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Special Teams...


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A couple of the holding calls on kick off return were bs. In fact, the one called on Deal had him the one being held and slapped in the helmet.

I'm not terribly concerned about special teams.

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Guest MustardSeed
4 minutes ago, cbo said:

Clearly not. 

Ok. Why?  
I’ll lay out my case. Where do you disagree…

He has a Covid year remaining. He currently isn’t listed on any draft boards I’ve seen. Kickers get drafted at a rate of 1.67 kickers a year…so less than 2 a year or 5 every 3 years. Therefore you almost entirely have to be one of the top 2 kickers in the country to get drafted, and he isn’t listed in anyone’s top 5. Sure he can sign a free agent contract but if he’s not considered one of the top 5 in his class he’s gonna have a hard time. 
And…once he goes pro and doesn’t make a team. Pretty much game over. Career ended. That’s a HUGE risk. 
However coming back and competing against what looks like one of the best kickers of all time potentially coming in may not be better…losing out to a freshman could end his career too. Hence why I wouldn’t want to be Carlson next fall. 
So…where am I wrong? 

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1 minute ago, MustardSeed said:

Ok. Why?  
I’ll lay out my case. Where do you disagree…

He has a Covid year remaining. He currently isn’t listed on any draft boards I’ve seen. Kickers get drafted at a rate of 1.67 kickers a year…so less than 2 a year or 5 every 3 years. Therefore you almost entirely have to be one of the top 2 kickers in the country to get drafted, and he isn’t listed in anyone’s top 5. Sure he can sign a free agent contract but if he’s not considered one of the top 5 in his class he’s gonna have a hard time. 
And…once he goes pro and doesn’t make a team. Pretty much game over. Career ended. That’s a HUGE risk. 
However coming back and competing against what looks like one of the best kickers of all time potentially coming in may not be better…losing out to a freshman could end his career too. Hence why I wouldn’t want to be Carlson next fall. 
So…where am I wrong? 

I believe if he elected to stay (and I don’t think he will take his Covid year) they would not start the freshman.

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4 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

Ok. Why?  
I’ll lay out my case. Where do you disagree…

He has a Covid year remaining. He currently isn’t listed on any draft boards I’ve seen. Kickers get drafted at a rate of 1.67 kickers a year…so less than 2 a year or 5 every 3 years. Therefore you almost entirely have to be one of the top 2 kickers in the country to get drafted, and he isn’t listed in anyone’s top 5. Sure he can sign a free agent contract but if he’s not considered one of the top 5 in his class he’s gonna have a hard time. 
And…once he goes pro and doesn’t make a team. Pretty much game over. Career ended. That’s a HUGE risk. 
However coming back and competing against what looks like one of the best kickers of all time potentially coming in may not be better…losing out to a freshman could end his career too. Hence why I wouldn’t want to be Carlson next fall. 
So…where am I wrong? 

I'm not looking for an argument tonight and I'm sorry if I pissed you off. I haven't run the numbers on Anders. I think he's a great kicker that has a good chance of catching on in the NFL. I imagine he will try it out after his senior year, although he does have a Covid year remaining. I think the pedigree might help. Mostly, I don't want to run down one of our very good players after a great win. But you might be right. 

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Guest MustardSeed
1 minute ago, cbo said:

I'm not looking for an argument tonight and I'm sorry if I pissed you off

Nobody was arguing or upset 😂. I’m just laying out the case and this was a thread on the ST issues tonight.  

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Guest MustardSeed
48 minutes ago, Hank2020 said:

I believe if he elected to stay (and I don’t think he will take his Covid year) they would not start the freshman.

Probably right Hank, but it’s possible. Hopefully if he stays he gets to help the fresh acclimate to college life and he stays the starter. That’s ideal for everyone, but Harsin will likely start whoever is better and trusted in high pressure situations. If nothing else Anders would have stiff competition and would be forced to improve and would likely improve his stock for the NFL. If I were him, I’d probably come back knowing the history of NFL kicker vacancies unless he gets some real good info that he’ll likely have a job

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1 hour ago, MustardSeed said:

It’s a very real possibility Anders gets beat out by a true freshman next year. Our K recruit is unreal. Friday alone he made a 40+ yarder, a 52, 55 and a 61 yarder. In one game.  Oh and broke the state record for longest fg. Not sure I’d want to be Anders this fall. He’s slipped some this year. Not sure if that’s coaching or what but he hasn’t been the better Carlson

I think he has graduated has he not? He will be kicking on Sunday or flying jets. No worries.

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2 hours ago, weagl1 said:

There is no use in trying to return the ball on a kickoff we are just going to get a holding penalty.  It happens every time.  Awful. 

Seems like it. One of the holding calls I thought was bogus, I think the first one.  The blocker I thought was engaged with the defender prior to the call and the blocking just rotated that way. You couldn’t see it on the replay but on the full play it was there. That one could have gone either way. If bammer did it, no. If we did it, yes.

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Guest MustardSeed
6 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

I think he has graduated has he not? He will be kicking on Sunday or flying jets. No worries.

Has a Covid year if he wants it and probably needs a better showing this year than he’s had so far to get an NFL  contract so if he wants to be an NFL kicker he could very well come back another year. Who know if he wants to or not 🤷‍♂️

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2 hours ago, cbo said:

No offense to you, but I don't understand this reaction after this game. Can't enjoy it for a minute?

The kick return unit sucked tonight. But it's not a pattern. Special teams saved the Ga State game.

 to me he is just showing his love for auburn and wants them to get better. he wants us to be all we can be and i do too. when we start cooking on all cylinders at the same time? saban will start wearing depends. i would bet my behind he is enjoying the win like i am. but i will be keeping my good eye on him............lol

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10 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

Has a Covid year if he wants it and probably needs a better showing this year than he’s had so far to get an NFL  contract so if he wants to be an NFL kicker he could very well come back another year. Who know if he wants to or not 🤷‍♂️

the kicker we have coming in next year just set a record 61 yard field goal friday night i believe. there is an article on al.com or tigerland.i cannot remember the name of his high school but from what little i have heard he is really going to be special. i would post some of that kind of stuff in recruiting but they combine article to one post so i would have to go threw several threads instead of just looking for a title to see if it has already been posted. it just makes it harder for this ol geezer. some young whipper snapper might be great at it and quicker. but they are doing articles on auburn commits and how they did. one of our receiver recruits caught four touchdown passes i believe. but if you guys really would enjoy that kind of thing i will see what i can do.

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7 hours ago, MustardSeed said:

However coming back and competing against what looks like one of the best kickers of all time potentially coming in may not be better

The 17 year old high school kid is potentially one of the best kickers of all time? Are you drunk?

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Guest MustardSeed
6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

the kicker we have coming in next year just set a record 61 yard field goal friday night i believe. there is an article on al.com or tigerland.i cannot remember the name of his high school but from what little i have heard he is really going to be special. i would post some of that kind of stuff in recruiting but they combine article to one post so i would have to go threw several threads instead of just looking for a title to see if it has already been posted. it just makes it harder for this ol geezer. some young whipper snapper might be great at it and quicker. but they are doing articles on auburn commits and how they did. one of our receiver recruits caught four touchdown passes i believe. but if you guys really would enjoy that kind of thing i will see what i can do.

Video has been posted in the 2022 recruiting thread and we discussed it in this thread. Don’t put yourself out.  We appreciate all you do. No need to do extra

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Guest MustardSeed
11 minutes ago, ClaytonAU said:

The 17 year old high school kid is potentially one of the best kickers of all time? Are you drunk?

Nope. You’ll see. Kid literally has potential for a 75 yard field goal. Just Friday he made a 52, 55 and a 61 all in one game. He has the POTENTIAL to be one of the best of all time. It’s called POTENTIAL.  He still has to actually do it.  😂. You people just love to attack folks for no reason

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59 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

Nope. You’ll see. Kid literally has potential for a 75 yard field goal. Just Friday he made a 52, 55 and a 61 all in one game. He has the POTENTIAL to be one of the best of all time. It’s called POTENTIAL.  He still has to actually do it.  😂. You people just love to attack folks for no reason

Bookmarked, thanks. 

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I don’t think some of you realize how rare it is to have elite kickers.  Auburn has been fortunate to be able to continually land elite kickers.  Saying that Anders Carlson isn’t good enough to keep his job is ridiculous.  99% of FBS schools would give an arm and a leg to have Anders on their team.

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I’m very glad that we beat a top 10 team by double digits. But, our head coach believes in getting better each and every day. Special teams needs to be the focus this week. I agree with the author of this post - special teams was terrible on Saturday. They potentially could’ve cost us that game if Kiffin had taken the points every time they were in the red zone. 

They cost us short fields with the penalties, we missed a FG, we fumbled a punt, and two delay of games on an extra point and field goal is absolutely inexcusable.

Carlson is a senior that needs to take advantage of the Covid year and come back. He’s had another inconsistent year. 

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3 hours ago, CameronCrazy said:

They cost us short fields with the penalties, we missed a FG, we fumbled a punt, and two delay of games on an extra point and field goal

On those plays, what % of the fault is on the player vs the coach?

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Before you fire Anders and anoint the new king of college kicking, ask yourself if you would allow your friends to tee up every golf swing from the fairway and a $20 nassau bet on the table.

If you are a high school field goal kicker, you are allowed to kick field goals with the assistance of a tee. The tee, which you can use in place of a holder, can be no more than 1 inch high. This differs from professional and collegiate football rules in that a kicker can kick the ball only with a holder in both of those settings.
Rules for Field Goal Kicking & Pads in High School Football
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6 hours ago, bigbird said:

On those plays, what % of the fault is on the player vs the coach?

I agree that it was the player(s) that committed the penalties and muffed the punt, but ultimately the coach is responsible for the discipline and focus of his players.  

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I think folks are writing off baby Carlson a little early IYAM. The kid has been solid for 4 years.

Over the last 2 seasons he has missed 6 FGs so far. Only 1 of those being inside 40 yards. The rest were all outside 40 with 3 of them being from 50+. I know at least 3 of them were blocked as well. 

He has only missed 2 FG inside of 40 for 4 years. 

He is reliable. He has won games for us. Slow down a bit. The notion that a true Frosh is going to come in and beat out a 4 yr ST weapon is ...well ....the odds are against it.  JMO.

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8 hours ago, bdc81 said:

Before you fire Anders and anoint the new king of college kicking, ask yourself if you would allow your friends to tee up every golf swing from the fairway and a $20 nassau bet on the table.

If you are a high school field goal kicker, you are allowed to kick field goals with the assistance of a tee. The tee, which you can use in place of a holder, can be no more than 1 inch high. This differs from professional and collegiate football rules in that a kicker can kick the ball only with a holder in both of those settings.
Rules for Field Goal Kicking & Pads in High School Football

I'm not saying Alex is gonna come in and win the starting job if Anders stays one more year. But Alex didn't use a tee to break the record.

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