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GOP lawmaker's anime video depicting him killing Ocasio-Cortez, attacking Biden


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Twitter flags GOP lawmaker's anime video depicting him killing Ocasio-Cortez, attacking Biden


Dartunorro Clark
Mon, November 8, 2021, 10:52 PM

Twitter added a warning label Monday to a tweet from a Republican lawmaker that depicted an animated killing of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and an attack on President Joe Biden — saying the post violated the company's rules about "hateful conduct."

But the tweet, from Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., will remain accessible for the "public interest," Twitter said in its notice.

Gosar shared an altered video Sunday evening in which he and other Republican lawmakers, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado, are depicted as heroes from the Japanese anime series "Attack on Titan."

The post-apocalyptic series revolves around a small civilization that lives in a bordered-off city to protect itself from giant human-like creatures called Titans.


Ocasio-Cortez's face is superimposed on one of the Titans, who is killed by Gosar's character.

His character also attacks a Titan with Biden's face.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ocasio-Cortez responded in a tweet, calling Gosar "creepy" and criticizing GOP leaders.

"And he'll face no consequences bc @GOPLeader cheers him on with excuses," she wrote, referring to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. "Fun Monday! Well, back to work bc institutions don't protect woc," or women of color.

Gosar, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, has been at the forefront of efforts to downplay the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. He made headlines in 2018 when six of his siblings appeared in an ad endorsing his congressional opponent. Gosar's siblings later pressed for him to be removed from office for his fringe views.

"Happy Monday in America, where@GOPLeader McCarthy's colleague just posted a video of himself swinging two swords at President Biden. These blood thirsty losers are more comfortable with violence than voting. Keep exposing them," Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif, tweeted Monday, tagging McCarthy.

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., characterized Gosar's actions as "sick behavior."

"In any workplace in America, if a coworker made an anime video killing another coworker, that person would be fired," Lieu tweeted.

Gosar and McCarthy's offices did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Neither did Greene's or Boebert's.

The video, which Gosar also posted on Instagram, appears to include video of migrants at the U.S. southern border — similar to a 2018 ad tweeted by Trump.

In the clip shared by Gosar, video of migrants and border patrol agents is intermixed with animated scenes in which the words "drugs," "crime," "poverty," "money," "murder," "gangs," "violence" and "trafficking" appear on the screen.

Instagram did not immediately respond to a question about whether the video violates its policies.

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The GOP has committed itself to electing cartoon characters rather than grown adults.  The entire post-Trump, Breitbart-inspired GOP needs to be burned to the ground, the earth they stood on salted, and a new party built from scratch, minus the lunatics and mouth breathers.

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25 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

The GOP has committed itself to electing cartoon characters rather than grown adults.  The entire post-Trump, Breitbart-inspired GOP needs to be burned to the ground, the earth they stood on salted, and a new party built from scratch, minus the lunatics and mouth breathers.

Except, that’s what their voters seem to want. They voted for the more reasonable guys in the past when that was what they were given, but they’re passionate for this brand of crazy.

If we had a parliamentary system there would be multiple parties and I’m confident a center right and center left party would form a governing coalition.


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So, one  guy, or even a  couple of guys, do some crazy stuff, and that means they are all bad?

I left the RNC 16 years ago and I do not intend to go back. But that doesnt mean that I cant see that A FEW, A VERY FEW, are still okay. 

But if I could make two wishes they would be for term limits and 2-3 new parties in the US.

Edited by DKW 86
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19 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

So, one  guy, or even a  couple of guys, do some crazy stuff, and that means they are all bad?

I left the RNC 16 years ago and I do not intend to go back. But that doesnt mean that I cant see that A FEW, A VERY FEW, are still okay. 

But if I could make two wishes they would be for term limits and 2-3 new parties in the US.

hell the ones with any sense to me are getting their arse kicked by their own party. trump made crazy normal. if we got rid of dark money and had term limits this country would be a lot better off. people are running to seek out their own ends and get rich at the expense of the country. troubled times indeed. and to be honest i am losing faith in the dems. we desperately need a political savior that the vast majority can get behind to stop all this crazy crap. not a shot but the indies need to up their game. i have never been anti indie at all. i am not sure what it would take but they need to be more relevant and this is the perfect time for them to make a serious move with all the craziness going on dkw. who do you know among them that could be a really good leader in your opinion david? i can call you david right? i kid i kid..........

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Mostly just mad at the idiot for ruining the intro of Attack on Titan for me. Had just finished the Manga and was about to start the anime dammit. 

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