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Tyranny of the Minority...


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On 10/25/2021 at 1:36 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

uneducated conservatives living in the backwoods of red welfare states that want to drag the U.S. back into the 19th century. and we give them just as much say in things as anyone else. that's not fair eithe



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On 10/26/2021 at 2:38 PM, autigeremt said:

Maybe we should break this #$%^! up and move on. If you can't understand the Republic without the people of the time then that's on you.

Exactly.  We need major constitutional reform. 

Our current system was forged by the "people of the time".

Edited by homersapien
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On 10/25/2021 at 4:13 PM, CoffeeTiger said:


The boomer generation is slowly passing away. Young people are growing up more liberal, more educated, and less religious than at any other point in history. 

Believe it or not, things will be changing in America in the next few decades. 

Well, not to burst your optimism, but that's exactly what a large proportion of us boomers thought at the time.


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20 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Well, not to burst your optimism, but that's exactly what a large proportion of us boomers thought at the time.


So you are saying many people through life experiences become more conservative as they mature and grow wiser. 

I agree with you Brother Homer. 


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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

So you are saying many people through life experiences become more conservative as they mature and grow wiser. 

I agree with you Brother Homer. 


Not exactly.

But as people accumulate stuff they tend - on average - to become more invested in the system that allowed for them to do so.  Apparently, a lot of other stuff - such as a sense of entitlement - goes along for the ride.

I suppose one could call that "conservatism". 


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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

But as people accumulate stuff they tend - on average - to become more invested in the system that allowed for them to do so.  Apparently, a lot of other stuff - such as a sense of entitlement - goes along for the ride.

I suppose one could call that "conservatism". 

Not exactly. I would say less “sense of entitlement”.

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On 10/25/2021 at 4:13 PM, CoffeeTiger said:


The boomer generation is slowly passing away. Young people are growing up more liberal, more educated, and less religious than at any other point in history. 

Believe it or not, things will be changing in America in the next few decades. 

Things are always changing and each generation has led to the US becoming a bit more welcoming place, a bit less sexist, a bit less racist.

Boomers did their bit, X'ers did theirs, millennials are already making theirs, and in 20 years when Z's are middle aged I'm sure they'll move it along a bit as well.



I don't however see anything from the millennial gen to suggest they will drastically and quickly change the country compared to the snails pace from previous gens. People tend to want change more when they are younger, and then want consistency more as they age (not all, but a majority).

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Exactly.  We need major constitutional reform. 

Our current system was forged by the "people of the time".

You may have to move if we "break this @#$! up". 

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2 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

Things are always changing and each generation has led to the US becoming a bit more welcoming place, a bit less sexist, a bit less racist.

Boomers did their bit, X'ers did theirs, millennials are already making theirs, and in 20 years when Z's are middle aged I'm sure they'll move it along a bit as well.



I don't however see anything from the millennial gen to suggest they will drastically and quickly change the country compared to the snails pace from previous gens. People tend to want change more when they are younger, and then want consistency more as they age (not all, but a majority).

Life experiences tend to dictate a persons ideology over the years. There's a point where education and experience combine to form a more conservative mindset. Not conservative in political terms but in general. 

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A fairly common quote:

If You Are Not a Liberal when you are young, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative when you are old You Have No Brain

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11 hours ago, wdefromtx said:


This about sums it up….


Very true. Down here in FL new neighbors on ND website are welcomed with a gentle reminder that they moved here from CA NY IL whatever for a reason and they need to leave their blue politics at their old address.

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On 11/1/2021 at 10:24 AM, wdefromtx said:


This about sums it up….


i am binge watching the soprano's right now. it gets better every time i watch it.

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On 10/25/2021 at 1:36 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

yes, If California has vastly more population than other states and contributes much more to the US economy, GDP, and treasury then it should have more say in government than other states that have a vastly smaller population and little to no influence, if not being a direct drain, on the US economy. 

"But but tyranny of the majority!" 


Yeah, well right now America is suffering because we are held hostage by uneducated conservatives living in the backwoods of red welfare states that want to drag the U.S. back into the 19th century. and we give them just as much say in things as anyone else. that's not fair either and is actively harming the country. 

That is why we have a House of Representatives and an Electoral College.

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On 10/28/2021 at 2:54 PM, SaltyTiger said:

Not exactly. I would say less “sense of entitlement”.

What is the effort to control government as a minority, if not a sense of entitlement?

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On 10/28/2021 at 12:35 PM, homersapien said:

Not exactly.

But as people accumulate stuff they tend - on average - to become more invested in the system that allowed for them to do so.  Apparently, a lot of other stuff - such as a sense of entitlement - goes along for the ride.

I suppose one could call that "conservatism". 


The system we have now allows people of all races to accumulate all the stuff they want.

The new system the liberals want will not allow anyone but the ruling class to accumulate wealth. Great for them but not for us who are willing to work hard to make our lives better.

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

The system we have now allows people of all races to accumulate all the stuff they want.

The new system the liberals want will not allow anyone but the ruling class to accumulate wealth. Great for them but not for us who are willing to work hard to make our lives better.


Dude, stop lapping up the propaganda that says Universal healthcare, free/low cost college, and increasing wealth taxes to a point that they were at decades ago is "communism" and will lead to the destruction of American society. 

America already has vast income/wealth inequality, and social mobility in America is lower than in most other modern first world Democracies and is growing worse.  



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3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:


Dude, stop lapping up the propaganda that says Universal healthcare, free/low cost college, and increasing wealth taxes to a point that they were at decades ago is "communism" and will lead to the destruction of American society. 

America already has vast income/wealth inequality, and social mobility in America is lower than in most other modern first world Democracies and is growing worse.  



Dude, I’m not lapping up any propaganda.  What is the solution to this income inequality of which you speak? Is there a percentage of wealth/holders of wealth that you are willing to accept as the goal that will get you to shut your pie hole about it? Give us a number that will Make you stop constantly complaining about wealth inequality. You want equality? Then you got communism. Everybody is poor but equal. Humans are not like that and you can’t make them that way. Someone will always excel and you will want to crush them.  Social mobility in this country is awesome. Millions have been pulled out of poverty because of our system. Others in the middle class have upgraded to wealth beyond their expectations. 

All that free stuff you want to give costs money, lots of money.  Taxing people more does not produce the windfall expected.  Dude how much tax is too much for you? Where do you draw the line? What is your number? Do you want to pay this number?  Why do you and others feel that you have a right to the money I earned over my life? 

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16 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Dude, I’m not lapping up any propaganda.  What is the solution to this income inequality of which you speak? Is there a percentage of wealth/holders of wealth that you are willing to accept as the goal that will get you to shut your pie hole about it? Give us a number that will Make you stop constantly complaining about wealth inequality. You want equality? Then you got communism. Everybody is poor but equal. Humans are not like that and you can’t make them that way. Someone will always excel and you will want to crush them.

I've never said i want full wealth equality. Very, very, few Democrats actually want or say that, but it's what you and conservatives automatically turn to as a strawman argument to dismiss any criticism or discussion about wealth inequality. Democrats don't want communism, they want to take corrective action on a system that is VERY heavily tilted to enrich and provide gains to people who already have the most wealth and decrease the ability for poorer people to increase their standing in life. 

16 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

 Social mobility in this country is awesome. Millions have been pulled out of poverty because of our system. Others in the middle class have upgraded to wealth beyond their expectations. 


Nobody wants to do away with Capitalism or destroy "the system"..again it's correcting what is currently broken parts of the system. The middle class in America has been shrinking for awhile and we are progressing to a society where you are either upper-class wealthy or you are struggling paycheck to paycheck. 

16 hours ago, jj3jordan said:


All that free stuff you want to give costs money, lots of money.  Taxing people more does not produce the windfall expected.  Dude how much tax is too much for you? Where do you draw the line? What is your number? Do you want to pay this number?  Why do you and others feel that you have a right to the money I earned over my life? 

I can guarantee you that you aren't rich enough to be affected by higher wealth taxes so stop worrying about your stuff being taken from you to help poor people. 

As for corporate tax rate: refer to the following graph. I think Biden's proposed min 28% corp. tax is a good correction. 


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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

rich enough to be affected by higher wealth taxes

What does this mean to you?  You know the US has an INCOME tax and not a WEALTH tax, right?  Since there is no WEALTH tax currently, what the hell do you mean by "higher wealth taxes?"

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

I've never said i want full wealth equality. Very, very, few Democrats actually want or say that, but it's what you and conservatives automatically turn to as a strawman argument to dismiss any criticism or discussion about wealth inequality. Democrats don't want communism, they want to take corrective action on a system that is VERY heavily tilted to enrich and provide gains to people who already have the most wealth and decrease the ability for poorer people to increase their standing in life. 

Nobody wants to do away with Capitalism or destroy "the system"..again it's correcting what is currently broken parts of the system. The middle class in America has been shrinking for awhile and we are progressing to a society where you are either upper-class wealthy or you are struggling paycheck to paycheck. 

I can guarantee you that you aren't rich enough to be affected by higher wealth taxes so stop worrying about your stuff being taken from you to help poor people. 

As for corporate tax rate: refer to the following graph. I think Biden's proposed min 28% corp. tax is a good correction. 


Again you cry about income inequality.  Please tell me how to define when we have achieved enough income equality so that you will stop complaining about income inequality.  Can you please do this? If not, then all you are doing is complaining by repeating democrat talking points.  You don’t have to admit anything to me. The left wants to control all this stuff so rich people won’t get richer unless they are leftists and then they are okay. When you control everything it is communism. That is the inevitable outcome.  When it happens and reaches you,  and your currently awesome life is destroyed, I will ask you to visit my good friend Dr Kwitcherbitchin.

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36 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Again you cry about income inequality.  Please tell me how to define when we have achieved enough income equality so that you will stop complaining about income inequality.  Can you please do this? If not, then all you are doing is complaining by repeating democrat talking points.  You don’t have to admit anything to me. The left wants to control all this stuff so rich people won’t get richer unless they are leftists and then they are okay. When you control everything it is communism. That is the inevitable outcome.  When it happens and reaches you,  and your currently awesome life is destroyed, I will ask you to visit my good friend Dr Kwitcherbitchin.

Dude if you think the current situation is tenable, we have deep problems. 

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The US Government and political machine both need an enema. 

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