Edited by Randman5000
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The offensive line.. really the star of this game. All starts up front. 35-20 Michigan


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My favorite outcome today since we didn't win. Glad for Michigan players and fans. Those long losing streaks are rough. 

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