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Brandon Strikes Again


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Can this be true?  I put it in this forum because no serious discussion can be had on this subject.

WASHINGTON — Thousands of migrant parents and children separated from each other at the U.S. border by Trump administration policies may soon be eligible for hundreds of thousands of dollars per person in compensation, according to three sources familiar with ongoing negotiations in a lawsuit brought on behalf of separated families.

The Wall Street Journal first reported on Thursday that the Biden administration is in talks to offer separated migrant parents and children around $450,000 per person. That would mean that if a parent and a child were separated at the border, together they would be eligible for a combined payment of $900,000.


The talks are part of negotiations between the Justice Department and lawyers representing the separated families in a number of tort cases that have claimed the families experienced harm when they were forcibly separated.



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As for the actual topic, I think there should be some consideration for reoperations for immigrant families that were cruelly treated by US immigration. (Article says there are up to 1000 families that are still separate and hundreds of cases where parents were deported while the children stayed in the care of theUS government)


But I'd be interested in knowing where the $450,000 per person comes from. That's a lot of money a lot of American citizens who are innocently imprisoned or even maimed or murdered due to Federal negligence do not seem to usually get that much in compensation. 

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The money will come from you and me.  Military families get $400,000 if a soldier dies in combat and the $450,000 is way over what the compensation was to the victims of 9-11.  This amount for an illegal action is insane.

Let’s Go Brandon is really not a catch phrase, it’s from a blunder from media.  It’s just too damn funny.


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They aren't being paid for their illegal actions of crossing the border, they are possibly being paid for the U.S. government mistreating them and violating their human rights. 


That's the distinction. Like if you steal a pack of gum, walk out of the store and a cop pulls out a gun and immediately shoots you in the head, Your family would receive payment from the government, Not because you stole gum or because the cop didn't have a reason to stop you, but because the government agent mistreated you, abused power, violated your rights, etc.  


But i do agree that this 450,000 figure being thrown around does sound excessively high. If the US government paid this much to every human it's grossly mistreated we'd be spending $Trillions just in compensation handouts.  

Edited by CoffeeTiger
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13 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

But I'd be interested in knowing where the $450,000 per person comes from.

I'll take "straight out of one's ass" for $1200, Alex (R.I.P.)

That's a lot of money a lot of American citizens who are innocently imprisoned or even maimed or murdered due to Federal negligence do not seem to usually get that much in compensation.

Concerned moderate is now concerned...I can envision the thoughtful stroking of the chin, perhaps a slightly furrowed brow.

This would only be the beginning of the line that would be bellying up to the reparations trough...but it won't be our patrician ruling class that will feel the pinch of attempting to redistribute $$$. They'll pass that financial pain down to us working humps, and generations beyond.


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On 10/29/2021 at 4:46 PM, I_M4_AU said:

The money will come from you and me.  Military families get $400,000 if a soldier dies in combat and the $450,000 is way over what the compensation was to the victims of 9-11.  This amount for an illegal action is insane.

Let’s Go Brandon is really not a catch phrase, it’s from a blunder from media.  It’s just too damn funny.


would you like to read the story where it is a catch phrase for F... joe biden? see you think this is funny but were upset when trump caught a few rounds. hyp. by the way.......F... trump.

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4 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

would you like to read the story where it is a catch phrase for F... joe biden? see you think this is funny but were upset when trump caught a few rounds. hyp. by the way.......F... trump.

Can you please post a link where I_M4_AU was upset when Trump was disparaged? Are you just making stuff up?

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40 minutes ago, Grumps said:

Can you please post a link where I_M4_AU was upset when Trump was disparaged? Are you just making stuff up?

all of you guys were insulted that some of us gave trump hell.  pretty much all of you at one time or another let me know you were not happy. and then when i started acting like trump did you guys were aghast and many of you wanted me banned and complained to the mods. now of course i cannot remember every little instant but it happened. biden might be a big dummy but he does not deserve the same wrath we gave trump. now it would seem altho it was wrong to throw shade at trump it is ok for biden? get real. so why is it ok for you guys to do it but not for us? see how that works? oh and no i am not going to go read every post i made in politics to find an instant where he was upset. that is hundreds of pages and i will not do it. you are welcome to complain to the mods if you like but i cannot help you. besides you have yet to apologize to me over the ped remarks which was probably worse than anything i have ever said. i have not forgotten that.

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On 11/5/2021 at 9:52 PM, aubiefifty said:

all of you guys were insulted that some of us gave trump hell.  pretty much all of you at one time or another let me know you were not happy. and then when i started acting like trump did you guys were aghast and many of you wanted me banned and complained to the mods. now of course i cannot remember every little instant but it happened. biden might be a big dummy but he does not deserve the same wrath we gave trump. now it would seem altho it was wrong to throw shade at trump it is ok for biden? get real. so why is it ok for you guys to do it but not for us? see how that works? oh and no i am not going to go read every post i made in politics to find an instant where he was upset. that is hundreds of pages and i will not do it. you are welcome to complain to the mods if you like but i cannot help you. besides you have yet to apologize to me over the ped remarks which was probably worse than anything i have ever said. i have not forgotten that.

Would you please remind me of the "ped remarks" you are referring to? I truly don't remember them but do apologize if I offended you.

To me, there is a difference in giving someone hell and lying about someone or what they said. I don't get offended at all if you say that you think that Trump is a horrible person or that he is a liar or an adulterer. But if you say that he recommended that people inject bleach into their bodies i get offended because you are telling a lie. Do you see the difference?

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Just now, Grumps said:

Would you please remind me of the "ped remarks" you are referring to? I truly don't remember them but do apologize if I offended you.

To me, there is a difference in giving someone hell and lying about someone or what they said. I don't get offended at all if you say that you think that Trump is a horrible person or that he is a liar or an adulterer. But if you say that he recommended that people inject bleach into their bodies i get offended because you are telling a lie. Do you see the difference?

i told the story of me being molested and you made a joke about it. in fairness i probably made you mad or something but now we good. i certainly do not dislike you i just argue hard.

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On 11/5/2021 at 6:00 PM, aubiefifty said:

would you like to read the story where it is a catch phrase for F... joe biden? see you think this is funny but were upset when trump caught a few rounds. hyp. by the way.......F... trump.



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On 11/5/2021 at 3:57 PM, wdefromtx said:



The crowd at Hilton Palm Beach Airport launched into chants of “Let’s Go Brandon,” after DeSantis called the current presidential administration the “Brandon administration.”


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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i told the story of me being molested and you made a joke about it. in fairness i probably made you mad or something but now we good. i certainly do not dislike you i just argue hard.

I remember you sharing about being molested. I don't remember making a joke about it, and again apologize if I was offensive, especially about such a subject. Do you remember the thread topic? I'd love to look back at it because I agree with you that there is no good reason to make a joke about ANYONE being molested. I don't remember ever being mad at you, but that still would not be a good excuse.

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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

I remember you sharing about being molested. I don't remember making a joke about it, and again apologize if I was offensive, especially about such a subject. Do you remember the thread topic? I'd love to look back at it because I agree with you that there is no good reason to make a joke about ANYONE being molested. I don't remember ever being mad at you, but that still would not be a good excuse.

it is possible i might have misunderstood but i can remember just being stunned. but hey we got it worked out now and that was months or a year or more ago because trunp was still in office. have a good one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Brandon is officially weaker than Jimmy Carter in foreign policy.  All we need now is Russia to attack Ukraine, China to invade Tiawan and the Taliban to find and take hostages of the American citizens he left behind in Afghanistan.  

Get this guy away from any decision making ASAP.

Edited by I_M4_AU
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48 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Brandon is officially weaker than Jimmy Carter in foreign policy.  All we need now is Russia to attack Ukraine, China to invade Thailand and the Taliban to find and take hostages of the American citizens he left behind in Afghanistan.  

Get this guy away from any decision making ASAP.


So what is the Republican spin to make Biden's decision to diplomatically boycott the winter games look bad? 

Republicans in general hate China (not without good reason in most cases), so this type of action would have been widely praised as being if Trump or a Republican had done it. Why is it not a good thing that Biden did it? 

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13 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:


So what is the Republican spin to make Biden's decision to diplomatically boycott the winter games look bad? 

Republicans in general hate China (not without good reason in most cases), so this type of action would have been widely praised as being if Trump or a Republican had done it. Why is it not a good thing that Biden did it? 

The diplomatic boycott reeks of weakness.  If you’re not willing to sacrifice something when you are sending a message, your message is weak.  If a Republican did the same thing it would also be weak.  Any Republican that goes along with this would also be weak.

China, Russia and the Taliban know Biden is weak and that is why they all are taking an aggressive stand in their part of the world.

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:


So what is the Republican spin to make Biden's decision to diplomatically boycott the winter games look bad? 

Republicans in general hate China (not without good reason in most cases), so this type of action would have been widely praised as being if Trump or a Republican had done it. Why is it not a good thing that Biden did it? 

Excuse me you know Republicans in general hate China? You mean since they let the coronavirus out of the lab? I’ve been to China maybe 100 times and most of the time enjoyed my visits. The people are nice and very friendly to Americans. Do they bear watching? Yes. Do they sensor web sites? Yes. Which ones? Drudge newsmax wnd FB Twitter etc. CNN? No. MSNBC? No. MSM in general? No. Hmmm. There is a trend here.  This diplomatic boycott would never be praised by any conservative. It is below milquetoast. You hypothetical is flawed by even suggesting that Trump would have done it. Mitt Romney? Yes. Praise for it? No.

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4 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Excuse me you know Republicans in general hate China? You mean since they let the coronavirus out of the lab? I’ve been to China maybe 100 times and most of the time enjoyed my visits. The people are nice and very friendly to Americans. Do they bear watching? Yes. Do they sensor web sites? Yes. Which ones? Drudge newsmax wnd FB Twitter etc. CNN? No. MSNBC? No. MSM in general? No. Hmmm. There is a trend here.  This diplomatic boycott would never be praised by any conservative. It is below milquetoast. You hypothetical is flawed by even suggesting that Trump would have done it. Mitt Romney? Yes. Praise for it? No.

Republicans hate the Chinese government because it's views as the worlds most prominent 'Communist' Country. Anti-Chinese sentiment ran through the Republican party before Covid was even a thing. I know because I used to BE a hardcore conservative and I still read and keep up with Conservative news. My representative, and Trumps biggest Alabama Superfan, Mo Brooks, very regularly attacks China on his Twitter.  


Republican news sources are more likely to be blocked because they are more likely to post unflattering or negative stories about China. When MSM posts articles about China then those articles and broadcasts are censored and hidden by the Chinese government. CNN had their Chinese signal blocked last month when they were reporting on the missing Chinese tennis player. 


So i guess the response you gave to my question is that this move is too timid, so that's why Republicans wont praise or acknowledge it. Tom Cotton got on Fox News and attacked Biden for not doing enough to "protect American athletes in China" and said the US shouldn't even be sending anyone to the Winter Games.

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